561Need a new reason to be creeped out by Facebook?
560BBC News - Two million US PCs recruited to botnets
559heise online - Bericht: Easycash verkauft Bewegungsprofile von EC-Kartenkunden
558How To: Brew beer in a coffee maker, using only materials found on a modestly sized oceanographic research vessel
557Canon's printer/photocopier blocks jobs based on keywords
556More on the T-Mobile G2 "rootkit" -- it's actually a "NAND Lock" (and it's still a ripoff)
555gulli.com - news - view - Stuttgart 21: Systematische Loschung von Beweisvideos?
554gulli.com - news - view - Ende der Webcam-Affare: Schule zahlt 600.000 US-Dollar Entschadigung
553gulli.com - news - view - Deutsche Telekom lie Kundenbewertungen falschen
552gulli.com - news - view - Zensur: Wikimedia lie Artikel bei Telepolis loschen! (Update)
551gulli.com - news - view - Microsoft: Kein Internet fur infizierte Rechner
550gulli.com - news - view - Angreifer loschten samtliche Dokumente auf Cryptome (Update)
549Foxconn Bericht uber Arbeitsbedingungen
548Tatort Redaktion – der Lynchmob wird losgelassen F!XMBR
547Grocery terminals slurped payment card data The Register
546Snuggly the Security Bear Speaks on Internet Wiretapping
545heise online - Microsoft und Partner stellen Smartphones mit Windows Phone 7 vor
544"Deleted" Facebook photos still not deleted: a followup
543Depubliziertes offentlich rechtl. Sendungsmaterial
542India to build cyber attack proof operating system
541Zoom for audio enables you to hear a single conversation in huge crowd
540heise online - Bundestag lasst Tablets zu
539T-Mobile sneaks "rootkit" into G2 phones - reinstalls locked-down OS after jailbreaking
538Alex Halderman's totally epic hack of the DC internet voting system pilot program
537Sky Marshals to lose their cushy first-class seats?
536Britisches Verteidigungsministerium warnt vor Facebook Places
535Human society is not more violent today than in the past
534Football star's cereal has phone sex number on box
533Slashdot Science Story | United Nations Names Ambassador To Aliens
532Microsoft's DRM helps the hacker - Oops | TechEye
531Canadian-Iranian blogger sentenced to 19 years in prison - The Globe and Mail
530heise online - Segway-Eigentumer stirbt offenbar bei Segway-Unfall
529Microsoft kooperiert mit Wordpress - "Eindrucksvoll" - N24.de
528OpenOffice.org community members launch the Document Foundation [LWN.net]
527U.S. Tries to Make It Easier to Wiretap the Internet - NYTimes.com
526Heatball :: Home
525gulli.com - news - view - Vier Monate Gefangnis fur Facebook-Freundschaft
524Evercookie: a tracking browser cookie you can't delete
523Brighton, England town council says that councillor is violating copyright law by youtubing the council meetings
522Multinational copyright companies will require French ISPs turn over 150,000 subscriber names and addresses per day
521Microsoft's DRM makes your computer vulnerable to attack
520Andreas Pfitzmann ist tot
519Thomas de Maiziere macht den Schauble 2.0 : netzpolitik.org
518Wettbewerb « #zensus11 Stoppt die Vollerfassung!
517Thomas de Maiziere macht den Schauble 2.0 : netzpolitik.org
516Google Instant Blacklist
515Soll die Lorracher Tatwaffe verkauft werden?
514Beginn der ACTA-Verhandlungsrunde in Tokyo : netzpolitik.org
513Patent Office Agrees With EFFs Arguments on C2 VoIP Patent | Electronic Frontier Foundation
512Trojaner „stuxnet“: Der digitale Erstschlag ist erfolgt - Digitales Denken - Feuilleton - FAZ.NET
5114chan invades Tea Party website The Register
510Microsoft sounds alert on massive Web bug
509Intel Testing $50 Processor Upgrades at Point of Purchase | We Got Served
508Das Web wird schneller mit script defer
507Dawkins empfiehlt ThePirateBay
5064chan Users Crash MPAA Website in Pro-Piracy Protest
505heise online - Lucke im Linux-Kernel ermoglicht Root-Rechte
504The 6502 Microprocessor Turns 35 « adafruit industries blog
503Privacy tool for Iranians withdrawn amid security concerns The Register
502Is Stuxnet the 'best' malware ever?
501Slashdot Hardware Story | HDCP Master Key Is Legitimate; Blu-ray Is Cracked
500Google engineer accesses teen emails: What's the damage for Google? | ZDNet
499Damning Zuckerberg IMs confirmed
498Is Steve Jobs a Ninja?
497UK government hands 500M copyright enforcement and censorship tab to nation's Internet users
496PA Homeland Security gave names of anti-drill activists to drilling company
495Piratenpartei veroffentlicht Indect Dokumente
494Jean-Luc Godard donates 1K for accused MP3 downloader's defense: "There is no such thing as intellectual property"
493HDCP master-key leaks, possible to make unrestricted Blu-Ray recorders
492Google search index splits with MapReduce The Register
491gulli.com - news - view - Personalausweis: Schuler loschen Chip mit einfachsten Mitteln
490Auf der Suche nach dem sicheren Datenhafen - heute.de Nachrichten
489Above the Law - Russia Uses Microsoft to Suppress Dissent - NYTimes.com
488No, you don't own it: Court upholds EULAs, threatens digital resale
487robots learn when a situation might call for some less-than-honest behavior
486DHS Cybersecurity Watchdogs Miss Hundreds of Vulnerabilities on Their Own Network | Threat Level | Wired.com
485Swedish cops' attempt to build database of shoe-treads snarled in copyright law
484European Parliament Asks EU ACTA Negotiators to Protect Citizens' Fundamental Rights | Electronic Frontier Foundation
483Is Sarah Palin a Computer Criminal? | Electronic Frontier Foundation
482Report: Abu Ghraib photos Obama is censoring "show rape" and sexual torture of men, women, and children
481Secret copyright treaty: USA caves on border laptop/phone/MP3 player searches for copyright infringement
480What parents worry about, what parents should worry about
479Your password are stars - hehe
478No Medal of Honor for US Military
476FOXNews.com - EXCLUSIVE: WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Fights Calls to Step Down
475Adobe Reader zero-day attack – now with stolen certificate - Securelist
474Mathias Dopfner uber das Netz: "Freiheit von innen bedroht" - taz.de
473Web 2.0 Selbstmord Maschine : netzpolitik.org
472Piratenpartei veroffentlicht INDECT-Dokumente: EU forscht im Geheimen am Uberwachungsstaat | Piratenpartei Deutschland
471Grune starten Hackerangriff auf FDP : netzpolitik.org
470Virginia Court of Appeals: law enforcement should have the right to track criminal suspects with GPS, even without a warrant.
469ACLU + NYCLU are challenging the [US] government's claimed authority to search, detain, and copy electronic devices at the country's international borders without any suspicion of wrongdoing.
468Bundesweites Zentralregister ab 2013: GEZ soll vollen Zugriff auf Daten erhalten | NGZ-Online
467Courts May Require Search Warrants for Cell Phone Location Records
466Latest leaked draft of secret copyright treaty: US trying to cram DRM rules down the world's throats
465Globe Genie: random teleporter for Google Street View
464Whiskey from diabetics' urine
463heise online - Internet Explorer: Datenklau durch zwei Jahre alte Lucke
462Duke Nukem Forever: Und der King kommt doch (Update) - Golem.de
461AMD switching to easy peel-off laptop stickers Computer Chips & Hardware Technology | Geek.com
460PM under fire for new Bill. Washington would control who boards Canadian flights over U.S.
459Loschwelle fur Linuxtag – Veranstaltungen auf Wikipedia - Gisbers.de - fur diejenigen, die es interessiert…
458Spamers are pinging
457EU-Kommission diskutiert Inhaltefilter/DPI gegen p2p : netzpolitik.org
456Google Wave Developer Blog: Wave open source next steps: "Wave in a Box"
455Pentagon declined to investigate hundreds of purchases of child pornography | The Upshot Yahoo! News - Yahoo! News
454Preschoolers being radio-tagged
453Datenklo Nachbau
452heise online - Burgerrechtler: Vorratsdatenspeicherung laut Kriminalitatsstatistik uberflussig
451Ping review / Analyse von spiegel.de
450Microsoft Patents Operating System Shutdown | ConceivablyTech
449NRW: Grune wollen Jugendmedienschutz-Staatsvertrag (JMStV) zustimmen Pottblog
448Source Code des PS3-Hacks veroffentlicht
447Algerian Hackers Attack Wrong Website - ITProPortal.com
446Obama administration: "Piracy is flat, unadulterated theft"
445Judge: No Difference Between Cell Phone Tracking and GPS Vehicle Tracking
444Welcome to Evoke 2010 » Evoke 2010
443Hackers blind quantum cryptographers
442For Immediate Release: GATES FOUNDATION INVESTS IN MONSANTO - Community Alliance for Global Justice
441Killerspiele sollen als Politiker-Ausrede wegfallen - The Inquirer DE
440Google, Facebook To Microsoft’s Paul Allen: Your Argument Is Invalid
439Nokia Siemens slammed for supplying snoop tech to Iran The Register
438Glibc Is Finally Free Software
437Kapitulationserklarung gegenuber Kinderschandern - Arbeitskreis gegen Internet-Sperren und Zensur (AK Zensur)
436Drogeriekette: 150.000 Kundendaten von Schlecker waren frei zuganglich - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten - Wirtschaft
435US movie tickets get biggest price hike in history
4342010 smashes vulnerability records - V3.co.uk - formerly vnunet.com
433Bad flash drive caused worst U.S. military breach | InSecurity Complex - CNET News
432Pirate Bay has stolen 46x the amount of USD that exist
431USA setzen mobile Nacktscanner auf der Strae ein : netzpolitik.org
430Streetview and the Church: The world belongs to God, not Google.
429Cat-trashing lady outed by internet in less than 24 hours - Boing Boing
428Full-Body Scan Technology Deployed In Street-Roving Vans
427Die beste Verschlusselung fur eine Nachricht… : netzpolitik.org
426Steve Jobs Is Watching You: Apple Seeking to Patent Spyware | Electronic Frontier Foundation
425Elektronischer Personalausweis: CCC findet Schwachstelle in Lesegerät - Golem.de
424Yemeni assassin hits York man with spam death threat The Register
42315 Facts About Net Neutrality [Infographic]
422heise online - Die Menschheit auf eine neue Stufe bringen: zum 60. Geburtstag von Steve Wozniak
421GVLN Rao Blog » Blog Archive » The “Ugly face” of the ECI: Arrest of Hari Prasad for sting demonstration
42020 Minuten Online - So argert man Neonazis - Ausland
419Report: Trojan a factor in fatal Spanair crash? | Security - CNET News
418Blocked Street View Images in Germany May Get Published - NYTimes.com
417HD Moore: Critical bug in 40 different Windows apps | ZDNet
416USB Dongle Claims to Deliver First Easy Hack for PS3 | Gadget Lab | Wired.com
415Apple may be looking to lock out unauthorized iOS users
414Datenleck bei Versicherung: Tausende Kundendaten im Netz
413heise online - Intel kauft McAfee
412Einstieg der Musikindustrie in die US-Debatte zur Netzneutralitat : netzpolitik.org
411Wikipedia verliert seine Autoren: Der Reiz des Anfangs ist verloren - Digitales Denken - Feuilleton - FAZ.NET
410Rheinland-Pfalz vor Quellen-TKU und Online-Durchsuchung
409Medal of Honor ahmt Irak-Video "Collateral Murder" nach
407Pirate Party Strikes Hosting Deal With Wikileaks | TorrentFreak
406Duisburg scheitert an Bloggern - Aufruhr im Netz
405Eric Schmidt: nur Namenwechsel wird uns in Zukunft helfen
404Silent Bug Fixing vom Feinsten
403Google TV: US-Sender befurchteten dass ihre Sendungen in der Flut der Internet-Inhalte untergehen
402Prosecutor: no charges in webcam spy scandal
401Club Mate zur Loschung in WP vorgeschlagen
400First smartphone trojan detected
399Scientists hack into cars' computers -- control brakes, engine - CSMonitor.com
398NetworkSolutions Sites Hacked By Wicked Widget — Krebs on Security
397Government Uses Social Networking Sites for More than Investigations | Electronic Frontier Foundation
396Targeted Attack Nets 3,000 Online Banking Customers - DarkReading
395Germany bans BlackBerrys and iPhones on snooping fears The Register
394eco-Positionspapier zur Netzneutralitat : netzpolitik.org
393Worlds first 20 minute voice call from a Free Software GSM stack on a phone
392Polizeigewerkschaft will Google-Streetview fur virtuelle Streifenfahrten nutzen
391Researchers use smudge attack, identify Android passcodes 68 percent of the time | ZDNet
390Hacker pretends to be Axl Rose and Cancels Guns N Roses Tour Via Twitter on Spoonfed - Things to do in London
389Datenschutz-Problem gelost: Einfach mal den Namen andern : netzpolitik.org
388RIAA will zwangsweise UKW-Empfanger in Handies
387Skype: Programmierer knackt Skype-Protokoll
386Oracle sues Google
385RIP Open Solaris
384A Review of Verizon and Google's Net Neutrality Proposal | Electronic Frontier Foundation
383heise online - Britische Regierung: Internet Explorer 6 ist sicher genug
382Schon wieder: Remote Code Execution Vulnerabilities in Adobe Flash
381Piraten-Vorstand verschiebt Liquid-Democracy-Start : netzpolitik.org
380Firefox 4 beta crack ruse spreads Trojan to total idiots The Register
379Court Rejects Warrantless GPS Tracking | Electronic Frontier Foundation
378eBay photocopier data risk ignored The Register
377Private browsing modes in four biggest browsers often fail The Register
376Sachsische Zeitung [online] - Politik: Nazi-Angriff auf Buchenwald kam aus Pirna
375Apparatus for Facilitating the Birth of a Child by Centrifugal Force
374Kindle Stories from Real Users « Me and My Kindle
373BusyBox takes out bankrupt opponent in GPL lawsuit
372Surprise! Feds stored thousands of checkpoint body scan images after all
371UK government: Upgrading away from IE6 costs too much
370Google and Verizon in Talks on Selling Internet Priority - NYTimes.com
369heise online - US-Burgerrechtler sammeln weiter Argumente gegen Nacktscanner
368Collateral Murder-Video: Erstaunliche Wendung in Sachen Wikileaks - Medien - Feuilleton - FAZ.NET
367Bing Adds Open Street Map
366RIAA, FBI issuing takedown requests for Radiohead's "In Rainbows"
364Microsoft quashed IE privacy controls for the ad industry
363FBI will Wikipedia Nutzung seines Logos untersagen : netzpolitik.org
362Homebrew-Tool gegen kritische iPhone-PDF-Lucke
361Botnet with 60GB of stolen data cracked wide open The Register
360Panne in Tschechien: Namen Tausender Agenten im Internet veroffentlicht - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten - Politik
359Londoner Polizei wurde beim falschen von CCTV-Videos erwischt : netzpolitik.org
358BlackBerry encryption too secure National security vs. consumer privacy
357Man faces jail for videotaping gun-waving cop
356heise online - CCC: Wir kommen in Frieden
355heise online - Apple beantragt Patente fur Reise- und Mode-Apps
354heise online - IMSI-Catcher fur 1500 Euro im Eigenbau
353heise online - US-Behorden verhoren Wikileaks-Aktivisten
352heise online - WPA2-Lucke: ARP-Spoofing im WLAN
351Researcher demonstrates ATM "jackpotting" at Black Hat Conference
350100 million Facebook users' details published online - Technology & science - Security - msnbc.com
349Google nabs patent to monitor your cursor movements - Search giant ogles cursor monitoring for refined search results | TechEye
348Google Alarm
347"Indexing and retrieval of blogs" patented by Google
346heise online - Massenerkrankung in Foxconn-Werk
345vowe dot net :: Lug und Trug von 1&1
344Pork-Filled Counter-Islamic Bomb Device
343Terrorismusexperte warnt vor C++
342UK ISP TalkTalk Monitoring its Customers Online Activity Without Consent − ISPreview UK
341Georgische Wirtschaftsministerin tanzt Striptease
340EFF wins enormous victory against DRM: legal to jailbreak iPhones, rip DVDs for mashup videos
339Enthullung brisanter Kriegsdokumente: Die Afghanistan-Protokolle - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten - Politik
338heise online - Anwalte kritisisieren De-Mail
337SkullSecurity » Blog Archive » Return of the Facebook Snatchers
336AppleInsider | US government legalizes iPhone 'jailbreaking,' unlocking
335Hackers shut down EU carbon-trading website | Environment | guardian.co.uk
334Bremer Proteste gegen Datensammlung | WESER-KURIER
333Nord-Datenschutz-Chef: Volkszahlung uberflussig - Nachrichten Newsticker - dpa_nt - regioline_nt - hamburgschleswigholstein_nt - WELT ONLINE
332AGBs der DE-Mail
331Yes Men documentary goes online via Bittorrent to evade censorship
330Amiga: 25 Years Later
32942 finale Thesen zum Internet | 137b zeitweise
328Turn an inkjet into a 3D printer - Boing Boing
327Pentagon workers tied to child porn - The Boston Globe
326Spam Filtering? Patented! 36 Companies Sued | Techdirt
324heise online - LNK-Lucke in Windows: Angriffswelle rollt an
323Gegenentwurf zum Beschaftigtendatenschutz-Gesetzentwurf online
322Hospital: files with personal, medical data on 800,000 gone - SC Magazine US
321South African doctor invents anti-rape female condoms with teeth
319Australian government blocks out 90% of document on web-spying plans
318iPhone : 15-Jahriger trickste Apple aus | Digital | ZEIT ONLINE
317Responsible Disclosure ist jetzt Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure
316Internet erst ab 22 Uhr geoeffnet
315Apple the new world leader in software insecurity
314Dell warns on spyware infected server motherboards The Register
313Google Online Security Blog: Rebooting Responsible Disclosure: a focus on protecting end users
312How a 15-yo Kid Tricked Apple With a Disguised iPhone Tethering App
311De-Mail: Freund liest mit? : netzpolitik.org
310W-Lan-Erfassung: Apple nutzt iPhone-Besitzer als Umgebungsscanner - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten - Netzwelt
309Telepolis pnews: Antiterrorgesetz dient britischen Kommunen zum Durchsuchen von Mulltonnen
308EU fuhrt Open-Source-Projekte fort
307CCC | Forderungen fur ein lebenswertes Netz
306Neue Trendsportart: Facebook als Datenbank benutzen.
305D: Kriminalbeamte fur Internet-Ausweispflicht - futurezone.ORF.at
304Cyber-Spanner beobachtet Schulerinnen uber deren Webcams
303DNSSEC in der DNS-Rootzone gestartet
302Droid X actually self-destructs if you try to mod it
301Chile becomes first country to guarantee net neutrality, we start thinking about moving -- Engadget
300Datenschutzprobleme bei DE-Mail
299Thousands of laptops stolen from US military contractor | Security Threats | ZDNet UK
298Daten-Speicherung.de – minimum data, maximum privacy » Boykottiert das glaserne De-Mail!
297BBC News - China Green Dam web filter teams 'face funding crisis'
296heise online - 15 Jahre ".mp3"
295apple loescht Kritik
294Microsoft seeks patent on ebook page flip The Register
293Dubai airports nix full-body scanners "out of respect for privacy of individuals and personal freedom"
292Consumer Group Sniffs Congresswoman’s Open Wi-Fi | Threat Level | Wired.com
291NetApp threatens Coraid over sales of open-source ZFS technology — EnterpriseStorageForum.com
290NTP sues smartphone giants over wireless e-mail patents
289SWIFT ist durch
288UH computer breach exposes personal data - Pacific Business News (Honolulu)
287kamera review in Dresden
286iPhone on fire
285Cisco looses attendee db
284Ubuntu priv escalation bug
283heise online - The Pirate Bay: 4 Millionen Nutzerdatensatze abgegriffen
282default snmp community strings
281Glocks stolen out of Israeli PM's bodyguard's luggage on American Airlines flight
280Entity Crisis: Python + Wiimote + 30 tonnes of Steel
279Zwei Bildschirme: Amazon bekommt Patent auf E-Book-Reader - Golem.de
278TSA blocks "controversial opinion" from its internal network
277Iran declares war on mullets, ponytails for men; approves of hair gel and Elvis 'dos
276W00t! sends Associated Press a bill for quoting its blog
275US will press criminal charges against Manning, alleged Wikileaks source
274Microsoft Spurned Researcher Collective founded
273iPad Flash hack spotted in the wild | TG Daily
272Online tax scam gang get 40 years The Register
271Another Apple iPhone 4 Flaw: A Glitchy Proximity Sensor - PCWorld
270Hacker forced to cancel HiTB presentation due to legal threats by ATM vendors - ByteMods.com
269App Store, Hacked. (Updated)
268ZGeek - We put the "M" in stupid - Comedy Central censors Futurama's jab at Apple
267Little Spiderman uses vacuum cleaners to climb buildings, win the hearts of the ladies -- Engadget
266Foursquare cared a lot more about $20M than your privacy
265letzte 2 Space Shuttle Fluege
264Bkis Blog » Adobe fix still allows “Escape from PDF”
263Google: Flash stays on YouTube, and here's why The Register
262Russian spy ring bust uncovers tech toolkit The Register
261Nokia snaffles user data on the down-low The Register
260heise online - Geolocatoren werden zum Datenschutzproblem
259Jobs at Apple: Antenna designer
258Oklahoma police tase an 86-year-old bedridden grandmother
257Toronto's secret ID law used to arrest G20 protestor
256Young people, risky behavior and the net: the facts
255Regwall cuts The Times's online readership in half
254EU secretly pushing to put kids in jail for sharing music: ACTA leak
253Frankreich: Bewahrungsstrafe fur Twitter-Hacker | tagesschau.de
252Does Uncle Sam really need 1,100 data centers?
251Technology firms 'more trusted than traditional media' - Telegraph
250Viacom vs. Internet: round one to Internet
249Australian Government To Force Internet Users To Install State-Approved Software | NewWORLDLiberty
248heise online - Burgerrechtler wollen gegen Volkszahlung 2011 klagen
247heise online - "Das Gluck, dass meiner zuerst lief" Zum 100. Geburtstag von Konrad Zuse
246Twitter on a ZX Spectrum The Register
245Technik-Streit - iPad-Nutzung im Bundestag sorgt fur Arger - Politik - Berliner Morgenpost
244Amazon has officially patented the "Social Networking System"
243Schadcode bei ilse-aigner.de? - Qbi's Weblog
242New Bill Would Let Obama Police Internet for National Security Reasons - The Daily Beast
241MS betreibt Babyklappe fur Daten
240HTTPS Everywhere: Firefox plugin that switches on crypto whenever it's available
239Verleger: Leistungsschutzrecht soll Sprache monopolisieren : netzpolitik.org
238Printer fur Internetausdrucker
237BBC News - Armed police at Merseyside school after FBI warning
236Google to Commies: Well make censorship illegal The Register
235Federal Bureau of Investigation – Featured Fugitives - Cyber Crimes
234Nmap Development: Always practice safe software: a lesson from UnrealIRCd
233US-Gesetzesinitiative: Obamas Notfall-Ausschalter furs Internet - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten - Netzwelt
232Ministerprasidenten unterzeichnen den Jugendmedienschutz-Staatsvertrag
231Wireless signals to be jammed in Canada for G8 summit The Register
230OpenSSL-Updates beseitigen Schwachstellen
229Apple's Worst Security Breach: 114,000 iPad Owners Exposed
228Deleting Facebook accounts doesn't
227Crooks siphon $644,000 from school district's bank account The Register
226Windows Help used as attack surface - The H Security: News and Features
225Mass hack plants malware on thousands of webpages The Register
224Microsoft explains mystery Firefox extension, "fixes" update
22331/05/10 - Consultation on development of a data security breach code of practice - Data Protection Commissioner - Ireland
222Adobe - Security Advisories: Security Advisory for Flash Player, Adobe Reader and Acrobat
221Linux Today - Memo From Dell: Ubuntu Linux Safer Than Microsoft Windows
220Apple Outsider Hello, Lua
219SCOwned: no new trial, Novell can shut down IBM lawsuit
218Hintergrund zum exFAT Treiber von Tuxera
217Which companies are phasing out PVC and BFRs | Greenpeace International
216Olympus Stylus Tough camera carries malware infection | Graham Cluley's blog
215Foxconn Scrapping Suicide Compensation To Stop Deaths
214heise online - 15 Jahre PHP
213Google tries to patent tech that snoops Wi-Fi networks The Register
2123 men charged in $100m scareware scam The Register
211FTC asks Google not to destroy documents about Wi-Fi data collection - latimes.com
210U.S. intelligence analyst investigated for allegedly divulging classified information
209Fake gegen Fake: Wie die Horst-Kohler-Satire verschwand - taz.de
208Russias Anti-Spam Chief Faces Spamming Charges - SPAMfighter
207Nicht nur nackte Tatsachen: Was Apple alles zensiert - n-tv.de
206heise online - Samsung Wave mit Virus ab Werk - aber nur in Deutschland
205Slashdot Technology Story | EU To Monitor All Internet Searches
204heise online - Luc Besson arbeitet bei neuem Film mit Internet-Community zusammen
203Trend Micro Data Loss Prevention version 5.2 suffers from a data leakage vulnerability.
202no more win at google
201das grosse Loschen
200Webcam knows how to snub shoulder surfers
199Blogs sturzen Bundesprasident?
198Freie Bahn fur Softwarepatente
197iPhone gibt Daten an fremde Rechner weiter
195If You See Something, Think Twice About Saying Something
194heise online - Zugangsdaten von 44 Millionen Online-Spielern gestohlen
193voting machine @Texas Legislation
192The Escapist : News : Warner Bros. Sued for Pirating Anti-Piracy Technology
191Save the Children Finnland in Verteilung von Kinderpornografie verstrickt
190heise online - Forscher infiziert sich mit Computervirus
189School's Laptop Spying Software Exploitable from Anywhere
188IBM distributes malware-infested freebies at AusCERT
187Ireland's largest ISP begins disconnecting users who are accused of piracy
186DARPA trying to beat block lists, deep packet inspection The Register
185Encrypted Google search coming to a browser near you
184Fraud Bazaar Carders.cc Hacked — Krebs on Security
183Report: Facebook caught sharing secret data with advertisers
182Empire Strikes 30: Ars looks back at an amazing film
181Pac-Man is 30! Celebrate along with... Google?
180heise online - IBM verteilt auf Sicherheitskonferenz infizierte USB-Sticks
179Clegg vows to restore British privacy - V3.co.uk - formerly vnunet.com
178Most browsers silently expose intimate viewing habits The Register
177School Spy Program Used on Students Contains Hacker-Friendly Security Hole | Threat Level | Wired.com
176Humanistische Union: Publikationen: Grundrechte-Report: Ausgaben: Archiv: GRR 2010
175heise online - Frequenzauktion bringt 4,4 Milliarden Euro
174A Piece of Internet History
173RIA Novosti - Politik - International - Erfinder des ersten Geldautomaten ist tot
172VP8 / WebM von Google veroffentlicht
171Softwarepatent durch BGH bestatigt
170OpenBSD 4.7 released
169Example for on-line activism
168Wikileaks is back
167Youtube streamt uber zwei Milliarden Videoclips pro Tag, 5 Jahre alt
166CCC | Prix Ars Electronica 2010
165US military chokes on stream from robots' fat pipes The Register
164Infosecurity (UK) - Facebook identifies hacker selling 1.5 million accounts
163Google Street View logs WiFi networks, Mac addresses The Register
162Google abandons smart phone Web store - The Globe and Mail
161Wikileaks founder told his passport will be cancelled | TG Daily
160Pirate Bay ISP hit with German injunction; must stop hosting
159Gigapan: Das grote Foto der Welt hat 45 Gigapixel
158Denic: Probleme mit den .de-Rootservern?
157Air Force suffers collateral damage from PS3 firmware update
156Hartz IV: Kein Geld fur Computer | tagesschau.de
155heise online - BGH schrankt Folgen der Storerhaftung fur WLAN-Betreiber ein
154Adobe's new Flash DRM comes with selective output control
153The Humble Indie Bundle (pay what you want for five awesome indie games)
152Amazon Spying On Your Ebook Highlighting | Techdirt
151Privacy watchdog looks into NHS data breach | Security Threats | ZDNet UK
149'Zombie' satellite runs amok in Earth's orbit - CSMonitor.com
1487Gbps WiFi Wireless Networking Hardware Could Launch in 2010 − ISPreview UK
147Twitter confirms awkward 'auto-follow' bug | The Social - CNET News
146heise online - Fremde MobileMails bei Vodafone einsehbar
145heise online - Hohes Bugeld gegen Postbank in Finanzberater-Affare
144WordPress Hacked with Zettapetta on DreamHost | WPSecurityLock
143heise online - US-Prasident sieht iPad, Xbox und PlayStation skeptisch
142heise online - Facebook verstarkt Lobby-Truppe
141miculog Bundnis 90/Die Grunen in Sachsen fordern einen Umstieg auf GNU/Linux und freie Software Auswertung der groen FLOSS-Anfrage
138Chinese Rules Said to Threaten Proprietary Information - NYTimes.com
137Hacked US Treasury websites serve visitors malware The Register
136Facebook closes serious security hole - The H Security: News and Features
135Love Bug 10 years later: I love you - now open this email - Security
134New attack bypasses virtually all AV protection The Register
133Rudd retreats on web filter legislation | The Australian
132FCC gives Hollywood control over your home theater
131Vorratsdatenspeicherung: Kein Einfluss auf die Aufklarungsrate von Verbrechen - Golem.de
130Naked scanner reveals airport screener's tiny penis, sparks fist-fight with fellow officers
129Wir in NRW Das Blog
128virtual Desktop Patentklage gegen Red Hat und Novell gescheitert
127Neues Datenleck bei SchulerVZ : netzpolitik.org
126GoogleSharing :: A Special Kind Of Proxy
125MATLAB Can't Manipulate 64-Bit Integers
124Schneier on Security: Fun with Secret Questions
123EU zahlt 300.000 Euro fur Pro-Netzsperren-Lobbying
122the Month of PHP Security
121Facebooks Eroding Privacy Policy: A Timeline | Electronic Frontier Foundation
120heise online - Sich selbst kompilierende Low Level Virtual Machine
119heise online - Indiens E-Voting-Gerate sind angreifbar
118Music industry spokesman loves child porn
117no more floppy
116Reconstructing Users' Web Histories From Personalized Search Results
114heise online - Verizon: Full Disclosure nutzt nur selbstverliebten "Pimps"
113Nina Paley passes Netflix DRM and thousands of dollars
112Facebook Retroactively Makes More User Data Public
111German appeal court upholds Microsoft FAT patent - The H Open Source: News and Features
110"Universitat sperrt iPads wegen fehlerhaftem DHCP"
109The keys to my heart are on my foot
108School secretly snapped 1000s of students at home
107Printing from an iPad
106Innenminister stellt loschen statt sperren in Frage : netzpolitik.org
105Hitler Is Very Upset That Constantin Film Is Taking Down Hitler Parodies
104This Is Apple's Next iPhone - Iphone 4 - Gizmodo
103Palm Pwned: Researchers Hack WebOS With Text Messages | threatpost
102How Dirty MP3 Files Are A Back Door Into Cloud DRM
101Feds drop bid for warrantless access to Yahoo! mail The Register
100Bushs Illegal Wiretapping Tab: $612,000
99heise resale - Urheberrechtsabgabe fur USB-Sticks und Speicherkarten festgezurrt
97Video-game shoppers surrender their immortal souls
96Big Content's dystopian wish-list for the US gov't: spyware, censorship, physical searches and SWAT teams
95Mark Fiore can win a Pulitzer Prize, but he can’t get his iPhone cartoon app past Apple’s satire police Nieman Journalism Lab
94Labor group: Chinese teens 'like prisoners' in Microsoft tech factory
93heise online - Facebook: Lieber Angreifer jagen als Sicherheitslucken schlieen
92Palm Pre als mobiler WLAN-Access-Point
91Apache Foundation Hit by Targeted XSS Attack | threatpost
90We Pad even runs Windows
89NASA hacker's mother stands for Parliament
88heise online - Datenpanne fuhrt zur ungenehmigten Organentnahme in Grobritannien
87Interesting times for Video on the Web - Google Open Source Blog
86Spy Network Pilfered Classified Docs From Indian Government and Others | Threat Level | Wired.com
85Romania Swoops In on 70 Cybertheft Suspects | Threat Level | Wired.com
84NYT ethicist: OK to pirate ebooks once you've bought the hardcover
83Bank insider charged over ATM malware scam The Register
82Teen Sues Mom for Hacking Facebook Account - PCWorld
81Location der geblockten Seiten in Danemark
80OtherOS on PS3 3.21 reactivated
79Millions will have to buy routers to beat hackers - Times Online
78Cyber warrior Camps for Recruitment
77FOSS Patents: IBM breaks the taboo and betrays its promise to the FOSS community
76heise online - Vorlaufiges Aus fur E-Voting in Osterreich
75MS XML Patent bestatigt
74iBooks naughty word filter doesn't let you say "sperm"
73Facebook-Fehler fuhrte zur Veroffentlichung aller E-Mail-Adressen
72heise online - Webseite des Umweltbundesamtes verteilte Trojaner
71SEX.com filed bankruptcy
70heise online - China: Yahoo-Mailkonten auslandischer Journalisten angegriffen
69heise online - PDF-Exploit funktioniert ohne konkrete Sicherheitslucke
68Poland Abandons Internet Censorship Plans - New Europe - WSJ
67Mitmach-Aktion: Bei der Schufa&Co (kostenlos) Auskunft verlangen!
66Israel: Anonymitat im Internet wird zum Grundrecht
65gulli.com - news - Berlin: Staatsanwalt will VDS-Daten missbrauchen
64gulli.com - news - TrueCrypt geknackt - oder auch nicht
63Apple fixt mal eben 88 Sicherheitslucken
6253 cars towed away
61SCO loses again: jury says Novell owns UNIX SVRX copyrights
60Chinese City is World's Hacking Capital
59Frenchman Arrested for Hacking Twitter
58DNS Error Extends Great Firewall of China
57Security Flaws Found in Smart Meters
56heise online - Italien: Amtliche Praferenz fur Open Source ist rechtmaig
55Solaris only 90 days trial
54Umfang der Zensur von Suchergebnissen auf Google.de - SISTRIX Suchmaschinen- & SEO-Blog
53DARPA Bounces Smart Radar Off Buildings To Track Individual Urban Vehicles From the Sky | Popular Science
52Ukrainian hacker liable in SEC insider trading case
51Google, Microsoft to team up on privacy push launching tomorrow
50heise online - Sony sperrt Linux von der PS3 aus
49Sachsische Zeitung [online] - Sachsen: Sachsens Polizeidrohnen droht die Bruchlandung
48Kit attacks Microsoft keyboards (and a whole lot more) The Register
478 Jahre Hausdurchsuchung dank Datenbankfehler
46Der erste Flughafen-Security-Fuzzy ist beim Bodyscanner-Spannen erwischt worden
45Sony accuses Beyonce of piracy for putting her videos on YouTube
44Piracy up in France after tough three-strikes law passed
43heise online - EFF zweifelt an Abhorsicherheit von SSL
42Spam kommt gut an
41TJX Accomplice Gets Probation for Selling Browser Exploit | Threat Level | Wired.com
40Israel aborts raid after soldier posts details on Facebook
39Cybercrime losses almost double The Register
38Update: Security industry faces attacks it cannot stop
37Every citizen to have personal webpage - Telegraph
361968 ASCII Animation from Russia
35Slashdot IT Story | The Biggest Cloud Providers Are Botnets
34heise online - Mehr als 20.000 Mitbeschwerden gegen ELENA
33heise online - Firefox 3.6.2 schliet schwerwiegende Sicherheitslucke
32Nottingham cops declare war on kids - Boing Boing
31Emporte Pakistaner: Freundschaftsreise in die USA endet mit Nacktscanner-Eklat - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten - Politik
30Former TSA analyst charged with computer tampering - TSA, terrorism, tampering, analyst - Good Gear Guide
29Energizer battery charger contains backdoor | Zero Day | ZDNet.com
28A Tool to Deceive and Slaughter
27heise online - SCO vs. Linux: Die Jury ist aufgeklart
26ff flaw and browser roundup
25Google about to pull the plug in China
24Petition: Franziska Heine Briefmarke
23Hackable Linux clamshell goes on sale for $99
22Boni fur KK-Manager
21Apple will not replace ipad batteries - The Inquirer
20Petition gegen ELENA vom Foebud
19eBook reading application
18Apple's patent attack [LWN.net]
17Yahoo patents News Feeds
16heise online - Merkelphones kommen sich naher
15Wikileaks im Visier von US-Militargeheimdienst
14Microsoft Was Behind Google Complaints To EC | eWEEK Europe UK
13Microsoft: Don't press F1 key in Windows XP
12Cryptome Paypal account blocked
11Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg of hacking into the email accounts of rivals and journalists
10322Tbit/sec Router available cisco
9ARM based iPad clones on the way
8Filter company doesn't belive in filtering
725 years anniversary of 1st .com address
6Pirate Bay legal action dropped in Norway - Legislation/regulation/privacy - ComputerworldUK
5heise online - US-Strafverfolger nutzen soziale Netzwerke fur verdeckte Ermittlungen
4Mac OS X: "geringeres Risiko, aber letztlich unsicherer"
3Hacker Disables More Than 100 Cars Remotely | Threat Level | Wired.com
2Video fur Wikipedia