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module Dhall.LSP.Backend.Parsing
( getImportLink
, getImportHash
, getLetInner
, getLetAnnot
, getLetIdentifier
, getLamIdentifier
, getForallIdentifier
, binderExprFromText
, holeExpr
import Data.Text (Text)
import Dhall.Core (Binding(..), Expr(..), Import, Var(..))
import Dhall.Src (Src(..))
import Dhall.Parser
import Dhall.Parser.Token
import Dhall.Parser.Expression
import Text.Megaparsec (try, skipManyTill, lookAhead, anySingle,
notFollowedBy, eof, takeRest)
import Control.Applicative (optional, (<|>))
import qualified Text.Megaparsec as Megaparsec
import Text.Megaparsec (SourcePos(..))
-- | Parse the outermost binding in a Src descriptor of a let-block and return
-- the rest. Ex. on input `let a = 0 let b = a in b` parses `let a = 0 ` and
-- returns the Src descriptor containing `let b = a in b`.
getLetInner :: Src -> Maybe Src
getLetInner (Src left _ text) = Megaparsec.parseMaybe (unParser parseLetInnerOffset) text
where parseLetInnerOffset = do
setSourcePos left
_ <- label
_ <- optional (do
_ <- _colon
_ <- expr
_ <- optional _in
begin <- getSourcePos
tokens <- Megaparsec.takeRest
end <- getSourcePos
return (Src begin end tokens)
-- | Given an Src of a let expression return the Src containing the type
-- annotation. If the let expression does not have a type annotation return
-- a 0-length Src where we can insert one.
getLetAnnot :: Src -> Maybe Src
getLetAnnot (Src left _ text) = Megaparsec.parseMaybe (unParser parseLetAnnot) text
where parseLetAnnot = do
setSourcePos left
_ <- label
begin <- getSourcePos
(tokens, _) <- Megaparsec.match $ optional (do
_ <- _colon
end <- getSourcePos
_ <- Megaparsec.takeRest
return (Src begin end tokens)
-- | Given an Src of a let expression return the Src containing the bound
-- identifier, i.e. given `let x = ... in ...` return the Src descriptor
-- containing `x`. Returns the original Src if something goes wrong.
getLetIdentifier :: Src -> Src
getLetIdentifier src@(Src left _ text) =
case Megaparsec.parseMaybe (unParser parseLetIdentifier) text of
Just src' -> src'
Nothing -> src
where parseLetIdentifier = do
setSourcePos left
begin <- getSourcePos
(tokens, _) <- Megaparsec.match label
end <- getSourcePos
_ <- Megaparsec.takeRest
return (Src begin end tokens)
-- | Cf. `getLetIdentifier`.
getLamIdentifier :: Src -> Maybe Src
getLamIdentifier (Src left _ text) =
Megaparsec.parseMaybe (unParser parseLetIdentifier) text
where parseLetIdentifier = do
setSourcePos left
begin <- getSourcePos
(tokens, _) <- Megaparsec.match label
end <- getSourcePos
_ <- Megaparsec.takeRest
return (Src begin end tokens)
-- | Cf. `getLetIdentifier`.
getForallIdentifier :: Src -> Maybe Src
getForallIdentifier (Src left _ text) =
Megaparsec.parseMaybe (unParser parseLetIdentifier) text
where parseLetIdentifier = do
setSourcePos left
begin <- getSourcePos
(tokens, _) <- Megaparsec.match label
end <- getSourcePos
_ <- Megaparsec.takeRest
return (Src begin end tokens)
-- | Given an Src of a import expression return the Src containing the hash
-- annotation. If the import does not have a hash annotation return a 0-length
-- Src where we can insert one.
getImportHash :: Src -> Maybe Src
getImportHash (Src left _ text) =
Megaparsec.parseMaybe (unParser parseImportHashPosition) text
where parseImportHashPosition = do
setSourcePos left
_ <- importType_
begin <- getSourcePos
(tokens, _) <- Megaparsec.match $ optional importHash_
end <- getSourcePos
_ <- Megaparsec.takeRest
return (Src begin end tokens)
setSourcePos :: SourcePos -> Parser ()
setSourcePos src = Megaparsec.updateParserState
(\(Megaparsec.State s o (Megaparsec.PosState i o' _ t l)) ->
Megaparsec.State s o (Megaparsec.PosState i o' src t l))
getImportLink :: Src -> Src
getImportLink src@(Src left _ text) =
case Megaparsec.parseMaybe (unParser parseImportLink) text of
Just src' -> src'
Nothing -> src
parseImportLink = do
setSourcePos left
begin <- getSourcePos
(tokens, _) <-
Megaparsec.match $ (localRaw *> return ()) <|> (httpRaw *> return ())
end <- getSourcePos
_ <- Megaparsec.takeRest
return (Src begin end tokens)
-- | An expression that is guaranteed not to typecheck. Can be used a
-- placeholder type to emulate 'lazy' contexts, when typechecking something in a
-- only partly well-typed context.
holeExpr :: Expr s a
-- The illegal variable name ensures that it can't be bound by the user!
holeExpr = Var (V "" 0)
-- | Approximate the type-checking context at the end of the input. Tries to
-- parse as many binders as possible. Very messy!
binderExprFromText :: Text -> Expr Src Import
binderExprFromText txt =
case Megaparsec.parseMaybe (unParser parseBinderExpr) (txt <> " ") of
Just e -> e
Nothing -> holeExpr
-- marks the beginning of the next binder
boundary = _let <|> _forall <|> _lambda
-- A binder that is out of scope at the end of the input. Discarded in the
-- resulting 'binder expression'.
closedBinder = closedLet <|> closedLambda <|> closedPi
closedLet = do
_ <- label
_ <- optional (do
_ <- expr
_ <- expr
return ())
<|> closedLet
closedLambda = do
_ <- label
_ <- expr
_ <- expr
return ()
closedPi = do
_ <- label
_ <- expr
_ <- expr
return ()
-- Try to parse as many binders as possible. Skip malformed input and
-- 'closed' binders that are already out of scope at the end of the input.
parseBinderExpr = do
try (do
skipManyTill anySingle (lookAhead boundary)
try (do
notFollowedBy eof
<|> try (letBinder <|> lambdaBinder <|> forallBinder)
<|> (do
<|> (do
_ <- takeRest
return holeExpr)
letBinder = do
name <- label
mType <- optional (do _colon; _type <- expr; return (Nothing, _type))
-- if the bound value does not parse, skip and replace with 'hole'
value <- try (do _equal; expr)
<|> (do skipManyTill anySingle (lookAhead boundary <|> _in); return holeExpr)
inner <- parseBinderExpr
return (Let (Binding Nothing name Nothing mType Nothing value) inner)
forallBinder = do
name <- label
-- if the bound type does not parse, skip and replace with 'hole'
typ <- try (do e <- expr; _closeParens; _arrow; return e)
<|> (do skipManyTill anySingle _arrow; return holeExpr)
inner <- parseBinderExpr
return (Pi name typ inner)
lambdaBinder = do
name <- label
-- if the bound type does not parse, skip and replace with 'hole'
typ <- try (do e <- expr; _closeParens; _arrow; return e)
<|> (do skipManyTill anySingle _arrow; return holeExpr)
inner <- parseBinderExpr
return (Lam name typ inner)