nixos-module/container/upstream: reflect connections to staticIpv4Address

This commit is contained in:
Astro 2022-08-29 19:22:39 +02:00
parent 675dc080e7
commit c5f57bd8c1
1 changed files with 13 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ let
else null;
enabled = firstUpstreamInterface != null;
inherit (upstreamInterfaces.${firstUpstreamInterface}.upstream) staticIpv4Address;
{ = {
@ -56,7 +58,7 @@ in
enable = true;
internalInterfaces = [ "core" ];
externalInterface = firstUpstreamInterface;
externalIP = upstreamInterfaces.${firstUpstreamInterface}.upstream.staticIpv4Address;
externalIP = staticIpv4Address;
extraCommands = ''
# Prohibit SMTP except for servers
iptables -N fwd_smtp
@ -72,6 +74,16 @@ in
ip6tables -A fwd_smtp -j REJECT
ip6tables -I FORWARD -p tcp --dport 25 -j fwd_smtp
${lib.optionalString (staticIpv4Address != null) ''
# Allow connections to ${staticIpv4Address} from other hosts behind NAT
${lib.concatMapStrings (fwd: ''
iptables -t nat -t nat -A nixos-nat-pre \
-d ${staticIpv4Address} -p ${fwd.proto} \
--dport ${builtins.toString fwd.sourcePort} \
-j DNAT --to-destination ${fwd.destination}
'') config.networking.nat.forwardPorts}
# Provide IPv6 upstream for everyone, using NAT66 when not from
# our static prefixes
${lib.concatMapStringsSep "\n" (net: ''