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diff --git a/ELF/Driver.cpp b/ELF/Driver.cpp
index 4637a3b306da..b472f5c2b453 100644
--- a/ELF/Driver.cpp
+++ b/ELF/Driver.cpp
@@ -254,12 +254,8 @@ void LinkerDriver::addFile(StringRef path, bool withLOption) {
// file has a DT_SONAME or not because we haven't parsed it yet.
// Here, we set the default soname for the file because we might
// need it later.
- //
- // If a file was specified by -lfoo, the directory part is not
- // significant, as a user did not specify it. This behavior is
- // compatible with GNU.
- make<SharedFile>(mbref, withLOption ? path::filename(path) : path));
+ make<SharedFile>(mbref, path));
case file_magic::bitcode:
case file_magic::elf_relocatable:
diff --git a/ELF/DriverUtils.cpp b/ELF/DriverUtils.cpp
index e33b07c0c9c9..e8d4e4f4497f 100644
--- a/ELF/DriverUtils.cpp
+++ b/ELF/DriverUtils.cpp
@@ -205,14 +205,16 @@ std::string elf::createResponseFile(const opt::InputArgList &args) {
// Find a file by concatenating given paths. If a resulting path
// starts with "=", the character is replaced with a --sysroot value.
static Optional<std::string> findFile(StringRef path1, const Twine &path2) {
- SmallString<128> s;
+ SmallString<256> s;
if (path1.startswith("="))
path::append(s, config->sysroot, path1.substr(1), path2);
path::append(s, path1, path2);
- if (fs::exists(s))
- return std::string(s);
+ SmallString<256> RealPath;
+ fs::real_path(s, RealPath);
+ if (fs::exists(RealPath))
+ return RealPath.str().str();
return None;
@@ -226,10 +228,22 @@ Optional<std::string> elf::findFromSearchPaths(StringRef path) {
// This is for -l<basename>. We'll look for lib<basename>.so or lib<basename>.a from
// search paths.
Optional<std::string> elf::searchLibraryBaseName(StringRef name) {
for (StringRef dir : config->searchPaths) {
if (!config->isStatic)
- if (Optional<std::string> s = findFile(dir, "lib" + name + ".so"))
- return s;
+ if (name.size() == 1) {
+ if (Optional<std::string> s = findFile(dir, "lib" + name + ".lib.so"))
+ return s;
+ if (Optional<std::string> s = findFile(dir, "lib" + name + ".so"))
+ return s;
+ } else {
+ if (Optional<std::string> s = findFile(dir, name + ".lib.so"))
+ return s;
+ if (Optional<std::string> s = findFile(dir, "lib" + name + ".so"))
+ return s;
+ }
+ if (Optional<std::string> s = findFile(dir, name + ".lib.a"))
+ return s;
if (Optional<std::string> s = findFile(dir, "lib" + name + ".a"))
return s;