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/_/ /____/
[Genodepkgs](https://git.sr.ht/~ehmry/genodepkgs) is nexus of
[Nix](https://nixos.org/nix/) expressions related to the
[Genode OS framework](https://genode.org).
# Contributing
At the moment every user needs to also act as distro developer, designing how
packaging works needs to be done before packages can be submitted at will.
Patches can be submitted and issues reported via the
[mailing list](https://lists.sr.ht/~ehmry/genodepkgs). The mailing list is the
minimum viable mechanism for community development, and may be replaced later.
The worksites at the moment are:
- Generation of documentation on internal types and functions. By generating a
comprehensive single document early, we should be able to refactor and prune
the internals faster.
- Testing framework for simple and multi-machine tests.
- Patching standard Nixpkgs packages via an overlay. Workflow and tooling
needs to be explored for building emulated UNIX environments.
- LLVM testing and upstreaming patches.
- Formalizing Dhall configuration types.
- Configuration validation via a service routing prover.
# Nix Flakes
This repository is structured as a Nix flake, which is an experimental extension
of Nix tooling. The flakes capable Nix frontend is available from Nixpkgs as
## Switching to flakes
All users regardless of distro must add the following to
*~/.config/nix/nix.conf* to enable flakes:
experimental-features = nix-command flakes ca-references
NixOS users may switch to flakes using the following configuration:
{ pkgs, ... }:
nix.package = pkgs.nixFlakes;
# The following enables the use of a binary cache
nix.binaryCaches = [ "https://cache.server7.hq.c3d2.de" ];
nix.binaryCachePublicKeys = [
Non-NixOS users may install flakes using the following shell commands:
$ curl https://nixos.org/nix/install | sh
$ nix-env -iA nixpkgs.nixFlakes
Add will want to add this to their */etc/nix/nix.conf* file:
substituters = https://cache.nixos.org/ https://cache.server7.hq.c3d2.de/
trusted-public-keys = cache.nixos.org-1:6NCHdD59X431o0gWypbMrAURkbJ16ZPMQFGspcDShjY= cache.server7.hq.c3d2.de:x8JLRG26zRZ8ysYZLEkPxuAYuK1VSJi/aMAEIs2Lv+U=
## Building from flakes
### As a user
$ nix flake add genodepkgs git+https://git.sr.ht/~ehmry/genodepkgs
$ nix build genodepkgs#checks.x86_64-linux-x86_64-genode.nova-pci
# View the log if the result is already cached:
$ nix log genodepkgs#checks.x86_64-linux-x86_64-genode.nova-pci
### As a hacker
$ git clone https://git.sr.ht/~ehmry/genodepkgs
$ cd genodepkgs
$ nix build .#checks.x86_64-linux-x86_64-genode.nova-pci
# View the log if the result is already cached:
$ nix log .#checks.x86_64-linux-x86_64-genode.nova-pci
# Toolchain
The Genode Labs toolchain is available here only for Linux and in binary form.
However, an experimental LLVM cross-compiler is provided here. Bootstrapping GCC
has not been practical due to its recursive autotools build system.
# Building
Bootstrapping the build tooling can take several hours on a laptop, therefore it
is recommended enable the binary caches and to farm massive rebuilds to large
multicore machines. The Nix flake is prepared for continous builds with a
[Hydra](https://nixos.org/hydra/), but only the experimental flakes capable
## C3D2 Hydra
A publicly available Hydra is provided by [CCC Dresden](https://c3d2.de) at
https://server7.hq.c3d2.de/. The machine is only reachable over IPv6 and
therefore inaccessible to SculptOS.
# Glossary
Some of terms that follow are necessary for understanding packaging methodology,
Others are simply introduced as an aid to the reader:
- *Upstream* - repositories packaged by expressions in this repository
- *Downstream* - repositories depending on this repository
- *OS ABI* - The binary interface to an operating system. In the case of Genode
this does not include kernel interfaces, as system calls are abstracted via
dynamically linked procedures.
- `localSystem` - the CPU and OS ABI pair used to evaluate and compile
packages. Genode cannot natively instantiate Nix derivations, therefore it
cannot be a `localSystem` ABI.
- `crossSystem` - the target CPU and OS ABI pair for packages. In the common
case the ABI will be Genode. In the case of tooling it may be the same as
`localSystem`. For software that runs baremetal the CPU is signficant but ABI
is irrelevant.
- `buildPlatform` - equilavent to `localSystem`.
- `hostPlatform` - the platform on which a package will execute.
- `targetPlatform` - the platform for which a package will produce artifacts.
This is only significant for software such as compilers. The respective
build, host, and target platform of a compiler that was built on a Solaris,
executes on Genode, and produces only Haiku binaries would be Solaris,
Genode, and Haiku.
- *Flake* - a code repository containing a `flake.nix` file describing
dependency repositories. The evaulation of flakes may only form directed
graphs. Repositories packaged here may themselves contain a `flake.nix`
file that refers to this repository, but these repositories cannot be inputs
to the Genodepkgs flake.
- *Package* - *undefined*
# Legal
This repository is for trivial packaging aljebra and metadata that exists only
for the sake of richer and more meaningful code in external repositories. All
works committed to this repository, unless otherwise noted, shall be implicitly
licensed under a [CC0 1.0](https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/deed)
public domain dedication.
![CC0 PUBLIC DOMAIN](.CC0-1.0.png)