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#!/usr/bin/env bash
# This script is a wrapper to the other download backends.
# Its role is to ensure atomicity when saving downloaded files
# back to BR2_DL_DIR, and not clutter BR2_DL_DIR with partial,
# failed downloads.
# Call it with -h to see some help.
# To avoid cluttering BR2_DL_DIR, we download to a trashable
# location, namely in $(BUILD_DIR).
# Then, we move the downloaded file to a temporary file in the
# same directory as the final output file.
# This allows us to finally atomically rename it to its final
# name.
# If anything goes wrong, we just remove all the temporaries
# created so far.
# We want to catch any unexpected failure, and exit immediately.
set -e
main() {
local backend output
# Parse our options; anything after '--' is for the backend
while getopts :hb:o: OPT; do
case "${OPT}" in
h) help; exit 0;;
b) backend="${OPTARG}";;
o) output="${OPTARG}";;
:) error "option '%s' expects a mandatory argument\n" "${OPTARG}";;
\?) error "unknown option '%s'\n" "${OPTARG}";;
# Forget our options, and keep only those for the backend
shift $((OPTIND-1))
if [ -z "${backend}" ]; then
error "no backend specified, use -b\n"
if [ -z "${output}" ]; then
error "no output specified, use -o\n"
# tmpd is a temporary directory in which backends may store intermediate
# by-products of the download.
# tmpf is the file in which the backends should put the downloaded content.
# tmpd is located in $(BUILD_DIR), so as not to clutter the (precious)
# $(BR2_DL_DIR)
# We let the backends create tmpf, so they are able to set whatever
# permission bits they want (although we're only really interested in
# the executable bit.)
tmpd="$(mktemp -d "${BUILD_DIR}/.${output##*/}.XXXXXX")"
# Helpers expect to run in a directory that is *really* trashable, so
# they are free to create whatever files and/or sub-dirs they might need.
# Doing the 'cd' here rather than in all backends is easier.
cd "${tmpd}"
# If the backend fails, we can just remove the temporary directory to
# remove all the cruft it may have left behind. Then we just exit in
# error too.
if ! "${OLDPWD}/support/download/${backend}" "${tmpf}" "${@}"; then
rm -rf "${tmpd}"
exit 1
# cd back to free the temp-dir, so we can remove it later
cd "${OLDPWD}"
# tmp_output is in the same directory as the final output, so we can
# later move it atomically.
tmp_output="$(mktemp "${output}.XXXXXX")"
# 'mktemp' creates files with 'go=-rwx', so the files are not accessible
# to users other than the one doing the download (and root, of course).
# This can be problematic when a shared BR2_DL_DIR is used by different
# users (e.g. on a build server), where all users may write to the shared
# location, since other users would not be allowed to read the files
# another user downloaded.
# So, we restore the 'go' access rights to a more sensible value, while
# still abiding by the current user's umask. We must do that before the
# final 'mv', so just do it now.
# Some backends (cp and scp) may create executable files, so we need to
# carry the executable bit if needed.
[ -x "${tmpf}" ] && new_mode=755 || new_mode=644
new_mode=$(printf "%04o" $((0${new_mode} & ~0$(umask))))
chmod ${new_mode} "${tmp_output}"
# We must *not* unlink tmp_output, otherwise there is a small window
# during which another download process may create the same tmp_output
# name (very, very unlikely; but not impossible.)
# Using 'cp' is not reliable, since 'cp' may unlink the destination file
# if it is unable to open it with O_WRONLY|O_TRUNC; see:
# Since the destination filesystem can be anything, it might not support
# O_TRUNC, so 'cp' would unlink it first.
# Use 'cat' and append-redirection '>>' to save to the final location,
# since that is the only way we can be 100% sure of the behaviour.
if ! cat "${tmpf}" >>"${tmp_output}"; then
rm -rf "${tmpd}" "${tmp_output}"
exit 1
rm -rf "${tmpd}"
# tmp_output and output are on the same filesystem, so POSIX guarantees
# that 'mv' is atomic, because it then uses rename() that POSIX mandates
# to be atomic, see:
if ! mv -f "${tmp_output}" "${output}"; then
rm -f "${tmp_output}"
exit 1
help() {
cat <<_EOF_
${my_name} - download wrapper for Buildroot
${my_name} [OPTION]... -- [BACKEND OPTION]...
Wrapper script around different download mechanisms. Ensures that
concurrent downloads do not conflict, that partial downloads are
properly evicted without leaving temporary files, and that access
rights are maintained.
-h This help text.
Wrap the specified BACKEND. Known backends are:
bzr Bazaar
cp Local files
cvs Concurrent Versions System
git Git
hg Mercurial
scp Secure copy
svn Subversion
wget HTTP download
Store the downloaded archive in FILE.
Exit status:
0 if OK
!0 in case of error
The path to Buildroot's build dir
trace() { local msg="${1}"; shift; printf "%s: ${msg}" "${my_name}" "${@}"; }
warn() { trace "${@}" >&2; }
errorN() { local ret="${1}"; shift; warn "${@}"; exit ${ret}; }
error() { errorN 1 "${@}"; }
main "${@}"