Emery Hemingway 165cf60551 nixos-modules: consolidate common init functions
The "config.genode.init.children" option is a superset of the
"config.genode.core.children" option, so refactor both into
helper functions.
2021-03-03 15:14:21 +01:00

439 lines
14 KiB

{ config, pkgs, lib, modulesPath, ... }:
with lib;
localPackages = pkgs.buildPackages;
children' = config.lib.children.freeze config.genode.init.children;
coreErisCaps = with builtins;
let pkgNames = [ "cached_fs_rom" "jitter_sponge" "rtc_drv" ];
in listToAttrs (map (name:
let pkg = pkgs.genodePackages.${name};
in {
inherit name;
value = lib.getEris "bin" pkg;
}) pkgNames);
tarball =
/* romDirectories = filterAttrs (_: value: value != null) (mapAttrs (name: value:
if value.extraInputs == [ ] then
pkgs.symlinkJoin {
name = "${name}-rom";
paths = value.extraInputs;
}) config.genode.init.children);
bootConfigFile = let
storeBackendInputs = {
fs = [ pkgs.genodePackages.rump ];
memory = [ ];
coreInputs = with builtins;
concatMap (getAttr "extraInputs")
(attrValues config.genode.core.children);
mergeManifests = inputs:
with builtins;
f = head: input:
if hasAttr "manifest" input then
${head}, { mapKey = "${
lib.getName input
}", mapValue = ${input.manifest} }''
abort "${input.pname} does not have a manifest";
in (foldl' f "[" inputs) + "]";
addManifest = drv:
drv // {
manifest =
localPackages.runCommand "${}.dhall" { inherit drv; } ''
set -eu
echo -n '[' >> $out
find $drv/ -type f -printf ',{mapKey= "%p",mapValue="%p"}' >> $out
${if builtins.elem "lib" drv.outputs then
find ${drv.lib}/ -type f -printf ',{mapKey= "%p",mapValue="%p"}' >> $out''
echo -n ']' >> $out
manifest =
# Manifests are Dhall metadata to be attached to every
# package to be used for dynamically buildings enviroments
# using Dhall expressions. Probably not worth pursuing.
pkgs.writeText "manifest.dhall" (mergeManifests (map addManifest
(with pkgs.genodePackages; storeBackendInputs ++ coreInputs))
+ lib.optionalString (config.genode.boot.romModules != { }) ''
# [ { mapKey = "romModules", mapValue = [ ${
lib.concatStringsSep ", " (lib.lists.flatten ((mapAttrsToList
(k: v: ''{ mapKey = "${k}", mapValue = "${v}" }'')
}] } ]'');
/* storeRomPolicies = mapAttrsToList
(name: value: '', { mapKey = "${name}", mapValue = "${value}" }'')
extraRoutes = lib.concatStringsSep ", " (lib.lists.flatten
(lib.mapAttrsToList (name: value:
map (suffix: ''
{ service =
{ name = "ROM"
, label =
{ prefix = Some "nixos -> ${name}", suffix = Some "${suffix}" }
, route = Genode.Init.Route.parent (Some "${suffix}")
'') value.coreROMs) config.genode.init.children));
extraCoreChildren = "[ ${
lib.concatStringsSep ", " (lib.mapAttrsToList
(name: value: ''{ mapKey = "${name}", mapValue = ${value.config} }'')
} ]";
in with coreErisCaps;
localPackages.runCommand "boot.dhall" { } ''
cat > $out << EOF
let Genode = env:DHALL_GENODE in
let VFS = Genode.VFS
let XML = Genode.Prelude.XML
{ binaries = {
, cached_fs_rom = "${cached_fs_rom.cap}"
, jitter_sponge = "${jitter_sponge.cap}"
, rtc_drv = "${rtc_drv.cap}"
, extraCoreChildren = ${extraCoreChildren}
, subinit = ${config.genode.init.configFile}
, storeSize = $(stat --format '%s' ${tarball})
, routes = [${extraRoutes} ] : List Genode.Init.ServiceRoute.Type
, bootManifest = ${manifest}
erisContents = lib.attrsets.mapAttrsToList (urn: source: {
target = "eris/" + urn;
inherit source;
}) config.genode.init.romModules;
in {
imports = [ ./lib/children.nix ];
options.genode = {
core = {
prefix = mkOption {
type = types.str;
example = "hw-pc-";
description = "String prefix signifying the Genode core in use.";
supportedSystems = mkOption {
type = types.listOf types.str;
example = [ "i686-genode" "x86_64-genode" ];
description = "Hardware supported by this core.";
children = config.lib.types.children { extraOptions = { }; } // {
description = ''
Set of children at the lowest init level, these children must not
have any dependency on a Nix store.
Configuration format is a Dhall configuration of type
boot = {
configFile = mkOption {
type = types.path;
description = ''
Dhall boot configuration. See
image = mkOption {
type = types.path;
description =
"Boot image containing the base component binaries and configuration.";
romModules = mkOption {
type = types.attrsOf types.path;
default = { };
description = "Attr set of initial ROM modules";
storeFsUuid = mkOption {
type = types.str;
default = import ./store-fs-uuid;
description = "Custom partition type of the nix-store file-system.";
storePartUuid = mkOption {
type = types.str;
default = import ./partition-type;
description = "Custom partition type of the nix-store file-system.";
storeBackend = mkOption {
type = types.enum [ "fs" "memory" ]; # "parent"?
default = "memory";
description = ''
Backend for the initial /nix/store file-system.
<para>Store backed by a File_system session.</para>
<para>An in-memory tarball.</para>
storePaths = mkOption {
type = with types; listOf path;
description = ''
Derivations to be included in the Nix store in the generated boot image.
config = {
assertions = [{
assertion = builtins.any (s:
s == config.nixpkgs.system || s == config.nixpkgs.crossSystem.system)
message = "invalid Genode core for this system";
genode.boot.romModules = with builtins;
let getBin = name: "${getAttr name pkgs.genodePackages}/bin/${name}";
in listToAttrs (lib.lists.flatten
((map (getAttr "roms") (attrValues children')) ++ (map
({ cap, path, ... }: {
name = cap;
value = path;
}) (attrValues coreErisCaps)))) // {
"init" = "${pkgs.genodePackages.init}/bin/init";
"report_rom" = "${pkgs.genodePackages.report_rom}/bin/report_rom";
genode.core.children =
# Component to steer the main fs to a specific partition
(if config.genode.boot.storeBackend != "memory" then {
part_block = {
package = pkgs.genodePackages.part_block;
configFile = pkgs.writeText "part_block.dhall" ''
let Genode = env:DHALL_GENODE
let Init = Genode.Init
in λ(binary : Text) -> Init.Child.flat
, binary
, resources = Init.Resources::{ ram = Genode.units.MiB 8 }
, config = Init.Config::{
, attributes = toMap { ignore_mbr = "yes" }
, policies =
[ Init.Config.Policy::{
, service = "Block"
, label = Init.LabelSelector.prefix "fs"
, attributes = toMap
{ partition = "${
toString config.fileSystems."/".block.partition
, writeable = "yes"
, TODO = "select by partition UUID"
} else
{ }) // {
fs = {
package = pkgs.genodePackages.vfs;
extraErisInputs =
lib.optional (config.genode.boot.storeBackend == "memory")
configFile = let
vfsConfig = if config.genode.boot.storeBackend == "memory" then ''
[ VFS.leafAttrs
(toMap { name = "${tarball}" })
'' else
rumpExt2 = ''
[ VFS.leafAttrs
( toMap
{ load = "${pkgs.genodePackages.rump}/lib/"
, fs = "ext2fs"
, ram = "12M"
in {
ahci = rumpExt2;
usb = rumpExt2;
storeResources = let
rumpExt2 =
"Init.Resources::{ caps = 256, ram = Genode.units.MiB 16 }";
in {
fs = rumpExt2;
memory = "Init.Resources.default";
persistencePolicies = lib.mapAttrsToList (name: _: ''
, Init.Config.Policy::{
, service = "File_system"
, label = Genode.Init.LabelSelector.prefix
"nixos -> ${name}"
, attributes = toMap { root = "/services", writeable = "yes" }
'') (filterAttrs (_: child: child.fsPersistence)
fsPolicies = map (name: ''
, Init.Config.Policy::{
, service = "File_system"
, label =
{ prefix = Some "nixos -> ${name}", suffix = Some "nix-store" }
, attributes = toMap { root = "/nix/store", writeable = "no" }
'') (builtins.attrNames config.genode.init.children);
in pkgs.writeText "fs.dhall" ''
let Genode = env:DHALL_GENODE
let Init = Genode.Init
let VFS = Genode.VFS
let persistencePolicies = [ ${
toString persistencePolicies
} ] : List Init.Config.Policy.Type
let fsPolicies = [ ${
toString fsPolicies
} ] : List Init.Config.Policy.Type
in λ(binary : Text) -> Init.Child.flat
, binary
, resources = ${storeResources}
, provides = [ "File_system" ]
, config = Init.Config::{
, content = [ ${vfsConfig} ]
, policies =
[ Init.Config.Policy::{
, service = "File_system"
, label = Init.LabelSelector.prefix "store_rom"
, attributes = toMap { root = "/" }
] # persistencePolicies # fsPolicies
# genode.boot.storePaths = builtins.attrValues romDirectories;
genode.boot.configFile = bootConfigFile;
# Create the tarball of the store to live in core ROM =
pkgs.callPackage "${modulesPath}/../lib/make-system-tarball.nix" {
extraInputs = lib.attrsets.mapAttrsToList (name: child: child.package)
contents = erisContents;
compressCommand = "cat";
compressionExtension = "";
}; = pkgs.buildPackages.runCommand "init.xml" {
nativeBuildInputs = with pkgs.buildPackages; [ dhall xorg.lndir libxml2 ];
DHALL_GENODE = "${pkgs.genodePackages.dhallGenode}/binary.dhall";
} ''
lndir -silent \
${pkgs.genodePackages.dhallGenode}/.cache \
dhall text <<< "(env:DHALL_GENODE).Init.render (${bootConfigFile}).config" > $out
xmllint --noout $out
virtualisation.diskImage = let
espImage = import ./lib/make-esp-fs.nix { inherit config pkgs; };
storeFsImage = pkgs.callPackage ./lib/make-ext2-fs.nix {
inherit config lib pkgs;
contents = erisContents;
bootDriveImage = import ./lib/make-bootable-image.nix {
inherit config pkgs espImage storeFsImage;
in lib.mkIf (config.genode.boot.storeBackend != "memory") bootDriveImage;
virtualisation.useBootLoader = config.genode.boot.storeBackend != "memory";
virtualisation.qemu.options = let
blockCommon =
[ "-bios ${pkgs.buildPackages.buildPackages.OVMF.fd}/FV/OVMF.fd" ];
in {
fs = blockCommon;
memory = [ ];