# ISC DHCP/IPv4 server configuration { hostName, config, lib, ... }: let dhcpNets = lib.filterAttrs (_: { dhcp, ... }: dhcp != null && dhcp.server == hostName ) config.site.net; enabled = builtins.length (builtins.attrNames dhcpNets) > 0; in { services.dhcpd4 = lib.optionalAttrs enabled { enable = true; interfaces = builtins.attrNames dhcpNets; extraConfig = '' ${builtins.concatStringsSep "\n" ( builtins.attrValues ( builtins.mapAttrs (net: { dhcp, subnet4Net, subnet4Len, domainName, ...}: '' ddns-update-style standard; key dyndns { algorithm hmac-sha256; secret ${config.site.dyndnsKey}; }; zone ${domainName}. { primary ${config.site.net.serv.hosts4.dns}; primary6 ${config.site.net.serv.hosts6.dn42.dns}; key dyndns; } ${lib.concatMapStrings ({ name, dynamic, ... }: lib.optionalString ( dynamic && lib.hasSuffix ".in-addr.arpa" name ) '' zone ${name}. { primary ${config.site.net.serv.hosts4.dns}; primary6 ${config.site.net.serv.hosts6.dn42.dns}; key dyndns; } '' ) config.site.dns.localZones} option guid code 97 = text; group { default-lease-time ${toString dhcp.time}; max-lease-time ${toString dhcp.max-time}; option routers ${config.site.net.${net}.hosts4.${builtins.replaceStrings [".${net}"] [""] dhcp.router}}; option domain-name "${domainName}"; option domain-name-servers,; ddns-domainname "${domainName}"; class "pxeclients" { match if substring (option vendor-class-identifier, 0, 9) = "PXEClient"; next-server ${config.site.net.serv.hosts4.nfsroot}; option tftp-server-address ${config.site.net.serv.hosts4.nfsroot}; if suffix(reverse(1, option guid), 5) = 34:69:50:52:00 { # RPi4 option vendor-class-identifier "PXEClient"; option vendor-encapsulated-options "Raspberry Pi Boot"; option tftp-server-name "${config.site.net.serv.hosts4.nfsroot}"; } elsif option pxe-system-type = 00:00 { filename "netboot.xyz.kpxe"; # BIOS } elsif option pxe-system-type = 00:07 { filename "netboot.xyz.efi"; # EFI option bootfile-name "netboot.xyz.efi"; } elsif option pxe-system-type = 00:06 { filename "netboot.xyz.efi"; # ia32_EFI } } subnet ${subnet4Net} netmask ${lib.netmasks.${toString subnet4Len}} { range ${dhcp.start} ${dhcp.end}; # always assign the same IP to the same MAC address. # fixes changing IP for PXE clients. ignore-client-uids true; } update-static-leases on; ${builtins.concatStringsSep "\n" ( builtins.attrValues ( builtins.mapAttrs (addr: hwaddr: '' host ${addr} { hardware ethernet ${hwaddr}; fixed-address ${addr}; } '' ) dhcp.fixed-hosts ) )} } '' ) dhcpNets ) )} ''; }; }