vlans: # switches and CPE only have IP addresses configured in the management vlan mgmt: 1 # routers, OSPF area 0 core: 2 # servers... serv: 3 # ZW public pub: 4 # C3D2 home network c3d2: 5 cluster: 6 bmx: 7 # Modems {%- for i in range(1, 9) %} up{{ i }}: {{ i + 9 }} {%- endfor %} # Neighbor subnets {%- for i in range(1, 62) %} priv{{ i }}: {{ i + 39 }} {%- endfor %} # Isolated neighbors directly connection with their modems {%- for i in range(1, 17) %} iso{{ i }}: {{ i + 100 }} {%- endfor %}