Update things from elpa to keep in this repository

This commit is contained in:
Daniel - 2019-12-21 19:10:18 +01:00
parent 5982ba4427
commit fe391b642a
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 1C7071A75BB72D64
11 changed files with 8 additions and 506 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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@ -8,14 +8,14 @@

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@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
If you have lots of keybindings set in your .emacs file, it can be hard to
know which ones you haven't set yet, and which may now be overriding some
new default in a new emacs version. This module aims to solve that
Bind keys as follows in your .emacs:
(require 'bind-key)
(bind-key "C-c x" 'my-ctrl-c-x-command)
If the keybinding argument is a vector, it is passed straight to
`define-key', so remapping a key with `[remap COMMAND]' works as
(bind-key [remap original-ctrl-c-x-command] 'my-ctrl-c-x-command)
If you want the keybinding to override all minor modes that may also bind
the same key, use the `bind-key*' form:
(bind-key* "<C-return>" 'other-window)
If you want to rebind a key only in a particular keymap, use:
(bind-key "C-c x" 'my-ctrl-c-x-command some-other-mode-map)
To unbind a key within a keymap (for example, to stop your favorite major
mode from changing a binding that you don't want to override everywhere),
use `unbind-key':
(unbind-key "C-c x" some-other-mode-map)
To bind multiple keys at once, or set up a prefix map, a `bind-keys' macro
is provided. It accepts keyword arguments, please see its documentation
for a detailed description.
To add keys into a specific map, use :map argument
(bind-keys :map dired-mode-map
("o" . dired-omit-mode)
("a" . some-custom-dired-function))
To set up a prefix map, use `:prefix-map' and `:prefix' arguments (both are
(bind-keys :prefix-map my-customize-prefix-map
:prefix "C-c c"
("f" . customize-face)
("v" . customize-variable))
You can combine all the keywords together. Additionally,
`:prefix-docstring' can be specified to set documentation of created
`:prefix-map' variable.
To bind multiple keys in a `bind-key*' way (to be sure that your bindings
will not be overridden by other modes), you may use `bind-keys*' macro:
("C-o" . other-window)
("C-M-n" . forward-page)
("C-M-p" . backward-page))
After Emacs loads, you can see a summary of all your personal keybindings
currently in effect with this command:
M-x describe-personal-keybindings
This display will tell you if you've overriden a default keybinding, and
what the default was. Also, it will tell you if the key was rebound after
your binding it with `bind-key', and what it was rebound it to.

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@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
;;; dash-functional-autoloads.el --- automatically extracted autoloads
;;; Code:
(add-to-list 'load-path (directory-file-name (or (file-name-directory #$) (car load-path))))
;;;### (autoloads nil nil ("dash-functional.el") (23441 26596 442795
;;;;;; 456000))
;; Local Variables:
;; version-control: never
;; no-byte-compile: t
;; no-update-autoloads: t
;; End:
;;; dash-functional-autoloads.el ends here

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@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
;;; -*- no-byte-compile: t -*-
(define-package "dash-functional" "20180107.1618" "Collection of useful combinators for Emacs Lisp" '((dash "2.0.0") (emacs "24")) :commit "85e8f62b7a8ae0b4da307ddf16e4f1c3559d0d3f" :keywords '("lisp" "functions" "combinators"))

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@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
;;; dash-functional.el --- Collection of useful combinators for Emacs Lisp -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;; Authors: Matus Goljer <matus.goljer@gmail.com>
;; Magnar Sveen <magnars@gmail.com>
;; Version: 1.2.0
;; Package-Version: 20180107.1618
;; Package-Requires: ((dash "2.0.0") (emacs "24"))
;; Keywords: lisp functions combinators
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
;;; Commentary:
;; Collection of useful combinators for Emacs Lisp
;; See documentation on https://github.com/magnars/dash.el#functions
;;; Code:
(require 'dash)
(defun -partial (fn &rest args)
"Takes a function FN and fewer than the normal arguments to FN,
and returns a fn that takes a variable number of additional ARGS.
When called, the returned function calls FN with ARGS first and
then additional args."
(apply 'apply-partially fn args))
(defun -rpartial (fn &rest args)
"Takes a function FN and fewer than the normal arguments to FN,
and returns a fn that takes a variable number of additional ARGS.
When called, the returned function calls FN with the additional
args first and then ARGS."
(lambda (&rest args-before) (apply fn (append args-before args))))
(defun -juxt (&rest fns)
"Takes a list of functions and returns a fn that is the
juxtaposition of those fns. The returned fn takes a variable
number of args, and returns a list containing the result of
applying each fn to the args (left-to-right)."
(lambda (&rest args) (mapcar (lambda (x) (apply x args)) fns)))
(defun -compose (&rest fns)
"Takes a list of functions and returns a fn that is the
composition of those fns. The returned fn takes a variable
number of arguments, and returns the result of applying
each fn to the result of applying the previous fn to
the arguments (right-to-left)."
(lambda (&rest args)
(car (-reduce-r-from (lambda (fn xs) (list (apply fn xs)))
args fns))))
(defun -applify (fn)
"Changes an n-arity function FN to a 1-arity function that
expects a list with n items as arguments"
(apply-partially 'apply fn))
(defun -on (operator transformer)
"Return a function of two arguments that first applies
TRANSFORMER to each of them and then applies OPERATOR on the
results (in the same order).
In types: (b -> b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> a -> c"
(lambda (x y) (funcall operator (funcall transformer x) (funcall transformer y))))
(defun -flip (func)
"Swap the order of arguments for binary function FUNC.
In types: (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c"
(lambda (x y) (funcall func y x)))
(defun -const (c)
"Return a function that returns C ignoring any additional arguments.
In types: a -> b -> a"
(lambda (&rest _) c))
(defmacro -cut (&rest params)
"Take n-ary function and n arguments and specialize some of them.
Arguments denoted by <> will be left unspecialized.
See SRFI-26 for detailed description."
(let* ((i 0)
(args (mapcar (lambda (_) (setq i (1+ i)) (make-symbol (format "D%d" i)))
(-filter (-partial 'eq '<>) params))))
`(lambda ,args
,(let ((body (--map (if (eq it '<>) (pop args) it) params)))
(if (eq (car params) '<>)
(cons 'funcall body)
(defun -not (pred)
"Take a unary predicate PRED and return a unary predicate
that returns t if PRED returns nil and nil if PRED returns
(lambda (x) (not (funcall pred x))))
(defun -orfn (&rest preds)
"Take list of unary predicates PREDS and return a unary
predicate with argument x that returns non-nil if at least one of
the PREDS returns non-nil on x.
In types: [a -> Bool] -> a -> Bool"
(lambda (x) (-any? (-cut funcall <> x) preds)))
(defun -andfn (&rest preds)
"Take list of unary predicates PREDS and return a unary
predicate with argument x that returns non-nil if all of the
PREDS returns non-nil on x.
In types: [a -> Bool] -> a -> Bool"
(lambda (x) (-all? (-cut funcall <> x) preds)))
(defun -iteratefn (fn n)
"Return a function FN composed N times with itself.
FN is a unary function. If you need to use a function of higher
arity, use `-applify' first to turn it into a unary function.
With n = 0, this acts as identity function.
In types: (a -> a) -> Int -> a -> a.
This function satisfies the following law:
(funcall (-iteratefn fn n) init) = (-last-item (-iterate fn init (1+ n)))."
(lambda (x) (--dotimes n (setq x (funcall fn x))) x))
(defun -counter (&optional beg end inc)
"Return a closure that counts from BEG to END, with increment INC.
The closure will return the next value in the counting sequence
each time it is called, and nil after END is reached. BEG
defaults to 0, INC defaults to 1, and if END is nil, the counter
will increment indefinitely.
The closure accepts any number of arguments, which are discarded."
(let ((inc (or inc 1))
(n (or beg 0)))
(lambda (&rest _)
(when (or (not end) (< n end))
(prog1 n
(setq n (+ n inc)))))))
(defvar -fixfn-max-iterations 1000
"The default maximum number of iterations performed by `-fixfn'
unless otherwise specified.")
(defun -fixfn (fn &optional equal-test halt-test)
"Return a function that computes the (least) fixpoint of FN.
FN must be a unary function. The returned lambda takes a single
argument, X, the initial value for the fixpoint iteration. The
iteration halts when either of the following conditions is satisified:
1. Iteration converges to the fixpoint, with equality being
tested using EQUAL-TEST. If EQUAL-TEST is not specified,
`equal' is used. For functions over the floating point
numbers, it may be necessary to provide an appropriate
appoximate comparsion test.
2. HALT-TEST returns a non-nil value. HALT-TEST defaults to a
simple counter that returns t after `-fixfn-max-iterations',
to guard against infinite iteration. Otherwise, HALT-TEST
must be a function that accepts a single argument, the
current value of X, and returns non-nil as long as iteration
should continue. In this way, a more sophisticated
convergence test may be supplied by the caller.
The return value of the lambda is either the fixpoint or, if
iteration halted before converging, a cons with car `halted' and
cdr the final output from HALT-TEST.
In types: (a -> a) -> a -> a."
(let ((eqfn (or equal-test 'equal))
(haltfn (or halt-test
(-counter 0 -fixfn-max-iterations)))))
(lambda (x)
(let ((re (funcall fn x))
(halt? (funcall haltfn x)))
(while (and (not halt?) (not (funcall eqfn x re)))
(setq x re
re (funcall fn re)
halt? (funcall haltfn re)))
(if halt? (cons 'halted halt?)
(defun -prodfn (&rest fns)
"Take a list of n functions and return a function that takes a
list of length n, applying i-th function to i-th element of the
input list. Returns a list of length n.
In types (for n=2): ((a -> b), (c -> d)) -> (a, c) -> (b, d)
This function satisfies the following laws:
(-compose (-prodfn f g ...) (-prodfn f\\=' g\\=' ...)) = (-prodfn (-compose f f\\=') (-compose g g\\=') ...)
(-prodfn f g ...) = (-juxt (-compose f (-partial \\='nth 0)) (-compose g (-partial \\='nth 1)) ...)
(-compose (-prodfn f g ...) (-juxt f\\=' g\\=' ...)) = (-juxt (-compose f f\\=') (-compose g g\\=') ...)
(-compose (-partial \\='nth n) (-prod f1 f2 ...)) = (-compose fn (-partial \\='nth n))"
(lambda (x) (-zip-with 'funcall fns x)))
(provide 'dash-functional)
;;; dash-functional.el ends here

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@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
A modern list api for Emacs.
See documentation on https://github.com/magnars/dash.el#functions
**Please note** The lexical binding in this file is not utilised at the
moment. We will take full advantage of lexical binding in an upcoming 3.0
release of Dash. In the meantime, we've added the pragma to avoid a bug that
you can read more about in https://github.com/magnars/dash.el/issues/130.

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@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
Minor modes each put a word on the mode line to signify that they're
active. This can cause other displays, such as % of file that point is
at, to run off the right side of the screen. For some minor modes, such
as mouse-avoidance-mode, the display is a waste of space, since users
typically set the mode in their .emacs & never change it. For other
modes, such as my jiggle-mode, it's a waste because there's already a
visual indication of whether the mode is in effect.
A diminished mode is a minor mode that has had its mode line
display diminished, usually to nothing, although diminishing to a
shorter word or a single letter is also supported. This package
implements diminished modes.
You can use this package either interactively or from your .emacs file.
In either case, first you'll need to copy this file to a directory that
appears in your load-path. `load-path' is the name of a variable that
contains a list of directories Emacs searches for files to load.
To prepend another directory to load-path, put a line like
(add-to-list 'load-path "c:/My_Directory") in your .emacs file.
To create diminished modes interactively, type
M-x load-library
to get a prompt like
Load library:
and respond `diminish' (unquoted). Then type
M-x diminish
to get a prompt like
Diminish what minor mode:
and respond with the name of some minor mode, like mouse-avoidance-mode.
You'll then get this prompt:
To what mode-line display:
Respond by just hitting <Enter> if you want the name of the mode
completely removed from the mode line. If you prefer, you can abbreviate
the name. If your abbreviation is 2 characters or more, such as "Av",
it'll be displayed as a separate word on the mode line, just like minor
modes' names. If it's a single character, such as "V", it'll be scrunched
up against the previous word, so for example if the undiminished mode line
display had been "Abbrev Fill Avoid", it would become "Abbrev FillV".
Multiple single-letter diminished modes will all be scrunched together.
The display of undiminished modes will not be affected.
To find out what the mode line would look like if all diminished modes
were still minor, type M-x diminished-modes. This displays in the echo
area the complete list of minor or diminished modes now active, but
displays them all as minor. They remain diminished on the mode line.
To convert a diminished mode back to a minor mode, type M-x diminish-undo
to get a prompt like
Restore what diminished mode:
Respond with the name of some diminished mode. To convert all
diminished modes back to minor modes, respond to that prompt
with `diminished-modes' (unquoted, & note the hyphen).
When you're responding to the prompts for mode names, you can use
completion to avoid extra typing; for example, m o u SPC SPC SPC
is usually enough to specify mouse-avoidance-mode. Mode names
typically end in "-mode", but for historical reasons
auto-fill-mode is named by "auto-fill-function".
To create diminished modes noninteractively in your .emacs file, put
code like
(require 'diminish)
(diminish 'abbrev-mode "Abv")
(diminish 'jiggle-mode)
(diminish 'mouse-avoidance-mode "M")
near the end of your .emacs file. It should be near the end so that any
minor modes your .emacs loads will already have been loaded by the time
they're to be converted to diminished modes.
To diminish a major mode, (setq mode-name "whatever") in the mode hook.

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@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
On OS X (and perhaps elsewhere) the $PATH environment variable and
`exec-path' used by a windowed Emacs instance will usually be the
system-wide default path, rather than that seen in a terminal
This library allows the user to set Emacs' `exec-path' and $PATH
from the shell path, so that `shell-command', `compile' and the
like work as expected.
It also allows other environment variables to be retrieved from the
shell, so that Emacs will see the same values you get in a terminal.
If you use a non-POSIX-standard shell like "tcsh" or "fish", your
shell will be asked to execute "sh" as a subshell in order to print
out the variables in a format which can be reliably parsed. "sh"
must be a POSIX-compliant shell in this case.
Note that shell variables which have not been exported as
environment variables (e.g. using the "export" keyword) may not be
visible to `exec-path-from-shell'.
ELPA packages are available on Marmalade and MELPA. Alternatively,
place this file on a directory in your `load-path', and explicitly
require it.
(require 'exec-path-from-shell) ;; if not using the ELPA package
Customize `exec-path-from-shell-variables' to modify the list of
variables imported.
If you use your Emacs config on other platforms, you can instead
make initialization conditional as follows:
(when (memq window-system '(mac ns))
Alternatively, you can use `exec-path-from-shell-copy-envs' or
`exec-path-from-shell-copy-env' directly, e.g.
(exec-path-from-shell-copy-env "PYTHONPATH")

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@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
This package can be used to tie related commands into a family of
short bindings with a common prefix - a Hydra.
Once you summon the Hydra (through the prefixed binding), all the
heads can be called in succession with only a short extension.
The Hydra is vanquished once Hercules, any binding that isn't the
Hydra's head, arrives. Note that Hercules, besides vanquishing the
Hydra, will still serve his orignal purpose, calling his proper
command. This makes the Hydra very seamless, it's like a minor
mode that disables itself automagically.
Here's an example Hydra, bound in the global map (you can use any
keymap in place of `global-map'):
(defhydra hydra-zoom (global-map "<f2>")
("g" text-scale-increase "in")
("l" text-scale-decrease "out"))
It allows to start a command chain either like this:
"<f2> gg4ll5g", or "<f2> lgllg".
Here's another approach, when you just want a "callable keymap":
(defhydra hydra-toggle (:color blue)
("a" abbrev-mode "abbrev")
("d" toggle-debug-on-error "debug")
("f" auto-fill-mode "fill")
("t" toggle-truncate-lines "truncate")
("w" whitespace-mode "whitespace")
("q" nil "cancel"))
This binds nothing so far, but if you follow up with:
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c C-v") 'hydra-toggle/body)
you will have bound "C-c C-v a", "C-c C-v d" etc.
Knowing that `defhydra' defines e.g. `hydra-toggle/body' command,
you can nest Hydras if you wish, with `hydra-toggle/body' possibly
becoming a blue head of another Hydra.
If you want to learn all intricacies of using `defhydra' without
having to figure it all out from this source code, check out the
wiki: https://github.com/abo-abo/hydra/wiki. There's a wealth of
information there. Everyone is welcome to bring the existing pages
up to date and add new ones.
Additionally, the file hydra-examples.el serves to demo most of the

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@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
This package provides `lv-message' intended to be used in place of
`message' when semi-permanent hints are needed, in order to not
interfere with Echo Area.
"Я тихо-тихо пiдглядаю,
І тiшуся собi, як бачу то,
Шо страшить i не пiдпускає,
А iншi п’ють тебе, як воду пiсок."
-- Андрій Кузьменко, L.V.

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@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
The `use-package' declaration macro allows you to isolate package
configuration in your ".emacs" in a way that is performance-oriented and,
well, just tidy. I created it because I have over 80 packages that I use
in Emacs, and things were getting difficult to manage. Yet with this
utility my total load time is just under 1 second, with no loss of
Please see README.md from the same repository for documentation.