Fork 0

Refactor of packaging and testing

- Remove manifests from Dhall configurations and mix all
   test inputs to generate test ROM maps.

 - All loader and timer drivers are name ld.lib.so and timer_drv.

 - Replace packages of multiple Genode Labs targets with functions
   to build individual targets. These packages are not explicitly
   specified unless they require inputs from the source ports or
   extra nativeBuildInputs.

 - Add support for building from Genode world repository.
This commit is contained in:
Ehmry - 2020-03-10 13:33:53 +01:00
parent 2aab55dc38
commit 6d6d585f0f
42 changed files with 545 additions and 774 deletions

View File

@ -15,26 +15,9 @@ writeScriptBin "generate-manifest" ''
echo \'$root\' is not an existing directory >> /dev/stderr
exit 1
set -eu
echo -n '{'
if [ -d "$root/bin" ]; then
echo -n ',bin = {'
find $root/bin/ -type f -printf '%f "%p"\n' \
| awk '{print ", "gensub(/\..*/, "", 1, $1)"={mapKey= \""$1"\",mapValue ="$2"}"}'
echo -n '}'
if [ -d "$root/lib" ]; then
echo -n ',lib = {'
find $root/lib/ -type f -name '*.lib.so' -printf '%f "%p"\n' \
| awk '{print ", "gensub(/\..*/, "", 1, $1)"={mapKey=\""$1"\",mapValue="$2"}"}'
echo -n '}'
if [ -d "$root/tar" ]; then
echo -n ',tar = {'
find $root/tar/ -type f -name '*.tar' -printf '%f "%p"\n' \
| awk '{print ""gensub(/\..*/, "", 1, $1)"={mapKey=\""$1"\",mapValue="$2"}" }'
echo -n '}'
echo '}'
echo -n '['
find $root/ -type f -printf ',{mapKey= "%f",mapValue="%p"}'
echo -n ']'

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
{ stdenv, nixpkgs, dhallApps, packages }:
let inherit (packages) base-hw-pc;
let inherit (packages) genodeSources base-hw-pc;
in nixpkgs.writeScriptBin "hw-image" (with nixpkgs.buildPackages;
let inherit (stdenv) cc;
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ in nixpkgs.writeScriptBin "hw-image" (with nixpkgs.buildPackages;
# link final image
$LD \
--strip-all \
-T${base-hw-pc.src}/repos/base/src/ld/genode.ld \
-T${genodeSources}/repos/base/src/ld/genode.ld \
-z max-page-size=0x1000 \
-Ttext=$link_address -gc-sections \
"$lib" "$TMPDIR/boot_modules.o"
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ in nixpkgs.writeScriptBin "hw-image" (with nixpkgs.buildPackages;
${dhallApps.dhall.program} text \
<<< "(env:DHALL_GENODE).Init.render ($@).config" \
| ${nixpkgs.buildPackages.libxml2}/bin/xmllint \
-schema ${packages.genode-sources}/repos/os/src/init/config.xsd - \
-schema ${packages.genodeSources}/repos/os/src/init/config.xsd - \
| sed 's/&gt;/>/g' \
> $TMPDIR/config
@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ in nixpkgs.writeScriptBin "hw-image" (with nixpkgs.buildPackages;
<<< "${../insert-config-rom.dhall} \"$TMPDIR/config\" ($@).rom" \
> "$TMPDIR/modules.dhall"
build_core "''${CORE_OBJ:-${base-hw-pc}/lib/core-hw-pc.o}" "$TMPDIR/modules.dhall" 0xffffffc000000000 > core.elf
build_core "''${BOOTSTRAP_OBJ:-${base-hw-pc}/lib/bootstrap-hw-pc.o}" "${
build_core "''${CORE_OBJ:-${base-hw-pc.coreObj}}" "$TMPDIR/modules.dhall" 0xffffffc000000000 > core.elf
build_core "''${BOOTSTRAP_OBJ:-${base-hw-pc.bootstrapObj}}" "${
} \"core.elf\" \"./core.elf\"" 0x00200000

View File

@ -7,8 +7,6 @@ nixpkgs.writeScriptBin "linux-image" (with nixpkgs.buildPackages; ''
set -eu
export DHALL_PRELUDE=''${DHALL_PRELUDE:-${packages.dhallPrelude}/package.dhall}
export DHALL_GENODE=''${DHALL_GENODE:-${packages.dhallGenode}/package.dhall}
export BASE_LINUX_MANIFEST=''${BASE_LINUX_MANIFEST:-${packages.base-linux.manifest}}
export OS_MANIFEST=''${OS_MANIFEST:-${packages.os.manifest}}
${dhallApps.dhall.program} text <<< "${./script.dhall} ($@)" > boot.sh
source boot.sh
rm boot.sh

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
{ stdenv, nixpkgs, dhallApps, packages }:
let inherit (packages) base-nova;
let inherit (packages) genodeSources base-nova;
in nixpkgs.writeScriptBin "nova-image" (with nixpkgs.buildPackages;
let inherit (stdenv) cc;
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ in nixpkgs.writeScriptBin "nova-image" (with nixpkgs.buildPackages;
${dhallApps.dhall.program} text \
<<< "(env:DHALL_GENODE).Init.render ($@).config" \
| ${nixpkgs.buildPackages.libxml2}/bin/xmllint \
-schema ${packages.genode-sources}/repos/os/src/init/config.xsd - \
-schema ${packages.genodeSources}/repos/os/src/init/config.xsd - \
| sed 's/&gt;/>/g' \
> $TMPDIR/config
@ -37,10 +37,10 @@ in nixpkgs.writeScriptBin "nova-image" (with nixpkgs.buildPackages;
# link final image
$LD --strip-all \
-T${base-nova.src}/repos/base/src/ld/genode.ld \
-T${base-nova.src}/repos/base-nova/src/core/core-bss.ld \
-T${genodeSources}/repos/base/src/ld/genode.ld \
-T${genodeSources}/repos/base-nova/src/core/core-bss.ld \
-z max-page-size=0x1000 \
-Ttext=0x100000 -gc-sections \
"''${CORE_OBJ:-${base-nova}/lib/core-nova.o}" "$TMPDIR/boot_modules.o"
"''${CORE_OBJ:-${base-nova.coreObj}}" "$TMPDIR/boot_modules.o"
cat a.out

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ nixpkgs.writeScriptBin "render-init" (with nixpkgs.buildPackages; ''
<<< "(env:DHALL_GENODE).Init.render ($(cat))" \
| ${nixpkgs.buildPackages.libxml2}/bin/xmllint \
-format \
-schema ${packages.genode-sources}/repos/os/src/init/config.xsd \
-schema ${packages.genodeSources}/repos/os/src/init/config.xsd \
- \
| sed 's/&gt;/>/g'

View File

@ -55,18 +55,21 @@
"genode-depot": {
"info": {
"narHash": "sha256-7eL2MfGgeEaIwJXPc4LQ7pBa4JeGicm9th7onjKgzsE="
"lastModified": 1584019323,
"narHash": "sha256-/ZWsNeLI90r77T1GHABWjY5vtYFKDCUL+Io9ljfKgMA=",
"revCount": 8
"inputs": {
"nixpkgs": {
"info": {
"narHash": "sha256-OnpEWzNxF/AU4KlqBXM2s5PWvfI5/BS6xQrPvkF5tO8="
"lastModified": 1584015812,
"narHash": "sha256-oDj4g9nL3fp3xh0jAPZSHiucDxkLXA/rO3uM8L6kE0Y="
"inputs": {},
"locked": {
"owner": "edolstra",
"owner": "NixOS",
"repo": "nixpkgs",
"rev": "7f8d4b088e2df7fdb6b513bc2d6941f1d422a013",
"rev": "a3735dcbd7b2530ae3bcf73fd91e1ca6aa9449e7",
"type": "github"
"original": {
@ -77,7 +80,7 @@
"locked": {
"ref": "master",
"rev": "8c2aafed45b4075e37f1cd93de0ebf93f38c83c3",
"rev": "025906c2146d81fb890532c6e46dbfda4cb38ede",
"type": "git",
"url": "https://git.sr.ht/~ehmry/genode-depot"

View File

@ -34,21 +34,11 @@
dhallApps = dhall-haskell.apps.${localSystem};
defaultPackage = with packages;
lib.mergeManifests [
devShell = legacyPackages.mkShell {
nativeBuildInputs = [ dhall-haskell.packages.${localSystem}.dhall ];
shellHook = ''
export DHALL_PRELUDE="${packages.dhallPrelude}/package.dhall"
export DHALL_GENODE="${packages.dhallGenode}/package.dhall"
export MANIFEST="${defaultPackage}"

View File

@ -17,24 +17,40 @@ let
callPackage' = path: attrs:
addManifest (legacyPackages.callPackages path attrs);
buildUpstream = let f = import ./genodelabs { nixpkgs = legacyPackages; };
in args: addManifest (f args);
genodeLabs = import ./genodelabs {
nixpkgs = legacyPackages;
inherit addManifest;
inherit (genodeLabs) buildUpstream;
buildWorld = let
genodeWorld = legacyPackages.fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "genodelabs";
repo = "genode-world";
rev = "0ed545e55a90c39df23a86eb733961de71d56241";
hash = "sha256-sirmUtLmZ5YnfLKrOvOBafnZW3UW+1LtkiGu85Ma820=";
in attrs:
buildUpstream (attrs // {
postConfigure =
"echo REPOSITORIES += ${genodeWorld} >> build/etc/build.conf";
in rec {
inherit (legacyPackages) stdenv;
genode-sources = legacyPackages.callPackage ./genodelabs/sources.nix { };
inherit (genodeLabs) genodeSources;
base-hw-pc = buildUpstream {
name = "base-hw-pc";
outputs = [ "out" "coreObj" "bootstrapObj" ];
KERNEL = "hw";
BOARD = "pc";
targets = [ "bootstrap" "core" "timer" "lib/ld" ];
postInstall = ''
mkdir -p $out/lib
mv $out/bin/*.o $out/lib/
mv $out/lib/ld-hw.lib.so $out/lib/ld.lib.so
mv $out/core-hw-pc.o $coreObj
mv $out/bootstrap-hw-pc.o $bootstrapObj
mv $out/ld-hw.lib.so $out/ld.lib.so
mv $out/hw_timer_drv $out/timer_drv
@ -44,103 +60,30 @@ in rec {
targets = [ "core" "timer" "lib/ld" ];
postInstall = ''
mkdir -p $out/lib
mv $out/lib/ld-linux.lib.so $out/lib/ld.lib.so
mv $out/ld-linux.lib.so $out/lib/ld.lib.so
mv $out/linux_timer_drv $out/timer_drv
HOST_INC_DIR = legacyPackages.buildPackages.glibc.dev + "/include";
base-nova = buildUpstream {
name = "base-nova";
outputs = [ "out" "coreObj" ];
KERNEL = "nova";
targets = [ "core" "timer" "lib/ld" ];
postInstall = ''
mkdir -p $out/lib
mv $out/bin/*.o $out/lib/
mv $out/lib/ld-nova.lib.so $out/lib/ld.lib.so
mv $out/core-nova.o $coreObj
mv $out/ld-nova.lib.so $out/ld.lib.so
mv $out/nova_timer_drv $out/timer_drv
driversPc = let directoryBlacklist = [ "repos/dde_zircon" ];
in buildUpstream {
name = "drivers";
BOARD = "pc";
targets = [ "drivers" ];
ports = [ "dde_bsd" "dde_ipxe" "dde_linux" "libc" "openssl" "x86emu" ];
preBuild = "find ${toString directoryBlacklist} -name target.mk -delete";
init = genodeSources.make "init";
noux = buildUpstream {
name = "noux";
targets = [ "noux" "lib/libc_noux" ];
ports = [ "libc" ];
os = let
directoryBlacklist = [
in buildUpstream {
name = "os";
patches = [ ./genodelabs/capslock.patch ];
targets = [ "app" "init" "lib/vfs" "server" ];
ports = [ "jitterentropy" "libc" "libpng" "libssh" "openssl" "stb" "zlib" ];
preBuild = "find ${toString directoryBlacklist} -name target.mk -delete";
nativeBuildInputs = with legacyPackages.buildPackages; [ bison flex ];
vfs_lwip = buildUpstream {
name = "lwip";
targets = [ "lib/vfs/lwip" ];
ports = [ "lwip" ];
vfs_rump = buildUpstream {
name = "vfs_rump";
targets = [ "lib/vfs/rump" ];
ports = [ "dde_rump" ];
buildInputs = [ legacyPackages.buildPackages.zlib ];
vfs_ttf = buildUpstream {
name = "vfs_ttf";
targets = [ "lib/vfs/ttf" ];
ports = [ "libc" "stb" ];
virtualbox5 = buildUpstream {
name = "virtualbox5";
targets = [ "virtualbox5" ];
ports = [ "libc" "libiconv" "qemu-usb" "stdcxx" "virtualbox5" ];
nativeBuildInputs = with legacyPackages.buildPackages; [ iasl yasm ];
KERNEL = "nova";
genodeTests = let
directoryBlacklist = [
in buildUpstream {
name = "genode-tests";
preBuild = "find ${toString directoryBlacklist} -name target.mk -delete";
targets = [ "test" ];
ports = [ "libc" ];
ssh_client = buildWorld {
name = "ssh_client";
targets = [ "app/ssh_client" ];
portInputs = with genodeSources.ports; [ libc libssh openssl zlib ];
bender = legacyPackages.buildPackages.callPackage ./bender { };

View File

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
commit 6bc2bd3f4ac2c4e68d7d6dbee164a40b5a72638f
Author: Emery Hemingway <ehmry@posteo.net>
Date: Wed Feb 26 22:35:36 2020 +0100
Disable capslock/numlock requirements in driver_manager
The capslock and numlock state ROMs introduce senseless complexity.
diff --git a/repos/gems/src/app/driver_manager/main.cc b/repos/gems/src/app/driver_manager/main.cc
index 149911a717..afe62e8297 100644
--- a/repos/gems/src/app/driver_manager/main.cc
+++ b/repos/gems/src/app/driver_manager/main.cc
@@ -662,8 +662,6 @@ void Driver_manager::Main::_generate_usb_drv_config(Reporter &usb_drv_config,
xml.attribute("ehci", true);
xml.attribute("ohci", _use_ohci);
xml.attribute("xhci", true);
- xml.attribute("capslock_led", "rom");
- xml.attribute("numlock_led", "rom");
xml.node("hid", [&] () { });
xml.node("raw", [&] () {
xml.node("report", [&] () { xml.attribute("devices", true); });

View File

@ -1,10 +1,37 @@
{ nixpkgs }:
{ nixpkgs, addManifest }:
inherit (nixpkgs.genodeHeaders) version src;
genodeSources = let
inherit (nixpkgs) stdenv;
platform = stdenv.targetPlatform;
sourceForgeToolchain =
nixpkgs.buildPackages.callPackage ./toolchain.nix { };
arch = with platform;
if isx86_64 then
throw "unknown Genode arch for platform ${platform.system}";
toolPrefix = if platform.isx86 then
throw "unknown tool prefix for Genode arch ${arch}";
in stdenv.mkDerivation {
pname = "genode-sources";
inherit (nixpkgs.genodeHeaders) src version;
nativeBuildInputs = with nixpkgs.buildPackages; [ expect gnumake tcl ];
patches = [ ./init.xsd.patch ./svn-trust-server-cert.patch ];
configurePhase = ''
patchShebangs ./tool
substituteInPlace repos/base/etc/tools.conf \
--replace "/usr/local/genode/tool/19.05/bin/" ""
substituteInPlace tool/check_abi \
--replace "exec nm" "exec ${toolPrefix}nm"
dontBuild = true;
installPhase = "cp -a . $out";
sourceForgeToolchain = nixpkgs.buildPackages.callPackage ./toolchain.nix { };
stdenv' =
nixpkgs.stdenvAdapters.overrideCC nixpkgs.stdenv sourceForgeToolchain;
@ -17,192 +44,114 @@ let
throw "unknown Genode arch for platform ${platform.system}";
toolPrefix = if platform.isx86 then
throw "unknown tool prefix for Genode arch ${arch}";
preparePort = name:
nixpkgs.buildPackages.stdenv.mkDerivation (args // {
outputHashMode = "recursive";
outputHash = hash;
pname = name;
inherit (genodeSources) version;
# need to build in verbose mode because errors are hidden
impureEnvVars = stdenv'.lib.fetchers.proxyImpureEnvVars
dontUnpack = true;
dontConfigure = true;
nativeBuildInputs = with nixpkgs.buildPackages;
[ bison flex gitMinimal glibc glibcLocales rsync wget which ]
++ (args.nativeBuildInputs or [ ]);
buildPhase = ''
runHook preBuild
${genodeSources}/tool/ports/prepare_port $pname
runHook postBuild
installPhase = ''
runHook preInstall
rsync $CONTRIB_DIR/* $out/ \
-lr --copy-unsafe-links \
--exclude '*.git' \
--exclude '*.svn' \
--exclude '*.gz' \
--exclude '*.xz' \
runHook postInstall
ports =
nixpkgs.lib.mapAttrs preparePort (import ./ports.nix nixpkgs.buildPackages);
buildUpstream = { name, targets, portInputs ? [ ], nativeBuildInputs ? [ ]
, ... }@extraAttrs:
mkPort = { name, hash, nativeBuildInputs ? [ ] }:
value = stdenv'.mkDerivation {
drv = stdenv'.mkDerivation (extraAttrs // {
pname = name;
inherit src version;
inherit (genodeSources) version;
inherit targets;
outputHashMode = "recursive";
outputHash = hash;
dontUnpack = true;
nativeBuildInputs = with nixpkgs.buildPackages;
[ bison glibc flex gitMinimal subversion glibcLocales which wget ]
++ nativeBuildInputs;
[ binutils bison flex stdenv.cc tcl which ] ++ nativeBuildInputs;
patches = [ ./svn-trust-server-cert.patch ];
enableParallelBuilding = true;
configurePhase = ''
configurePhase = let
linkPorts = toString
(builtins.map (drv: " ln -sv ${drv}/* contrib/;") portInputs);
in ''
runHook preConfigure
patchShebangs ./tool/ports
${genodeSources}/tool/create_builddir ${arch}
substituteInPlace build/etc/build.conf \
mkdir $CONTRIB_DIR; ${linkPorts}
runHook postConfigure
buildPhase = ''
export CONTRIB_DIR=$out
./tool/ports/prepare_port $pname
makeFlags = [ "-C build" ] ++ targets;
installPhase = ''
runHook preInstall
find build/bin -name '*.xsd' -delete
find build/bin -follow -type f -exec install -Dt $out '{}' \;
runHook postInstall
in addManifest drv;
dontInstall = true;
impureEnvVars = stdenv'.lib.fetchers.proxyImpureEnvVars
in { inherit name value; };
portDrvs = with nixpkgs.buildPackages; builtins.listToAttrs (builtins.map mkPort [
name = "stb";
hash = "sha256-RQKF/H3wsKy6ZT9PLv4vzerJl+0Be2wqNjqsUBYZU6U=";
name = "libc";
hash = "sha256-yx5jGJI1w6KAwS2JPHhWpPFEeEyOv7yfIeXLRgQM7l8=";
name = "x86emu";
hash = "sha256-fKUab/HflrcZqzSk/cz/QimPtPILGwvXgHkwE4y2uQc=";
name = "lwip";
hash = "sha256-1oOJoCME8N1nQKUxG7vRBFRtJ9MausrIfno91QchMEU=";
name = "dde_linux";
hash = "sha256-9xD+pIjYeL9W/2HsOpJCGJs5+RgM2gmwxXC+h1Yc90Y=";
name = "dde_bsd";
hash = "sha256-ZcF6L4maC1vB5IP1jR6L4CWlaNf5Qu4xVjqITK3Yt0w=";
name = "dde_rump";
hash = "sha256-aU5s+sf9/bZxzSX7+9wNEn3693yxDJB/dNVWMLuJkQI=";
name = "dde_ipxe";
hash = "sha256-UIwC0O5IlxNWQKBJYE9h5ekVWP18UTvejsgb1i6KHCs=";
name = "openssl";
hash = "sha256-eZYdDT4L3R64mhUKGAiiQUOF9GgeEHDZlsDZbI4BM58=";
name = "libiconv";
hash = "sha256-TN3cZAo7zq7OLXXB2lLxOnM5c98aA0GksE7ACrymVvE=";
name = "qemu-usb";
hash = "sha256-awBouSz5MBBc9HuHZiZJK7jbabNSyqBQMX2NPXHvR0I=";
name = "stdcxx";
hash = "sha256-hXRdT6f2prKsCXDSJ4HMF1MNaRh0/EoNMrJUBuHQeyI=";
name = "virtualbox5";
hash = "sha256-VZPXyFLzLFCmxbbBqmZ9HP0y6E+1I+v/+Rt22IjlOrI=";
nativeBuildInputs = [
name = "expat";
hash = "sha256-CCMxMn2DpzrIkW9WMBaX1T77T/GECy8pVlsT+BpbsQs=";
name = "jpeg";
hash = "sha256-ZUMuNV9ltGqZhny6LAn/Do1ojbypnSHa9dfQ0ZVZhUE=";
name = "lz4";
hash = "sha256-xYohPuOwqiFBHkqwP/q0fMafmWzMg4rt3qYZqO624wk=";
name = "mesa";
hash = "sha256-ho8t+7jFzYPi8nmHi4usFNunwHsbSBdtvVOtAlbz9Oc=";
nativeBuildInputs = [ python ];
name = "mupdf";
hash = "sha256-7zl2DKFIPzQdX/poF0jxejn81OCWrh7QfTuNmtOA4WA=";
name = "jitterentropy";
hash = "sha256-FnLuTDOCyQ9/jpQfx0vtyrbUymW7G3BuSM+NINKOxK4=";
name = "libpng";
hash = "sha256-Y3DjI7m1kYGbHX8hRob3RYnTTTX4LteOt5Yqzlcq/tQ=";
name = "libssh";
hash = "sha256-IjHv+cbvAU7RVcKJSvHJmG8ZDULpEAawr7snPzWdMsU=";
name = "zlib";
hash = "sha256-gWv8RKlc3TacC4sHPKXyhqVDRkM6MIXuWLqEx5gHz7s=";
in { name, targets, ports ? [ ], nativeBuildInputs ? [ ], ... }@extraAttrs:
let ports' = builtins.map (name: builtins.getAttr name portDrvs) ports;
in stdenv'.mkDerivation (extraAttrs // {
pname = name;
inherit version targets;
src = nixpkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "genodelabs";
repo = "genode";
rev = version;
sha256 = "0idk92ibrasla0y2xkrmyh49dx0nzg96gqkcmn6r3w5r3fdpsfjy";
buildOverrides = import ./targets.nix {
inherit (nixpkgs) buildPackages;
inherit ports;
nativeBuildInputs = with nixpkgs.buildPackages;
[ binutils bison flex stdenv.cc tcl which ] ++ nativeBuildInputs;
in {
inherit buildUpstream;
genodeSources = genodeSources // {
make = target:
with builtins;
attrs = if hasAttr target buildOverrides then
getAttr target buildOverrides
{ };
in buildUpstream ({
name = builtins.replaceStrings [ "/" ] [ "-" ] target;
targets = [ target ];
} // attrs);
inherit ports;
enableParallelBuilding = true;
configurePhase = ''
runHook preConfigure
patchShebangs ./tool/check_abi
patchShebangs ./tool/create_builddir
substituteInPlace repos/base/etc/tools.conf \
--replace "/usr/local/genode/tool/19.05/bin/" ""
substituteInPlace tool/check_abi \
--replace "exec nm" "exec ${toolPrefix}nm"
./tool/create_builddir ${arch} BUILD_DIR=build
substituteInPlace build/etc/build.conf \
runHook postConfigure
'' + (if ports != [ ] then
"mkdir contrib;"
+ toString (builtins.map (drv: " ln -sv ${drv}/* contrib/;") ports')
makeFlags = [ "-C build" ] ++ targets;
installPhase = ''
runHook preInstall
find build/bin -name '*.xsd' -delete
find build/bin -name '*.lib.so' -exec install -Dt $out/lib '{}' \; -delete
find build/bin -exec install -Dt $out/bin '{}' \;
runHook postInstall
passthru.ports = portDrvs;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
# ports are superficially similar to Nix, but inferior in every way
with nativePkgs; {
dde_bsd.hash = "sha256-2ilZs6JkcQAvU/sQYnHunGtGRZDt7qLTpKZxQxSOf2I=";
dde_ipxe.hash = "sha256-KAmDF2t+xKzkEjWZ1bvLO8O+IlaV0ImuFsd8SIC3UQw=";
dde_linux.hash = "sha256-a1oaYF5S8OazyCOu/Jq+YOfrN4Kyb4JesLs222Vanjc=";
dde_rump = {
hash = "sha256-Wr5otGkWEa+5xImsFHQzwap5LckNEbyWA/7xbNcOreI=";
nativeBuildInputs = [ subversion ];
expat.hash = "sha256-m4Q/rIeBCe/nxCksipQTAOCNSl2KYF4nItswXmhdKyk=";
jitterentropy.hash = "sha256-6KS732GxtUMz0xPYKtshdn039DgdJq11vTDQesZn4Ds=";
jpeg.hash = "sha256-NyO72pMphX/QyPJl5CqX/gJbDhEIwCYbXf18HQBaFEI=";
libc = {
hash = "sha256-xAydMqf2+OTNt7nMUk0KTTil7sIIWGvn0Ytmepkc3rI=";
nativeBuildInputs = [ buildPackages.gcc subversion ];
libiconv.hash = "sha256-3PWJJg0rQTa789Jb5RnuHN0nfBKFnd0g+J7Vk7uXn5c=";
libpng.hash = "sha256-bAUkafClnl+BDv0X2xs1iY4rlHVHkGxnb7UfPkCSeds=";
libssh.hash = "sha256-Z/1YdhISh2kqBjWiTOLkS+usoeeekJvAuYrVUgpxnQM=";
lighttpd.hash = "sha256-aBClCnOfbPSgisCTHquNhXAzkeslFp0ckK/lazr9AoE=";
lwip.hash = "sha256-V0Lo4DcY/Ai60kQmYB92BVlNX+QRLsymM5unXAvP0VI=";
lz4.hash = "sha256-Ndpv4NmZTeB737l2ywLrnXoqKzyCaBFMZl7ULfr14lY=";
mesa = {
hash = "sha256-vkVbWFKO9OXOb8sEhkCL9x4gxxXjRhM41WXsB7YL/4Q=";
nativeBuildInputs = [ python ];
mupdf.hash = "sha256-AQwnVdHHWmqnHKvG3+I9zXUoC5IHD0MtS5mRh9u/V+o=";
openssl.hash = "sha256-VMMzzaSw17SMETAYwGYNgMDPPgDpMjgrPnhMV8/Pn8o=";
qemu-usb.hash = "sha256-PilJvNrJfz4iHj//mmARN47SVcA6+PTey/auTuQcs88=";
stb.hash = "sha256-9LSH1i8jcEvjRAmTvgtK+Axy9hO7uiSzmSgBvs0zkTc=";
stdcxx.hash = "sha256-Pec6B3ziRDRGFia0/XyeA3fo6fyevC0LynKU4xa8weI=";
virtualbox5 = {
hash = "sha256-UEJTSD+jWc1arZ4ODqbfzM092UMZDiQlkbysxBdFE9w=";
nativeBuildInputs = [ iasl libxslt unzip yasm ];
x86emu.hash = "sha256-Q/fOQjbU0Frtkj+f2rSKuYRSEIk4s569qf3UaTbElLY=";
zlib.hash = "sha256-bxTalPJBSs5yEMO2gFKvoR1PadepmkFGt6jcSZN/fgE=";

View File

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
{ stdenv, genodeHeaders }:
stdenv.mkDerivation {
pname = "genode-sources";
inherit (genodeHeaders) version src;
patches = [ ./init.xsd.patch ./svn-trust-server-cert.patch ];
dontConfigure = true;
dontBuild = true;
installPhase = "cp -a . $out";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
{ buildPackages, ports }:
with ports;
"app/lighttpd".portInputs = [ libc lighttpd openssl zlib ];
"drivers/framebuffer/intel" = {
BOARD = "pc";
portInputs = [ dde_linux ];
"drivers/framebuffer/vesa" = {
BOARD = "pc";
portInputs = [ x86emu ];
"drivers/usb".portInputs = [ dde_linux ];
"lib/vfs/lwip".portInputs = [ lwip ];
"lib/vfs/ttf".portInputs = [ libc stb ];
"lib/vfs/rump" = {
portInputs = [ dde_rump ];
buildInputs = [ buildPackages.zlib ];
noux = {
targets = [ "noux" "lib/libc_noux" ];
portInputs = [ libc ];
virtualbox5 = {
KERNEL = "nova";
portInputs = [ libc libiconv qemu-usb stdcxx virtualbox5 ];
nativeBuildInputs = with buildPackages; [ iasl yasm ];

View File

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
let Genode = env:DHALL_GENODE
let Init = Genode.Init
let Child = Init.Child
let wrapHarness
: Init.Type → Child.Type
= env:DHALL_WRAP_HARNESS ? ./sotest-wrapper.dhall
in λ(boot : Genode.Boot.Type)
→ { config =
, children =
[ { mapKey = "timer"
, mapValue =
, binary = "hw_timer_drv"
, provides = [ "Timer" ]
, { mapKey = "harness", mapValue = wrapHarness boot.config }
, rom =
let manifest = env:MANIFEST
in Genode.Boot.toRomPaths
[ manifest.base-hw-pc.bin.hw_timer_drv
, manifest.base-hw-pc.lib.ld
, manifest.os.bin.init
, manifest.sotest-producer.bin.sotest-harness
# boot.rom

View File

@ -34,20 +34,19 @@ let
defaultScript = ''run_genode_until {[init] child "harness" exited with exit value 0} 60'';
defaultScript =
''run_genode_until {[init] child "harness" exited with exit value 0} 60'';
mkTest = { name ? "unamed", testScript ? defaultScript, testConfig, testInputs ? [ ]
, testEnv ? { }, qemuArgs ? [], ...
mkTest = { name ? "unamed", testScript ? defaultScript, testConfig
, testInputs ? [ ], testEnv ? { }, qemuArgs ? [ ], ... }@t:
testConfig' = "${./driver-hw-config.dhall} ${testConfig}";
manifest = lib.mergeManifests (with testPkgs;
[ base-hw-pc os sotest-producer ]
[ base-hw-pc (genodeSources.make "init") sotest-producer ]
++ testInputs);
testConfig' = "${./test-wrapper.dhall} ${testConfig} (toMap ${manifest})";
testEnv' = {
DHALL_PRELUDE = "${testPkgs.dhallPrelude}/package.dhall";
DHALL_GENODE = "${testPkgs.dhallGenode}/package.dhall";
DHALL_WRAP_HARNESS = ./sotest-wrapper.dhall;
MANIFEST = manifest;
XDG_CACHE_HOME = "/tmp";
} // testEnv;
@ -142,8 +141,8 @@ let
iso = apps.hw-iso.function testEnv' testConfig';
xml = hostPkgs.runCommand (name + ".config") testEnv' ''
${apps.render-init.program} <<< "(${testConfig'}).config" > $out'';
xml = hostPkgs.runCommand (name + ".config") testEnv'
''${apps.render-init.program} <<< "(${testConfig'}).config" > $out'';
sotest = hostPkgs.runCommand "hw-${name}-sotest" testEnv' ''
cp "${testPkgs.bender}" bender

View File

@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
let Genode = env:DHALL_GENODE
let Init = Genode.Init
let Child = Init.Child
let wrapHarness
: Init.Type → Child.Type
= env:DHALL_WRAP_HARNESS ? ./sotest-wrapper.dhall
let Child = Genode.Init.Child
in λ(boot : Genode.Boot.Type)
→ { config =
, children =
[ { mapKey = "timer"
, mapValue =
, binary = "linux_timer_drv"
, provides = [ "Timer" ]
, { mapKey = "harness", mapValue = wrapHarness boot.config }
, rom =
let manifest = env:MANIFEST
in Genode.BootModules.toRomPaths
[ manifest.base-linux.bin.core-linux
, manifest.base-linux.bin.linux_timer_drv
, manifest.base-linux.lib.ld
, manifest.os.bin.init
, manifest.sotest-producer.bin.sotest-harness
# boot.rom
: Genode.BootModules.Type

View File

@ -38,13 +38,13 @@ let
, env ? { }, ... }:
with testPkgs;
testConfig' = "${./driver-linux-config.dhall} ${testConfig}";
manifest = lib.mergeManifests
(with testPkgs; [ base-linux init sotest-producer ] ++ testInputs);
testConfig' = "${./test-wrapper.dhall} ${testConfig} (toMap ${manifest})";
env' = {
DHALL_PRELUDE = "${testPkgs.dhallPrelude}/package.dhall";
DHALL_GENODE = "${testPkgs.dhallGenode}/package.dhall";
DHALL_WRAP_HARNESS = ./sotest-wrapper.dhall;
MANIFEST = lib.mergeManifests (with testPkgs;
[ base-linux os sotest-producer ] ++ testInputs);
MANIFEST = manifest;
XDG_CACHE_HOME = "/tmp";
} // env;

View File

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
let Genode = env:DHALL_GENODE
let Init = Genode.Init
let Child = Init.Child
let wrapHarness
: Init.Type → Child.Type
= env:DHALL_WRAP_HARNESS ? ./sotest-wrapper.dhall
in λ(boot : Genode.Boot.Type)
→ { config =
, children =
[ { mapKey = "timer"
, mapValue =
, binary = "nova_timer_drv"
, provides = [ "Timer" ]
, { mapKey = "harness", mapValue = wrapHarness boot.config }
, rom =
let manifest = env:MANIFEST
in Genode.Boot.toRomPaths
[ manifest.base-nova.lib.ld
, manifest.base-nova.bin.nova_timer_drv
, manifest.os.bin.init
, manifest.sotest-producer.bin.sotest-harness
# boot.rom

View File

@ -34,20 +34,19 @@ let
defaultScript = ''run_genode_until {[init] child "harness" exited with exit value 0} 60'';
defaultScript =
''run_genode_until {[init] child "harness" exited with exit value 0} 60'';
mkTest = { name ? "unamed", testScript ? defaultScript, testConfig, testInputs ? [ ]
, testEnv ? { }, qemuArgs ? [], ...
mkTest = { name ? "unamed", testScript ? defaultScript, testConfig
, testInputs ? [ ], testEnv ? { }, qemuArgs ? [ ], ... }@t:
testConfig' = "${./driver-nova-config.dhall} ${testConfig}";
manifest = lib.mergeManifests (with testPkgs;
[ base-nova os sotest-producer ]
[ base-nova (genodeSources.make "init") sotest-producer ]
++ testInputs);
testConfig' = "${./test-wrapper.dhall} ${testConfig} (toMap ${manifest})";
testEnv' = {
DHALL_PRELUDE = "${testPkgs.dhallPrelude}/package.dhall";
DHALL_GENODE = "${testPkgs.dhallGenode}/package.dhall";
DHALL_WRAP_HARNESS = ./sotest-wrapper.dhall;
MANIFEST = manifest;
XDG_CACHE_HOME = "/tmp";
} // testEnv;
@ -143,8 +142,8 @@ let
iso = apps.nova-iso.function testEnv' "${testConfig'}";
xml = hostPkgs.runCommand (name + ".config") testEnv' ''
${apps.render-init.program} <<< "(${testConfig'}).config" > $out'';
xml = hostPkgs.runCommand (name + ".config") testEnv'
''${apps.render-init.program} <<< "(${testConfig'}).config" > $out'';
sotest = hostPkgs.runCommand "nova-${name}-sotest" testEnv' ''
cp "${testPkgs.bender}" bender

View File

@ -22,77 +22,136 @@ let childRomRoute =
→ λ(from : Text)
→ ServiceRoute.childLabel "ROM" child (Some from) (None Text)
let label = \(_ : Text) -> { local = _, route = _ }
let label = λ(_ : Text) → { local = _, route = _ }
in Init::{
, verbose = True
, children =
{ , drivers =
, provides = [ "Block", "Framebuffer", "Input" ]
, resources = Init.Resources::{ ram = Genode.units.MiB 4 }
, romReports = [ label "block_devices" ]
, routes =
[ parentRomRoute
, parentRomRoute " numlock_remap" "numlock_remap.config"
, childRomRoute "dynamic_rom" "capslock"
, childRomRoute "dynamic_rom" "numlock"
, childRomRoute "dynamic_rom" "system"
, ServiceRoute.child "Report" "_report_rom"
, ServiceRoute.parent "Timer"
, Genode.Init.ServiceRoute.parent "IRQ"
, Genode.Init.ServiceRoute.parent "IO_MEM"
, Genode.Init.ServiceRoute.parent "IO_PORT"
, dynamic_rom =
, binary = "dynamic_rom"
, resources = Resources::{ ram = Genode.units.MiB 4 }
, provides = [ "ROM" ]
, config =
, content =
[ Genode.Prelude.XML.text
<rom name="system">
<system state=""/>
<sleep milliseconds="10000"/>
in Genode.Boot::{
, config =
, verbose = True
, children =
{ drivers =
, provides = [ "Block", "Framebuffer", "Input" ]
, resources = Init.Resources::{ ram = Genode.units.MiB 4 }
, romReports = [ label "block_devices" ]
, routes =
[ parentRomRoute
, parentRomRoute " numlock_remap" "numlock_remap.config"
, childRomRoute "dynamic_rom" "capslock"
, childRomRoute "dynamic_rom" "numlock"
, childRomRoute "dynamic_rom" "system"
, ServiceRoute.child "Report" "_report_rom"
, ServiceRoute.parent "Timer"
, Genode.Init.ServiceRoute.parent "IRQ"
, Genode.Init.ServiceRoute.parent "IO_MEM"
, Genode.Init.ServiceRoute.parent "IO_PORT"
, test-driver_manager =
, binary = "test-driver_manager"
, config =
, content =
[ Genode.Prelude.XML.text
<check_ahci_block_device label="ahci-1" block_count="65536" block_size="512" model="QEMU HARDDISK"/>
, dynamic_rom =
, binary = "dynamic_rom"
, resources = Resources::{ ram = Genode.units.MiB 4 }
, provides = [ "ROM" ]
, config =
, content =
[ Genode.Prelude.XML.text
<rom name="system">
<system state=""/>
<sleep milliseconds="10000"/>
, test-driver_manager =
, binary = "test-driver_manager"
, config =
, content =
[ Genode.Prelude.XML.text
<check_ahci_block_device label="ahci-1" block_count="65536" block_size="512" model="QEMU HARDDISK"/>
, reportRoms = [ label "block_devices" ]
, routes =
[ ServiceRoute.child "Block" "drivers"
, ServiceRoute.child "Framebuffer" "drivers"
, ServiceRoute.child "Input" "drivers"
, reportRoms = [ label "block_devices" ]
, routes =
, ServiceRoute.child "Block" "drivers"
, ServiceRoute.child "Framebuffer" "drivers"
, ServiceRoute.child "Input" "drivers"
, rom =
( toMap
{ capslock = "<feature_creep/>"
, numlock = "<feature_creep/>"
, usb_policy = "<usb/>"
# [ { mapKey =
, mapValue =
<config width="1024" height="768" buffered="yes"/>
<report connectors="yes"/>
, { mapKey =
, mapValue =
<input label="ps2"/>
<input label="usb"/>
<key name="KEY_F11" to="KEY_RESTART"/>
<key name="KEY_F12" to="KEY_DASHBOARD"/>
<key name="KEY_LEFTMETA" to="KEY_SCREEN"/>
<accelerate max="50" sensitivity_percent="1000" curve="127">
<input name="ps2"/>
<vertical button="BTN_MIDDLE" speed_percent="-10"/>
<horizontal button="BTN_MIDDLE" speed_percent="-10"/>
<input name="usb"/>
<key name="KEY_LEFTSHIFT"/> <key name="KEY_RIGHTSHIFT"/>
<key name="KEY_LEFTCTRL"/> <key name="KEY_RIGHTCTRL"/>
<key name="KEY_RIGHTALT"/> <!-- AltGr -->
<repeat delay_ms="230" rate_ms="40"/>

View File

@ -7,21 +7,33 @@ testEnv.mkTest {
name = "driver_manager";
meta.maintainers = with pkgs.stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ ehmry ];
testEnv = { drivers = ./../compositions/pc-drivers.dhall; };
testInputs = (with pkgs; [ genodeTests driversPc ]) ++ (with depot; [
testInputs = (map pkgs.genodeSources.make [
testScript = ''
catch { exec dd if=/dev/zero of=hdd_disk.raw bs=1M count=32 }
catch { exec ${hostPkgs.e2fsprogs}/bin/mke2fs -F bin/hdd_disk.raw }
run_genode_until {.*all expected devices present and accessible.*} 120
testConfig = ''
{ config = ${./driver_manager.dhall}
, rom = ${./driver_manager.rom.dhall}
qemuArgs = [ "-device ahci,id=ahci" "-drive id=hdd,file=hdd_disk.raw,format=raw,if=none" "-device ide-hd,drive=hdd,bus=ahci.1"];
testConfig = ./driver_manager.dhall;
qemuArgs = [
"-device ahci,id=ahci"
"-drive id=hdd,file=hdd_disk.raw,format=raw,if=none"
"-device ide-hd,drive=hdd,bus=ahci.1"

View File

@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
let Genode = env:DHALL_GENODE
let manifest = env:MANIFEST
in Genode.Boot.toRomPaths
, manifest.drivers.bin.acpi_drv
, manifest.drivers.bin.ahci_drv
, manifest.drivers.bin.platform_drv
, manifest.drivers.bin.ps2_drv
, manifest.drivers.bin.rtc_drv
, manifest.drivers.bin.usb_drv
, manifest.drivers.bin.vesa_fb_drv
, manifest.genode-tests.bin.test-driver_manager
, manifest.os.bin.driver_manager
, manifest.os.bin.dynamic_rom
, manifest.os.bin.input_filter
, manifest.os.bin.report_rom
, manifest.os.bin.rom_reporter
# Genode.Boot.toRomTexts
( toMap
{ usb_policy = "<usb/>" }
# [ { mapKey =
, mapValue =
<config width="1024" height="768" buffered="yes"/>
<report connectors="yes"/>
, { mapKey =
, mapValue =
<input label="ps2"/>
<input label="usb"/>
<key name="KEY_F11" to="KEY_RESTART"/>
<key name="KEY_F12" to="KEY_DASHBOARD"/>
<key name="KEY_LEFTMETA" to="KEY_SCREEN"/>
<accelerate max="50" sensitivity_percent="1000" curve="127">
<input name="ps2"/>
<vertical button="BTN_MIDDLE" speed_percent="-10"/>
<horizontal button="BTN_MIDDLE" speed_percent="-10"/>
<input name="usb"/>
<key name="KEY_LEFTSHIFT"/> <key name="KEY_RIGHTSHIFT"/>
<key name="KEY_LEFTCTRL"/> <key name="KEY_RIGHTCTRL"/>
<key name="KEY_RIGHTALT"/> <!-- AltGr -->
<repeat delay_ms="230" rate_ms="40"/>

View File

@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ let Genode = env:DHALL_GENODE
let Child = Genode.Init.Child
in { config =
in Genode.Boot::{
, config =
, children =
@ -22,8 +23,4 @@ in { config =
, rom =
let manifest = env:MANIFEST
in Genode.Boot.toRomPaths [ manifest.genode-tests.bin.test-log ]

View File

@ -8,6 +8,6 @@ testEnv.mkTest rec {
meta.maintainers = with pkgs.stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ ehmry ];
testConfig = ./log.dhall;
testInputs = [ pkgs.genodeTests ];
testInputs = [ (pkgs.genodeSources.make "test/log") ];
testScript = "run_genode_until {Test done.} 120";

View File

@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ let Genode = env:DHALL_GENODE
let Child = Genode.Init.Child
in { config =
in Genode.Boot::{
, config =
, children =
@ -47,17 +48,4 @@ in { config =
, rom =
let manifest = env:MANIFEST
in Genode.Boot.toRomPaths
[ manifest.bash-minimal.tar.bash-minimal
, manifest.noux.lib.libc
, manifest.noux.lib.libm
, manifest.ncurses.lib.ncurses
, manifest.noux.bin.noux
, manifest.noux.lib.libc_noux
, manifest.os.lib.vfs
, manifest.noux.lib.posix

View File

@ -6,10 +6,8 @@ with pkgs;
testEnv.mkTest rec {
name = "noux";
testConfig = ./noux.dhall;
testInputs = (with pkgs; [ noux ]) ++ (with depot; [
testInputs = [ (pkgs.genodeSources.make "noux") ]
++ (with depot; [ bash-minimal ncurses ]);
meta.maintainers = with pkgs.stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ ehmry ];
testScript = "run_genode_until {SOTEST SUCCESS} 40";

View File

@ -14,7 +14,8 @@ let ServiceRoute = Init.ServiceRoute
let label = λ(_ : Text) → { local = _, route = _ } : Child.Attributes.Label
in { config =
in Genode.Boot::{
, config =
, verbose = True
, children =
@ -75,13 +76,4 @@ in { config =
, rom =
let manifest = env:MANIFEST
in Genode.Boot.toRomPaths
[ manifest.drivers.bin.acpi_drv
, manifest.drivers.bin.platform_drv
, manifest.os.bin.report_rom
, manifest.genode-tests.bin.test-pci

View File

@ -8,8 +8,13 @@ testEnv.mkTest {
meta.maintainers = with pkgs.stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ ehmry ];
testConfig = ./pci.dhall;
testInputs = [ pkgs.genodeTests pkgs.driversPc ];
testInputs = map pkgs.genodeSources.make [
testScript = ''
run_genode_until "--- Platform test finished ---.*\n" 60
run_genode_until ".*--- Platform test finished ---.*\n" 60

View File

@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ let Genode = env:DHALL_GENODE
let Child = Genode.Init.Child
in { config =
in Genode.Boot::{
, config =
, children =
@ -27,9 +28,4 @@ in { config =
, rom =
let manifest = env:MANIFEST
in Genode.Boot.toRomPaths
[ manifest.genode-tests.bin.test-rtc, manifest.drivers.bin.rtc_drv ]

View File

@ -8,6 +8,6 @@ testEnv.mkTest {
meta.maintainers = with pkgs.stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ ehmry ];
testConfig = ./rtc.dhall;
testInputs = with pkgs; [ driversPc genodeTests ];
testInputs = map pkgs.genodeSources.make [ "drivers/rtc" "test/rtc" ];
testScript = "run_genode_until {--- RTC test finished ---} 40";

View File

@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ let Init = Genode.Init
let Child = Init.Child
in { config =
in Genode.Boot::{
, config =
, children =
@ -25,8 +26,4 @@ in { config =
, rom =
let manifest = env:MANIFEST
in Genode.Boot.toRomPaths [ manifest.genode-tests.bin.test-signal ]

View File

@ -8,6 +8,6 @@ testEnv.mkTest rec {
meta.maintainers = with pkgs.stdenv.lib.maintainers; [ ehmry ];
testConfig = ./signal.dhall;
testInputs = [ pkgs.genodeTests ];
testInputs = [ (pkgs.genodeSources.make "test/signal") ];
testScript = "run_genode_until {--- Signalling test finished ---} 120";

View File

@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ let Init = Genode.Init
let Child = Init.Child
in { config =
in Genode.Boot::{
, config =
, children =
@ -36,11 +37,4 @@ in { config =
, rom =
let manifest = env:MANIFEST
in Genode.BootModules.toRomPaths
[ manifest.solo5-tests.bin.solo5-test_blk
, manifest.os.bin.ram_block

View File

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
let Genode = env:DHALL_GENODE
in λ(boot : Genode.Boot.Type)
→ { config = boot.config
, rom =
Genode.BootModules.toRomPaths [ (env:MANIFEST).solo5.lib.solo5 ]
# boot.rom

View File

@ -8,12 +8,12 @@ let
run_genode_until {SUCCESS} 30
mkTest' = { name, testConfig, testScript ? defaultScript, ... }@attrs:
mkTest' = { name, testConfig, testScript ? defaultScript, testInputs ? [ ]
, ... }@attrs:
testEnv.mkTest (attrs // {
name = "solo5-" + name;
inherit testScript;
testInputs = [ pkgs.solo5 pkgs.solo5.tests pkgs.driversPc ];
testConfig = "(${./boot-wrapper.dhall} ${testConfig})";
inherit testConfig testScript;
testInputs = [ pkgs.solo5 pkgs.solo5.tests ] ++ testInputs;
applyMkTest = x: {
@ -23,13 +23,15 @@ let
mkTests = testList: builtins.listToAttrs (map applyMkTest testList);
toSimple = name:
"(${./simple.dhall} (env:MANIFEST).solo5-tests.bin.solo5-test_${name})";
toSimple = name: ''(${./simple.dhall} \"solo5-test_${name}\")'';
makeGenode = pkgs.genodeSources.make;
tests = [
name = "blk";
testConfig = ./blk.dhall;
testInputs = [ (makeGenode "server/ram_block") ];
@ -50,11 +52,19 @@ let
name = "net";
testConfig = ./net.dhall;
testInputs =
map makeGenode [ "app/ping" "server/nic_bridge" "server/nic_loopback" ];
name = "net_2if";
testConfig = ./net_2if.dhall;
testInputs = map makeGenode [
@ -73,6 +83,7 @@ let
] ++ (testEnv.lib.optional (!testEnv.isLinux) {
name = "time";
testConfig = ./time.dhall;
testInputs = [ (makeGenode "drivers/rtc") ];

View File

@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ let Res = Init.Resources
let ServiceRoute = Init.ServiceRoute
in { config =
in Genode.Boot::{
, config =
, children =
@ -78,13 +79,4 @@ in { config =
, rom =
let manifest = env:MANIFEST
in Genode.BootModules.toRomPaths
[ manifest.os.bin.nic_loopback
, manifest.os.bin.nic_bridge
, manifest.os.bin.ping
, manifest.solo5-tests.bin.solo5-test_net

View File

@ -8,7 +8,8 @@ let Child = Init.Child
let Res = Init.Resources
in { config =
in Genode.Boot::{
, config =
, children =
@ -85,14 +86,4 @@ in { config =
, rom =
let manifest = env:MANIFEST
in Genode.BootModules.toRomPaths
[ manifest.solo5-tests.bin.solo5-test_net_2if
, manifest.os.bin.sequence
, manifest.os.bin.nic_bridge
, manifest.os.bin.nic_loopback
, manifest.os.bin.ping

View File

@ -10,15 +10,16 @@ let Child = Init.Child
let Config = Init.Config
in λ(testBinary : Prelude.Map.Entry Text Text)
→ { config =
in λ(testBinary : Text)
→ Genode.Boot::{
, config =
, children =
{ solo5 =
, binary = testBinary.mapKey
, binary = testBinary
, exitPropagate = True
, resources =
@ -39,5 +40,4 @@ in λ(testBinary : Prelude.Map.Entry Text Text)
, rom = Genode.BootModules.toRomPaths [ testBinary ]

View File

@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ let Genode = env:DHALL_GENODE
let Child = Genode.Init.Child
in { config =
in Genode.Boot::{
, config =
, children =
@ -32,11 +33,4 @@ in { config =
, rom =
let manifest = env:MANIFEST
in Genode.BootModules.toRomPaths
[ manifest.solo5-tests.bin.solo5-test_time
, manifest.drivers.bin.rtc_drv

View File

@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
let Genode = env:DHALL_GENODE
let Init = Genode.Init
let Child = Init.Child
let wrapSotest
: Init.Type → Child.Type
= λ(init : Init.Type)
→ Child.nested
(toMap { init = Genode.Init.toChild init Init.Attributes.default })
, binary = "sotest-harness"
, resources = Init.Resources::{ ram = Genode.units.MiB 4 }
, routes =
[ Init.ServiceRoute.parentLabel
(Some "SOTEST")
(Some "unlabeled")
, Init.ServiceRoute.parent "IO_MEM"
, Init.ServiceRoute.parent "IO_PORT"
, Init.ServiceRoute.parent "IRQ"
, Init.ServiceRoute.child "Timer" "timer"
in wrapSotest

tests/test-wrapper.dhall Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
let Genode = env:DHALL_GENODE
let Prelude = Genode.Prelude
let Init = Genode.Init
let Child = Init.Child
let wrapHarness
: Init.Type → Child.Type
= λ(init : Init.Type)
→ Child.nested
(toMap { init = Genode.Init.toChild init Init.Attributes.default })
, binary = "sotest-harness"
, resources = Init.Resources::{ ram = Genode.units.MiB 4 }
, routes =
[ Init.ServiceRoute.parentLabel
(Some "SOTEST")
(Some "unlabeled")
, Init.ServiceRoute.parent "IO_MEM"
, Init.ServiceRoute.parent "IO_PORT"
, Init.ServiceRoute.parent "IRQ"
, Init.ServiceRoute.child "Timer" "timer"
let TextMapType = Prelude.Map.Type Text
in λ(boot : Genode.Boot.Type)
→ λ(inputsManifest : TextMapType (TextMapType Text))
→ boot
⫽ { config =
, children =
[ { mapKey = "timer"
, mapValue =
, binary = "timer_drv"
, provides = [ "Timer" ]
, { mapKey = "harness", mapValue = wrapHarness boot.config }
, rom =
let inputRoms =
( Prelude.List.concat
(Prelude.Map.Entry Text Text)
( Prelude.Map.values
(Prelude.Map.Type Text Text)
in boot.rom # inputRoms