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module Dhall.LSP.Backend.Parsing
( getImportHash
, getLetInner
, getLetAnnot
, getLetIdentifier
, getLamIdentifier
, getForallIdentifier
, binderExprFromText
, holeExpr
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import Data.Text (Text)
import Dhall.Core (Expr(..), Import, Binding(..), Var(..))
import Dhall.Src (Src(..))
import Dhall.Parser
import Dhall.Parser.Token
import Dhall.Parser.Expression
import Text.Megaparsec ((<|>), try, skipManyTill, lookAhead, anySingle,
notFollowedBy, eof, takeRest)
import Control.Applicative (optional)
import qualified Text.Megaparsec as Megaparsec
import Text.Megaparsec (SourcePos(..))
-- | Parse the outermost binding in a Src descriptor of a let-block and return
-- the rest. Ex. on input `let a = 0 let b = a in b` parses `let a = 0 ` and
-- returns the Src descriptor containing `let b = a in b`.
getLetInner :: Src -> Maybe Src
getLetInner (Src left _ text) = Megaparsec.parseMaybe (unParser parseLetInnerOffset) text
where parseLetInnerOffset = do
setSourcePos left
_ <- label
_ <- optional (do
_ <- _colon
_ <- expr
_ <- optional _in
begin <- getSourcePos
tokens <- Megaparsec.takeRest
end <- getSourcePos
return (Src begin end tokens)
-- | Given an Src of a let expression return the Src containing the type
-- annotation. If the let expression does not have a type annotation return
-- a 0-length Src where we can insert one.
getLetAnnot :: Src -> Maybe Src
getLetAnnot (Src left _ text) = Megaparsec.parseMaybe (unParser parseLetAnnot) text
where parseLetAnnot = do
setSourcePos left
_ <- label
begin <- getSourcePos
(tokens, _) <- Megaparsec.match $ optional (do
_ <- _colon
end <- getSourcePos
_ <- Megaparsec.takeRest
return (Src begin end tokens)
-- | Given an Src of a let expression return the Src containing the bound
-- identifier, i.e. given `let x = ... in ...` return the Src descriptor
-- containing `x`. Returns the original Src if something goes wrong.
getLetIdentifier :: Src -> Src
getLetIdentifier src@(Src left _ text) =
case Megaparsec.parseMaybe (unParser parseLetIdentifier) text of
Just src' -> src'
Nothing -> src
where parseLetIdentifier = do
setSourcePos left
begin <- getSourcePos
(tokens, _) <- Megaparsec.match label
end <- getSourcePos
_ <- Megaparsec.takeRest
return (Src begin end tokens)
-- | Cf. `getLetIdentifier`.
getLamIdentifier :: Src -> Src
getLamIdentifier src@(Src left _ text) =
case Megaparsec.parseMaybe (unParser parseLetIdentifier) text of
Just src' -> src'
Nothing -> src
where parseLetIdentifier = do
setSourcePos left
begin <- getSourcePos
(tokens, _) <- Megaparsec.match label
end <- getSourcePos
_ <- Megaparsec.takeRest
return (Src begin end tokens)
-- | Cf. `getLetIdentifier`.
getForallIdentifier :: Src -> Src
getForallIdentifier src@(Src left _ text) =
case Megaparsec.parseMaybe (unParser parseLetIdentifier) text of
Just src' -> src'
Nothing -> src
where parseLetIdentifier = do
setSourcePos left
begin <- getSourcePos
(tokens, _) <- Megaparsec.match label
end <- getSourcePos
_ <- Megaparsec.takeRest
return (Src begin end tokens)
-- | Given an Src of a import expression return the Src containing the hash
-- annotation. If the import does not have a hash annotation return a 0-length
-- Src where we can insert one.
getImportHash :: Src -> Maybe Src
getImportHash (Src left _ text) =
Megaparsec.parseMaybe (unParser parseImportHashPosition) text
where parseImportHashPosition = do
setSourcePos left
_ <- importType_
begin <- getSourcePos
(tokens, _) <- Megaparsec.match $ optional importHash_
end <- getSourcePos
_ <- Megaparsec.takeRest
return (Src begin end tokens)
setSourcePos :: SourcePos -> Parser ()
setSourcePos src = Megaparsec.updateParserState
(\(Megaparsec.State s o (Megaparsec.PosState i o' _ t l)) ->
Megaparsec.State s o (Megaparsec.PosState i o' src t l))
-- | An expression that is guaranteed not to typecheck. Can be used a
-- placeholder type to emulate 'lazy' contexts, when typechecking something in a
-- only partly well-typed context.
holeExpr :: Expr s a
-- The illegal variable name ensures that it can't be bound by the user!
holeExpr = Var (V "" 0)
-- | Approximate the type-checking context at the end of the input. Tries to
-- parse as many binders as possible. Very messy!
binderExprFromText :: Text -> Expr Src Import
binderExprFromText txt =
case Megaparsec.parseMaybe (unParser parseBinderExpr) (txt <> " ") of
Just e -> e
Nothing -> holeExpr
-- marks the beginning of the next binder
boundary = _let <|> _forall <|> _lambda
-- A binder that is out of scope at the end of the input. Discarded in the
-- resulting 'binder expression'.
closedBinder = closedLet <|> closedLambda <|> closedPi
closedLet = do
_ <- label
_ <- optional (do
_ <- expr
_ <- expr
return ())
<|> closedLet
closedLambda = do
_ <- label
_ <- expr
_ <- expr
return ()
closedPi = do
_ <- label
_ <- expr
_ <- expr
return ()
-- Try to parse as many binders as possible. Skip malformed input and
-- 'closed' binders that are already out of scope at the end of the input.
parseBinderExpr = do
try (do
skipManyTill anySingle (lookAhead boundary)
try (do
notFollowedBy eof
<|> try (letBinder <|> lambdaBinder <|> forallBinder)
<|> (do
<|> (do
_ <- takeRest
return holeExpr)
letBinder = do
name <- label
mType <- optional (do _colon; expr)
-- if the bound value does not parse, skip and replace with 'hole'
value <- try (do _equal; expr)
<|> (do skipManyTill anySingle (lookAhead boundary <|> _in); return holeExpr)
inner <- parseBinderExpr
return (Let (Binding name mType value :| []) inner)
forallBinder = do
name <- label
-- if the bound type does not parse, skip and replace with 'hole'
typ <- try (do e <- expr; _closeParens; _arrow; return e)
<|> (do skipManyTill anySingle _arrow; return holeExpr)
inner <- parseBinderExpr
return (Pi name typ inner)
lambdaBinder = do
name <- label
-- if the bound type does not parse, skip and replace with 'hole'
typ <- try (do e <- expr; _closeParens; _arrow; return e)
<|> (do skipManyTill anySingle _arrow; return holeExpr)
inner <- parseBinderExpr
return (Lam name typ inner)