
99 lines
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2019-01-27 20:05:20 +01:00
-- as of 2019-01-27
-- -*- mode:haskell -*-
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where
import System.Taffybar
import System.Taffybar.Context hiding (startWidgets, endWidgets, widgetSpacing)
import System.Taffybar.Hooks
import System.Taffybar.Information.CPU
import System.Taffybar.Information.CPU2
import System.Taffybar.Information.Memory
import System.Taffybar.SimpleConfig
import System.Taffybar.Widget
import System.Taffybar.Widget.Battery
import System.Taffybar.Widget.CommandRunner
import System.Taffybar.Widget.FreedesktopNotifications
import System.Taffybar.Widget.Generic.PollingGraph
import System.Taffybar.Widget.Generic.PollingLabel
import System.Taffybar.Widget.Text.NetworkMonitor
import System.Taffybar.Widget.Util
import System.Taffybar.Widget.Windows
import System.Taffybar.Widget.Workspaces
import qualified GI.Gtk as Gtk
import qualified Data.Text as T
transparent = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
yellow1 = (0.9453125, 0.63671875, 0.2109375, 1.0)
yellow2 = (0.9921875, 0.796875, 0.32421875, 1.0)
green1 = (0, 1, 0, 1)
green2 = (1, 0, 1, 0.5)
taffyBlue = (0.129, 0.588, 0.953, 1)
myGraphConfig =
{ graphPadding = 0
, graphBorderWidth = 0
, graphWidth = 30
, graphBackgroundColor = transparent
memCfg = myGraphConfig
{ graphDataColors = [taffyBlue]
, graphLabel = Just "mem"
cpuCfg = myGraphConfig
{ graphDataColors = [green1, green2]
, graphLabel = Just "cpu"
memCallback :: IO [Double]
memCallback = do
mi <- parseMeminfo
return [memoryUsedRatio mi]
cpuCallback = do
(_, systemLoad, totalLoad) <- cpuLoad
return [totalLoad, systemLoad]
main = do
let myWorkspacesConfig =
{ minIcons = 1
, widgetGap = 0
, showWorkspaceFn = hideEmpty
workspaces = workspacesNew myWorkspacesConfig
cpu = pollingGraphNew cpuCfg 0.5 cpuCallback
mem = pollingGraphNew memCfg 1 memCallback
net = networkMonitorNew defaultNetFormat $ Just ["eth2", "wlan2"]
clock = textClockNew Nothing "%a %b %_d %T" 1
layout = layoutNew defaultLayoutConfig
windows = windowsNew defaultWindowsConfig { getMenuLabel = truncatedGetMenuLabel 30 }
-- See
-- for a better way to set up the sni tray
tray = sniTrayThatStartsWatcherEvenThoughThisIsABadWayToDoIt
bar = do
label <- Gtk.labelNew (Just "|" :: Maybe T.Text)
Gtk.widgetShowAll label
Gtk.toWidget label :: TaffyIO Gtk.Widget
myConfig = defaultSimpleTaffyConfig
{ startWidgets =
(clock >>= buildContentsBox) : workspaces : map (>>= buildContentsBox) [ layout, bar, commandRunnerNew 1.0 "emacs-current-task" [] "", bar, windows ]
, endWidgets = map (>>= buildContentsBox)
[ textBatteryNew "$percentage$% ($status$)"
, tray
, cpu
, mem
, net
, notifyAreaNew defaultNotificationConfig
, barPosition = Top
, barHeight = 18
, widgetSpacing = 0
dyreTaffybar $ withBatteryRefresh $ withLogServer $ withToggleServer $ toTaffyConfig myConfig