Norman Feske 669aed0ac0 sculpt: don't reset hover on click on '+' menu
When entering/leaving sub menus of Sculpt's '+' menu, some parts of the
menu sometimes remain unchanged, in particular the back button.
Originally, a click would reset the hovering on clicks in the
expectation that any click would eventually result in a completely new
situation where the old hovering information does not make sense and
would only (potentially) confuse the menu. But this was apparently
overzealous. With the patch a once hovered back button stays hovered
even when actitivated and the back button of the upper-level menu
happens to stay under the current pointer position.

Issue #3209
2019-03-18 15:56:23 +01:00

441 lines
10 KiB

* \brief Popup dialog
* \author Norman Feske
* \date 2018-09-12
* Copyright (C) 2018 Genode Labs GmbH
* This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
* under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
#include <view/popup_dialog.h>
#include <string.h>
using namespace Sculpt;
void Popup_dialog::_gen_pkg_info(Xml_generator &xml,
Component const &component) const
if ( > 1) {
gen_named_node(xml, "label", "info", [&] () {
xml.attribute("text", Component::Info(" ",, " ")); });
_gen_info_label(xml, "pad1", "");
_gen_info_label(xml, "path", component.path);
void Popup_dialog::_gen_pkg_elements(Xml_generator &xml,
Component const &component) const
typedef Component::Info Info;
_gen_sub_menu_title(xml, "back", Menu::Name("Add ", Pretty(_construction_name)));
_gen_pkg_info(xml, component);
_gen_info_label(xml, "resources", Info(Capacity{component.ram}, " ",
component.caps, " caps"));
_gen_info_label(xml, "pad2", "");
unsigned cnt = 0;
component.routes.for_each([&] (Route const &route) {
Route::Id const id(cnt++);
gen_named_node(xml, "frame", id, [&] () {
xml.node("vbox", [&] () {
bool const selected = _route_selected(id);
bool const defined = route.selected_service.constructed();
if (!selected) {
_gen_route_entry(xml, id,
defined ? Info(route.selected_service->info)
: Info(route),
* List of routing options
if (selected) {
_gen_route_entry(xml, "back", Info(route), true, "back");
unsigned cnt = 0;
_runtime_config.for_each_service([&] (Service const &service) {
Hoverable_item::Id const id("service.", cnt++);
bool const service_selected =
route.selected_service.constructed() &&
id == route.selected_service_id;
if (service.type == route.required)
_gen_route_entry(xml, id,, service_selected);
* Display "Add component" button once all routes are defined
if (component.all_routes_defined()) {
gen_named_node(xml, "button", "launch", [&] () {
_action_item.gen_button_attr(xml, "launch");
xml.node("label", [&] () {
xml.attribute("text", "Add component"); });
void Popup_dialog::_gen_menu_elements(Xml_generator &xml) const
* Lauchers
if (_state == TOP_LEVEL || _state < DEPOT_SHOWN) {
_launchers.for_each([&] (Launchers::Info const &info) {
/* allow each launcher to be used only once */
if (_runtime_info.present_in_runtime(info.path))
_gen_menu_entry(xml, info.path, Pretty(info.path), false);
_gen_menu_entry(xml, "depot", "Depot ...", false);
* Depot users with an available index
if (_state == DEPOT_SHOWN || _state == INDEX_REQUESTED) {
_gen_sub_menu_title(xml, "back", "Depot");
_scan_rom.xml().for_each_sub_node("user", [&] (Xml_node user) {
User const name = user.attribute_value("name", User());
bool const selected = (_selected_user == name);
if (_index_avail(name))
_gen_menu_entry(xml, name, User(name, " ..."), selected);
* Depot selection menu item
if (_state == DEPOT_SHOWN || _state == INDEX_REQUESTED) {
if (_nic_ready())
_gen_menu_entry(xml, "selection", "Selection ...", false);
* List of depot users for removing/adding indices
if (_state == DEPOT_SELECTION) {
_gen_sub_menu_title(xml, "back", "Selection");
_scan_rom.xml().for_each_sub_node("user", [&] (Xml_node user) {
User const name = user.attribute_value("name", User());
bool const selected = _index_avail(name);
String<32> const suffix = _download_queue.in_progress(_index_path(name))
? " fetch... " : " ";
_gen_menu_entry(xml, name, User(name, suffix), selected, "checkbox");
* Title of index
if (_state >= INDEX_SHOWN && _state < PKG_SHOWN) {
Menu::Name title("Depot ", _selected_user);
if (_menu._level)
title = Menu::Name(title, " ", _menu, " ");
_gen_sub_menu_title(xml, "back", title);
* Index menu
if (_state >= INDEX_SHOWN && _state < PKG_SHOWN) {
unsigned cnt = 0;
_for_each_menu_item([&] (Xml_node item) {
Hoverable_item::Id const id(cnt);
if (item.has_type("index")) {
auto const name = item.attribute_value("name", Menu::Name());
_gen_menu_entry(xml, id, Menu::Name(name, " ..."), false);
if (item.has_type("pkg")) {
auto const path = item.attribute_value("path", Depot::Archive::Path());
auto const name = Depot::Archive::name(path);
auto const version = Depot::Archive::version(path);
bool selected = false;
bool const installing = _download_queue.in_progress(path);
_construction_info.with_construction([&] (Component const &component) {
if (component.path == path)
selected = true;
String<100> const text(Pretty(name), " " "(", version, ")",
installing ? " installing... " : "...");
_gen_menu_entry(xml, id, text, selected);
if (selected && _pkg_missing && !installing) {
_construction_info.with_construction([&] (Component const &component) {
gen_named_node(xml, "float", "install", [&] () {
gen_named_node(xml, "vbox", "vbox", [&] () {
if (_nic_ready()) {
_gen_pkg_info(xml, component);
_gen_info_label(xml, "pad2", "");
gen_named_node(xml, "float", "install", [&] () {
xml.node("button", [&] () {
_install_item.gen_button_attr(xml, "install");
xml.node("label", [&] () {
xml.attribute("text", "Install");
} else {
_gen_info_label(xml, "pad2", "");
_gen_info_label(xml, "path", component.path);
_gen_info_label(xml, "pad3", "");
xml.node("label", [&] () {
xml.attribute("text", "not installed"); });
_gen_info_label(xml, "pad4", "");
* Pkg configuration
if (_state >= PKG_SHOWN)
_construction_info.with_construction([&] (Component const &component) {
_gen_pkg_elements(xml, component); });
void Popup_dialog::click(Action &action)
Hoverable_item::Id const clicked = _item._hovered;
_action_item .propose_activation_on_click();
Route::Id const clicked_route = _route_item._hovered;
auto back_to_index = [&] ()
_state = INDEX_SHOWN;
if (_state == TOP_LEVEL) {
if (clicked == "depot") {
} else {
else if (_state == DEPOT_SHOWN) {
/* back to top-level menu */
if (clicked == "back") {
_state = TOP_LEVEL;
} else if (clicked == "selection") {
} else {
/* enter depot users menu */
_selected_user = clicked;
else if (_state == DEPOT_SELECTION) {
/* back to depot users */
if (clicked == "back") {
_state = DEPOT_SHOWN;
} else {
if (!_index_avail(clicked))
else if (_state >= INDEX_SHOWN && _state < PKG_SHOWN) {
/* back to depot users */
if (_menu._level == 0 && clicked == "back") {
_state = DEPOT_SHOWN;
_selected_user = User();
} else {
/* go one menu up */
if (clicked == "back") {
_menu._selected[_menu._level] = Menu::Name();
} else {
/* enter sub menu of index */
if (_menu._level < Menu::MAX_LEVELS - 1) {
unsigned cnt = 0;
_for_each_menu_item([&] (Xml_node item) {
if (clicked == Hoverable_item::Id(cnt)) {
if (item.has_type("index")) {
Menu::Name const name =
item.attribute_value("name", Menu::Name());
_menu._selected[_menu._level] = name;
} else if (item.has_type("pkg")) {
auto path = item.attribute_value("path", Component::Path());
auto info = item.attribute_value("info", Component::Info());
_construction_name = action.new_construction(path, info);
_pkg_missing = false;
else if (_state == PKG_SHOWN) {
/* back to index */
if (clicked == "back") {
} else {
/* select route to present routing options */
if (clicked_route.valid()) {
else if (_state == ROUTE_SELECTED) {
/* back to index */
if (clicked == "back") {
} else {
/* close selected route */
if (clicked_route == "back") {
_state = PKG_SHOWN;
} else {
bool clicked_on_selected_route = false;
_apply_to_selected_route(action, [&] (Route &route) {
unsigned cnt = 0;
_runtime_config.for_each_service([&] (Service const &service) {
Hoverable_item::Id const id("service.", cnt++);
if (clicked_route == id) {
bool const clicked_service_already_selected =
route.selected_service.constructed() &&
id == route.selected_service_id;
if (clicked_service_already_selected) {
/* clear selection */
route.selected_service_id = Hoverable_item::Id();
} else {
/* select different service */
route.selected_service_id = id;
_state = PKG_SHOWN;
clicked_on_selected_route = true;
/* select different route */
if (!clicked_on_selected_route && clicked_route.valid()) {