{ config, lib, pkgs, nixpkgs-master, ... }: { boot.kernelModules = [ "kvm-intel" "pppoe" ]; boot.kernelParams = [ "nomodeset" ]; hardware.cpu.intel.updateMicrocode = true; time.timeZone = "Europe/Berlin"; environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; let containers = builtins.attrNames ( lib.filterAttrs (_: { role, ... }: role == "container" ) config.site.hosts ); resources = builtins.toFile "cib-resources.xml" '' ${lib.concatMapStrings (container: '' '') containers} ''; cib-set-resources = writeScriptBin "cib-set-resources" '' !# ${runtimeShell} -e crm_attribute -t crm_config -n stonith-enabled -v false cibadmin --replace --scope resources --xml-file ${resources} ''; in [ wget vim git screen ipmitool cib-set-resources ]; services.openssh.enable = true; services.openssh.permitRootLogin = "prohibit-password"; # additional config for bare metal services.collectd = { plugins.ipmi = ""; # FIXME: IPMI is only available with nixpkgs-21.11 onwards package = nixpkgs-master.legacyPackages.${pkgs.system}.collectd; }; services.corosync = { enable = true; clusterName = "zentralwerk-network"; nodelist = lib.imap (n: hostName: { nodeid = n; name = hostName; ring_addrs = map (net: config.site.net.${net}.hosts4.${hostName} ) [ "cluster" "mgmt" ]; }) ( builtins.filter (hostName: config.site.hosts.${hostName}.role == "server" ) (builtins.attrNames config.site.hosts) ); }; environment.etc."corosync/authkey" = { source = builtins.toFile "authkey" config.site.cluster.corosyncAuthKey; mode = "0400"; }; services.pacemaker = { enable = true; }; }