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{-| This module contains the top-level entrypoint and options parsing for the
@dhall@ executable
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Dhall.Main
( -- * Options
, Mode(..)
, parseOptions
, parserInfoOptions
-- * Execution
, command
, main
) where
import Control.Applicative (optional, (<|>))
import Control.Exception (Handler(..), SomeException)
dhall-lsp-server: Fix cache to correctly invalidate transitive dependencies (#1069) * Move "Dot" import graph generation to Dhall.Main Previously `Dhall.Import` would generate the import graph in "dot" format while resolving imports. This change simplifies `Dhall.Import` to only keep track of the adjacency list representing the import graph, moving the logic for generating "dot" files to Dhall.Main. This change will allow us to implement proper cache invalidation for `dhall-lsp-server`. * Correctly invalidate transitive dependencies Fixes dhall-lsp-server`s caching behaviour to correctly invalidate cached imports that (possibly indirectly) depend on the changed file. Example: Suppose we have the following three files: {- In A.dhall -} 2 : ./B.dhall {- In B.dhall -} ./C.dhall {- In C.dhall -} Natural Previously, changing C.dhall to `Text` would not cause `A.dhall` to stop type-checking, since the old version of `B.dhall` (which evaluated to `Natural`) would still have been in the cache. This change fixes that behaviour. * Make edges of import graph self-documenting As suggested by @Gabriel439 * Don't cache expressions manually After computing the diagnostics for a given file we added its normal form to the cache, but forgot to add its dependencies to the dependency graph. This bug points out that keeping the import graph consistent manually is probably not a good idea. With this commit we never mess with the import cache manually; this means that files are only cached once they are depended upon by some other file, potentially causing us to duplicate work (but no more than once). * Fix left-overs from previous commit
2019-07-08 12:55:15 +02:00
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc (Doc, Pretty)
import Data.Version (showVersion)
import Dhall.Core (Expr(Annot), Import, pretty)
import Dhall.Freeze (Intent(..), Scope(..))
dhall-lsp-server: Fix cache to correctly invalidate transitive dependencies (#1069) * Move "Dot" import graph generation to Dhall.Main Previously `Dhall.Import` would generate the import graph in "dot" format while resolving imports. This change simplifies `Dhall.Import` to only keep track of the adjacency list representing the import graph, moving the logic for generating "dot" files to Dhall.Main. This change will allow us to implement proper cache invalidation for `dhall-lsp-server`. * Correctly invalidate transitive dependencies Fixes dhall-lsp-server`s caching behaviour to correctly invalidate cached imports that (possibly indirectly) depend on the changed file. Example: Suppose we have the following three files: {- In A.dhall -} 2 : ./B.dhall {- In B.dhall -} ./C.dhall {- In C.dhall -} Natural Previously, changing C.dhall to `Text` would not cause `A.dhall` to stop type-checking, since the old version of `B.dhall` (which evaluated to `Natural`) would still have been in the cache. This change fixes that behaviour. * Make edges of import graph self-documenting As suggested by @Gabriel439 * Don't cache expressions manually After computing the diagnostics for a given file we added its normal form to the cache, but forgot to add its dependencies to the dependency graph. This bug points out that keeping the import graph consistent manually is probably not a good idea. With this commit we never mess with the import cache manually; this means that files are only cached once they are depended upon by some other file, potentially causing us to duplicate work (but no more than once). * Fix left-overs from previous commit
2019-07-08 12:55:15 +02:00
import Dhall.Import (Imported(..), Depends(..))
import Dhall.Parser (Src)
import Dhall.Pretty (Ann, CharacterSet(..), annToAnsiStyle, layoutOpts)
import Dhall.TypeCheck (DetailedTypeError(..), TypeError, X)
import Options.Applicative (Parser, ParserInfo)
import System.Exit (ExitCode, exitFailure)
import System.IO (Handle)
dhall-lsp-server: Fix cache to correctly invalidate transitive dependencies (#1069) * Move "Dot" import graph generation to Dhall.Main Previously `Dhall.Import` would generate the import graph in "dot" format while resolving imports. This change simplifies `Dhall.Import` to only keep track of the adjacency list representing the import graph, moving the logic for generating "dot" files to Dhall.Main. This change will allow us to implement proper cache invalidation for `dhall-lsp-server`. * Correctly invalidate transitive dependencies Fixes dhall-lsp-server`s caching behaviour to correctly invalidate cached imports that (possibly indirectly) depend on the changed file. Example: Suppose we have the following three files: {- In A.dhall -} 2 : ./B.dhall {- In B.dhall -} ./C.dhall {- In C.dhall -} Natural Previously, changing C.dhall to `Text` would not cause `A.dhall` to stop type-checking, since the old version of `B.dhall` (which evaluated to `Natural`) would still have been in the cache. This change fixes that behaviour. * Make edges of import graph self-documenting As suggested by @Gabriel439 * Don't cache expressions manually After computing the diagnostics for a given file we added its normal form to the cache, but forgot to add its dependencies to the dependency graph. This bug points out that keeping the import graph consistent manually is probably not a good idea. With this commit we never mess with the import cache manually; this means that files are only cached once they are depended upon by some other file, potentially causing us to duplicate work (but no more than once). * Fix left-overs from previous commit
2019-07-08 12:55:15 +02:00
import Text.Dot ((.->.))
import qualified Codec.CBOR.JSON
import qualified Codec.CBOR.Read
import qualified Codec.CBOR.Write
import qualified Codec.Serialise
import qualified Control.Exception
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict as State
import qualified Data.Aeson
import qualified Data.Aeson.Encode.Pretty
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8
import qualified Data.Text
import qualified Data.Text.IO
import qualified Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc as Pretty
import qualified Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Render.Terminal as Pretty
import qualified Dhall
import qualified Dhall.Binary
import qualified Dhall.Core
import qualified Dhall.Diff
import qualified Dhall.Format
import qualified Dhall.Freeze
import qualified Dhall.Hash
import qualified Dhall.Import
import qualified Dhall.Import.Types
import qualified Dhall.Lint
import qualified Dhall.Parser
import qualified Dhall.Pretty
import qualified Dhall.Repl
import qualified Dhall.TypeCheck
import qualified GHC.IO.Encoding
import qualified Options.Applicative
import qualified Paths_dhall as Meta
import qualified System.Console.ANSI
import qualified System.Exit as Exit
import qualified System.IO
import qualified System.FilePath
import qualified Text.Dot
import qualified Data.Map
-- | Top-level program options
data Options = Options
{ mode :: Mode
, explain :: Bool
, plain :: Bool
, ascii :: Bool
-- | The subcommands for the @dhall@ executable
data Mode
= Default { file :: Maybe FilePath, annotate :: Bool, alpha :: Bool }
| Version
| Resolve { file :: Maybe FilePath, resolveMode :: Maybe ResolveMode }
| Type { file :: Maybe FilePath }
| Normalize { file :: Maybe FilePath, alpha :: Bool }
| Repl
| Format { formatMode :: Dhall.Format.FormatMode }
| Freeze { inplace :: Maybe FilePath, all_ :: Bool, cache :: Bool }
| Hash
| Diff { expr1 :: Text, expr2 :: Text }
| Lint { inplace :: Maybe FilePath }
| Encode { file :: Maybe FilePath, json :: Bool }
| Decode { file :: Maybe FilePath, json :: Bool }
| Text { file :: Maybe FilePath }
data ResolveMode
= Dot
| ListTransitiveDependencies
| ListImmediateDependencies
-- | `Parser` for the `Options` type
parseOptions :: Parser Options
parseOptions =
<$> parseMode
<*> switch "explain" "Explain error messages in more detail"
<*> switch "plain" "Disable syntax highlighting"
<*> switch "ascii" "Format code using only ASCII syntax"
switch name description =
( Options.Applicative.long name
<> Options.Applicative.help description
subcommand :: String -> String -> Parser a -> Parser a
subcommand name description parser =
( Options.Applicative.command name parserInfo
<> Options.Applicative.metavar name
parserInfo =
Options.Applicative.info parser
( Options.Applicative.fullDesc
<> Options.Applicative.progDesc description
parseMode :: Parser Mode
parseMode =
"Display version"
(pure Version)
<|> subcommand
"Resolve an expression's imports"
(Resolve <$> optional parseFile <*> parseResolveMode)
<|> subcommand
"Infer an expression's type"
(Type <$> optional parseFile)
<|> subcommand
"Normalize an expression"
(Normalize <$> optional parseFile <*> parseAlpha)
<|> subcommand
"Interpret expressions in a REPL"
(pure Repl)
<|> subcommand
"Render the difference between the normal form of two expressions"
(Diff <$> argument "expr1" <*> argument "expr2")
<|> subcommand
"Compute semantic hashes for Dhall expressions"
(pure Hash)
<|> subcommand
"Improve Dhall code by using newer language features and removing dead code"
(Lint <$> optional parseInplace)
<|> subcommand
"Standard code formatter for the Dhall language"
(Format <$> parseFormatMode)
<|> subcommand
Change `dhall freeze` to only freeze `Remote` imports (#808) The motivation behind this change is so that users can freeze remote imports (like the Prelude) but ignore local imports so that subsequent runs of the interpreter reflect changes to local files and environment variables. The reasoning behind this is that there are two primary benefits of integrity checks: * Improved security * Caching ... and one downside which is that updates to those imports are not pulled in until the integrity check is updated or removed. However, environment variables and local file paths do not benefit from improved security or caching, so there is only a downside to freezing them. Specifically: * Environment variables and local file paths are both cheap to resolve ... so they don't really benefit from caching. To be precise, they *could* benefit from caching if the cache expression is cheaper to parse and normalize compared to the original file. For those cases there is still an `--all` flag to freeze all imports. * Environment variables and local file paths are trusted For example, when a user runs the `dhall` executable they are implicitly trusting their filesystem which provides that executable. Similarly, when they run `dhall` without an absolute path they are implicitly trusting that their `PATH` environment variable has not been compromised to point to a malicious executable. Up until now, Dhall's threat model has always been that local imports are trusted but remote imports are not, so this is consistent with that threat model. ... so as far as environment variables and local files are concerned there are only downsides to freezing them and no up-side. This is why this change no longer freezes them. This also renames `hashImport` to `freezeImport` for more terminology consistency.
2019-02-01 16:46:03 +01:00
"Add integrity checks to remote import statements of an expression"
(Freeze <$> optional parseInplace <*> parseAllFlag <*> parseCacheFlag)
<|> subcommand
"Encode a Dhall expression to binary"
(Encode <$> optional parseFile <*> parseJSONFlag)
<|> subcommand
"Decode a Dhall expression from binary"
(Decode <$> optional parseFile <*> parseJSONFlag)
<|> subcommand
"Render a Dhall expression that evaluates to a Text literal"
(Text <$> optional parseFile)
<|> (Default <$> optional parseFile <*> parseAnnotate <*> parseAlpha)
argument =
fmap Data.Text.pack
. Options.Applicative.strArgument
. Options.Applicative.metavar
parseFile =
( Options.Applicative.long "file"
<> Options.Applicative.help "Read expression from a file instead of standard input"
<> Options.Applicative.metavar "FILE"
parseAlpha =
( Options.Applicative.long "alpha"
<> Options.Applicative.help "α-normalize expression"
parseAnnotate =
( Options.Applicative.long "annotate"
<> Options.Applicative.help "Add a type annotation to the output"
parseResolveMode =
Options.Applicative.flag' (Just Dot)
( Options.Applicative.long "dot"
<> Options.Applicative.help
"Output import dependency graph in dot format"
Options.Applicative.flag' (Just ListImmediateDependencies)
( Options.Applicative.long "immediate-dependencies"
<> Options.Applicative.help
"List immediate import dependencies"
Options.Applicative.flag' (Just ListTransitiveDependencies)
( Options.Applicative.long "transitive-dependencies"
<> Options.Applicative.help
"List transitive import dependencies"
<|> pure Nothing
parseInplace =
( Options.Applicative.long "inplace"
<> Options.Applicative.help "Modify the specified file in-place"
<> Options.Applicative.metavar "FILE"
parseJSONFlag =
( Options.Applicative.long "json"
<> Options.Applicative.help "Use JSON representation of CBOR"
Change `dhall freeze` to only freeze `Remote` imports (#808) The motivation behind this change is so that users can freeze remote imports (like the Prelude) but ignore local imports so that subsequent runs of the interpreter reflect changes to local files and environment variables. The reasoning behind this is that there are two primary benefits of integrity checks: * Improved security * Caching ... and one downside which is that updates to those imports are not pulled in until the integrity check is updated or removed. However, environment variables and local file paths do not benefit from improved security or caching, so there is only a downside to freezing them. Specifically: * Environment variables and local file paths are both cheap to resolve ... so they don't really benefit from caching. To be precise, they *could* benefit from caching if the cache expression is cheaper to parse and normalize compared to the original file. For those cases there is still an `--all` flag to freeze all imports. * Environment variables and local file paths are trusted For example, when a user runs the `dhall` executable they are implicitly trusting their filesystem which provides that executable. Similarly, when they run `dhall` without an absolute path they are implicitly trusting that their `PATH` environment variable has not been compromised to point to a malicious executable. Up until now, Dhall's threat model has always been that local imports are trusted but remote imports are not, so this is consistent with that threat model. ... so as far as environment variables and local files are concerned there are only downsides to freezing them and no up-side. This is why this change no longer freezes them. This also renames `hashImport` to `freezeImport` for more terminology consistency.
2019-02-01 16:46:03 +01:00
parseAllFlag =
( Options.Applicative.long "all"
<> Options.Applicative.help "Add integrity checks to all imports (not just remote imports)"
parseCacheFlag =
( Options.Applicative.long "cache"
<> Options.Applicative.help "Add fallback unprotected imports when using integrity checks purely for caching purposes"
parseCheck =
( Options.Applicative.long "check"
<> Options.Applicative.help "Only check if the input is formatted"
parseFormatMode = adapt <$> parseCheck <*> optional parseInplace
adapt True path = Dhall.Format.Check {..}
adapt False inplace = Dhall.Format.Modify {..}
getExpression :: Maybe FilePath -> IO (Expr Src Import)
getExpression maybeFile = do
inText <- do
case maybeFile of
Just file -> Data.Text.IO.readFile file
Nothing -> Data.Text.IO.getContents
Dhall.Core.throws (Dhall.Parser.exprFromText "(stdin)" inText)
-- | `ParserInfo` for the `Options` type
parserInfoOptions :: ParserInfo Options
parserInfoOptions =
(Options.Applicative.helper <*> parseOptions)
( Options.Applicative.progDesc "Interpreter for the Dhall language"
<> Options.Applicative.fullDesc
-- | Run the command specified by the `Options` type
command :: Options -> IO ()
command (Options {..}) = do
let characterSet = case ascii of
True -> ASCII
False -> Unicode
GHC.IO.Encoding.setLocaleEncoding System.IO.utf8
let rootDirectory = \case
Just f -> System.FilePath.takeDirectory f
Nothing -> "."
let toStatus = Dhall.Import.emptyStatus . rootDirectory
let handle io =
Control.Exception.catches io
[ Handler handleTypeError
, Handler handleImported
, Handler handleExitCode
handleAll e = do
let string = show (e :: SomeException)
if not (null string)
then System.IO.hPutStrLn System.IO.stderr string
else return ()
handleTypeError e = Control.Exception.handle handleAll $ do
let _ = e :: TypeError Src X
System.IO.hPutStrLn System.IO.stderr ""
if explain
then Control.Exception.throwIO (DetailedTypeError e)
else do
Data.Text.IO.hPutStrLn System.IO.stderr "\ESC[2mUse \"dhall --explain\" for detailed errors\ESC[0m"
Control.Exception.throwIO e
handleImported (Imported ps e) = Control.Exception.handle handleAll $ do
let _ = e :: TypeError Src X
System.IO.hPutStrLn System.IO.stderr ""
if explain
then Control.Exception.throwIO (Imported ps (DetailedTypeError e))
else do
Data.Text.IO.hPutStrLn System.IO.stderr "\ESC[2mUse \"dhall --explain\" for detailed errors\ESC[0m"
Control.Exception.throwIO (Imported ps e)
handleExitCode e = do
Control.Exception.throwIO (e :: ExitCode)
let renderDoc :: Handle -> Doc Ann -> IO ()
renderDoc h doc = do
let stream = Pretty.layoutSmart layoutOpts doc
supportsANSI <- System.Console.ANSI.hSupportsANSI h
let ansiStream =
if supportsANSI && not plain
then fmap annToAnsiStyle stream
else Pretty.unAnnotateS stream
Pretty.renderIO h ansiStream
Data.Text.IO.hPutStrLn h ""
let render :: Pretty a => Handle -> Expr s a -> IO ()
render h expression = do
let doc = Dhall.Pretty.prettyCharacterSet characterSet expression
renderDoc h doc
handle $ case mode of
Version -> do
putStrLn (showVersion Meta.version)
Default {..} -> do
expression <- getExpression file
resolvedExpression <- Dhall.Import.loadRelativeTo (rootDirectory file) expression
inferredType <- Dhall.Core.throws (Dhall.TypeCheck.typeOf resolvedExpression)
let normalizedExpression = Dhall.Core.normalize resolvedExpression
let alphaNormalizedExpression =
if alpha
then Dhall.Core.alphaNormalize normalizedExpression
else normalizedExpression
let annotatedExpression =
if annotate
then Annot alphaNormalizedExpression inferredType
else alphaNormalizedExpression
render System.IO.stdout annotatedExpression
Resolve { resolveMode = Just Dot, ..} -> do
expression <- getExpression file
dhall-lsp-server: Fix cache to correctly invalidate transitive dependencies (#1069) * Move "Dot" import graph generation to Dhall.Main Previously `Dhall.Import` would generate the import graph in "dot" format while resolving imports. This change simplifies `Dhall.Import` to only keep track of the adjacency list representing the import graph, moving the logic for generating "dot" files to Dhall.Main. This change will allow us to implement proper cache invalidation for `dhall-lsp-server`. * Correctly invalidate transitive dependencies Fixes dhall-lsp-server`s caching behaviour to correctly invalidate cached imports that (possibly indirectly) depend on the changed file. Example: Suppose we have the following three files: {- In A.dhall -} 2 : ./B.dhall {- In B.dhall -} ./C.dhall {- In C.dhall -} Natural Previously, changing C.dhall to `Text` would not cause `A.dhall` to stop type-checking, since the old version of `B.dhall` (which evaluated to `Natural`) would still have been in the cache. This change fixes that behaviour. * Make edges of import graph self-documenting As suggested by @Gabriel439 * Don't cache expressions manually After computing the diagnostics for a given file we added its normal form to the cache, but forgot to add its dependencies to the dependency graph. This bug points out that keeping the import graph consistent manually is probably not a good idea. With this commit we never mess with the import cache manually; this means that files are only cached once they are depended upon by some other file, potentially causing us to duplicate work (but no more than once). * Fix left-overs from previous commit
2019-07-08 12:55:15 +02:00
(Dhall.Import.Types.Status { _graph, _stack }) <-
State.execStateT (Dhall.Import.loadWith expression) (toStatus file)
dhall-lsp-server: Fix cache to correctly invalidate transitive dependencies (#1069) * Move "Dot" import graph generation to Dhall.Main Previously `Dhall.Import` would generate the import graph in "dot" format while resolving imports. This change simplifies `Dhall.Import` to only keep track of the adjacency list representing the import graph, moving the logic for generating "dot" files to Dhall.Main. This change will allow us to implement proper cache invalidation for `dhall-lsp-server`. * Correctly invalidate transitive dependencies Fixes dhall-lsp-server`s caching behaviour to correctly invalidate cached imports that (possibly indirectly) depend on the changed file. Example: Suppose we have the following three files: {- In A.dhall -} 2 : ./B.dhall {- In B.dhall -} ./C.dhall {- In C.dhall -} Natural Previously, changing C.dhall to `Text` would not cause `A.dhall` to stop type-checking, since the old version of `B.dhall` (which evaluated to `Natural`) would still have been in the cache. This change fixes that behaviour. * Make edges of import graph self-documenting As suggested by @Gabriel439 * Don't cache expressions manually After computing the diagnostics for a given file we added its normal form to the cache, but forgot to add its dependencies to the dependency graph. This bug points out that keeping the import graph consistent manually is probably not a good idea. With this commit we never mess with the import cache manually; this means that files are only cached once they are depended upon by some other file, potentially causing us to duplicate work (but no more than once). * Fix left-overs from previous commit
2019-07-08 12:55:15 +02:00
let (rootImport :| _) = _stack
imports = rootImport : map parent _graph ++ map child _graph
importIds = Data.Map.fromList (zip imports [Text.Dot.userNodeId i | i <- [0..]])
let dotNode (i, nodeId) =
[ ("label", Data.Text.unpack $ pretty i)
, ("shape", "box")
, ("style", "rounded")
let dotEdge (Depends parent child) =
case (Data.Map.lookup parent importIds, Data.Map.lookup child importIds) of
(Just from, Just to) -> from .->. to
_ -> pure ()
let dot = do Text.Dot.attribute ("rankdir", "LR")
mapM_ dotNode (Data.Map.assocs importIds)
mapM_ dotEdge _graph
putStr . ("strict " <>) . Text.Dot.showDot $ dot
Resolve { resolveMode = Just ListImmediateDependencies, ..} -> do
expression <- getExpression file
mapM_ (print
. Pretty.pretty
. Dhall.Core.importHashed) expression
Resolve { resolveMode = Just ListTransitiveDependencies, ..} -> do
expression <- getExpression file
(Dhall.Import.Types.Status { _cache }) <-
State.execStateT (Dhall.Import.loadWith expression) (toStatus file)
mapM_ print
. fmap ( Pretty.pretty
. Dhall.Core.importType
Preparing `Dhall.Import` for "Semi-semantic" caching (#1113) * Fix misleading comment * Add `Chained` type to capture fully chained imports Until now we used `Import` two mean two different things: - The syntactic construct; e.g. `./a.dhall` corresponds to the following AST: ``` Embed (Import (ImportHashed Nothing (Local Here (Directory ["."]) "a.dhall")) Code) ``` - The physical location the import is pointing to, computed by 'chaining' the syntactical import with the the 'physical' parent import. For example the syntactic import `./a.dhall` might actually refer to the remote file `http://host/directory/a.dhall`. This commit adds a `Chained` newtype on top of `Import` to make this distinction explicit at type level. * Use `HTTPHeaders` alias for binary headers I claim that `HTTPHeaders` is more readable and informative than the unfolded type `(CI ByteString, ByteString)`. * Typecheck and normalise http headers earlier Previously we would typecheck and normalise http headers in `exprFromImport`, i.e. while loading the import. This commit adds the invariant that any headers in 'Chained' imports are already typechecked and normalised, and moves this step into `loadWith` accordingly. This causes a subtle difference in behaviour when importing remote files with headers `as Location`: previously, nonsensical expressions like `http://a using 0 0 as Location` were valid, while they would now cause a type error. * Fix dhall-lsp-server * Fix Dhall.Import API regarding `Chained` imports Do not expose the `Chained` constructor; we don't want external code breaking our invariants! Also further clarifies the comment describing the `Chained` type. * Fix dhall-lsp-server Since we are no longer able to construct `Chained` imports directly we need to export a few additional helper functions from Dhall.Import. Furthermore, since VSCode (and presumably the other editors out there implementing the LSP protocol) does not support opening remote files anyway we can get rid of some complications by dropping support for remote files entirely on the back-end. * Generalise decodeExpression, fixes TODO * Fix tests * Fix benchmarks * Remove Travis cache for `~/.local/bin` * Fix copy-pasted comment Thanks to @Gabriel439 for spotting this! * Add clarifying comment to `toHeaders`
2019-07-17 17:20:48 +02:00
. Dhall.Core.importHashed
. Dhall.Import.chainedImport )
. Data.Map.keys
$ _cache
Resolve { resolveMode = Nothing, ..} -> do
expression <- getExpression file
resolvedExpression <- Dhall.Import.loadRelativeTo (rootDirectory file) expression
render System.IO.stdout resolvedExpression
Normalize {..} -> do
expression <- getExpression file
resolvedExpression <- Dhall.Import.assertNoImports expression
_ <- Dhall.Core.throws (Dhall.TypeCheck.typeOf resolvedExpression)
let normalizedExpression = Dhall.Core.normalize resolvedExpression
let alphaNormalizedExpression =
if alpha
then Dhall.Core.alphaNormalize normalizedExpression
else normalizedExpression
render System.IO.stdout alphaNormalizedExpression
Type {..} -> do
expression <- getExpression file
resolvedExpression <- Dhall.Import.assertNoImports expression
inferredType <- Dhall.Core.throws (Dhall.TypeCheck.typeOf resolvedExpression)
render System.IO.stdout (Dhall.Core.normalize inferredType)
Repl -> do
Dhall.Repl.repl characterSet explain
Diff {..} -> do
expression1 <- Dhall.inputExpr expr1
expression2 <- Dhall.inputExpr expr2
let diff = Dhall.Diff.diffNormalized expression1 expression2
renderDoc System.IO.stdout (Dhall.Diff.doc diff)
if Dhall.Diff.same diff
then return ()
else Exit.exitFailure
Format {..} -> do
Dhall.Format.format (Dhall.Format.Format {..})
Freeze {..} -> do
let scope = if all_ then AllImports else OnlyRemoteImports
let intent = if cache then Cache else Secure
Dhall.Freeze.freeze inplace scope intent characterSet
Hash -> do
Lint {..} -> do
case inplace of
Just file -> do
text <- Data.Text.IO.readFile file
(header, expression) <- Dhall.Core.throws (Dhall.Parser.exprAndHeaderFromText file text)
let lintedExpression = Dhall.Lint.lint expression
let doc = Pretty.pretty header
<> Dhall.Pretty.prettyCharacterSet characterSet lintedExpression
System.IO.withFile file System.IO.WriteMode (\h -> do
renderDoc h doc )
Nothing -> do
text <- Data.Text.IO.getContents
(header, expression) <- Dhall.Core.throws (Dhall.Parser.exprAndHeaderFromText "(stdin)" text)
let lintedExpression = Dhall.Lint.lint expression
let doc = Pretty.pretty header
<> Dhall.Pretty.prettyCharacterSet characterSet lintedExpression
renderDoc System.IO.stdout doc
Encode {..} -> do
expression <- getExpression file
let term = Dhall.Binary.encodeExpression expression
let bytes = Codec.Serialise.serialise term
if json
then do
let decoder = Codec.CBOR.JSON.decodeValue False
(_, value) <- Dhall.Core.throws (Codec.CBOR.Read.deserialiseFromBytes decoder bytes)
let jsonBytes = Data.Aeson.Encode.Pretty.encodePretty value
Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8.putStrLn jsonBytes
else do
Data.ByteString.Lazy.putStr bytes
Decode {..} -> do
bytes <- do
case file of
Just f -> Data.ByteString.Lazy.readFile f
Nothing -> Data.ByteString.Lazy.getContents
term <- do
if json
then do
value <- case Data.Aeson.eitherDecode' bytes of
Left string -> fail string
Right value -> return value
let encoding = Codec.CBOR.JSON.encodeValue value
let cborBytes = Codec.CBOR.Write.toLazyByteString encoding
Dhall.Core.throws (Codec.Serialise.deserialiseOrFail cborBytes)
else do
Dhall.Core.throws (Codec.Serialise.deserialiseOrFail bytes)
expression <- Dhall.Core.throws (Dhall.Binary.decodeExpression term)
Preparing `Dhall.Import` for "Semi-semantic" caching (#1113) * Fix misleading comment * Add `Chained` type to capture fully chained imports Until now we used `Import` two mean two different things: - The syntactic construct; e.g. `./a.dhall` corresponds to the following AST: ``` Embed (Import (ImportHashed Nothing (Local Here (Directory ["."]) "a.dhall")) Code) ``` - The physical location the import is pointing to, computed by 'chaining' the syntactical import with the the 'physical' parent import. For example the syntactic import `./a.dhall` might actually refer to the remote file `http://host/directory/a.dhall`. This commit adds a `Chained` newtype on top of `Import` to make this distinction explicit at type level. * Use `HTTPHeaders` alias for binary headers I claim that `HTTPHeaders` is more readable and informative than the unfolded type `(CI ByteString, ByteString)`. * Typecheck and normalise http headers earlier Previously we would typecheck and normalise http headers in `exprFromImport`, i.e. while loading the import. This commit adds the invariant that any headers in 'Chained' imports are already typechecked and normalised, and moves this step into `loadWith` accordingly. This causes a subtle difference in behaviour when importing remote files with headers `as Location`: previously, nonsensical expressions like `http://a using 0 0 as Location` were valid, while they would now cause a type error. * Fix dhall-lsp-server * Fix Dhall.Import API regarding `Chained` imports Do not expose the `Chained` constructor; we don't want external code breaking our invariants! Also further clarifies the comment describing the `Chained` type. * Fix dhall-lsp-server Since we are no longer able to construct `Chained` imports directly we need to export a few additional helper functions from Dhall.Import. Furthermore, since VSCode (and presumably the other editors out there implementing the LSP protocol) does not support opening remote files anyway we can get rid of some complications by dropping support for remote files entirely on the back-end. * Generalise decodeExpression, fixes TODO * Fix tests * Fix benchmarks * Remove Travis cache for `~/.local/bin` * Fix copy-pasted comment Thanks to @Gabriel439 for spotting this! * Add clarifying comment to `toHeaders`
2019-07-17 17:20:48 +02:00
:: IO (Expr Src Import)
let doc = Dhall.Pretty.prettyCharacterSet characterSet expression
renderDoc System.IO.stdout doc
Text {..} -> do
expression <- getExpression file
resolvedExpression <- Dhall.Import.loadRelativeTo (rootDirectory file) expression
_ <- Dhall.Core.throws (Dhall.TypeCheck.typeOf (Annot resolvedExpression Dhall.Core.Text))
let normalizedExpression = Dhall.Core.normalize resolvedExpression
case normalizedExpression of
Dhall.Core.TextLit (Dhall.Core.Chunks [] text) -> do
Data.Text.IO.putStr text
_ -> do
let invalidTypeExpected :: Expr X X
invalidTypeExpected = Dhall.Core.Text
let invalidTypeExpression :: Expr X X
invalidTypeExpression = normalizedExpression
Control.Exception.throwIO (Dhall.InvalidType {..})
-- | Entry point for the @dhall@ executable
main :: IO ()
main = do
options <- Options.Applicative.execParser parserInfoOptions
command options