Frederik Ramcke 5f3b05a8f2 dhall-lsp-server: Implement completion support (#1190)
* Implement completion support

Completes the following:
- environment variables
- local imports
- identifiers in scope (as well as built-ins)
- record projections
- union constructors

* Add support for general dependent types

Removes the non-dependent let path. Needed since #1164 added support for
general dependent types.

* Remove unused import

* Use monad instance to cast between `Expr Src _`

As suggested by @Gabriel439: Use `typeOf (do _ <- expr; holeExpr)`
instead of `fmap undefined expr`. In the absence of `Embed` constructors
(in this case `Import`s) the two are equivalent.

* Simplify completeFromContext

Caught by @Gabriel439

* Remove debug code

* Add 1s timeout to listDirectory call

As pointed out by @Gabriel439, listDirectory can be a potentially
expensive operation. Adding a timeout should improve the user

* Fix unclean merge
2019-08-07 14:11:59 +00:00

540 lines
20 KiB

module Dhall.LSP.Handlers where
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Core as LSP
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Messages as LSP
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Types as J
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Lens as J
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.VFS as LSP
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Data.Rope.UTF16 as Rope
import Dhall.Core (Expr(Note, Embed), pretty, Import(..), ImportHashed(..), ImportType(..), headers)
import Dhall.Import (localToPath)
import Dhall.Parser (Src(..))
import Dhall.TypeCheck (X)
import Dhall.LSP.Backend.Completion (Completion(..), completionQueryAt,
completeEnvironmentImport, completeLocalImport, buildCompletionContext, completeProjections, completeFromContext)
import Dhall.LSP.Backend.Dhall (FileIdentifier, parse, load, typecheck,
fileIdentifierFromFilePath, fileIdentifierFromURI, invalidate, parseWithHeader)
import Dhall.LSP.Backend.Diagnostics (Range(..), Diagnosis(..), explain,
rangeFromDhall, diagnose, embedsWithRanges)
import Dhall.LSP.Backend.Formatting (formatExprWithHeader)
import Dhall.LSP.Backend.Freezing (computeSemanticHash, getImportHashPosition,
stripHash, getAllImportsWithHashPositions)
import Dhall.LSP.Backend.Linting (Suggestion(..), suggest, lint)
import Dhall.LSP.Backend.Parsing (binderExprFromText)
import Dhall.LSP.Backend.Typing (typeAt, annotateLet, exprAt)
import Dhall.LSP.State
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Lens ((^.), use, uses, assign, modifying)
import Control.Monad (guard, forM)
import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (throwE, catchE, runExceptT)
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict (execStateT)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Maybe (maybeToList)
import Data.Text (Text, isPrefixOf)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Network.URI as URI
import qualified Network.URI.Encode as URI
import Text.Megaparsec (SourcePos(..), unPos)
import System.FilePath
-- Workaround to make our single-threaded LSP fit dhall-lsp's API, which
-- expects a multi-threaded implementation. Reports errors to the user via the
-- LSP `ShowMessage` notification.
:: MVar ServerState
-> (a -> HandlerM ())
-> a
-> IO ()
wrapHandler vstate handle message =
modifyMVar_ vstate $
execStateT . runExceptT $
catchE (handle message) lspUserMessage
lspUserMessage :: (Severity, Text) -> HandlerM ()
lspUserMessage (Log, text) =
lspSendNotification LSP.NotLogMessage J.WindowLogMessage
$ J.LogMessageParams J.MtLog text
lspUserMessage (severity, text) =
lspSendNotification LSP.NotShowMessage J.WindowShowMessage
$ J.ShowMessageParams severity' text
where severity' = case severity of
Error -> J.MtError
Warning -> J.MtWarning
Info -> J.MtInfo
Log -> J.MtLog
lspSend :: LSP.FromServerMessage -> HandlerM ()
lspSend msg = do
send <- use (lspFuncs . sendFunc)
liftIO $ send msg
lspRespond :: (J.ResponseMessage response -> LSP.FromServerMessage)
-> J.RequestMessage J.ClientMethod request response -> response -> HandlerM ()
lspRespond constructor request response =
lspSend . constructor $ LSP.makeResponseMessage request response
:: (J.NotificationMessage J.ServerMethod params -> LSP.FromServerMessage)
-> J.ServerMethod -> params -> HandlerM ()
lspSendNotification constructor method params =
lspSend . constructor $ J.NotificationMessage "2.0" method params
:: (J.RequestMessage J.ServerMethod params response -> LSP.FromServerMessage)
-> J.ServerMethod -> params -> HandlerM ()
lspRequest constructor method params = do
getNextReqId <- uses lspFuncs LSP.getNextReqId
reqId <- liftIO getNextReqId
lspSend . constructor $ J.RequestMessage "2.0" reqId method params
-- | A helper function to query haskell-lsp's VFS.
readUri :: J.Uri -> HandlerM Text
readUri uri = do
getVirtualFileFunc <- uses lspFuncs LSP.getVirtualFileFunc
mVirtualFile <- liftIO $ getVirtualFileFunc (J.toNormalizedUri uri)
case mVirtualFile of
Just (LSP.VirtualFile _ rope _) -> return (Rope.toText rope)
Nothing -> fail $ "Could not find " <> show uri <> " in VFS."
loadFile :: J.Uri -> HandlerM (Expr Src X)
loadFile uri = do
txt <- readUri uri
fileIdentifier <- fileIdentifierFromUri uri
cache <- use importCache
expr <- case parse txt of
Right e -> return e
_ -> throwE (Error, "Failed to parse Dhall file.")
loaded <- liftIO $ load fileIdentifier expr cache
(cache', expr') <- case loaded of
Right x -> return x
_ -> throwE (Error, "Failed to resolve imports.")
-- Update cache. Don't cache current expression because it might not have been
-- written to disk yet (readUri reads from the VFS).
assign importCache cache'
return expr'
-- helper
fileIdentifierFromUri :: J.Uri -> HandlerM FileIdentifier
fileIdentifierFromUri uri =
let mFileIdentifier = fmap fileIdentifierFromFilePath (J.uriToFilePath uri)
<|> (do uri' <- (URI.parseURI . Text.unpack . J.getUri) uri
fileIdentifierFromURI uri')
in case mFileIdentifier of
Just fileIdentifier -> return fileIdentifier
Nothing -> throwE (Error, J.getUri uri <> " is not a valid name for a dhall file.")
-- helper
rangeToJSON :: Range -> J.Range
rangeToJSON (Range (x1,y1) (x2,y2)) = J.Range (J.Position x1 y1) (J.Position x2 y2)
hoverExplain :: J.HoverRequest -> HandlerM ()
hoverExplain request = do
let uri = request ^. J.params . J.textDocument . J.uri
J.Position line col = request ^. J.params . J.position
mError <- uses errors $ Map.lookup uri
let isHovered (Diagnosis _ (Just (Range left right)) _) =
left <= (line,col) && (line,col) <= right
isHovered _ = False
hoverFromDiagnosis (Diagnosis _ (Just (Range left right)) diagnosis) =
let _range = Just $ J.Range (uncurry J.Position left)
(uncurry J.Position right)
encodedDiag = URI.encode (Text.unpack diagnosis)
command = "[Explain error](dhall-explain:?"
<> Text.pack encodedDiag <> " )"
_contents = J.HoverContents $ J.MarkupContent J.MkMarkdown command
in Just J.Hover { .. }
hoverFromDiagnosis _ = Nothing
mHover = do err <- mError
explanation <- explain err
guard (isHovered explanation)
hoverFromDiagnosis explanation
lspRespond LSP.RspHover request mHover
hoverType :: J.HoverRequest -> HandlerM ()
hoverType request = do
let uri = request ^. J.params . J.textDocument . J.uri
J.Position line col = request ^. J.params . J.position
expr <- loadFile uri
(welltyped, _) <- case typecheck expr of
Left _ -> throwE (Info, "Can't infer type; code does not type-check.")
Right wt -> return wt
case typeAt (line,col) welltyped of
Left err -> throwE (Error, Text.pack err)
Right (mSrc, typ) ->
let _range = fmap (rangeToJSON . rangeFromDhall) mSrc
_contents = J.HoverContents $ J.MarkupContent J.MkPlainText (pretty typ)
hover = J.Hover{..}
in lspRespond LSP.RspHover request (Just hover)
hoverHandler :: J.HoverRequest -> HandlerM ()
hoverHandler request = do
let uri = request ^. J.params . J.textDocument . J.uri
errorMap <- use errors
case Map.lookup uri errorMap of
Nothing -> hoverType request
_ -> hoverExplain request
documentLinkHandler :: J.DocumentLinkRequest -> HandlerM ()
documentLinkHandler req = do
let uri = req ^. J.params . J.textDocument . J.uri
path <- case J.uriToFilePath uri of
Nothing -> throwE (Log, "Could not process document links; failed to convert\
\ URI to file path.")
Just p -> return p
txt <- readUri uri
expr <- case parse txt of
Right e -> return e
Left _ -> throwE (Log, "Could not process document links; did not parse.")
let imports = embedsWithRanges expr :: [(Range, Import)]
let basePath = takeDirectory path
let go :: (Range, Import) -> IO [J.DocumentLink]
go (range, Import (ImportHashed _ (Local prefix file)) _) = do
filePath <- localToPath prefix file
let filePath' = basePath </> filePath -- absolute file path
let url' = J.filePathToUri filePath'
let _range = rangeToJSON range
let _target = Just (J.getUri url')
return [J.DocumentLink {..}]
go (range, Import (ImportHashed _ (Remote url)) _) = do
let _range = rangeToJSON range
let url' = url { headers = Nothing }
let _target = Just (pretty url')
return [J.DocumentLink {..}]
go _ = return []
links <- liftIO $ mapM go imports
lspRespond LSP.RspDocumentLink req (J.List (concat links))
diagnosticsHandler :: J.Uri -> HandlerM ()
diagnosticsHandler uri = do
txt <- readUri uri
fileIdentifier <- fileIdentifierFromUri uri
-- make sure we don't keep a stale version around
modifying importCache (invalidate fileIdentifier)
cache <- use importCache
errs <- flip catchE (return . Just) $ do
expr <- case parse txt of
Right e -> return e
Left err -> throwE err
loaded <- liftIO $ load fileIdentifier expr cache
(cache', expr') <- case loaded of
Right x -> return x
Left err -> throwE err
_ <- case typecheck expr' of
Right (wt, _typ) -> return wt
Left err -> throwE err
assign importCache cache'
return Nothing
let suggestions =
case parse txt of
Right expr -> suggest expr
_ -> []
suggestionToDiagnostic Suggestion {..} =
let _range = rangeToJSON range
_severity = Just J.DsHint
_source = Just "Dhall.Lint"
_code = Nothing
_message = suggestion
_relatedInformation = Nothing
in J.Diagnostic {..}
diagnosisToDiagnostic Diagnosis {..} =
let _range = case range of
Just range' ->
rangeToJSON range'
Nothing -> J.Range (J.Position 0 0) (J.Position 0 0)
_severity = Just J.DsError
_source = Just doctor
_code = Nothing
_message = diagnosis
_relatedInformation = Nothing
in J.Diagnostic {..}
diagnostics = concatMap (map diagnosisToDiagnostic . diagnose) (maybeToList errs)
++ map suggestionToDiagnostic suggestions
modifying errors (Map.alter (const errs) uri) -- cache errors
lspSendNotification LSP.NotPublishDiagnostics J.TextDocumentPublishDiagnostics
(J.PublishDiagnosticsParams uri (J.List diagnostics))
documentFormattingHandler :: J.DocumentFormattingRequest -> HandlerM ()
documentFormattingHandler request = do
let uri = request ^. J.params . J.textDocument . J.uri
txt <- readUri uri
(header, expr) <- case parseWithHeader txt of
Right res -> return res
_ -> throwE (Warning, "Failed to format dhall code; parse error.")
let formatted = formatExprWithHeader expr header
numLines = Text.length txt
range = J.Range (J.Position 0 0) (J.Position numLines 0)
edits = J.List [J.TextEdit range formatted]
lspRespond LSP.RspDocumentFormatting request edits
executeCommandHandler :: J.ExecuteCommandRequest -> HandlerM ()
executeCommandHandler request
| command == "dhall.server.lint" = executeLintAndFormat request
| command == "dhall.server.annotateLet" = executeAnnotateLet request
| command == "dhall.server.freezeImport" = executeFreezeImport request
| command == "dhall.server.freezeAllImports" = executeFreezeAllImports request
| otherwise = throwE (Warning, "Command '" <> command
<> "' not known; ignored.")
where command = request ^. J.params . J.command
getCommandArguments :: J.FromJSON a => J.ExecuteCommandRequest -> HandlerM a
getCommandArguments request = do
json <- case request ^. J.params . J.arguments of
Just (J.List (x : _)) -> return x
_ -> throwE (Error, "Failed to execute command; arguments missing.")
case J.fromJSON json of
J.Success args -> return args
_ -> throwE (Error, "Failed to execute command; failed to parse arguments.")
-- implements dhall.server.lint
executeLintAndFormat :: J.ExecuteCommandRequest -> HandlerM ()
executeLintAndFormat request = do
uri <- getCommandArguments request
txt <- readUri uri
(header, expr) <- case parseWithHeader txt of
Right res -> return res
_ -> throwE (Warning, "Failed to lint dhall code; parse error.")
let linted = formatExprWithHeader (lint expr) header
numLines = Text.length txt
range = J.Range (J.Position 0 0) (J.Position numLines 0)
edit = J.WorkspaceEdit
(Just (HashMap.singleton uri (J.List [J.TextEdit range linted]))) Nothing
lspRespond LSP.RspExecuteCommand request J.Null
lspRequest LSP.ReqApplyWorkspaceEdit J.WorkspaceApplyEdit
(J.ApplyWorkspaceEditParams edit)
executeAnnotateLet :: J.ExecuteCommandRequest -> HandlerM ()
executeAnnotateLet request = do
args :: J.TextDocumentPositionParams <- getCommandArguments request
let uri = args ^. J.textDocument . J.uri
line = args ^. J.position . J.line
col = args ^. J.position . J.character
expr <- loadFile uri
(welltyped, _) <- case typecheck expr of
Left _ -> throwE (Warning, "Failed to annotate let binding; not well-typed.")
Right e -> return e
(Src (SourcePos _ x1 y1) (SourcePos _ x2 y2) _, txt)
<- case annotateLet (line, col) welltyped of
Right x -> return x
Left msg -> throwE (Warning, Text.pack msg)
let range = J.Range (J.Position (unPos x1 - 1) (unPos y1 - 1))
(J.Position (unPos x2 - 1) (unPos y2 - 1))
edit = J.WorkspaceEdit
(Just (HashMap.singleton uri (J.List [J.TextEdit range txt]))) Nothing
lspRequest LSP.ReqApplyWorkspaceEdit J.WorkspaceApplyEdit
(J.ApplyWorkspaceEditParams edit)
executeFreezeAllImports :: J.ExecuteCommandRequest -> HandlerM ()
executeFreezeAllImports request = do
uri <- getCommandArguments request
fileIdentifier <- fileIdentifierFromUri uri
txt <- readUri uri
expr <- case parse txt of
Right e -> return e
Left _ -> throwE (Warning, "Could not freeze imports; did not parse.")
let importRanges = getAllImportsWithHashPositions expr
edits <- forM importRanges $ \(import_, Range (x1, y1) (x2, y2)) -> do
cache <- use importCache
let importExpr = Embed (stripHash import_)
hashResult <- liftIO $ computeSemanticHash fileIdentifier importExpr cache
(cache', hash) <- case hashResult of
Right (c, t) -> return (c, t)
Left _ -> throwE (Error, "Could not freeze import; failed to evaluate import.")
assign importCache cache'
let range = J.Range (J.Position x1 y1) (J.Position x2 y2)
return (J.TextEdit range (" " <> hash))
let workspaceEdit = J.WorkspaceEdit
(Just (HashMap.singleton uri (J.List edits))) Nothing
lspRequest LSP.ReqApplyWorkspaceEdit J.WorkspaceApplyEdit
(J.ApplyWorkspaceEditParams workspaceEdit)
executeFreezeImport :: J.ExecuteCommandRequest -> HandlerM ()
executeFreezeImport request = do
args :: J.TextDocumentPositionParams <- getCommandArguments request
let uri = args ^. J.textDocument . J.uri
line = args ^. J.position . J.line
col = args ^. J.position . J.character
txt <- readUri uri
expr <- case parse txt of
Right e -> return e
Left _ -> throwE (Warning, "Could not freeze import; did not parse.")
(src, import_)
<- case exprAt (line, col) expr of
Just (Note src (Embed i)) -> return (src, i)
_ -> throwE (Warning, "You weren't pointing at an import!")
Range (x1, y1) (x2, y2) <- case getImportHashPosition src of
Just range -> return range
Nothing -> throwE (Error, "Failed to re-parse import!")
fileIdentifier <- fileIdentifierFromUri uri
cache <- use importCache
let importExpr = Embed (stripHash import_)
hashResult <- liftIO $ computeSemanticHash fileIdentifier importExpr cache
(cache', hash) <- case hashResult of
Right (c, t) -> return (c, t)
Left _ -> throwE (Error, "Could not freeze import; failed to evaluate import.")
assign importCache cache'
let range = J.Range (J.Position x1 y1) (J.Position x2 y2)
edit = J.WorkspaceEdit
(Just (HashMap.singleton uri (J.List [J.TextEdit range (" " <> hash)]))) Nothing
lspRequest LSP.ReqApplyWorkspaceEdit J.WorkspaceApplyEdit
(J.ApplyWorkspaceEditParams edit)
completionHandler :: J.CompletionRequest -> HandlerM ()
completionHandler request = do
let uri = request ^. J.params . J.textDocument . J.uri
line = request ^. J.params . J.position . J.line
col = request ^. J.params . J.position . J.character
txt <- readUri uri
let (completionLeadup, completionPrefix) = completionQueryAt txt (line, col)
let computeCompletions
-- environment variable
| "env:" `isPrefixOf` completionPrefix =
liftIO $ completeEnvironmentImport
-- local import
| any (`isPrefixOf` completionPrefix) [ "/", "./", "../", "~/" ] = do
let relativeTo | Just path <- J.uriToFilePath uri = path
| otherwise = "."
liftIO $ completeLocalImport relativeTo (Text.unpack completionPrefix)
-- record projection / union constructor
| (target, _) <- Text.breakOnEnd "." completionPrefix
, not (Text.null target) = do
let bindersExpr = binderExprFromText completionLeadup
fileIdentifier <- fileIdentifierFromUri uri
cache <- use importCache
loadedBinders <- liftIO $ load fileIdentifier bindersExpr cache
(cache', bindersExpr') <-
case loadedBinders of
Right (cache', binders) -> do
return (cache', binders)
Left _ -> throwE (Log, "Could not complete projection; failed to load binders expression.")
let completionContext = buildCompletionContext bindersExpr'
targetExpr <- case parse (Text.dropEnd 1 target) of
Right e -> return e
Left _ -> throwE (Log, "Could not complete projection; prefix did not parse.")
loaded' <- liftIO $ load fileIdentifier targetExpr cache'
case loaded' of
Right (cache'', targetExpr') -> do
assign importCache cache''
return (completeProjections completionContext targetExpr')
Left _ -> return []
-- complete identifiers in scope
| otherwise = do
let bindersExpr = binderExprFromText completionLeadup
fileIdentifier <- fileIdentifierFromUri uri
cache <- use importCache -- todo save cache afterwards
loadedBinders <- liftIO $ load fileIdentifier bindersExpr cache
bindersExpr' <-
case loadedBinders of
Right (cache', binders) -> do
assign importCache cache'
return binders
Left _ -> throwE (Log, "Could not complete projection; failed to load binders expression.")
let context = buildCompletionContext bindersExpr'
return (completeFromContext context)
completions <- computeCompletions
let item (Completion {..}) = J.CompletionItem {..}
_label = completeText
_kind = Nothing
_detail = fmap pretty completeType
_documentation = Nothing
_deprecated = Nothing
_preselect = Nothing
_sortText = Nothing
_filterText = Nothing
_insertText = Nothing
_insertTextFormat = Nothing
_textEdit = Nothing
_additionalTextEdits = Nothing
_commitCharacters = Nothing
_command = Nothing
_xdata = Nothing
lspRespond LSP.RspCompletion request $ J.Completions (J.List (map item completions))
-- handler that doesn't do anything. Useful for example to make haskell-lsp shut
-- up about unhandled DidChangeTextDocument notifications (which are already
-- handled haskell-lsp itself).
nullHandler :: a -> HandlerM ()
nullHandler _ = return ()
:: J.DidOpenTextDocumentNotification -> HandlerM ()
didOpenTextDocumentNotificationHandler notification = do
let uri = notification ^. J.params . J.textDocument . J.uri
diagnosticsHandler uri
:: J.DidSaveTextDocumentNotification -> HandlerM ()
didSaveTextDocumentNotificationHandler notification = do
let uri = notification ^. J.params . J.textDocument . J.uri
diagnosticsHandler uri