Commit Graph

1169 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Daniel - 9ab5d55237
Remove visibility cycling from general clock mapping function
It's only necessary when editing the buffer, not when only traversing it.  Moved
it to the only function where this is actually done, and added a comment to the
docstring of `timeline-tools-map-clocklines' to remind everyone that editing the
buffer through this function may yield funny surprises :)
2020-01-10 18:12:50 +01:00
Daniel - e966edd950
Use `org-show-all' to, well, show all
Using `org-cycle' may result in hooks being run, depending on where point is.
This may cause undesired and highly surprising behavior.
2020-01-10 18:10:07 +01:00
Daniel - df2464ce5b
Check input of NTP conversion function 2020-01-09 21:35:23 +01:00
Daniel - 57107c0c75
Prettify docstring 2020-01-09 21:35:12 +01:00
Daniel - 52de03a8c0
Note simple test case for NTP conversion function 2020-01-09 21:34:55 +01:00
Daniel - 97e3b4da13
Fix computation of seconds in NTP conversion function 2020-01-09 21:34:38 +01:00
Daniel - c16500344c
Globally require `dash' 2020-01-09 21:02:23 +01:00
Daniel - b92d5e7819
Allow spaces in NTP time strings 2020-01-09 21:02:18 +01:00
Daniel - f44ed54318
Fix handling of dates before Unix epoch in NTP conversion 2020-01-09 20:58:01 +01:00
Daniel - d6690d27f9
Fix docstring of `db/ntp-to-time' 2020-01-09 20:57:13 +01:00
Daniel - a710238694
Use correct number of seconds between 1900-01-01 and the epoch 2020-01-09 20:56:50 +01:00
Daniel - 6f856c61b6
Properly declare ignored variable 2020-01-05 14:42:13 +01:00
Daniel - 95555dd7c1
Add missing require for timeline-tools 2020-01-05 14:32:38 +01:00
Daniel - 4b7e02ccd6
Trying to make test for `timeline-tools' independent of locale 2020-01-05 14:32:35 +01:00
Daniel - 243e579973
Check whether special org-mode files are included in agenda when displaying it 2020-01-05 13:36:37 +01:00
Daniel - 66425ee2b7
Add some comments why we don't automatically update `org-agenda-files' anymore 2020-01-05 13:23:23 +01:00
Daniel - ec83430a70
Remove `db-update-org-agenda-files'
It's not used anymore and won't ever work as intended.
2020-01-05 13:06:50 +01:00
Daniel - 9f072ebca1
Remove obsolete assignment of `org-agenda-diary-file'
We are not using this functionality anyway.
2020-01-05 12:39:23 +01:00
Daniel - bbfea51fca
Fix check in `db/export-diary' for empty files
This is a result of changing the types of the special org files.  Now a typed
language would be great …
2020-01-05 12:36:56 +01:00
Daniel - 570fe5906b
Remove obsolete comment 2020-01-05 12:27:35 +01:00
Daniel - 7e7f8b3e13
Disable custom setter for special agenda files for now
It is no good to update `org-agenda-files' when setting those variables, only to
be overwritten by customize itself latter on.  Maybe it's better to instead have
a custom setter that updates the variable, but also checks whether the file is
also contained in `org-agenda-files', warning the user if this is not the case?
2020-01-05 12:24:01 +01:00
Daniel - 5627da7b42
Simplify output 2020-01-05 12:18:33 +01:00
Daniel - 1f2a3e70d4
Fix customize types for special org agenda files 2020-01-05 12:17:50 +01:00
Daniel - 541940d7dc
Fix glitch in custom setter for `org-agenda-file' 2020-01-05 12:17:37 +01:00
Daniel - e234912180
Inline `org-agenda-file-to-front'
This allows to use the value for the new file directly, instead of opening a
buffer for it.
2020-01-05 12:10:31 +01:00
Daniel - cf14629099
Remove obsolete debugging output 2020-01-05 11:57:43 +01:00
Daniel - bd65533b97
Update custom setter for special org agenda files
The setter will now complain if the file to be added to `org-agenda-files' does
not exist and is not readable.  It also now uses the proper functions from `org'
to update `org-agenda-files'.
2020-01-05 11:56:05 +01:00
Daniel - c3df9ef92b
Change default values for custom agenda files to nil 2020-01-05 11:55:54 +01:00
Daniel - 8f3403e132
Make sure `message-mode' uses the right function to send mail
Up to now, it seemed to be sufficient to set `send-mail-function' alone, but
somehow some changes have made it necessary to set `message-send-mail-function'
explicitly.  If not done, it defaults to `message-send-mail-with-sendmail',
using the sendmail exectuable to send mail.  At least on my machine this results
in the message being delivered to the local exim instance, which does not allow
sending remote sending of mail.
2020-01-05 11:28:38 +01:00
Daniel - a3456f7863
Don't use `eval-when-compile' in use-packages' :config block
This causes the included require statements to be loaded unconditionally,
defying the whole purpose of a :config block.
2020-01-03 14:01:18 +01:00
Daniel - 7aff235caf
Defer loading of `dired-open' 2020-01-03 11:50:55 +01:00
Daniel - d7b88a1f12
Use `counsel-descbinds' to describe current keybindings 2020-01-03 10:24:15 +01:00
Daniel - ee8ac2567a
Restructuring notes file 2019-12-30 13:35:58 +01:00
Daniel - 2bc856618a
Don't automatically clock in when taking notes
If this is necessary, clock in separately using the interruption template.
However, I have felt that this is rarely useful, to the extend that I haven't
used the note capture template just because it disturbs the clock.
2019-12-30 13:25:07 +01:00
Daniel - 2feafafe7c
Remove logbook entries 2019-12-30 13:23:59 +01:00
Daniel - a78ea04490
Minor markup fix in main notes file 2019-12-30 13:21:09 +01:00
Daniel - ed537c3926
Remove local copy of Babel Tutorial 2019-12-30 13:20:59 +01:00
Daniel - f054db47e3
Add some old Emacs notes 2019-12-30 13:19:18 +01:00
Daniel - c8735de998
Add some eshell notes 2019-12-22 22:10:07 +01:00
Daniel - 6d59888b99
Fix tags in scribble file 2019-12-22 21:57:50 +01:00
Daniel - d602d61b20
Minor elpa update 2019-12-22 10:15:33 +01:00
Daniel - fe391b642a
Update things from elpa to keep in this repository 2019-12-21 19:10:18 +01:00
Daniel - 5982ba4427
Add missing stable version of `page-break-lines' 2019-12-21 19:08:59 +01:00
Daniel - e6f0ee11f8
Fix manual pinning of packages 2019-12-21 19:01:25 +01:00
Daniel - 42ef36f836
Pin essential packages to melpa-stable 2019-12-21 18:52:50 +01:00
Daniel - 9671ff68de
Remove multiple cursors from repository 2019-12-21 18:42:18 +01:00
Daniel - ecd038a9a4
Delete obsolete elpa packages 2019-12-21 18:40:45 +01:00
Daniel - 02b05ff28f
Pin repositories for EMMS related packages to melpa-stable 2019-12-21 18:39:07 +01:00
Daniel - 9016db229a
Don't explicitly load abbreviations
Since we are loading customizations during initializtion time now, we can let
Emacs handle reading abbreviations itself.
2019-12-20 20:31:15 +01:00
Daniel - 28860ac415
Fixing some typos 2019-12-20 20:28:26 +01:00