{ pkgs, hostName, config, hostConfig , sortBy, sortNetsByVlan , ... }: with pkgs; with lib; let configFile = builtins.toFile "junos.config" '' system { host-name ${hostName}; time-zone Europe/Berlin; root-authentication { encrypted-password "$5$EBmFELmv$kQxtWwS0SBS.TqVPRvs8sKpH./l9DTtTxX/I2FJB2n2"; ## SECRET-DATA } login { user root { class super-user; authentication { ssh-rsa "ssh-rsa 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 root@server1"; ## SECRET-DATA } } } services { ssh { root-login allow; } netconf { ssh; } web-management { http { interface [ vme.0 vlan.1 ]; } } } } virtual-chassis { no-split-detection; member 0 { mastership-priority 255; } member 1 { mastership-priority 255; } } chassis { aggregated-devices { ethernet { device-count 32; } } } vlans { ${concatMapStrings (net: let netName = if net == "mgmt" then "mgmt-vlan" else net; netConfig = config.site.net.${net}; vlan = toString netConfig.vlan; in lib.optionalString (netConfig.vlan != null) '' ${netName} { vlan-id ${vlan}; ${lib.optionalString (net == "mgmt") '' l3-interface vlan.${vlan}; ''} } '' ) (sortNetsByVlan (builtins.attrNames config.site.net))} } interfaces { vlan { unit ${toString config.site.net.mgmt.vlan} { family inet { address ${mgmtAddress}/${toString config.site.net.mgmt.subnet4Len}; } } } ${concatMapStrings (name: let linkConfig = hostConfig.links.${name}; group = toString linkConfig.group; isBond = linkConfig.trunk && builtins.length linkConfig.ports > 1; nets = map (net: if net == "mgmt" then "mgmt-vlan" else net ) linkConfig.nets; vlanConfig = '' unit 0 { family ethernet-switching { port-mode ${if linkConfig.trunk then "trunk" else "access"}; vlan { members [ ${concatStringsSep " " nets} ]; } } } ''; in if isBond then concatMapStrings (port: '' ${port} { ether-options { 802.3ad ae${group}; } } '') (linkConfig.ports) + '' ae${group} { aggregated-ether-options { lacp { active; } } ${vlanConfig} } '' else concatMapStrings (port: '' ${port} { ${vlanConfig} } '') (linkConfig.ports) ) (sortBy (link: hostConfig.links.${link}.ports) (builtins.attrNames hostConfig.links) )} } ''; mgmtAddress = config.site.net.mgmt.hosts4.${hostName}; in '' #! ${runtimeShell} -e scp ${configFile} root@${mgmtAddress}:/tmp/junos.config ssh root@${mgmtAddress} cli <