dhall-lsp-server: Implement completion support (#1190)

* Implement completion support

Completes the following:
- environment variables
- local imports
- identifiers in scope (as well as built-ins)
- record projections
- union constructors

* Add support for general dependent types

Removes the non-dependent let path. Needed since #1164 added support for
general dependent types.

* Remove unused import

* Use monad instance to cast between `Expr Src _`

As suggested by @Gabriel439: Use `typeOf (do _ <- expr; holeExpr)`
instead of `fmap undefined expr`. In the absence of `Embed` constructors
(in this case `Import`s) the two are equivalent.

* Simplify completeFromContext

Caught by @Gabriel439

* Remove debug code

* Add 1s timeout to listDirectory call

As pointed out by @Gabriel439, listDirectory can be a potentially
expensive operation. Adding a timeout should improve the user

* Fix unclean merge
This commit is contained in:
Frederik Ramcke 2019-08-07 14:11:59 +00:00 committed by mergify[bot]
parent 523861a92c
commit 5f3b05a8f2
6 changed files with 401 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ source-repository head
library library
exposed-modules: exposed-modules:
Dhall.LSP.Backend.Dhall Dhall.LSP.Backend.Dhall
Dhall.LSP.Backend.Diagnostics Dhall.LSP.Backend.Diagnostics
Dhall.LSP.Backend.Freezing Dhall.LSP.Backend.Freezing
@ -44,6 +45,7 @@ library
, bytestring >= && < 0.11 , bytestring >= && < 0.11
, containers >= && < 0.7 , containers >= && < 0.7
, data-default >= && < 0.8 , data-default >= && < 0.8
, directory >= && < 1.4
, dhall >= 1.25.0 && < 1.26 , dhall >= 1.25.0 && < 1.26
, dhall-json >= 1.4 && < 1.5 , dhall-json >= 1.4 && < 1.5
, filepath >= 1.4.2 && < 1.5 , filepath >= 1.4.2 && < 1.5

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@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
module Dhall.LSP.Backend.Completion where
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Void (absurd)
import Dhall.LSP.Backend.Diagnostics (Position, positionToOffset)
import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist, listDirectory)
import System.FilePath (takeDirectory, (</>))
import System.Environment (getEnvironment)
import System.Timeout (timeout)
import Dhall.Context (empty, toList)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Dhall.Context (Context, insert)
import Dhall.Core (Expr(..), Binding(..), Var(..), normalize, shift, subst, pretty, reservedIdentifiers)
import Dhall.TypeCheck (X, typeWithA, typeOf)
import Dhall.Parser (Src, exprFromText)
import qualified Dhall.Map
import qualified Data.HashSet as HashSet
import Dhall.LSP.Backend.Parsing (holeExpr)
-- | Given the cursor position construct the corresponding 'completion query'
-- consisting of the leadup, i.e. text leading up to the word prefix that is to
-- be completed, as well as the prefix that is to be completed.
completionQueryAt :: Text -> Position -> (Text, Text)
completionQueryAt text pos = (completionLeadup, completionPrefix)
off = positionToOffset text pos
text' = Text.take off text
breakEnd :: (Char -> Bool) -> Text -> (Text, Text)
breakEnd p =
(\(l,r) -> (Text.reverse l, Text.reverse r)) . Text.break p . Text.reverse
(completionPrefix, completionLeadup) =
breakEnd (`elem` (" \t\n[(,=+*&|}#?>" :: [Char])) text'
-- | A completion result, optionally annotated with type information.
data Completion =
Completion {
completeText :: Text,
completeType :: Maybe (Expr Src X) }
-- | Complete file names.
completeLocalImport :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO [Completion]
completeLocalImport relativeTo prefix = do
let dir = takeDirectory relativeTo </> takeDirectory prefix
exists <- doesDirectoryExist dir
if not exists
then return []
else do
let second = 10 ^ (6 :: Int)
mFiles <- timeout second (listDirectory dir) -- 1s timeout
case mFiles of
Just files -> return (map (\file -> Completion (Text.pack file) Nothing) files)
Nothing -> return []
-- | Complete environment variables.
completeEnvironmentImport :: IO [Completion]
completeEnvironmentImport = do
environment <- getEnvironment
let environmentImports = map (Text.pack . fst) environment
return $ map (\env -> Completion env Nothing) environmentImports
-- | A completion context, consisting of the (approximated) type-checking
-- context. We need to substitute 'dependent lets' later so we keep their values
-- around.
data CompletionContext =
CompletionContext {
context :: Context (Expr Src X),
-- values to be substituted for 'dependent let' behaviour
values :: Context (Expr Src X) }
-- | Given a 'binders expression' (with arbitrarily many 'holes') construct the
-- corresponding completion context.
buildCompletionContext :: Expr Src X -> CompletionContext
buildCompletionContext = buildCompletionContext' empty empty
buildCompletionContext' :: Context (Expr Src X) -> Context (Expr Src X)
-> Expr Src X -> CompletionContext
buildCompletionContext' context values (Let (Binding x mA a :| []) e)
-- We prefer the actual value over the annotated type in order to get
-- 'dependent let' behaviour whenever possible.
| Right _A <- typeWithA absurd context a =
let _A' = normalize _A
a' = normalize a
e' = subst (V x 0) a' e
context' = fmap (shift 1 (V x 0)) $ insert x _A' context
values' = fmap (shift 1 (V x 0)) $ insert x a' values
in buildCompletionContext' context' values' e'
-- fall back to annotated type if body doesn't type check; bind to `holeExpr`
| Just _A <- mA
, Right _ <- typeWithA absurd context _A =
let _A' = normalize _A
context' = fmap (shift 1 (V x 0)) $ insert x _A' context
values' = fmap (shift 1 (V x 0)) $ insert x holeExpr values
in buildCompletionContext' context' values' e
-- if nothing works, only remember the name (but bind to `holeExpr`)
| otherwise =
let context' = fmap (shift 1 (V x 0)) $ insert x holeExpr context
values' = fmap (shift 1 (V x 0)) $ insert x holeExpr values
in buildCompletionContext' context' values' e
buildCompletionContext' context values (Lam x _A b) =
let _A' | Right _ <- typeWithA absurd context _A = normalize _A
| otherwise = holeExpr
context' = fmap (shift 1 (V x 0)) $ insert x _A' context
values' = fmap (shift 1 (V x 0)) $ insert x holeExpr values
in buildCompletionContext' context' values' b
buildCompletionContext' context values (Pi x _A b) =
let _A' | Right _ <- typeWithA absurd context _A = normalize _A
| otherwise = holeExpr
context' = fmap (shift 1 (V x 0)) $ insert x _A' context
values' = fmap (shift 1 (V x 0)) $ insert x holeExpr values
in buildCompletionContext' context' values' b
-- catch-all
buildCompletionContext' context values _ = CompletionContext context values
-- Helper. Given `Dhall.Context.toList ctx` construct the corresponding variable
-- names.
contextToVariables :: [(Text, Expr Src X)] -> [Var]
contextToVariables [] = []
contextToVariables ((name, _) : rest) =
V name 0 : map (inc name) (contextToVariables rest)
where inc x (V y i) | x == y = V x (i + 1)
| otherwise = V y i
-- | Complete identifiers from the given completion context.
completeFromContext :: CompletionContext -> [Completion]
completeFromContext (CompletionContext context _) =
let context' = toList context
completeReserved keyword
| Right expr <- exprFromText "" keyword
, Right typ <- typeOf (do _ <- expr; holeExpr) =
Completion keyword (Just typ)
| otherwise = Completion keyword Nothing
reserved = map completeReserved $ HashSet.toList reservedIdentifiers
in [ Completion (pretty var) (if typ == holeExpr then Nothing else Just typ)
| (var, (_, typ)) <- zip (contextToVariables context') context' ]
++ reserved
-- | Complete union constructors and record projections.
completeProjections :: CompletionContext -> Expr Src X -> [Completion]
completeProjections (CompletionContext context values) expr =
-- substitute 'dependent lets', necessary for completion of unions
let values' = toList values
subs = filter ((/= holeExpr) . snd) $ zip (contextToVariables values') (map snd values')
expr' = foldl (\e (x,val) -> subst x val e) expr subs
in case typeWithA absurd context expr' of
Left _ -> []
Right _A ->
let expr'' = normalize expr'
in completeUnion expr'' expr'' ++ completeRecord (normalize _A)
-- complete a union constructor by inspecting the union value
completeUnion _A (Union m) =
let constructor (k, Nothing) = Completion k (Just _A)
constructor (k, Just v) = Completion k (Just (Pi k v _A))
in map constructor (Dhall.Map.toList m)
completeUnion _ _ = []
-- complete a record projection by inspecting the record type
completeRecord (Record m) =
map (\(name, typ) -> Completion name (Just typ)) (Dhall.Map.toList m)
completeRecord _ = []

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@ -4,13 +4,21 @@ module Dhall.LSP.Backend.Parsing
, getLetAnnot , getLetAnnot
, getLetIdentifier , getLetIdentifier
, getLamIdentifier , getLamIdentifier
, getForallIdentifier) , getForallIdentifier
, binderExprFromText
, holeExpr
where where
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import Data.Text (Text)
import Dhall.Core (Expr(..), Import, Binding(..), Var(..))
import Dhall.Src (Src(..)) import Dhall.Src (Src(..))
import Dhall.Parser import Dhall.Parser
import Dhall.Parser.Token import Dhall.Parser.Token
import Dhall.Parser.Expression import Dhall.Parser.Expression
import Text.Megaparsec ((<|>), try, skipManyTill, lookAhead, anySingle,
notFollowedBy, eof, takeRest)
import Control.Applicative (optional) import Control.Applicative (optional)
import qualified Text.Megaparsec as Megaparsec import qualified Text.Megaparsec as Megaparsec
@ -122,3 +130,112 @@ setSourcePos :: SourcePos -> Parser ()
setSourcePos src = Megaparsec.updateParserState setSourcePos src = Megaparsec.updateParserState
(\(Megaparsec.State s o (Megaparsec.PosState i o' _ t l)) -> (\(Megaparsec.State s o (Megaparsec.PosState i o' _ t l)) ->
Megaparsec.State s o (Megaparsec.PosState i o' src t l)) Megaparsec.State s o (Megaparsec.PosState i o' src t l))
-- | An expression that is guaranteed not to typecheck. Can be used a
-- placeholder type to emulate 'lazy' contexts, when typechecking something in a
-- only partly well-typed context.
holeExpr :: Expr s a
-- The illegal variable name ensures that it can't be bound by the user!
holeExpr = Var (V "" 0)
-- | Approximate the type-checking context at the end of the input. Tries to
-- parse as many binders as possible. Very messy!
binderExprFromText :: Text -> Expr Src Import
binderExprFromText txt =
case Megaparsec.parseMaybe (unParser parseBinderExpr) (txt <> " ") of
Just e -> e
Nothing -> holeExpr
-- marks the beginning of the next binder
boundary = _let <|> _forall <|> _lambda
-- A binder that is out of scope at the end of the input. Discarded in the
-- resulting 'binder expression'.
closedBinder = closedLet <|> closedLambda <|> closedPi
closedLet = do
_ <- label
_ <- optional (do
_ <- expr
_ <- expr
return ())
<|> closedLet
closedLambda = do
_ <- label
_ <- expr
_ <- expr
return ()
closedPi = do
_ <- label
_ <- expr
_ <- expr
return ()
-- Try to parse as many binders as possible. Skip malformed input and
-- 'closed' binders that are already out of scope at the end of the input.
parseBinderExpr = do
try (do
skipManyTill anySingle (lookAhead boundary)
try (do
notFollowedBy eof
<|> try (letBinder <|> lambdaBinder <|> forallBinder)
<|> (do
<|> (do
_ <- takeRest
return holeExpr)
letBinder = do
name <- label
mType <- optional (do _colon; expr)
-- if the bound value does not parse, skip and replace with 'hole'
value <- try (do _equal; expr)
<|> (do skipManyTill anySingle (lookAhead boundary <|> _in); return holeExpr)
inner <- parseBinderExpr
return (Let (Binding name mType value :| []) inner)
forallBinder = do
name <- label
-- if the bound type does not parse, skip and replace with 'hole'
typ <- try (do e <- expr; _closeParens; _arrow; return e)
<|> (do skipManyTill anySingle _arrow; return holeExpr)
inner <- parseBinderExpr
return (Pi name typ inner)
lambdaBinder = do
name <- label
-- if the bound type does not parse, skip and replace with 'hole'
typ <- try (do e <- expr; _closeParens; _arrow; return e)
<|> (do skipManyTill anySingle _arrow; return holeExpr)
inner <- parseBinderExpr
return (Lam name typ inner)

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ module Dhall.LSP.Backend.Typing (annotateLet, exprAt, srcAt, typeAt) where
import Dhall.Context (Context, insert, empty) import Dhall.Context (Context, insert, empty)
import Dhall.Core (Expr(..), Binding(..), Const(..), subExpressions, normalize, shift, subst, Var(..)) import Dhall.Core (Expr(..), Binding(..), Const(..), subExpressions, normalize, shift, subst, Var(..))
import Dhall.TypeCheck (typeWithA, X(..), TypeError(..)) import Dhall.TypeCheck (typeWithA, X, TypeError(..))
import Dhall.Parser (Src(..)) import Dhall.Parser (Src(..))
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..)) import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))

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@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ import Dhall.Import (localToPath)
import Dhall.Parser (Src(..)) import Dhall.Parser (Src(..))
import Dhall.TypeCheck (X) import Dhall.TypeCheck (X)
import Dhall.LSP.Backend.Completion (Completion(..), completionQueryAt,
completeEnvironmentImport, completeLocalImport, buildCompletionContext, completeProjections, completeFromContext)
import Dhall.LSP.Backend.Dhall (FileIdentifier, parse, load, typecheck, import Dhall.LSP.Backend.Dhall (FileIdentifier, parse, load, typecheck,
fileIdentifierFromFilePath, fileIdentifierFromURI, invalidate, parseWithHeader) fileIdentifierFromFilePath, fileIdentifierFromURI, invalidate, parseWithHeader)
import Dhall.LSP.Backend.Diagnostics (Range(..), Diagnosis(..), explain, import Dhall.LSP.Backend.Diagnostics (Range(..), Diagnosis(..), explain,
@ -21,6 +23,7 @@ import Dhall.LSP.Backend.Formatting (formatExprWithHeader)
import Dhall.LSP.Backend.Freezing (computeSemanticHash, getImportHashPosition, import Dhall.LSP.Backend.Freezing (computeSemanticHash, getImportHashPosition,
stripHash, getAllImportsWithHashPositions) stripHash, getAllImportsWithHashPositions)
import Dhall.LSP.Backend.Linting (Suggestion(..), suggest, lint) import Dhall.LSP.Backend.Linting (Suggestion(..), suggest, lint)
import Dhall.LSP.Backend.Parsing (binderExprFromText)
import Dhall.LSP.Backend.Typing (typeAt, annotateLet, exprAt) import Dhall.LSP.Backend.Typing (typeAt, annotateLet, exprAt)
import Dhall.LSP.State import Dhall.LSP.State
@ -34,14 +37,13 @@ import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict (execStateT)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Maybe (maybeToList) import Data.Maybe (maybeToList)
import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Text (Text, isPrefixOf)
import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Network.URI as URI import qualified Network.URI as URI
import qualified Network.URI.Encode as URI import qualified Network.URI.Encode as URI
import Text.Megaparsec (SourcePos(..), unPos) import Text.Megaparsec (SourcePos(..), unPos)
import System.FilePath import System.FilePath
-- Workaround to make our single-threaded LSP fit dhall-lsp's API, which -- Workaround to make our single-threaded LSP fit dhall-lsp's API, which
-- expects a multi-threaded implementation. Reports errors to the user via the -- expects a multi-threaded implementation. Reports errors to the user via the
-- LSP `ShowMessage` notification. -- LSP `ShowMessage` notification.
@ -430,6 +432,93 @@ executeFreezeImport request = do
lspRequest LSP.ReqApplyWorkspaceEdit J.WorkspaceApplyEdit lspRequest LSP.ReqApplyWorkspaceEdit J.WorkspaceApplyEdit
(J.ApplyWorkspaceEditParams edit) (J.ApplyWorkspaceEditParams edit)
completionHandler :: J.CompletionRequest -> HandlerM ()
completionHandler request = do
let uri = request ^. J.params . J.textDocument . J.uri
line = request ^. J.params . J.position . J.line
col = request ^. J.params . J.position . J.character
txt <- readUri uri
let (completionLeadup, completionPrefix) = completionQueryAt txt (line, col)
let computeCompletions
-- environment variable
| "env:" `isPrefixOf` completionPrefix =
liftIO $ completeEnvironmentImport
-- local import
| any (`isPrefixOf` completionPrefix) [ "/", "./", "../", "~/" ] = do
let relativeTo | Just path <- J.uriToFilePath uri = path
| otherwise = "."
liftIO $ completeLocalImport relativeTo (Text.unpack completionPrefix)
-- record projection / union constructor
| (target, _) <- Text.breakOnEnd "." completionPrefix
, not (Text.null target) = do
let bindersExpr = binderExprFromText completionLeadup
fileIdentifier <- fileIdentifierFromUri uri
cache <- use importCache
loadedBinders <- liftIO $ load fileIdentifier bindersExpr cache
(cache', bindersExpr') <-
case loadedBinders of
Right (cache', binders) -> do
return (cache', binders)
Left _ -> throwE (Log, "Could not complete projection; failed to load binders expression.")
let completionContext = buildCompletionContext bindersExpr'
targetExpr <- case parse (Text.dropEnd 1 target) of
Right e -> return e
Left _ -> throwE (Log, "Could not complete projection; prefix did not parse.")
loaded' <- liftIO $ load fileIdentifier targetExpr cache'
case loaded' of
Right (cache'', targetExpr') -> do
assign importCache cache''
return (completeProjections completionContext targetExpr')
Left _ -> return []
-- complete identifiers in scope
| otherwise = do
let bindersExpr = binderExprFromText completionLeadup
fileIdentifier <- fileIdentifierFromUri uri
cache <- use importCache -- todo save cache afterwards
loadedBinders <- liftIO $ load fileIdentifier bindersExpr cache
bindersExpr' <-
case loadedBinders of
Right (cache', binders) -> do
assign importCache cache'
return binders
Left _ -> throwE (Log, "Could not complete projection; failed to load binders expression.")
let context = buildCompletionContext bindersExpr'
return (completeFromContext context)
completions <- computeCompletions
let item (Completion {..}) = J.CompletionItem {..}
_label = completeText
_kind = Nothing
_detail = fmap pretty completeType
_documentation = Nothing
_deprecated = Nothing
_preselect = Nothing
_sortText = Nothing
_filterText = Nothing
_insertText = Nothing
_insertTextFormat = Nothing
_textEdit = Nothing
_additionalTextEdits = Nothing
_commitCharacters = Nothing
_command = Nothing
_xdata = Nothing
lspRespond LSP.RspCompletion request $ J.Completions (J.List (map item completions))
-- handler that doesn't do anything. Useful for example to make haskell-lsp shut -- handler that doesn't do anything. Useful for example to make haskell-lsp shut
-- up about unhandled DidChangeTextDocument notifications (which are already -- up about unhandled DidChangeTextDocument notifications (which are already

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@ -14,7 +14,8 @@ import qualified System.Log.Logger
import Dhall.LSP.State import Dhall.LSP.State
import Dhall.LSP.Handlers (nullHandler, wrapHandler, hoverHandler, import Dhall.LSP.Handlers (nullHandler, wrapHandler, hoverHandler,
didOpenTextDocumentNotificationHandler, didSaveTextDocumentNotificationHandler, didOpenTextDocumentNotificationHandler, didSaveTextDocumentNotificationHandler,
executeCommandHandler, documentFormattingHandler, documentLinkHandler) executeCommandHandler, documentFormattingHandler, documentLinkHandler,
-- | The main entry point for the LSP server. -- | The main entry point for the LSP server.
run :: Maybe FilePath -> IO () run :: Maybe FilePath -> IO ()
@ -65,6 +66,10 @@ syncOptions = J.TextDocumentSyncOptions
-- Server capabilities. Tells the LSP client that we can execute commands etc. -- Server capabilities. Tells the LSP client that we can execute commands etc.
lspOptions :: LSP.Core.Options lspOptions :: LSP.Core.Options
lspOptions = def { LSP.Core.textDocumentSync = Just syncOptions lspOptions = def { LSP.Core.textDocumentSync = Just syncOptions
, LSP.Core.completionProvider =
Just (J.CompletionOptions {
_resolveProvider = Nothing
, _triggerCharacters = Just [":", ".", "/"] })
, LSP.Core.executeCommandProvider = , LSP.Core.executeCommandProvider =
-- Note that this registers the dhall.server.lint command -- Note that this registers the dhall.server.lint command
-- with VSCode, which means that our plugin can't expose a -- with VSCode, which means that our plugin can't expose a
@ -93,4 +98,5 @@ lspHandlers state
, LSP.Core.executeCommandHandler = Just $ wrapHandler state executeCommandHandler , LSP.Core.executeCommandHandler = Just $ wrapHandler state executeCommandHandler
, LSP.Core.documentFormattingHandler = Just $ wrapHandler state documentFormattingHandler , LSP.Core.documentFormattingHandler = Just $ wrapHandler state documentFormattingHandler
, LSP.Core.documentLinkHandler = Just $ wrapHandler state documentLinkHandler , LSP.Core.documentLinkHandler = Just $ wrapHandler state documentLinkHandler
, LSP.Core.completionHandler = Just $ wrapHandler state completionHandler
} }