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;;; org-password-manager.el --- Password manager for Org Mode.
;; Copyright (C) 2015 - Leandro Facchinetti <me@leafac.com>
;; Author: Leandro Facchinetti <me@leafac.com>
;; Version: 0.0.1
;; Keywords: password
;; URL: https://git.leafac.com/org-password-manager
;; Package-Requires: ((org "8.2.10") (s "1.9.0") (dash "2.13.0"))
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
;;; Commentary:
;; [ARCHIVED] Org Password Manager
;; Leandro Facchinetti <me@leafac.com>
;; Password manager for Org Mode.
;; Version  0.0.1
;; --------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Documentation  https://www.leafac.com/software/org-password-manager
;; --------------------------------------------------------------------
;; License  GNU General Public License Version 3
;; --------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Code of Conduct Contributor Covenant v1.4.0
;; --------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Distribution  MELPA
;; --------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Source  https://git.leafac.com/org-password-manager
;; --------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Bug Reports  Write emails to org-password-manager@leafac.com.
;; --------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Contributions  Send patches and pull requests via email to
;; org-password-manager@leafac.com.
;; --------------------------------------------------------------------
;; 1. Overview
;; Use GnuPG to encrypt the Org Mode files that contains credentials
;; instead of storing sensitive information in plain text.
;; Use Org Mode files to store credentials and retrieve them securely.
;; Integrate with pwgen to generate passwords.
;; 2. Installation
;; Available from MELPA, add the repository to Emacs and install with
;; M-x package-install. Password creation requires pwgen.
;; 3. Usage
;; This section assumes the default configuration.
;; Add credentials as properties named USERNAME and PASSWORD to headings in
;; Org Mode files. For example:
;; * [[http://example.com][My favorite website]]
;;   :USERNAME: leandro
;;   :PASSWORD: chunky-tempeh
;;   :END:
;; * SSH key
;;   :PASSWORD: tofu
;;   :END:
;; Passwords are cleared from the clipboard after 30 seconds.
;; Retrieve usernames with C-c C-p u (org-password-manager-get-username)
;; and passwords with C-c C-p p (org-password-manager-get-password). If
;; point is not under a heading that contains credentials, Org Password
;; Manager asks for a heading. To force this behavior even when the point
;; is under a heading that contains credentials, use the C-u argument (for
;; example, C-u C-c C-p u).
;; Generate passwords with C-c C-p g
;; (org-password-manager-generate-password). To customize the parameters to
;; pwgen, use the C-u argument (C-u C-c C-p g).
;; 4. Configuration
;; For the default configuration with the keybindings covered in the Usage
;; section, add the following to the Emacs configuration:
;; (add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'org-password-manager-key-bindings)
;; To customize the key bindings, start with the following code:
;; (defun org-password-manager-key-bindings ()
;;   "Binds keys for org-password-manager."
;;   (local-set-key (kbd "C-c C-p u") 'org-password-manager-get-username)
;;   (local-set-key (kbd "C-c C-p p") 'org-password-manager-get-password)
;;   (local-set-key (kbd "C-c C-p
;; g") 'org-password-manager-generate-password))
;; For Interactive Do (ido) support, add the following to the Emacs
;; configuration:
;; (setq org-completion-use-ido t)
;; For advanced configuration, refer to
;; M-x customize-group org-password-manager.
;; 5. Changelog
;; This section documents all notable changes to Org Password Manager. It
;; follows recommendations from Keep a CHANGELOG and uses Semantic
;; Versioning. Each released version is a Git tag.
;; 5.1. Archived · 2018-02-27
;; This project is archived and no longer maintained.
;; 5.2. 0.0.1 · 2015-07-29
;; 5.2.1. Added
;; * Core functionality.
;;; Code:
(require 'org)
(require 's)
(require 'dash)
(defgroup org-password-manager nil
"Minimal password manager for Emacs Org Mode."
:group 'org)
(defcustom org-password-manager-default-pwgen-command "pwgen --secure --symbols --capitalize --numerals 25 1"
"The default `pwgen' command to use when generating passwords."
:group 'org-password-manager)
(defcustom org-password-manager-default-password-wait-time "30 sec"
"The default period to wait before erasing the password from the clipboard.
Must be compatible with `run-at-time'."
:group 'org-password-manager)
(defcustom org-password-manager-scope 'agenda
"The scope used to search in org buffers.
Supported scopes are defined in `org-map-entries'. By default,
the `agenda' scope searches through all agenda files."
:group 'org-password-manager)
(defvar org-password-manager-history ()
"The history of headings that were chosen for `org-password-manager'.")
(defun org-password-manager-get-property (property-name &optional ask-for-input?)
If ASK-FOR-INPUT? is t, will ask for input even if point is on a
heading that contains the property."
(let ((display-property-name (capitalize property-name))
(property (org-entry-get (point) property-name t))
output-message heading)
(if (and property (not ask-for-input?))
(setq heading (org-link-display-format (org-get-heading t t)))
(let* ((property-entries
(-filter #'cadr
(lambda ()
(org-link-display-format (org-get-heading t t))
(org-entry-get (point) property-name)))
(chosen-heading (funcall 'org-completing-read
(concat display-property-name " for: ")
(car org-password-manager-history)))
(header-property-list (assoc chosen-heading property-entries)))
(if header-property-list
(setq heading (nth 0 header-property-list)
property (nth 1 header-property-list))
(setq output-message (concat display-property-name
" for `"
"' not found!")))))
(if (and heading property)
(if (string= property-name "PASSWORD")
(funcall interprogram-cut-function property)
(run-at-time org-password-manager-default-password-wait-time nil (lambda () (funcall interprogram-cut-function "")))
(setq output-message
(concat display-property-name " for `" heading "' securely copied to system's clipboard avoiding kill ring and will be removed in " org-password-manager-default-password-wait-time ".")))
(progn (kill-new property)
(setq output-message
(concat display-property-name " for `" heading "' copied to clipboard."))))
(add-to-history 'org-password-manager-history heading))
(message output-message)))
(defun org-password-manager-get-username (&optional ask-for-input?)
"Get username.
If ASK-FOR-INPUT? is t, will ask for input even if point is on a
heading that contains the username property."
(interactive "P")
(org-password-manager-get-property "USERNAME" ask-for-input?))
(defun org-password-manager-get-password (&optional ask-for-input?)
"Get password.
If ASK-FOR-INPUT? is t, will ask for input even if point is on a
heading that contains the password property."
(interactive "P")
(org-password-manager-get-property "PASSWORD" ask-for-input?))
(defun org-password-manager-generate-password (&optional edit-pwgen-string?)
"Generate password.
If EDIT-PWGEN-STRING? is t, let the user edit the pwgen command
line before running it."
(interactive "P")
(let* ((pwgen-string (if edit-pwgen-string?
(read-from-minibuffer "pwgen command to run: " org-password-manager-default-pwgen-command)
(generated-password (s-trim (shell-command-to-string pwgen-string))))
(insert generated-password)
(funcall interprogram-cut-function generated-password)
(run-at-time org-password-manager-default-password-wait-time nil (lambda () (funcall interprogram-cut-function "")))
(message (concat "Generated password inserted on buffer, securely copied to system's clipboard avoiding kill ring and will be removed in " org-password-manager-default-password-wait-time "."))))
;; Key bindings.
(defun org-password-manager-key-bindings ()
"Binds keys for org-password-manager."
(local-set-key (kbd "C-c C-p u") 'org-password-manager-get-username)
(local-set-key (kbd "C-c C-p p") 'org-password-manager-get-password)
(local-set-key (kbd "C-c C-p g") 'org-password-manager-generate-password))
(provide 'org-password-manager)
;;; org-password-manager.el ends here