
363 lines
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{-| This module contains the top-level entrypoint and options parsing for the
@dhall@ executable
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Dhall.Main
( -- * Options
, Mode(..)
, parseOptions
, parserInfoOptions
-- * Execution
, command
, main
) where
import Control.Applicative (optional, (<|>))
import Control.Exception (Exception, SomeException)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc (Doc, Pretty)
import Data.Version (showVersion)
import Dhall.Binary (ProtocolVersion)
import Dhall.Core (Expr(..), Import)
import Dhall.Import (Imported(..))
import Dhall.Parser (Src)
import Dhall.Pretty (Ann, CharacterSet(..), annToAnsiStyle, layoutOpts)
import Dhall.TypeCheck (DetailedTypeError(..), TypeError, X)
import Lens.Family (set)
import Options.Applicative (Parser, ParserInfo)
import System.Exit (exitFailure)
import System.IO (Handle)
import qualified Control.Exception
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict as State
import qualified Data.Text
import qualified Data.Text.IO
import qualified Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc as Pretty
import qualified Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Render.Terminal as Pretty
import qualified Dhall
import qualified Dhall.Binary
import qualified Dhall.Core
import qualified Dhall.Diff
import qualified Dhall.Format
import qualified Dhall.Freeze
import qualified Dhall.Hash
import qualified Dhall.Import
import qualified Dhall.Lint
import qualified Dhall.Parser
import qualified Dhall.Pretty
import qualified Dhall.Repl
import qualified Dhall.TypeCheck
import qualified GHC.IO.Encoding
import qualified Options.Applicative
import qualified Paths_dhall as Meta
import qualified System.Console.ANSI
import qualified System.IO
-- | Top-level program options
data Options = Options
{ mode :: Mode
, explain :: Bool
, plain :: Bool
, ascii :: Bool
, protocolVersion :: ProtocolVersion
-- | The subcommands for the @dhall@ executable
data Mode
= Default { annotate :: Bool }
| Version
| Resolve
| Type
| Normalize
| Repl
| Format { inplace :: Maybe FilePath }
| Freeze { inplace :: Maybe FilePath }
| Hash
| Diff { expr1 :: Text, expr2 :: Text }
| Lint { inplace :: Maybe FilePath }
-- | `Parser` for the `Options` type
parseOptions :: Parser Options
parseOptions =
<$> parseMode
<*> switch "explain" "Explain error messages in more detail"
<*> switch "plain" "Disable syntax highlighting"
<*> switch "ascii" "Format code using only ASCII syntax"
<*> Dhall.Binary.parseProtocolVersion
switch name description =
( Options.Applicative.long name
<> Options.Applicative.help description
subcommand :: String -> String -> Parser a -> Parser a
subcommand name description parser =
( Options.Applicative.command name parserInfo
<> Options.Applicative.metavar name
parserInfo =
Options.Applicative.info parser
( Options.Applicative.fullDesc
<> Options.Applicative.progDesc description
parseMode :: Parser Mode
parseMode =
"Display version"
(pure Version)
<|> subcommand
"Resolve an expression's imports"
(pure Resolve)
<|> subcommand
"Infer an expression's type"
(pure Type)
<|> subcommand
"Normalize an expression"
(pure Normalize)
<|> subcommand
"Interpret expressions in a REPL"
(pure Repl)
<|> subcommand
"Render the difference between the normal form of two expressions"
(Diff <$> argument "expr1" <*> argument "expr2")
<|> subcommand
"Compute semantic hashes for Dhall expressions"
(pure Hash)
<|> subcommand
"Improve Dhall code"
(Lint <$> optional parseInplace)
<|> subcommand
"Formatter for the Dhall language"
(Format <$> optional parseInplace)
<|> subcommand
"Add hashes to all import statements of an expression"
(Freeze <$> optional parseInplace)
<|> (Default <$> parseAnnotate)
argument =
fmap Data.Text.pack
. Options.Applicative.strArgument
. Options.Applicative.metavar
parseAnnotate =
(Options.Applicative.long "annotate")
parseInplace =
( Options.Applicative.long "inplace"
<> Options.Applicative.help "Modify the specified file in-place"
<> Options.Applicative.metavar "FILE"
data ImportResolutionDisabled = ImportResolutionDisabled deriving (Exception)
instance Show ImportResolutionDisabled where
show _ = "\nImport resolution is disabled"
throws :: Exception e => Either e a -> IO a
throws (Left e) = Control.Exception.throwIO e
throws (Right a) = return a
getExpression :: IO (Expr Src Import)
getExpression = do
inText <- Data.Text.IO.getContents
throws (Dhall.Parser.exprFromText "(stdin)" inText)
assertNoImports :: Expr Src Import -> IO (Expr Src X)
assertNoImports expression =
throws (traverse (\_ -> Left ImportResolutionDisabled) expression)
-- | `ParserInfo` for the `Options` type
parserInfoOptions :: ParserInfo Options
parserInfoOptions =
(Options.Applicative.helper <*> parseOptions)
( Options.Applicative.progDesc "Interpreter for the Dhall language"
<> Options.Applicative.fullDesc
-- | Run the command specified by the `Options` type
command :: Options -> IO ()
command (Options {..}) = do
let characterSet = case ascii of
True -> ASCII
False -> Unicode
GHC.IO.Encoding.setLocaleEncoding System.IO.utf8
let status =
set Dhall.Import.protocolVersion protocolVersion (Dhall.Import.emptyStatus ".")
let handle =
Control.Exception.handle handler2
. Control.Exception.handle handler1
. Control.Exception.handle handler0
handler0 e = do
let _ = e :: TypeError Src X
System.IO.hPutStrLn System.IO.stderr ""
if explain
then Control.Exception.throwIO (DetailedTypeError e)
else do
Data.Text.IO.hPutStrLn System.IO.stderr "\ESC[2mUse \"dhall --explain\" for detailed errors\ESC[0m"
Control.Exception.throwIO e
handler1 (Imported ps e) = do
let _ = e :: TypeError Src X
System.IO.hPutStrLn System.IO.stderr ""
if explain
then Control.Exception.throwIO (Imported ps (DetailedTypeError e))
else do
Data.Text.IO.hPutStrLn System.IO.stderr "\ESC[2mUse \"dhall --explain\" for detailed errors\ESC[0m"
Control.Exception.throwIO (Imported ps e)
handler2 e = do
let _ = e :: SomeException
System.IO.hPrint System.IO.stderr e
let renderDoc :: Handle -> Doc Ann -> IO ()
renderDoc h doc = do
let stream = Pretty.layoutSmart layoutOpts doc
supportsANSI <- System.Console.ANSI.hSupportsANSI h
let ansiStream =
if supportsANSI && not plain
then fmap annToAnsiStyle stream
else Pretty.unAnnotateS stream
Pretty.renderIO h ansiStream
Data.Text.IO.hPutStrLn h ""
let render :: Pretty a => Handle -> Expr s a -> IO ()
render h expression = do
let doc = Dhall.Pretty.prettyCharacterSet characterSet expression
renderDoc h doc
handle $ case mode of
Version -> do
putStrLn (showVersion Meta.version)
Default {..} -> do
expression <- getExpression
resolvedExpression <- State.evalStateT (Dhall.Import.loadWith expression) status
inferredType <- throws (Dhall.TypeCheck.typeOf resolvedExpression)
let normalizedExpression = Dhall.Core.normalize resolvedExpression
let annotatedExpression =
if annotate
then Annot normalizedExpression inferredType
else normalizedExpression
render System.IO.stdout annotatedExpression
Resolve -> do
expression <- getExpression
resolvedExpression <- State.evalStateT (Dhall.Import.loadWith expression) status
render System.IO.stdout resolvedExpression
Normalize -> do
expression <- getExpression
resolvedExpression <- assertNoImports expression
_ <- throws (Dhall.TypeCheck.typeOf resolvedExpression)
render System.IO.stdout (Dhall.Core.normalize resolvedExpression)
Type -> do
expression <- getExpression
resolvedExpression <- assertNoImports expression
inferredType <- throws (Dhall.TypeCheck.typeOf resolvedExpression)
render System.IO.stdout (Dhall.Core.normalize inferredType)
Repl -> do
Dhall.Repl.repl characterSet explain protocolVersion
Diff {..} -> do
expression1 <- Dhall.inputExpr expr1
expression2 <- Dhall.inputExpr expr2
let diff = Dhall.Diff.diffNormalized expression1 expression2
renderDoc System.IO.stdout diff
Format {..} -> do
Dhall.Format.format characterSet inplace
Freeze {..} -> do
Dhall.Freeze.freeze inplace protocolVersion
Hash -> do
Dhall.Hash.hash protocolVersion
Lint {..} -> do
case inplace of
Just file -> do
text <- Data.Text.IO.readFile file
(header, expression) <- throws (Dhall.Parser.exprAndHeaderFromText file text)
let lintedExpression = Dhall.Lint.lint expression
let doc = Pretty.pretty header
<> Dhall.Pretty.prettyCharacterSet characterSet lintedExpression
System.IO.withFile file System.IO.WriteMode (\h -> do
renderDoc h doc )
Nothing -> do
text <- Data.Text.IO.getContents
(header, expression) <- throws (Dhall.Parser.exprAndHeaderFromText "(stdin)" text)
let lintedExpression = Dhall.Lint.lint expression
let doc = Pretty.pretty header
<> Dhall.Pretty.prettyCharacterSet characterSet lintedExpression
renderDoc System.IO.stdout doc
-- | Entry point for the @dhall@ executable
main :: IO ()
main = do
options <- Options.Applicative.execParser parserInfoOptions
command options