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2010-11-22 17:17:19 +01:00
561<a href="">Need a new reason to be creeped out by Facebook?</a><br />
560<a href="">BBC News - Two million US PCs recruited to botnets</a><br />
559<a href="">heise online - Bericht: Easycash verkauft Bewegungsprofile von EC-Kartenkunden</a><br />
558<a href="">How To: Brew beer in a coffee maker, using only materials found on a modestly sized oceanographic research vessel</a><br />
557<a href="">Canon's printer/photocopier blocks jobs based on keywords</a><br />
556<a href="">More on the T-Mobile G2 "rootkit" -- it's actually a "NAND Lock" (and it's still a ripoff)</a><br />
555<a href=""> - news - view - Stuttgart 21: Systematische Loschung von Beweisvideos?</a><br />
554<a href=""> - news - view - Ende der Webcam-Affare: Schule zahlt 600.000 US-Dollar Entschadigung</a><br />
553<a href=""> - news - view - Deutsche Telekom lie Kundenbewertungen falschen</a><br />
552<a href=""> - news - view - Zensur: Wikimedia lie Artikel bei Telepolis loschen! (Update)</a><br />
551<a href=""> - news - view - Microsoft: Kein Internet fur infizierte Rechner</a><br />
550<a href=""> - news - view - Angreifer loschten samtliche Dokumente auf Cryptome (Update)</a><br />
549<a href="">Foxconn Bericht uber Arbeitsbedingungen</a><br />
548<a href="">Tatort Redaktion &#8211; der Lynchmob wird losgelassen F!XMBR</a><br />
547<a href="">Grocery terminals slurped payment card data The Register</a><br />
546<a href="">Snuggly the Security Bear Speaks on Internet Wiretapping</a><br />
545<a href="">heise online - Microsoft und Partner stellen Smartphones mit Windows Phone 7 vor</a><br />
544<a href="">"Deleted" Facebook photos still not deleted: a followup</a><br />
543<a href="">Depubliziertes offentlich rechtl. Sendungsmaterial</a><br />
542<a href="">India to build cyber attack proof operating system</a><br />
541<a href="">Zoom for audio enables you to hear a single conversation in huge crowd</a><br />
540<a href="">heise online - Bundestag lasst Tablets zu</a><br />
539<a href="">T-Mobile sneaks "rootkit" into G2 phones - reinstalls locked-down OS after jailbreaking</a><br />
538<a href="">Alex Halderman's totally epic hack of the DC internet voting system pilot program</a><br />
537<a href="">Sky Marshals to lose their cushy first-class seats?</a><br />
536<a href="">Britisches Verteidigungsministerium warnt vor Facebook Places</a><br />
535<a href="">Human society is not more violent today than in the past</a><br />
534<a href="">Football star's cereal has phone sex number on box</a><br />
533<a href="">Slashdot Science Story | United Nations Names Ambassador To Aliens</a><br />
532<a href="">Microsoft's DRM helps the hacker - Oops | TechEye</a><br />
531<a href="">Canadian-Iranian blogger sentenced to 19 years in prison - The Globe and Mail</a><br />
530<a href="">heise online - Segway-Eigentumer stirbt offenbar bei Segway-Unfall</a><br />
529<a href="">Microsoft kooperiert mit Wordpress - "Eindrucksvoll" -</a><br />
528<a href=""> community members launch the Document Foundation []</a><br />
527<a href="">U.S. Tries to Make It Easier to Wiretap the Internet -</a><br />
526<a href="">Heatball :: Home</a><br />
525<a href=""> - news - view - Vier Monate Gefangnis fur Facebook-Freundschaft</a><br />
524<a href="">Evercookie: a tracking browser cookie you can't delete</a><br />
523<a href="">Brighton, England town council says that councillor is violating copyright law by youtubing the council meetings</a><br />
522<a href="">Multinational copyright companies will require French ISPs turn over 150,000 subscriber names and addresses per day</a><br />
521<a href="">Microsoft's DRM makes your computer vulnerable to attack</a><br />
520<a href="">Andreas Pfitzmann ist tot</a><br />
519<a href="">Thomas de Maiziere macht den Schauble 2.0 :</a><br />
518<a href="">Wettbewerb &#171; #zensus11 Stoppt die Vollerfassung!</a><br />
517<a href="">Thomas de Maiziere macht den Schauble 2.0 :</a><br />
516<a href="">Google Instant Blacklist</a><br />
515<a href="">Soll die Lorracher Tatwaffe verkauft werden?</a><br />
514<a href="">Beginn der ACTA-Verhandlungsrunde in Tokyo :</a><br />
513<a href="">Patent Office Agrees With EFFs Arguments on C2 VoIP Patent | Electronic Frontier Foundation</a><br />
512<a href="">Trojaner &#132;stuxnet&#147;: Der digitale Erstschlag ist erfolgt - Digitales Denken - Feuilleton - FAZ.NET</a><br />
511<a href="">4chan invades Tea Party website The Register</a><br />
510<a href="">Microsoft sounds alert on massive Web bug</a><br />
509<a href="">Intel Testing $50 Processor Upgrades at Point of Purchase | We Got Served</a><br />
508<a href="">Das Web wird schneller mit script defer</a><br />
507<a href="">Dawkins empfiehlt ThePirateBay</a><br />
506<a href="">4chan Users Crash MPAA Website in Pro-Piracy Protest</a><br />
505<a href="">heise online - Lucke im Linux-Kernel ermoglicht Root-Rechte</a><br />
504<a href="">The 6502 Microprocessor Turns 35 &laquo; adafruit industries blog</a><br />
503<a href="">Privacy tool for Iranians withdrawn amid security concerns The Register</a><br />
502<a href="">Is Stuxnet the 'best' malware ever?</a><br />
501<a href="">Slashdot Hardware Story | HDCP Master Key Is Legitimate; Blu-ray Is Cracked</a><br />
500<a href="">Google engineer accesses teen emails: What&#039;s the damage for Google? | ZDNet</a><br />
499<a href="">Damning Zuckerberg IMs confirmed</a><br />
498<a href="">Is Steve Jobs a Ninja?</a><br />
497<a href="">UK government hands 500M copyright enforcement and censorship tab to nation's Internet users</a><br />
496<a href="">PA Homeland Security gave names of anti-drill activists to drilling company</a><br />
495<a href="">Piratenpartei veroffentlicht Indect Dokumente</a><br />
494<a href="">Jean-Luc Godard donates 1K for accused MP3 downloader's defense: "There is no such thing as intellectual property"</a><br />
493<a href="">HDCP master-key leaks, possible to make unrestricted Blu-Ray recorders</a><br />
492<a href="">Google search index splits with MapReduce The Register</a><br />
491<a href=""> - news - view - Personalausweis: Schuler loschen Chip mit einfachsten Mitteln</a><br />
490<a href="">Auf der Suche nach dem sicheren Datenhafen - Nachrichten</a><br />
489<a href="">Above the Law - Russia Uses Microsoft to Suppress Dissent -</a><br />
488<a href="">No, you don't own it: Court upholds EULAs, threatens digital resale</a><br />
487<a href="">robots learn when a situation might call for some less-than-honest behavior</a><br />
486<a href="">DHS Cybersecurity Watchdogs Miss Hundreds of Vulnerabilities on Their Own Network | Threat Level |</a><br />
485<a href="">Swedish cops' attempt to build database of shoe-treads snarled in copyright law</a><br />
484<a href="">European Parliament Asks EU ACTA Negotiators to Protect Citizens&#039; Fundamental Rights | Electronic Frontier Foundation</a><br />
483<a href="">Is Sarah Palin a Computer Criminal? | Electronic Frontier Foundation</a><br />
482<a href="">Report: Abu Ghraib photos Obama is censoring "show rape" and sexual torture of men, women, and children</a><br />
481<a href="">Secret copyright treaty: USA caves on border laptop/phone/MP3 player searches for copyright infringement</a><br />
480<a href="">What parents worry about, what parents should worry about</a><br />
479<a href="">Your password are stars - hehe</a><br />
478<a href="">No Medal of Honor for US Military</a><br />
476<a href=""> - EXCLUSIVE: WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Fights Calls to Step Down</a><br />
475<a href="">Adobe Reader zero-day attack &ndash; now with stolen certificate - Securelist</a><br />
474<a href="">Mathias Dopfner uber das Netz: "Freiheit von innen bedroht" -</a><br />
473<a href="">Web 2.0 Selbstmord Maschine :</a><br />
472<a href="">Piratenpartei veroffentlicht INDECT-Dokumente: EU forscht im Geheimen am Uberwachungsstaat | Piratenpartei Deutschland</a><br />
471<a href="">Grune starten Hackerangriff auf FDP :</a><br />
470<a href="">Virginia Court of Appeals: law enforcement should have the right to track criminal suspects with GPS, even without a warrant.</a><br />
469<a href="">ACLU + NYCLU are challenging the [US] government's claimed authority to search, detain, and copy electronic devices at the country's international borders without any suspicion of wrongdoing.</a><br />
468<a href="">Bundesweites Zentralregister ab 2013: GEZ soll vollen Zugriff auf Daten erhalten | NGZ-Online</a><br />
467<a href="">Courts May Require Search Warrants for Cell Phone Location Records</a><br />
466<a href="">Latest leaked draft of secret copyright treaty: US trying to cram DRM rules down the world's throats</a><br />
465<a href="">Globe Genie: random teleporter for Google Street View</a><br />
464<a href="">Whiskey from diabetics' urine</a><br />
463<a href="">heise online - Internet Explorer: Datenklau durch zwei Jahre alte Lucke</a><br />
462<a href="">Duke Nukem Forever: Und der King kommt doch (Update) -</a><br />
461<a href="">AMD switching to easy peel-off laptop stickers Computer Chips & Hardware Technology |</a><br />
460<a href="">PM under fire for new Bill. Washington would control who boards Canadian flights over U.S.</a><br />
459<a href="">Loschwelle fur Linuxtag &#8211; Veranstaltungen auf Wikipedia - - fur diejenigen, die es interessiert&#8230;</a><br />
458<a href="">Spamers are pinging</a><br />
457<a href="">EU-Kommission diskutiert Inhaltefilter/DPI gegen p2p :</a><br />
456<a href="">Google Wave Developer Blog: Wave open source next steps: "Wave in a Box"</a><br />
455<a href="">Pentagon declined to investigate hundreds of purchases of child pornography | The Upshot Yahoo! News - Yahoo! News</a><br />
454<a href="">Preschoolers being radio-tagged</a><br />
453<a href="">Datenklo Nachbau</a><br />
452<a href="">heise online - Burgerrechtler: Vorratsdatenspeicherung laut Kriminalitatsstatistik uberflussig</a><br />
451<a href="">Ping review / Analyse von</a><br />
450<a href="">Microsoft Patents Operating System Shutdown | ConceivablyTech</a><br />
449<a href="">NRW: Grune wollen Jugendmedienschutz-Staatsvertrag (JMStV) zustimmen Pottblog</a><br />
448<a href="">Source Code des PS3-Hacks veroffentlicht</a><br />
447<a href="">Algerian Hackers Attack Wrong Website -</a><br />
446<a href="">Obama administration: &quot;Piracy is flat, unadulterated theft&quot;</a><br />
445<a href="">Judge: No Difference Between Cell Phone Tracking and GPS Vehicle Tracking</a><br />
444<a href="">Welcome to Evoke 2010 &raquo; Evoke 2010</a><br />
443<a href="">Hackers blind quantum cryptographers</a><br />
442<a href="">For Immediate Release: GATES FOUNDATION INVESTS IN MONSANTO - Community Alliance for Global Justice</a><br />
441<a href="">Killerspiele sollen als Politiker-Ausrede wegfallen - The Inquirer DE</a><br />
440<a href="">Google, Facebook To Microsoft&#8217;s Paul Allen: Your Argument Is Invalid</a><br />
439<a href="">Nokia Siemens slammed for supplying snoop tech to Iran The Register</a><br />
438<a href="">Glibc Is Finally Free Software</a><br />
437<a href="">Kapitulationserklarung gegenuber Kinderschandern - Arbeitskreis gegen Internet-Sperren und Zensur (AK Zensur)</a><br />
436<a href="">Drogeriekette: 150.000 Kundendaten von Schlecker waren frei zuganglich - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten - Wirtschaft</a><br />
435<a href="">US movie tickets get biggest price hike in history</a><br />
434<a href="">2010 smashes vulnerability records - - formerly</a><br />
433<a href="">Bad flash drive caused worst U.S. military breach | InSecurity Complex - CNET News</a><br />
432<a href="">Pirate Bay has stolen 46x the amount of USD that exist</a><br />
431<a href="">USA setzen mobile Nacktscanner auf der Strae ein :</a><br />
430<a href="">Streetview and the Church: The world belongs to God, not Google.</a><br />
429<a href="">Cat-trashing lady outed by internet in less than 24 hours - Boing Boing</a><br />
428<a href="">Full-Body Scan Technology Deployed In Street-Roving Vans</a><br />
427<a href="">Die beste Verschlusselung fur eine Nachricht&#8230; :</a><br />
426<a href="">Steve Jobs Is Watching You: Apple Seeking to Patent Spyware | Electronic Frontier Foundation</a><br />
425<a href="">Elektronischer Personalausweis: CCC findet Schwachstelle in Leseger&auml;t -</a><br />
424<a href="">Yemeni assassin hits York man with spam death threat The Register</a><br />
423<a href="">15 Facts About Net Neutrality [Infographic]</a><br />
422<a href="">heise online - Die Menschheit auf eine neue Stufe bringen: zum 60. Geburtstag von Steve Wozniak</a><br />
421<a href="">GVLN Rao Blog &raquo; Blog Archive &raquo; The &#8220;Ugly face&#8221; of the ECI: Arrest of Hari Prasad for sting demonstration</a><br />
420<a href="">20 Minuten Online - So argert man Neonazis - Ausland</a><br />
419<a href="">Report: Trojan a factor in fatal Spanair crash? | Security - CNET News</a><br />
418<a href="">Blocked Street View Images in Germany May Get Published -</a><br />
417<a href="">HD Moore: Critical bug in 40 different Windows apps | ZDNet</a><br />
416<a href="">USB Dongle Claims to Deliver First Easy Hack for PS3 | Gadget Lab |</a><br />
415<a href="">Apple may be looking to lock out unauthorized iOS users</a><br />
414<a href="">Datenleck bei Versicherung: Tausende Kundendaten im Netz</a><br />
413<a href="">heise online - Intel kauft McAfee</a><br />
412<a href="">Einstieg der Musikindustrie in die US-Debatte zur Netzneutralitat :</a><br />
411<a href="">Wikipedia verliert seine Autoren: Der Reiz des Anfangs ist verloren - Digitales Denken - Feuilleton - FAZ.NET</a><br />
410<a href="">Rheinland-Pfalz vor Quellen-TKU und Online-Durchsuchung</a><br />
409<a href="">Medal of Honor ahmt Irak-Video "Collateral Murder" nach</a><br />
408<a href="">ThaiLeaks</a><br />
407<a href="">Pirate Party Strikes Hosting Deal With Wikileaks | TorrentFreak</a><br />
406<a href="">Duisburg scheitert an Bloggern - Aufruhr im Netz</a><br />
405<a href="">Eric Schmidt: nur Namenwechsel wird uns in Zukunft helfen</a><br />
404<a href="">Silent Bug Fixing vom Feinsten</a><br />
403<a href="">Google TV: US-Sender befurchteten dass ihre Sendungen in der Flut der Internet-Inhalte untergehen</a><br />
402<a href="">Prosecutor: no charges in webcam spy scandal</a><br />
401<a href="">Club Mate zur Loschung in WP vorgeschlagen</a><br />
400<a href="">First smartphone trojan detected</a><br />
399<a href="">Scientists hack into cars' computers -- control brakes, engine -</a><br />
398<a href="">NetworkSolutions Sites Hacked By Wicked Widget &mdash; Krebs on Security</a><br />
397<a href="">Government Uses Social Networking Sites for More than Investigations | Electronic Frontier Foundation</a><br />
396<a href="">Targeted Attack Nets 3,000 Online Banking Customers - DarkReading</a><br />
395<a href="">Germany bans BlackBerrys and iPhones on snooping fears The Register</a><br />
394<a href="">eco-Positionspapier zur Netzneutralitat :</a><br />
393<a href="">Worlds first 20 minute voice call from a Free Software GSM stack on a phone</a><br />
392<a href="">Polizeigewerkschaft will Google-Streetview fur virtuelle Streifenfahrten nutzen</a><br />
391<a href="">Researchers use smudge attack, identify Android passcodes 68 percent of the time | ZDNet</a><br />
390<a href="">Hacker pretends to be Axl Rose and Cancels Guns N Roses Tour Via Twitter on Spoonfed - Things to do in London</a><br />
389<a href="">Datenschutz-Problem gelost: Einfach mal den Namen andern :</a><br />
388<a href="">RIAA will zwangsweise UKW-Empfanger in Handies</a><br />
387<a href="">Skype: Programmierer knackt Skype-Protokoll</a><br />
386<a href="">Oracle sues Google</a><br />
385<a href="">RIP Open Solaris</a><br />
384<a href="">A Review of Verizon and Google&#039;s Net Neutrality Proposal | Electronic Frontier Foundation</a><br />
383<a href="">heise online - Britische Regierung: Internet Explorer 6 ist sicher genug</a><br />
382<a href="">Schon wieder: Remote Code Execution Vulnerabilities in Adobe Flash</a><br />
381<a href="">Piraten-Vorstand verschiebt Liquid-Democracy-Start :</a><br />
380<a href="">Firefox 4 beta crack ruse spreads Trojan to total idiots The Register</a><br />
379<a href="">Court Rejects Warrantless GPS Tracking | Electronic Frontier Foundation</a><br />
378<a href="">eBay photocopier data risk ignored The Register</a><br />
377<a href="">Private browsing modes in four biggest browsers often fail The Register</a><br />
376<a href="">Sachsische Zeitung [online] - Politik: Nazi-Angriff auf Buchenwald kam aus Pirna</a><br />
375<a href="">Apparatus for Facilitating the Birth of a Child by Centrifugal Force</a><br />
374<a href="">Kindle Stories from Real Users &laquo; Me and My Kindle</a><br />
373<a href="">BusyBox takes out bankrupt opponent in GPL lawsuit</a><br />
372<a href="">Surprise! Feds stored thousands of checkpoint body scan images after all</a><br />
371<a href="">UK government: Upgrading away from IE6 costs too much</a><br />
370<a href="">Google and Verizon in Talks on Selling Internet Priority -</a><br />
369<a href="">heise online - US-Burgerrechtler sammeln weiter Argumente gegen Nacktscanner</a><br />
368<a href="">Collateral Murder-Video: Erstaunliche Wendung in Sachen Wikileaks - Medien - Feuilleton - FAZ.NET</a><br />
367<a href="">Bing Adds Open Street Map</a><br />
366<a href="">RIAA, FBI issuing takedown requests for Radiohead's "In Rainbows"</a><br />
364<a href="">Microsoft quashed IE privacy controls for the ad industry</a><br />
363<a href="">FBI will Wikipedia Nutzung seines Logos untersagen :</a><br />
362<a href="">Homebrew-Tool gegen kritische iPhone-PDF-Lucke</a><br />
361<a href="">Botnet with 60GB of stolen data cracked wide open The Register</a><br />
360<a href="">Panne in Tschechien: Namen Tausender Agenten im Internet veroffentlicht - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten - Politik</a><br />
359<a href="">Londoner Polizei wurde beim falschen von CCTV-Videos erwischt :</a><br />
358<a href="">BlackBerry encryption too secure National security vs. consumer privacy</a><br />
357<a href="">Man faces jail for videotaping gun-waving cop</a><br />
356<a href="">heise online - CCC: Wir kommen in Frieden</a><br />
355<a href="">heise online - Apple beantragt Patente fur Reise- und Mode-Apps</a><br />
354<a href="">heise online - IMSI-Catcher fur 1500 Euro im Eigenbau</a><br />
353<a href="">heise online - US-Behorden verhoren Wikileaks-Aktivisten</a><br />
352<a href="">heise online - WPA2-Lucke: ARP-Spoofing im WLAN</a><br />
351<a href="">Researcher demonstrates ATM &quot;jackpotting&quot; at Black Hat Conference</a><br />
350<a href="">100 million Facebook users' details published online - Technology & science - Security -</a><br />
349<a href="">Google nabs patent to monitor your cursor movements - Search giant ogles cursor monitoring for refined search results | TechEye</a><br />
348<a href="">Google Alarm</a><br />
347<a href="">"Indexing and retrieval of blogs" patented by Google</a><br />
346<a href="">heise online - Massenerkrankung in Foxconn-Werk</a><br />
345<a href="">vowe dot net :: Lug und Trug von 1&1</a><br />
344<a href="">Pork-Filled Counter-Islamic Bomb Device</a><br />
343<a href="">Terrorismusexperte warnt vor C++</a><br />
342<a href="">UK ISP TalkTalk Monitoring its Customers Online Activity Without Consent &minus; ISPreview UK</a><br />
341<a href="">Georgische Wirtschaftsministerin tanzt Striptease</a><br />
340<a href="">EFF wins enormous victory against DRM: legal to jailbreak iPhones, rip DVDs for mashup videos</a><br />
339<a href="">Enthullung brisanter Kriegsdokumente: Die Afghanistan-Protokolle - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten - Politik</a><br />
338<a href="">heise online - Anwalte kritisisieren De-Mail</a><br />
337<a href="">SkullSecurity &raquo; Blog Archive &raquo; Return of the Facebook Snatchers</a><br />
336<a href="">AppleInsider | US government legalizes iPhone 'jailbreaking,' unlocking</a><br />
335<a href="">Hackers shut down EU carbon-trading website | Environment |</a><br />
334<a href="">Bremer Proteste gegen Datensammlung | WESER-KURIER</a><br />
333<a href="">Nord-Datenschutz-Chef: Volkszahlung uberflussig - Nachrichten Newsticker - dpa_nt - regioline_nt - hamburgschleswigholstein_nt - WELT ONLINE</a><br />
332<a href="">AGBs der DE-Mail</a><br />
331<a href="">Yes Men documentary goes online via Bittorrent to evade censorship</a><br />
330<a href="">Amiga: 25 Years Later</a><br />
329<a href="">42 finale Thesen zum Internet | 137b zeitweise</a><br />
328<a href="">Turn an inkjet into a 3D printer - Boing Boing</a><br />
327<a href="">Pentagon workers tied to child porn - The Boston Globe</a><br />
326<a href="">Spam Filtering? Patented! 36 Companies Sued | Techdirt</a><br />
324<a href="">heise online - LNK-Lucke in Windows: Angriffswelle rollt an</a><br />
323<a href="">Gegenentwurf zum Beschaftigtendatenschutz-Gesetzentwurf online</a><br />
322<a href="">Hospital: files with personal, medical data on 800,000 gone - SC Magazine US</a><br />
321<a href="">South African doctor invents anti-rape female condoms with teeth</a><br />
319<a href="">Australian government blocks out 90% of document on web-spying plans</a><br />
318<a href="">iPhone : 15-Jahriger trickste Apple aus | Digital | ZEIT ONLINE</a><br />
317<a href="">Responsible Disclosure ist jetzt Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure</a><br />
316<a href="">Internet erst ab 22 Uhr geoeffnet</a><br />
315<a href="">Apple the new world leader in software insecurity</a><br />
314<a href="">Dell warns on spyware infected server motherboards The Register</a><br />
313<a href="">Google Online Security Blog: Rebooting Responsible Disclosure: a focus on protecting end users</a><br />
312<a href="">How a 15-yo Kid Tricked Apple With a Disguised iPhone Tethering App</a><br />
311<a href="">De-Mail: Freund liest mit? :</a><br />
310<a href="">W-Lan-Erfassung: Apple nutzt iPhone-Besitzer als Umgebungsscanner - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten - Netzwelt</a><br />
309<a href="">Telepolis pnews: Antiterrorgesetz dient britischen Kommunen zum Durchsuchen von Mulltonnen</a><br />
308<a href="">EU fuhrt Open-Source-Projekte fort</a><br />
307<a href="">CCC | Forderungen fur ein lebenswertes Netz</a><br />
306<a href="">Neue Trendsportart: Facebook als Datenbank benutzen.</a><br />
305<a href="">D: Kriminalbeamte fur Internet-Ausweispflicht -</a><br />
304<a href="">Cyber-Spanner beobachtet Schulerinnen uber deren Webcams</a><br />
303<a href="">DNSSEC in der DNS-Rootzone gestartet</a><br />
302<a href="">Droid X actually self-destructs if you try to mod it</a><br />
301<a href="">Chile becomes first country to guarantee net neutrality, we start thinking about moving -- Engadget</a><br />
300<a href="">Datenschutzprobleme bei DE-Mail</a><br />
299<a href="">Thousands of laptops stolen from US military contractor | Security Threats | ZDNet UK</a><br />
298<a href=""> &#8211; minimum data, maximum privacy &raquo; Boykottiert das glaserne De-Mail!</a><br />
297<a href="">BBC News - China Green Dam web filter teams 'face funding crisis'</a><br />
296<a href="">heise online - 15 Jahre &quot;.mp3&quot;</a><br />
295<a href="">apple loescht Kritik</a><br />
294<a href="">Microsoft seeks patent on ebook page flip The Register</a><br />
293<a href="">Dubai airports nix full-body scanners "out of respect for privacy of individuals and personal freedom"</a><br />
292<a href="">Consumer Group Sniffs Congresswoman&#8217;s Open Wi-Fi | Threat Level |</a><br />
291<a href="">NetApp threatens Coraid over sales of open-source ZFS technology &mdash;</a><br />
290<a href="">NTP sues smartphone giants over wireless e-mail patents</a><br />
289<a href="">SWIFT ist durch</a><br />
288<a href="">UH computer breach exposes personal data - Pacific Business News (Honolulu)</a><br />
287<a href="">kamera review in Dresden</a><br />
286<a href="">iPhone on fire</a><br />
285<a href="">Cisco looses attendee db</a><br />
284<a href="">Ubuntu priv escalation bug</a><br />
283<a href="">heise online - The Pirate Bay: 4 Millionen Nutzerdatensatze abgegriffen</a><br />
282<a href="">default snmp community strings</a><br />
281<a href="">Glocks stolen out of Israeli PM's bodyguard's luggage on American Airlines flight</a><br />
280<a href="">Entity Crisis: Python + Wiimote + 30 tonnes of Steel</a><br />
279<a href="">Zwei Bildschirme: Amazon bekommt Patent auf E-Book-Reader -</a><br />
278<a href="">TSA blocks "controversial opinion" from its internal network</a><br />
277<a href="">Iran declares war on mullets, ponytails for men; approves of hair gel and Elvis 'dos</a><br />
276<a href="">W00t! sends Associated Press a bill for quoting its blog</a><br />
275<a href="">US will press criminal charges against Manning, alleged Wikileaks source</a><br />
274<a href="">Microsoft Spurned Researcher Collective founded</a><br />
273<a href="">iPad Flash hack spotted in the wild | TG Daily</a><br />
272<a href="">Online tax scam gang get 40 years The Register</a><br />
271<a href="">Another Apple iPhone 4 Flaw: A Glitchy Proximity Sensor - PCWorld</a><br />
270<a href="">Hacker forced to cancel HiTB presentation due to legal threats by ATM vendors -</a><br />
269<a href="">App Store, Hacked. (Updated)</a><br />
268<a href="">ZGeek - We put the "M" in stupid - Comedy Central censors Futurama's jab at Apple</a><br />
267<a href="">Little Spiderman uses vacuum cleaners to climb buildings, win the hearts of the ladies -- Engadget</a><br />
266<a href="">Foursquare cared a lot more about $20M than your privacy</a><br />
265<a href="">letzte 2 Space Shuttle Fluege</a><br />
264<a href="">Bkis Blog &raquo; Adobe fix still allows &#8220;Escape from PDF&#8221;</a><br />
263<a href="">Google: Flash stays on YouTube, and here's why The Register</a><br />
262<a href="">Russian spy ring bust uncovers tech toolkit The Register</a><br />
261<a href="">Nokia snaffles user data on the down-low The Register</a><br />
260<a href="">heise online - Geolocatoren werden zum Datenschutzproblem</a><br />
259<a href="">Jobs at Apple: Antenna designer</a><br />
258<a href="">Oklahoma police tase an 86-year-old bedridden grandmother</a><br />
257<a href="">Toronto's secret ID law used to arrest G20 protestor</a><br />
256<a href="">Young people, risky behavior and the net: the facts</a><br />
255<a href="">Regwall cuts The Times's online readership in half</a><br />
254<a href="">EU secretly pushing to put kids in jail for sharing music: ACTA leak</a><br />
253<a href="">Frankreich: Bewahrungsstrafe fur Twitter-Hacker |</a><br />
252<a href="">Does Uncle Sam really need 1,100 data centers?</a><br />
251<a href="">Technology firms 'more trusted than traditional media' - Telegraph</a><br />
250<a href="">Viacom vs. Internet: round one to Internet</a><br />
249<a href="">Australian Government To Force Internet Users To Install State-Approved Software | NewWORLDLiberty</a><br />
248<a href="">heise online - Burgerrechtler wollen gegen Volkszahlung 2011 klagen</a><br />
247<a href="">heise online - &quot;Das Gluck, dass meiner zuerst lief&quot; Zum 100. Geburtstag von Konrad Zuse</a><br />
246<a href="">Twitter on a ZX Spectrum The Register</a><br />
245<a href="">Technik-Streit - iPad-Nutzung im Bundestag sorgt fur Arger - Politik - Berliner Morgenpost</a><br />
244<a href="">Amazon has officially patented the "Social Networking System"</a><br />
243<a href="">Schadcode bei - Qbi's Weblog</a><br />
242<a href="">New Bill Would Let Obama Police Internet for National Security Reasons - The Daily Beast</a><br />
241<a href="">MS betreibt Babyklappe fur Daten</a><br />
240<a href="">HTTPS Everywhere: Firefox plugin that switches on crypto whenever it's available</a><br />
239<a href="">Verleger: Leistungsschutzrecht soll Sprache monopolisieren :</a><br />
238<a href="">Printer fur Internetausdrucker</a><br />
237<a href="">BBC News - Armed police at Merseyside school after FBI warning</a><br />
236<a href="">Google to Commies: Well make censorship illegal The Register</a><br />
235<a href="">Federal Bureau of Investigation &ndash; Featured Fugitives - Cyber Crimes</a><br />
234<a href="">Nmap Development: Always practice safe software: a lesson from UnrealIRCd</a><br />
233<a href="">US-Gesetzesinitiative: Obamas Notfall-Ausschalter furs Internet - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten - Netzwelt</a><br />
232<a href="">Ministerprasidenten unterzeichnen den Jugendmedienschutz-Staatsvertrag</a><br />
231<a href="">Wireless signals to be jammed in Canada for G8 summit The Register</a><br />
230<a href="">OpenSSL-Updates beseitigen Schwachstellen</a><br />
229<a href="">Apple's Worst Security Breach: 114,000 iPad Owners Exposed</a><br />
228<a href="">Deleting Facebook accounts doesn't</a><br />
227<a href="">Crooks siphon $644,000 from school district's bank account The Register</a><br />
226<a href="">Windows Help used as attack surface - The H Security: News and Features</a><br />
225<a href="">Mass hack plants malware on thousands of webpages The Register</a><br />
224<a href="">Microsoft explains mystery Firefox extension, &quot;fixes&quot; update</a><br />
223<a href="">31/05/10 - Consultation on development of a data security breach code of practice - Data Protection Commissioner - Ireland</a><br />
222<a href="">Adobe - Security Advisories: Security Advisory for Flash Player, Adobe Reader and Acrobat</a><br />
221<a href="">Linux Today - Memo From Dell: Ubuntu Linux Safer Than Microsoft Windows</a><br />
220<a href="">Apple Outsider Hello, Lua</a><br />
219<a href="">SCOwned: no new trial, Novell can shut down IBM lawsuit</a><br />
218<a href="">Hintergrund zum exFAT Treiber von Tuxera</a><br />
217<a href="">Which companies are phasing out PVC and BFRs | Greenpeace International</a><br />
216<a href="">Olympus Stylus Tough camera carries malware infection | Graham Cluley&#39;s blog</a><br />
215<a href="">Foxconn Scrapping Suicide Compensation To Stop Deaths</a><br />
214<a href="">heise online - 15 Jahre PHP</a><br />
213<a href="">Google tries to patent tech that snoops Wi-Fi networks The Register</a><br />
212<a href="">3 men charged in $100m scareware scam The Register</a><br />
211<a href="">FTC asks Google not to destroy documents about Wi-Fi data collection -</a><br />
210<a href="">U.S. intelligence analyst investigated for allegedly divulging classified information</a><br />
209<a href="">Fake gegen Fake: Wie die Horst-Kohler-Satire verschwand -</a><br />
208<a href="">Russias Anti-Spam Chief Faces Spamming Charges - SPAMfighter</a><br />
207<a href="">Nicht nur nackte Tatsachen: Was Apple alles zensiert -</a><br />
206<a href="">heise online - Samsung Wave mit Virus ab Werk - aber nur in Deutschland</a><br />
205<a href="">Slashdot Technology Story | EU To Monitor All Internet Searches</a><br />
204<a href="">heise online - Luc Besson arbeitet bei neuem Film mit Internet-Community zusammen</a><br />
203<a href="">Trend Micro Data Loss Prevention version 5.2 suffers from a data leakage vulnerability.</a><br />
202<a href="">no more win at google</a><br />
201<a href="">das grosse Loschen</a><br />
200<a href="">Webcam knows how to snub shoulder surfers</a><br />
199<a href="">Blogs sturzen Bundesprasident?</a><br />
198<a href="">Freie Bahn fur Softwarepatente</a><br />
197<a href="">iPhone gibt Daten an fremde Rechner weiter</a><br />
196<a href="">facebook-telefonbuch-grabscher</a><br />
195<a href="">If You See Something, Think Twice About Saying Something</a><br />
194<a href="">heise online - Zugangsdaten von 44 Millionen Online-Spielern gestohlen</a><br />
193<a href="">voting machine @Texas Legislation</a><br />
192<a href="">The Escapist : News : Warner Bros. Sued for Pirating Anti-Piracy Technology</a><br />
191<a href="">Save the Children Finnland in Verteilung von Kinderpornografie verstrickt</a><br />
190<a href="">heise online - Forscher infiziert sich mit Computervirus</a><br />
189<a href="">School's Laptop Spying Software Exploitable from Anywhere</a><br />
188<a href="">IBM distributes malware-infested freebies at AusCERT</a><br />
187<a href="">Ireland's largest ISP begins disconnecting users who are accused of piracy</a><br />
186<a href="">DARPA trying to beat block lists, deep packet inspection The Register</a><br />
185<a href="">Encrypted Google search coming to a browser near you</a><br />
184<a href="">Fraud Bazaar Hacked &mdash; Krebs on Security</a><br />
183<a href="">Report: Facebook caught sharing secret data with advertisers</a><br />
182<a href="">Empire Strikes 30: Ars looks back at an amazing film</a><br />
181<a href="">Pac-Man is 30! Celebrate along with... Google?</a><br />
180<a href="">heise online - IBM verteilt auf Sicherheitskonferenz infizierte USB-Sticks</a><br />
179<a href="">Clegg vows to restore British privacy - - formerly</a><br />
178<a href="">Most browsers silently expose intimate viewing habits The Register</a><br />
177<a href="">School Spy Program Used on Students Contains Hacker-Friendly Security Hole | Threat Level |</a><br />
176<a href="">Humanistische Union: Publikationen: Grundrechte-Report: Ausgaben: Archiv: GRR 2010</a><br />
175<a href="">heise online - Frequenzauktion bringt 4,4 Milliarden Euro</a><br />
174<a href="">A Piece of Internet History</a><br />
173<a href="">RIA Novosti - Politik - International - Erfinder des ersten Geldautomaten ist tot</a><br />
172<a href="">VP8 / WebM von Google veroffentlicht</a><br />
171<a href="">Softwarepatent durch BGH bestatigt</a><br />
170<a href="">OpenBSD 4.7 released</a><br />
169<a href="">Example for on-line activism</a><br />
168<a href="">Wikileaks is back</a><br />
167<a href="">Youtube streamt uber zwei Milliarden Videoclips pro Tag, 5 Jahre alt</a><br />
166<a href="">CCC | Prix Ars Electronica 2010</a><br />
165<a href="">US military chokes on stream from robots' fat pipes The Register</a><br />
164<a href="">Infosecurity (UK) - Facebook identifies hacker selling 1.5 million accounts</a><br />
163<a href="">Google Street View logs WiFi networks, Mac addresses The Register</a><br />
162<a href="">Google abandons smart phone Web store - The Globe and Mail</a><br />
161<a href="">Wikileaks founder told his passport will be cancelled | TG Daily</a><br />
160<a href="">Pirate Bay ISP hit with German injunction; must stop hosting</a><br />
159<a href="">Gigapan: Das grote Foto der Welt hat 45 Gigapixel</a><br />
158<a href="">Denic: Probleme mit den .de-Rootservern?</a><br />
157<a href="">Air Force suffers collateral damage from PS3 firmware update</a><br />
156<a href="">Hartz IV: Kein Geld fur Computer |</a><br />
155<a href="">heise online - BGH schrankt Folgen der Storerhaftung fur WLAN-Betreiber ein</a><br />
154<a href="">Adobe's new Flash DRM comes with selective output control</a><br />
153<a href="">The Humble Indie Bundle (pay what you want for five awesome indie games)</a><br />
152<a href="">Amazon Spying On Your Ebook Highlighting | Techdirt</a><br />
151<a href="">Privacy watchdog looks into NHS data breach | Security Threats | ZDNet UK</a><br />
149<a href="">'Zombie' satellite runs amok in Earth's orbit -</a><br />
148<a href="">7Gbps WiFi Wireless Networking Hardware Could Launch in 2010 &minus; ISPreview UK</a><br />
147<a href="">Twitter confirms awkward 'auto-follow' bug | The Social - CNET News</a><br />
146<a href="">heise online - Fremde MobileMails bei Vodafone einsehbar</a><br />
145<a href="">heise online - Hohes Bugeld gegen Postbank in Finanzberater-Affare</a><br />
144<a href="">WordPress Hacked with Zettapetta on DreamHost | WPSecurityLock</a><br />
143<a href="">heise online - US-Prasident sieht iPad, Xbox und PlayStation skeptisch</a><br />
142<a href="">heise online - Facebook verstarkt Lobby-Truppe</a><br />
141<a href="">miculog Bundnis 90/Die Grunen in Sachsen fordern einen Umstieg auf GNU/Linux und freie Software Auswertung der groen FLOSS-Anfrage</a><br />
139<a href="">SUP MUA</a><br />
138<a href="">Chinese Rules Said to Threaten Proprietary Information -</a><br />
137<a href="">Hacked US Treasury websites serve visitors malware The Register</a><br />
136<a href="">Facebook closes serious security hole - The H Security: News and Features</a><br />
135<a href="">Love Bug 10 years later: I love you - now open this email - Security</a><br />
134<a href="">New attack bypasses virtually all AV protection The Register</a><br />
133<a href="">Rudd retreats on web filter legislation | The Australian</a><br />
132<a href="">FCC gives Hollywood control over your home theater</a><br />
131<a href="">Vorratsdatenspeicherung: Kein Einfluss auf die Aufklarungsrate von Verbrechen -</a><br />
130<a href="">Naked scanner reveals airport screener's tiny penis, sparks fist-fight with fellow officers</a><br />
129<a href="">Wir in NRW Das Blog</a><br />
128<a href="">virtual Desktop Patentklage gegen Red Hat und Novell gescheitert</a><br />
127<a href="">Neues Datenleck bei SchulerVZ :</a><br />
126<a href="">GoogleSharing :: A Special Kind Of Proxy</a><br />
125<a href="">MATLAB Can't Manipulate 64-Bit Integers</a><br />
124<a href="">Schneier on Security: Fun with Secret Questions</a><br />
123<a href="">EU zahlt 300.000 Euro fur Pro-Netzsperren-Lobbying</a><br />
122<a href="">the Month of PHP Security</a><br />
121<a href="">Facebooks Eroding Privacy Policy: A Timeline | Electronic Frontier Foundation</a><br />
120<a href="">heise online - Sich selbst kompilierende Low Level Virtual Machine</a><br />
119<a href="">heise online - Indiens E-Voting-Gerate sind angreifbar</a><br />
118<a href="">Music industry spokesman loves child porn</a><br />
117<a href="">no more floppy</a><br />
116<a href="">Reconstructing Users' Web Histories From Personalized Search Results</a><br />
115<a href=""></a><br />
114<a href="">heise online - Verizon: Full Disclosure nutzt nur selbstverliebten &quot;Pimps&quot;</a><br />
113<a href="">Nina Paley passes Netflix DRM and thousands of dollars</a><br />
112<a href="">Facebook Retroactively Makes More User Data Public</a><br />
111<a href="">German appeal court upholds Microsoft FAT patent - The H Open Source: News and Features</a><br />
110<a href="">"Universitat sperrt iPads wegen fehlerhaftem DHCP"</a><br />
109<a href="">The keys to my heart are on my foot</a><br />
108<a href="">School secretly snapped 1000s of students at home</a><br />
107<a href="">Printing from an iPad</a><br />
106<a href="">Innenminister stellt loschen statt sperren in Frage :</a><br />
105<a href="">Hitler Is Very Upset That Constantin Film Is Taking Down Hitler Parodies</a><br />
104<a href="">This Is Apple's Next iPhone - Iphone 4 - Gizmodo</a><br />
103<a href="">Palm Pwned: Researchers Hack WebOS With Text Messages | threatpost</a><br />
102<a href="">How Dirty MP3 Files Are A Back Door Into Cloud DRM</a><br />
101<a href="">Feds drop bid for warrantless access to Yahoo! mail The Register</a><br />
100<a href="">Bushs Illegal Wiretapping Tab: $612,000</a><br />
99<a href="">heise resale - Urheberrechtsabgabe fur USB-Sticks und Speicherkarten festgezurrt</a><br />
98<a href="">Nestle-killer-kampagne</a><br />
97<a href="">Video-game shoppers surrender their immortal souls</a><br />
96<a href="">Big Content's dystopian wish-list for the US gov't: spyware, censorship, physical searches and SWAT teams</a><br />
95<a href="">Mark Fiore can win a Pulitzer Prize, but he can&#8217;t get his iPhone cartoon app past Apple&#8217;s satire police Nieman Journalism Lab</a><br />
94<a href="">Labor group: Chinese teens 'like prisoners' in Microsoft tech factory</a><br />
93<a href="">heise online - Facebook: Lieber Angreifer jagen als Sicherheitslucken schlieen</a><br />
92<a href="">Palm Pre als mobiler WLAN-Access-Point</a><br />
91<a href="">Apache Foundation Hit by Targeted XSS Attack | threatpost</a><br />
90<a href="">We Pad even runs Windows</a><br />
89<a href="">NASA hacker's mother stands for Parliament</a><br />
88<a href="">heise online - Datenpanne fuhrt zur ungenehmigten Organentnahme in Grobritannien</a><br />
87<a href="">Interesting times for Video on the Web - Google Open Source Blog</a><br />
86<a href="">Spy Network Pilfered Classified Docs From Indian Government and Others | Threat Level |</a><br />
85<a href="">Romania Swoops In on 70 Cybertheft Suspects | Threat Level |</a><br />
84<a href="">NYT ethicist: OK to pirate ebooks once you've bought the hardcover</a><br />
83<a href="">Bank insider charged over ATM malware scam The Register</a><br />
82<a href="">Teen Sues Mom for Hacking Facebook Account - PCWorld</a><br />
81<a href="">Location der geblockten Seiten in Danemark</a><br />
80<a href="">OtherOS on PS3 3.21 reactivated</a><br />
79<a href="">Millions will have to buy routers to beat hackers - Times Online</a><br />
78<a href="">Cyber warrior Camps for Recruitment</a><br />
77<a href="">FOSS Patents: IBM breaks the taboo and betrays its promise to the FOSS community</a><br />
76<a href="">heise online - Vorlaufiges Aus fur E-Voting in Osterreich</a><br />
75<a href="">MS XML Patent bestatigt</a><br />
74<a href="">iBooks naughty word filter doesn't let you say "sperm"</a><br />
73<a href="">Facebook-Fehler fuhrte zur Veroffentlichung aller E-Mail-Adressen</a><br />
72<a href="">heise online - Webseite des Umweltbundesamtes verteilte Trojaner</a><br />
71<a href=""> filed bankruptcy</a><br />
70<a href="">heise online - China: Yahoo-Mailkonten auslandischer Journalisten angegriffen</a><br />
69<a href="">heise online - PDF-Exploit funktioniert ohne konkrete Sicherheitslucke</a><br />
68<a href="">Poland Abandons Internet Censorship Plans - New Europe - WSJ</a><br />
67<a href="">Mitmach-Aktion: Bei der Schufa&Co (kostenlos) Auskunft verlangen!</a><br />
66<a href="">Israel: Anonymitat im Internet wird zum Grundrecht</a><br />
65<a href=""> - news - Berlin: Staatsanwalt will VDS-Daten missbrauchen</a><br />
64<a href=""> - news - TrueCrypt geknackt - oder auch nicht</a><br />
63<a href="">Apple fixt mal eben 88 Sicherheitslucken</a><br />
62<a href="">53 cars towed away</a><br />
61<a href="">SCO loses again: jury says Novell owns UNIX SVRX copyrights</a><br />
60<a href="">Chinese City is World's Hacking Capital</a><br />
59<a href="">Frenchman Arrested for Hacking Twitter</a><br />
58<a href="">DNS Error Extends Great Firewall of China</a><br />
57<a href="">Security Flaws Found in Smart Meters</a><br />
56<a href="">heise online - Italien: Amtliche Praferenz fur Open Source ist rechtmaig</a><br />
55<a href="">Solaris only 90 days trial</a><br />
54<a href="">Umfang der Zensur von Suchergebnissen auf - SISTRIX Suchmaschinen- &amp; SEO-Blog</a><br />
53<a href="">DARPA Bounces Smart Radar Off Buildings To Track Individual Urban Vehicles From the Sky | Popular Science</a><br />
52<a href="">Ukrainian hacker liable in SEC insider trading case</a><br />
51<a href="">Google, Microsoft to team up on privacy push launching tomorrow</a><br />
50<a href="">heise online - Sony sperrt Linux von der PS3 aus</a><br />
49<a href="">Sachsische Zeitung [online] - Sachsen: Sachsens Polizeidrohnen droht die Bruchlandung</a><br />
48<a href="">Kit attacks Microsoft keyboards (and a whole lot more) The Register</a><br />
47<a href="">8 Jahre Hausdurchsuchung dank Datenbankfehler</a><br />
46<a href="">Der erste Flughafen-Security-Fuzzy ist beim Bodyscanner-Spannen erwischt worden</a><br />
45<a href="">Sony accuses Beyonce of piracy for putting her videos on YouTube</a><br />
44<a href="">Piracy up in France after tough three-strikes law passed</a><br />
43<a href="">heise online - EFF zweifelt an Abhorsicherheit von SSL</a><br />
42<a href="">Spam kommt gut an</a><br />
41<a href="">TJX Accomplice Gets Probation for Selling Browser Exploit | Threat Level |</a><br />
40<a href="">Israel aborts raid after soldier posts details on Facebook</a><br />
39<a href="">Cybercrime losses almost double The Register</a><br />
38<a href="">Update: Security industry faces attacks it cannot stop</a><br />
37<a href="">Every citizen to have personal webpage - Telegraph</a><br />
36<a href="">1968 ASCII Animation from Russia</a><br />
35<a href="">Slashdot IT Story | The Biggest Cloud Providers Are Botnets</a><br />
34<a href="">heise online - Mehr als 20.000 Mitbeschwerden gegen ELENA</a><br />
33<a href="">heise online - Firefox 3.6.2 schliet schwerwiegende Sicherheitslucke</a><br />
32<a href="">Nottingham cops declare war on kids - Boing Boing</a><br />
31<a href="">Emporte Pakistaner: Freundschaftsreise in die USA endet mit Nacktscanner-Eklat - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten - Politik</a><br />
30<a href="">Former TSA analyst charged with computer tampering - TSA, terrorism, tampering, analyst - Good Gear Guide</a><br />
29<a href="">Energizer battery charger contains backdoor | Zero Day
|</a><br />
28<a href="">A Tool to Deceive and Slaughter</a><br />
27<a href="">heise online - SCO vs. Linux: Die Jury ist aufgeklart</a><br />
26<a href="">ff flaw and browser roundup</a><br />
25<a href="">Google about to pull the plug in China</a><br />
24<a href="">Petition: Franziska Heine Briefmarke</a><br />
23<a href="">Hackable Linux clamshell goes on sale for $99</a><br />
22<a href="">Boni fur KK-Manager</a><br />
21<a href="">Apple will not replace ipad batteries - The Inquirer</a><br />
20<a href="">Petition gegen ELENA vom Foebud</a><br />
19<a href="">eBook reading application</a><br />
18<a href="">Apple's patent attack []</a><br />
17<a href="">Yahoo patents News Feeds</a><br />
16<a href="">heise online - Merkelphones kommen sich naher</a><br />
15<a href="">Wikileaks im Visier von US-Militargeheimdienst</a><br />
14<a href="">Microsoft Was Behind Google Complaints To EC | eWEEK Europe UK</a><br />
13<a href="">Microsoft: Don't press F1 key in Windows XP</a><br />
12<a href="">Cryptome Paypal account blocked</a><br />
11<a href="">Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg of hacking into the email accounts of rivals and journalists</a><br />
10<a href="">322Tbit/sec Router available cisco</a><br />
9<a href="">ARM based iPad clones on the way</a><br />
8<a href="">Filter company doesn't belive in filtering</a><br />
7<a href="">25 years anniversary of 1st .com address</a><br />
6<a href="">Pirate Bay legal action dropped in Norway - Legislation/regulation/privacy - ComputerworldUK</a><br />
5<a href="">heise online - US-Strafverfolger nutzen soziale Netzwerke fur verdeckte Ermittlungen</a><br />
4<a href="">Mac OS X: "geringeres Risiko, aber letztlich unsicherer"</a><br />
3<a href="">Hacker Disables More Than 100 Cars Remotely | Threat Level |</a><br />
2<a href="">Video fur Wikipedia</a><br />