nixos-modules: consolidate common init functions

The "config.genode.init.children" option is a superset of the
"config.genode.core.children" option, so refactor both into
helper functions.
This commit is contained in:
Ehmry - 2021-03-02 22:55:59 +01:00
parent 98175a0f9b
commit 165cf60551
3 changed files with 126 additions and 151 deletions

View File

@ -3,52 +3,8 @@
with lib;
localPackages = pkgs.buildPackages;
binary = mkOption {
description = "Program binary for this child. Must be an ERIS URN";
default = null;
type = types.nullOr
(types.str // { check = lib.strings.hasPrefix "urn:erisx2:"; });
example =
package = mkOption {
description = "Package to source the binary for this child.";
type = lib.types.package;
example = literalExample "pkg.genodePackages.init";
coreROMs = mkOption {
type = with types; listOf str;
default = [ ];
description = ''
List of label suffixes that when matched against
ROM requests shall be forwared to the core.
example = [ "platform_info" ];
extraInputs = mkOption {
description = "List of packages to build a ROM store with.";
default = [ ];
type = types.listOf types.package;
children' = with builtins;
lib.attrsets.mapAttrs (childName: child:
if child.binary != null then {
inherit (child) binary configFile;
roms = { };
} else
let bin = lib.getEris "bin" child.package;
in {
config = ''${child.configFile} "${bin.cap}"'';
binary = bin.cap;
roms = [{
name = bin.cap;
value = bin.path;
}] ++ lib.mapAttrsToList (path: cap: {
name = cap;
value = path;
}) bin.closure;
}) config.genode.core.children;
children' = config.lib.children.freeze config.genode.init.children;
coreErisCaps = with builtins;
let pkgNames = [ "cached_fs_rom" "jitter_sponge" "rtc_drv" ];
@ -177,6 +133,9 @@ let
}) config.genode.init.romModules;
in {
imports = [ ./lib/children.nix ];
options.genode = {
core = {
@ -193,23 +152,14 @@ in {
description = "Hardware supported by this core.";
children = mkOption {
type = with types;
attrsOf (submodule {
options = {
inherit binary coreROMs extraInputs package;
configFile = mkOption {
type = types.path;
description = ''
Set of children at the lowest init level, these children must not
have any dependency on a Nix store.
Configuration format is a Dhall configuration of type
children = config.lib.types.children { extraOptions = { }; } // {
description = ''
Set of children at the lowest init level, these children must not
have any dependency on a Nix store.
Configuration format is a Dhall configuration of type

View File

@ -5,62 +5,7 @@ with lib;
cfg = config.genode.init;
binary = mkOption {
description = "Program binary for this child. Must be an ERIS URN.";
default = null;
type = types.nullOr
(types.str // { check = lib.strings.hasPrefix "urn:erisx2:"; });
example =
package = mkOption {
description = "Package to source the binary for this child.";
type = lib.types.package;
example = literalExample "pkg.genodePackages.init";
coreROMs = mkOption {
type = with types; listOf str;
default = [ ];
description = ''
List of label suffixes that when matched against
ROM requests shall be forwared to the core.
example = [ "platform_info" ];
extraInputs =
# TODO: deprecated?
mkOption {
description = "List of packages to build a ROM store with.";
default = [ ];
type = types.listOf types.package;
extraErisInputs = mkOption {
description = "List of ERIS inputs to add to the init closure.";
default = [ ];
type = types.listOf types.attrs;
children' = with builtins;
lib.attrsets.mapAttrs (childName: child:
toRoms = { cap, closure, path }:
name = cap;
value = path;
}] ++ (lib.mapAttrsToList (value: name: { inherit name value; })
extraRoms = lib.lists.flatten (map toRoms child.extraErisInputs);
in if child.binary != null then {
inherit (child) binary configFile;
roms = { }; # extraRoms;
} else
let bin = lib.getEris "bin" child.package;
in {
config = ''${child.configFile} "${bin.cap}"'';
binary = bin.cap;
roms = toRoms bin ++ extraRoms;
}) config.genode.init.children;
children' = config.lib.children.freeze config.genode.init.children;
in {
@ -96,41 +41,28 @@ in {
children = mkOption {
default = { };
type = with types;
attrsOf (submodule {
options = {
inherit binary coreROMs extraErisInputs extraInputs package;
children = config.lib.types.children {
extraOptions = {
routeToNics = lib.mkOption {
type = with types; listOf str;
default = [ ];
example = [ "eth0" ];
description = ''
Grant access to these Nic interfaces.
routeToNics = lib.mkOption {
type = with types; listOf str;
default = [ ];
example = [ "eth0" ];
description = ''
Grant access to these Nic interfaces.
fsPersistence = lib.mkOption {
type = types.bool;
default = false;
description = ''
Whether this child will have access to mutable and persistent storage.
This space is shared among all components for which this option is available
and UNIX permission bits are not honored.
configFile = mkOption {
type = types.path;
description = ''
Dhall configuration of child.
fsPersistence = lib.mkOption {
type = types.bool;
default = false;
description = ''
Whether this child will have access to mutable and persistent storage.
This space is shared among all components for which this option is available
and UNIX permission bits are not honored.
romModules = mkOption {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
{ lib, ... }:
lib = {
# Type of a declaration of init children.
types.children = { extraOptions }:
with lib;
mkOption {
default = { };
type = with types;
attrsOf (submodule {
options = {
binary = mkOption {
description =
"Program binary for this child. Must be an ERIS URN.";
default = null;
type = types.nullOr (types.str // {
check = lib.strings.hasPrefix "urn:erisx2:";
example =
coreROMs = mkOption {
type = with types; listOf str;
default = [ ];
description = ''
List of label suffixes that when matched against
ROM requests shall be forwared to the core.
example = [ "platform_info" ];
configFile = mkOption {
type = types.path;
description = ''
Dhall configuration of child.
extraErisInputs = mkOption {
description = "List of ERIS inputs to add to the init closure.";
default = [ ];
type = types.listOf types.attrs;
extraInputs =
# TODO: deprecated?
mkOption {
description = "List of packages to build a ROM store with.";
default = [ ];
type = types.listOf types.package;
package = mkOption {
description = "Package to source the binary for this child.";
type = lib.types.package;
example = literalExample "pkg.genodePackages.init";
} // extraOptions;
/* Map a set of children to the config and
ROM closure of each child.
children.freeze = children:
with builtins;
lib.attrsets.mapAttrs (_:
{ binary, configFile, extraErisInputs, package, ... }:
toRoms = { cap, closure, path }:
name = cap;
value = path;
}] ++ (lib.mapAttrsToList (value: name: { inherit name value; })
extraRoms = map toRoms extraErisInputs;
in if binary != null then {
config = ''${configFile} "${binary}"'';
roms = extraRoms;
} else
let bin = lib.getEris "bin" package;
in {
config = ''${configFile} "${bin.cap}"'';
roms = toRoms bin ++ extraRoms;
}) children;