2022-03-09 00:31:35 +01:00

41 lines
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(ns beherbergung.resolver.core
(:require [specialist-server.core :refer [executor]]
[mount.core :as mount :refer [defstate]]
[beherbergung.config.state :refer [env]]
[beherbergung.db.state :refer [->db_ctx db_ctx]]
;; public
;; any login
[beherbergung.resolver.root.login :refer [login]]
;; ngo login
[ :refer [get_offers]]
;; admin passphrase
[beherbergung.resolver.root.admin.export :refer [export]]))
(def graphql* (executor {:query {:login #'login
:get_offers #'get_offers
:export #'export}
:mutation {}}))
(defn ->graphql
"Create a wrapped graphql-executor, that merges context into the request.
For default usage in the app, the db_ctx should be a singleton handled by mount.
When {:singleton? true} is used, closing the db (deleting the lock) is provided by mount.
Since all testcases within a file run in parallel, several db instances are wanted to avoid race conditions.
It's easy to get an executor with a new db-instance by (->graphql) for testcases with mutations.
The easiest way of having several instances without worrying about locks is using the config option {:db-inmemory true}."
[& {:keys [singleton?] :or {singleton? false}}]
(let [db_ctx (if singleton? db_ctx (->db_ctx))]
(fn [query]
(graphql* (-> query
(assoc-in [:context :db_ctx]
(assoc-in [:context :validate-output?]
(or (get-in query [:context :validate-output?])
(:validate-output env))))))))
(defstate graphql
:start (beherbergung.resolver.core/->graphql :singleton? true))