nixos-module/container/upstream: fix SNAT for forwarded ports

This commit is contained in:
Astro 2021-09-06 23:19:08 +02:00
parent 501f96a225
commit 48cbaf5f08
1 changed files with 6 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -88,25 +88,16 @@ in
inherit (upstreamInterfaces.${net}.upstream) staticIpv4Address;
in lib.optionalString (staticIpv4Address != null) ''
iptables -w -t nat -A nixos-nat-post \
--source \
iptables -w -t nat -I nixos-nat-post \
-i core \
--dest ${staticIpv4Address}/32 \
-j nixos-nat-post-forward
'') (builtins.attrNames upstreamInterfaces)}
${lib.concatMapStringsSep "\n" ({ proto, destination, sourcePort, ... }:
ds = builtins.split ":" destination;
port =
if builtins.length ds == 3
then lib.elemAt ds 2
else if builtins.length ds == 1
then toString sourcePort
else throw "Too many colons in a forwardPorts destination";
in ''
iptables -t nat -A nixos-nat-post-forward \
-p ${proto} --dport ${port} \
-j SNAT --to-source ${${hostName}}
${lib.concatMapStringsSep "\n" ({ proto, sourcePort, ... }: ''
iptables -t nat -A nixos-nat-post-forward \
-p ${proto} --dport ${toString sourcePort} \
-j SNAT --to-source ${${hostName}}
'') hostConf.forwardPorts}
extraStopCommands =