pkgs/switches: switch from salt to nix

This commit is contained in:
Astro 2021-11-03 01:07:44 +01:00
parent f54fa47fd8
commit 3072e1e78c
13 changed files with 811 additions and 630 deletions

View File

@ -4,6 +4,16 @@ let
mainServers = [ "server1" "server2" ];
pillar = self.lib.saltPillarFor "*";
clusterServerNets = [
"mgmt" "pub" "core" "serv"
"c3d2" "cluster" "bmx" "priv23"
clusterServerInterfaces = builtins.foldl' (result: net:
result // {
"${net}".type = "bridge";
) {} clusterServerNets;
renameAttr = from: to: attrset:
builtins.foldl' (result: name:
if name == from
@ -317,6 +327,26 @@ in
proto = "tcp";
sourcePort = port;
}) [ 25 465 587 110 143 993 995 ];
server3.interfaces = clusterServerInterfaces;
server5.interfaces = clusterServerInterfaces;
server6.interfaces = clusterServerInterfaces;
server7.interfaces = clusterServerInterfaces;
server8.interfaces = clusterServerInterfaces;
server9.interfaces = clusterServerInterfaces;
ap-test1.interfaces = {
mgmt.type = "phys";
pub.type = "bridge";
c3d2.type = "bridge";
bmx.type = "bridge";
ap-test2.interfaces = {
mgmt.type = "phys";
pub.type = "bridge";
c3d2.type = "bridge";
bmx.type = "bridge";
# host priv*-gw settings
@ -344,18 +374,47 @@ in
builtins.foldl' (result: hosts: result // hosts) {} (builtins.attrValues pillar.hosts-inet6)
) // builtins.foldl' (result: container:
result // builtins.mapAttrs (net: interface: {
type = "bridge";
}) container.interfaces
) {} (builtins.attrValues pillar.containers);
}) {} mainServers)
(builtins.mapAttrs (_: switch: {
inherit (switch) model location password;
role = "switch";
links = builtins.mapAttrs (_: { ports, group ? null, ... }: {
group = if group != null
then toString group
else null;
ports = map toString (
if builtins.isList ports
then ports
else [ ports ]
}) switch.ports;
}) pillar.switches)
(builtins.mapAttrs (_: ap: {
inherit (ap) model location password;
role = "ap";
interfaces = builtins.foldl' (interfaces: net: interfaces // {
"${net}" = {
type = "bridge";
}) {
mgmt = {
type = "phys";
gw4 = "mgmt-gw";
gw6 = "mgmt-gw";
} (
builtins.concatMap ({ ssids, ... }:
map ({ net, ... }: net) (builtins.attrValues ssids)
) (builtins.attrValues ap.radios)
}) pillar.cpe)
(builtins.mapAttrs (name: container:
@ -395,7 +454,7 @@ in
in lib.optionalAttrs (ctPillar ? ospf && ospfConf ? stubnets-inet) {
stubNets4 = ospfConf.stubnets-inet;
} // lib.optionalAttrs (ctPillar ? ospf && ospfConf ? stubnets-inet6) {
stubNets6 = ospfConf.stubnets-inet6;
stubNets6 = ospfConf.stubnets-inet6;
bgp =

View File

@ -2,6 +2,79 @@
with lib;
getLinkNets = link:
hostConfig =${link};
sort = builtins.sort (net1: net2:${net1}.vlan <${net2}.vlan
if ? ${link}
if builtins.elem hostConfig.role [ "container" "server" "ap" ]
then sort (builtins.attrNames hostConfig.interfaces)
else if hostConfig.role == "switch"
then sort (getSwitchNets link)
else if hostConfig.role == "client"
then if hostConfig.interfaces == {}
then builtins.trace "No known networks implemented for client \"${link}\"" []
else sort (builtins.attrNames hostConfig.interfaces)
else throw "getHostNets not implemented for role \"${hostConfig.role}\""
else if ? ${link}
then [ link ]
else builtins.trace "Don't know what nets to configure for link to \"${link}\"" [];
# breaks the getLinkNets recursion for switches,
# requiring any net to be used by at >1 links
getSwitchNets = hostName:
linksNets = builtins.mapAttrs (link: _:
unique (
getSwitchNets' { "${hostName}" = true; } [ link ]
allNets = unique (
builtins.concatLists (builtins.attrValues linksNets)
netLinkCount = net:
builtins.foldl' (netLinkCount: nets:
if builtins.elem net nets
then netLinkCount + 1
else netLinkCount
) 0 (builtins.attrValues linksNets);
nets = builtins.filter (net:
netLinkCount net > 1
) allNets;
in nets; #builtins.trace "getSwitchNets ${hostName} = ${concatStringsSep "," nets}" nets;
getSwitchNets' = seen: links:
if links == []
then []
link = builtins.head links;
seen' = seen // {
"${link}" = true;
links' = builtins.tail links;
if ? ${link} &&${link}.role == "switch"
then getSwitchNets' seen' (
links' ++ (builtins.attrNames${link}.links)
else getLinkNets link ++
getSwitchNets' seen' (
builtins.filter (link: ! seen' ? ${link})
dhcpOpts = {
start = mkOption {
description = "First IP address in pool";
@ -136,7 +209,7 @@ let
description = "Static MAC address";
type = mkOption {
type = types.enum [ "phys" "veth" "pppoe" ];
type = types.enum [ "phys" "veth" "pppoe" "bridge" ];
description = ''
veth: Virtual ethernet to be attached to a bridge.
@ -307,6 +380,11 @@ let
type = types.bool;
default = false;
links = mkOption {
description = "Which port is connected to what other device? Keys are either network names or known hostnames.";
default = {};
type = with types; attrsOf (submodule linkOpts);
@ -325,6 +403,32 @@ let
default = {};
linkOpts = { name, ... }: {
options = {
ports = mkOption {
type = with types; listOf str;
description = "Port names";
group = mkOption {
type = with types; nullOr str;
default = null;
description = "Link aggregation group with a fixed number";
nets = mkOption {
type = with types; listOf str;
description = "Set for clients, automatically generated for others";
default = getLinkNets name;
vlans = mkOption {
type = with types; listOf int;
description = "Automatically generated, do not set";
default = map (net:${net}.vlan
) (getLinkNets name);
{ = {

View File

@ -1,18 +1,20 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
{% macro uci_network_mgmt(ifname) -%}
set network.mgmt=interface
set network.mgmt.ifname={{ ifname }}
set network.mgmt.proto=static
set network.mgmt.ipaddr={{ pillar['hosts-inet']['mgmt'][hostname] }}
set network.mgmt.netmask=
set network.mgmt.gateway={{ pillar['hosts-inet']['mgmt']['mgmt-gw'] }}
set network.mgmt.ip6addr={{ pillar['hosts-inet6']['dn42']['mgmt'][hostname] }}/64
set network.mgmt.ip6gw={{ pillar['hosts-inet6']['dn42']['mgmt']['mgmt-gw'] }}
delete network.mgmt.dns
add_list network.mgmt.dns={{ pillar['hosts-inet']['serv']['dnscache'] }}
add_list network.mgmt.dns={{ pillar['hosts-inet6']['dn42']['serv']['dnscache'] }}
{%- endmacro %}
{ pkgs, hostName, config, hostConfig, ... }:
uciNetworkMgmt = ifname: ''
set network.mgmt=interface
set network.mgmt.ifname={{ ifname }}
set network.mgmt.proto=static
set network.mgmt.ipaddr={{ pillar['hosts-inet']['mgmt'][hostName] }}
set network.mgmt.netmask=
set network.mgmt.gateway={{ pillar['hosts-inet']['mgmt']['mgmt-gw'] }}
set network.mgmt.ip6addr={{ pillar['hosts-inet6']['dn42']['mgmt'][hostName] }}/64
set network.mgmt.ip6gw={{ pillar['hosts-inet6']['dn42']['mgmt']['mgmt-gw'] }}
delete network.mgmt.dns
add_list network.mgmt.dns={{ pillar['hosts-inet']['serv']['dnscache'] }}
add_list network.mgmt.dns={{ pillar['hosts-inet6']['dn42']['serv']['dnscache'] }}
in ''
#! ${pkgs.runtimeShell} -e
{%- if conf.get('firstboot') %}
ssh-keygen -R
@ -20,7 +22,7 @@ ssh-keygen -R
ssh root@ \
"ash -e -x" <<__SSH__
{%- else %}
ssh root@{{ pillar['hosts-inet']['mgmt'][hostname] }} \
ssh root@{{ pillar['hosts-inet']['mgmt'][hostName] }} \
"ash -e -x" <<__SSH__
{%- endif %}
@ -32,7 +34,7 @@ echo "{{ pillar['ssh']['pubkey'] }}" > /etc/dropbear/authorized_keys
# System configuration
uci batch <<__UCI__
set system.@system[0].hostname={{ hostname }}
set system.@system[0].hostName={{ hostName }}
set dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].enabled=0
set system.@system[0].log_ip={{ pillar['hosts-inet']['mgmt']['logging'] }}
set system.@system[0].log_proto=udp
@ -78,7 +80,7 @@ set network.@switch_vlan[{{ switchnum }}].ports='0t 1t'
set network.@switch_vlan[{{ switchnum }}].comment='{{ net }}'
{%- endfor %}
{{ uci_network_mgmt('eth0.1') }}
${uciNetworkMgmt "eth0.1"}
{%- for net in bridges.keys() %}
set network.{{ net }}=interface
@ -112,7 +114,7 @@ set network.@switch_vlan[{{ switchnum }}].ports='5t 6t'
set network.@switch_vlan[{{ switchnum }}].comment='{{ net }}'
{%- endfor %}
{{ uci_network_mgmt('eth0.1') }}
${uciNetworkMgmt "eth0.1"}
{%- for net in bridges.keys() %}
set network.{{ net }}=interface
@ -150,7 +152,7 @@ set network.@switch_vlan[{{ switchnum }}].ports='1t 6t'
set network.@switch_vlan[{{ switchnum }}].comment='{{ net }}'
{%- endfor %}
{{ uci_network_mgmt('eth0.1') }}
${uciNetworkMgmt "eth0.1"}
{%- for net in bridges.keys() %}
set network.{{ net }}=interface
@ -187,7 +189,7 @@ set network.@switch_vlan[{{ switchnum }}].ports='0t 1t'
set network.@switch_vlan[{{ switchnum }}].comment='{{ net }}'
{%- endfor %}
{{ uci_network_mgmt('eth0.1') }}
${uciNetworkMgmt "eth0.1"}
{%- for net in bridges.keys() %}
set network.{{ net }}=interface
@ -220,7 +222,7 @@ set network.@switch_vlan[{{ switchnum }}].ports='0t 5t'
set network.@switch_vlan[{{ switchnum }}].comment='{{ net }}'
{%- endfor %}
{{ uci_network_mgmt('eth0.1') }}
${uciNetworkMgmt "eth0.1"}
{%- for net in bridges.keys() %}
set network.{{ net }}=interface
@ -235,7 +237,7 @@ set network.@switch[0].reset=1
set network.@switch[0].enable=1
set network.@switch[0].enable_vlan=0
{{ uci_network_mgmt('eth0.1') }}
${uciNetworkMgmt "eth0.1"}
{%- for net in bridges.keys() %}
@ -260,7 +262,7 @@ set network.@switch[0].reset=1
set network.@switch[0].enable=1
set network.@switch[0].enable_vlan=0
{{ uci_network_mgmt('eth1.1') }}
${uciNetworkMgmt "eth1.1"}
{%- for net in bridges.keys() %}
@ -280,7 +282,7 @@ set network.{{ net }}.ifname='{{ ' '.join(ports) }}'
{%- elif conf['model'] == 'TL-WA901NDv3' or conf['model'] == 'Ubnt-UniFi-AP-AC-LR' %}
{# Only eth0 exists, no switch #}
{{ uci_network_mgmt('eth0.1') }}
${uciNetworkMgmt "eth0.1"}
{%- for net in bridges.keys() %}
@ -294,7 +296,7 @@ set network.{{ net }}.ifname='{{ 'eth0.' ~ pillar['vlans'][net] }}'
{%- elif conf['model'] == 'Ubnt-UAP-nanoHD' %}
{# no switch, eth0 exists but is not usable, using "lan" instead #}
{{ uci_network_mgmt('lan.1') }}
${uciNetworkMgmt "lan.1"}
{%- for net in bridges.keys() %}
@ -332,7 +334,7 @@ set network.@switch_vlan[{{ switchnum }}].ports='4t 6t'
set network.@switch_vlan[{{ switchnum }}].comment='{{ net }}'
{%- endfor %}
{{ uci_network_mgmt('eth0.1') }}
${uciNetworkMgmt "eth0.1"}
{%- for net in bridges.keys() %}
set network.{{ net }}=interface
@ -348,7 +350,7 @@ set network.@switch[0].reset=1
set network.@switch[0].enable=1
set network.@switch[0].enable_vlan=0
{{ uci_network_mgmt('eth1.1') }}
${uciNetworkMgmt "eth1.1"}
{%- for net in bridges.keys() %}
@ -401,71 +403,71 @@ set wireless.wifi{{ index.iface }}=wifi-iface
{%- set ifsuffix = '-eap' %}
{%- endif %}
{%- else %}
{%- set ifsuffix = '' %}
{%- set ifsuffix = "" %}
{%- endif %}
set wireless.wifi{{ index.iface }}.ifname={{ ifprefix }}{{ ssidconf['net'] }}{{ ifsuffix }}
set wireless.wifi{{ index.iface }}.device=radio{{ }}
set wireless.wifi{{ index.iface }}.ssid='{{ ssid }}'
set wireless.wifi{{ index.iface }}.mode=ap
set wireless.wifi{{ index.iface }}.network={{ ssidconf['net'] }}
{%- if ssidconf.get('psk') %}
set wireless.wifi{{ index.iface }}.encryption=psk2
set wireless.wifi{{ index.iface }}.key='{{ ssidconf['psk'] }}'
{%- elif ssidconf.get('wpa-eap') %}
set wireless.wifi{{ index.iface }}.encryption=wpa2
set wireless.wifi{{ index.iface }}.server='{{ ssidconf['wpa-eap']['server'] }}'
set wireless.wifi{{ index.iface }}.port='{{ ssidconf['wpa-eap']['port'] }}'
set wireless.wifi{{ index.iface }}.auth_secret='{{ ssidconf['wpa-eap']['secret'] }}'
{%- else %}
set wireless.wifi{{ index.iface }}.encryption=none
delete wireless.wifi{{ index.iface }}.key
{%- endif %}
set wireless.wifi{{ index.iface }}.mcast_rate=18000
set wireless.wifi{{ index.iface }}.ifname={{ ifprefix }}{{ ssidconf['net'] }}{{ ifsuffix }}
set wireless.wifi{{ index.iface }}.device=radio{{ }}
set wireless.wifi{{ index.iface }}.ssid='{{ ssid }}'
set wireless.wifi{{ index.iface }}.mode=ap
set wireless.wifi{{ index.iface }}.network={{ ssidconf['net'] }}
{%- if ssidconf.get('psk') %}
set wireless.wifi{{ index.iface }}.encryption=psk2
set wireless.wifi{{ index.iface }}.key='{{ ssidconf['psk'] }}'
{%- elif ssidconf.get('wpa-eap') %}
set wireless.wifi{{ index.iface }}.encryption=wpa2
set wireless.wifi{{ index.iface }}.server='{{ ssidconf['wpa-eap']['server'] }}'
set wireless.wifi{{ index.iface }}.port='{{ ssidconf['wpa-eap']['port'] }}'
set wireless.wifi{{ index.iface }}.auth_secret='{{ ssidconf['wpa-eap']['secret'] }}'
{%- else %}
set wireless.wifi{{ index.iface }}.encryption=none
delete wireless.wifi{{ index.iface }}.key
{%- endif %}
set wireless.wifi{{ index.iface }}.mcast_rate=18000
{%- set x = index.update({ 'iface': index.iface + 1 }) %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- set x = index.update({ 'radio': + 1 }) %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- set x = index.update({ 'iface': index.iface + 1 }) %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- set x = index.update({ 'radio': + 1 }) %}
{%- endfor %}
# Cronjob that makes sure WiFi is only visible when server with all
# the gateways is reachable
cat >/etc/crontabs/root <<__CRON__
* * * * * /usr/sbin/
cat >/usr/sbin/ <<__SH__
# Cronjob that makes sure WiFi is only visible when server with all
# the gateways is reachable
cat >/etc/crontabs/root <<__CRON__
* * * * * /usr/sbin/
cat >/usr/sbin/ <<__SH__
if (ping -c 1 -W 3 {{ pillar['hosts-inet']['mgmt']['mgmt-gw'] }}) ; then
if (ping -c 1 -W 3 {{ pillar['hosts-inet']['mgmt']['mgmt-gw'] }}) ; then
if [ "\\\$(cat /sys/class/net/wlan2-pub/operstate)" == "up" ] ; then
if [ "\\\$(cat /sys/class/net/wlan2-pub/operstate)" == "up" ] ; then
{%- if conf.get("error-led") %}
ERROR_LED=/sys/class/leds/{{ conf["error-led"] }}/brightness
[ \\\$REACHABLE = y ] && echo 0 > \\\$ERROR_LED
[ \\\$REACHABLE = n ] && echo 1 > \\\$ERROR_LED
{%- endif %}
{%- if conf.get("error-led") %}
ERROR_LED=/sys/class/leds/{{ conf["error-led"] }}/brightness
[ \\\$REACHABLE = y ] && echo 0 > \\\$ERROR_LED
[ \\\$REACHABLE = n ] && echo 1 > \\\$ERROR_LED
{%- endif %}
[ \\\$REACHABLE = y ] && [ \\\$UP = n ] && wifi up
[ \\\$REACHABLE = n ] && [ \\\$UP = y ] && wifi down
[ \\\$REACHABLE = y ] && [ \\\$UP = n ] && wifi up
[ \\\$REACHABLE = n ] && [ \\\$UP = y ] && wifi down
exit 0
chmod a+rx /usr/sbin/
/etc/init.d/cron restart
exit 0
chmod a+rx /usr/sbin/
/etc/init.d/cron restart
for svc in dnsmasq uhttpd ; do
rm /etc/rc.d/*\$svc
for svc in dnsmasq uhttpd ; do
rm /etc/rc.d/*\$svc
/etc/init.d/\$svc stop
@ -476,4 +478,7 @@ reboot
echo "Base configuration done \\o/"
echo "Later run: `dirname $0`/ {{ pillar['hosts-inet']['mgmt'][hostname] }}"
echo "Later run: `dirname $0`/ {{ pillar['hosts-inet']['mgmt'][hostName] }}"

View File

@ -4,43 +4,17 @@ let
pkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system};
config = self.lib.config;
templates = role: {
ap = _: ./;
switch = model: ../../salt/switches + "/${model}.expect";
replaceNetmasks = template:
builtins.toFile (builtins.baseNameOf template) (
builtins.replaceStrings [''{%- import_yaml "netmasks.yaml" as netmasks -%}''] [""] (
builtins.readFile template
expandTemplate = name: template: data:
self.lib.expandSaltTemplate name (replaceNetmasks template) data;
wrapNixShell = script:
pkgs.runCommand (builtins.baseNameOf script) {
src = script;
} ''
echo '#! /usr/bin/env nix-shell'
echo '#! nix-shell -i "expect -f" -p expect telnet'
cat $src
) > $out
chmod a+x $out
device-scripts =
builtins.mapAttrs (hostname: { role, model, ... }:
wrapNixShell (
expandTemplate "${hostname}.sh" (templates role model) ({
inherit hostname;
pillar = config.salt-pillar;
netmasks = self.lib.netmasks;
logging = config.salt-pillar.hosts-inet.mgmt.logging;
} // optionalAttrs (config.salt-pillar.switches ? ${hostname}) {
switch = config.salt-pillar.switches.${hostname};
} // optionalAttrs (config.salt-pillar.cpe ? ${hostname}) {
conf = config.salt-pillar.cpe.${hostname};
builtins.mapAttrs (hostName: hostConfig@{ role, model, ... }:
pkgs.writeScript "${hostName}.sh" (
args = {
inherit pkgs self hostName config hostConfig;
in {
ap = import ./ap.nix args;
switch = import (./switches + "/${model}.nix") args;
) (
filterAttrs (_: { role, ... }:
@ -58,8 +32,8 @@ let
chmod a+x $out/bin/
'' +
builtins.concatStringsSep "\n" (
map (hostname:
"ln -s ${device-scripts.${hostname}} $out/bin/${hostname}.sh"
map (hostName:
"ln -s ${device-scripts.${hostName}} $out/bin/${hostName}.sh"
) (builtins.attrNames device-scripts)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
{ self, pkgs, hostName, config, hostConfig, ... }:
with pkgs;
with lib;
#! ${expect}/bin/expect -f
spawn ${inetutils}/bin/telnet ${${hostName}}
expect "Password:"
send "${hostConfig.password}\r"
expect ">"
send "system-view\r"
expect "]"
send "sysname ${hostName}\r"
expect "]"
send "user-interface vty 0 4\r"
expect "ui-vty0-4]"
send "screen-length 0\r"
expect "ui-vty0-4]"
send "user privilege level 3\r"
expect "ui-vty0-4]"
send "set authentication password simple ${hostConfig.password}\r"
expect "ui-vty0-4]"
send "quit\r"
expect "${hostName}]"
send "local-user admin\r"
expect -- "-luser-admin]"
send "password simple ${hostConfig.password}\r"
expect -- "-luser-admin]"
send "quit\r"
expect "${hostName}]"
# Enable logging
send "info-center enable\r"
expect "]"
send "info-center loghost ${} channel loghost facility local6\r"
expect "]"
send "info-center source default channel loghost log level informational\r"
expect "]"
${concatMapStrings (net:
netConfig =${net};
vlan = toString netConfig.vlan;
inherit (${net}) hosts4;
hostAddr4 = hosts4.${hostName};
prefixLength = elemAt (
builtins.split "/" netConfig.subnet4
) 2;
netmask = self.lib.netmasks.${prefixLength};
in ''
send "vlan ${vlan}\r"
expect -- "-vlan${vlan}]"
send "name ${net}\r"
expect -- "-vlan${vlan}]"
${optionalString (net == "mgmt") ''
# Actually only used for mgmt_vlan, switches are not routers
send "interface Vlan-interface ${vlan}\r"
expect "]"
${optionalString (hosts4 ? ${hostName}) ''
send "ip address ${hostAddr4} ${netmask}\r"
expect "]"
send "quit\r"
expect "${hostName}]"
'') (builtins.attrNames
${concatMapStrings (name:
linkConfig = hostConfig.links.${name};
isAccess = ? ${name};
netConfig =${name};
isTrunk = !isAccess;
isBond = isTrunk && builtins.length linkConfig.ports > 1;
if isTrunk
then ''
${optionalString isBond ''
send "link-aggregation group ${} mode static\r"
expect {
"This aggregation will be modified to static mode. Continue ?" {
send "Y\r"
"]" {}
send "link-aggregation group ${} description ${name}\r"
expect "]"
${concatMapStrings (port: ''
send "interface ${port}\r"
expect "]"
send "undo stp edged-port\r"
expect "]"
${if isBond
then ''
send "lacp enable\r"
expect "]"
send "undo port link-aggregation group\r"
expect "]"
send "port link-aggregation group ${}\r"
'' else ''
send "undo lacp enable\r"
expect "]"
send "jumboframe enable\r"
expect "]"
send "port link-type trunk\r"
expect "]"
# Set dummy default vlan
send "port trunk pvid vlan 4094\r"
expect "]"
# Deconfigure all but mgmt vlan
send "undo port trunk permit vlan 2 to 4094\r"
expect "]"
${concatMapStrings (vlan: ''
send "port trunk permit vlan ${toString vlan}\r"
expect "]"
'') linkConfig.vlans}
send "quit\r"
expect "${hostName}]"
'') linkConfig.ports}
'' else
concatMapStrings (port: ''
send "interface ${port}\r"
expect "]"
send "undo port link-aggregation group\r"
expect "]"
send "port link-type access\r"
expect "]"
${if name == "mgmt"
then ''
send "undo port access vlan\r"
expect "]"
'' else ''
send "port access vlan ${toString netConfig.vlan}\r"
expect "]"
send "quit\r"
expect "${hostName}]"
'') (linkConfig.ports)
) (builtins.attrNames hostConfig.links)}
send "save main\r"
expect "Y/N]"
send "YES\r"
expect "press the enter key):"
send "\r"
expect "]"
send "quit\r"
expect ">"
send "quit\r"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
{ self, pkgs, hostName, config, hostConfig, ... }:
with pkgs;
with lib;
#! ${expect}/bin/expect -f
spawn ${inetutils}/bin/telnet ${${hostName}}
expect "Press any key to continue"
send "\r"
expect "assword: "
send "${hostConfig.password}\r"
expect "#"
send "configure terminal\r"
expect "(config)# "
send "hostname ${hostName}\r"
expect "(config)# "
send "snmp-server location \"${hostConfig.location}\"\r"
expect "(config)# "
send "snmp-server contact \"\"\r"
expect "(config)# "
send "password manager\r"
expect "New password for Manager: "
send "${hostConfig.password}\r"
expect "Please retype new password for Manager: "
send "${hostConfig.password}\r"
expect "(config)# "
# TODO: ssh, password
# Enable Logging
send "logging ${}\r"
expect "(config)# "
send "logging facility local6\r"
expect "(config)# "
# todo ntp
# timesync sntp
# ip timep manual {#ntp#} interval 10
${concatMapStrings (net:
netConfig =${net};
vlan = toString netConfig.vlan;
inherit (${net}) hosts4;
hostAddr4 = hosts4.${hostName};
prefixLength = elemAt (
builtins.split "/" netConfig.subnet4
) 2;
netmask = self.lib.netmasks.${prefixLength};
in ''
send "vlan ${vlan}\r"
expect "(vlan-${vlan})#"
send "name ${hostName}\r"
expect "(vlan-${vlan})#"
send "jumbo\r"
expect "(vlan-${vlan})#"
# Actually only used for mgmt_vlan, switches are not routers
${optionalString (hosts4 ? ${hostName}) ''
send "ip address ${hostAddr4} ${netmask}\r"
expect "(vlan-${vlan})#"
send "exit\r"
expect "(config)# "
${if net == "mgmt"
then ''
send "management-vlan ${vlan}\r"
expect "(config)# "
'' else ''
# If not mgmt, reset all VLAN mappings
send "no vlan ${vlan} tagged all\r"
expect "(config)# "
send "no vlan ${vlan} untagged all\r"
expect "(config)# "
'') (builtins.attrNames
${concatMapStrings (name:
linkConfig = hostConfig.links.${name};
isAccess = ? ${name};
netConfig =${name};
isTrunk = !isAccess;
isBond = isTrunk && builtins.length linkConfig.ports > 1;
ports = concatStringsSep "," linkConfig.ports;
if isTrunk && isBond
then ''
send "interface ${ports} lacp active\r"
expect "(config)# "
send "trunk ${ports} trk${} lacp\r"
expect "(config)# "
${concatMapStrings (vlan: ''
send "vlan ${toString vlan} tagged trk${}\r"
expect "(config)# "
'') linkConfig.vlans}
else if isTrunk
then ''
send "no trunk ${ports}\r"
expect "(config)# "
send "no interface ${ports} lacp\r"
expect "(config)# "
${concatMapStrings (vlan: ''
send "vlan ${toString vlan} tagged ${ports}\r"
expect "(config)# "
'') linkConfig.vlans}
else ''
send "no trunk ${ports}\r"
expect "(config)# "
send "vlan ${toString netConfig.vlan} untagged ${ports}\r"
expect "(config)# "
) (builtins.attrNames hostConfig.links)}
send "exit\r"
expect "${hostName}# "
send "write memory\r"
expect "${hostName}# "
send "exit\r"
expect "${hostName}> "
send "exit\r"
expect "Do you want to log out "
expect "y/n]? "
send "y"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
{ self, pkgs, hostName, config, hostConfig, ... }:
with pkgs;
with lib;
#! ${pkgs.expect}/bin/expect -f
spawn ${pkgs.inetutils}/bin/telnet ${${hostName}}
expect "Password:"
send "${hostConfig.password}\r"
expect ">"
send "\r"
expect ">"
send "enable\r"
expect "Password:"
send "${hostConfig.password}\r"
expect "#"
send "configure\r"
expect "(config)#"
send "enable secret 0 ${hostConfig.password}\r"
expect "(config)#"
#send "enable password 0 ${hostConfig.password}\r"
#expect "(config)#"
send "service password-encryption\r"
expect "(config)#"
send "user name admin privilege admin secret 0 ${hostConfig.password}\r"
expect "(config)#"
send "hostname \"${hostName}\"\r"
expect "(config)#"
send "location \"${hostConfig.location}\"\r"
expect "(config)#"
send "logging host index 1 ${} 6\r"
expect "(config)#"
send "ip management-vlan ${toString}\r"
expect "(config)#"
send "ip ssh server\r"
expect "(config)#"
send "telnet enable\r"
expect "(config)#"
send "line vty 0 15\r"
expect "(config-line)#"
send "password 0 ${hostConfig.password}\r"
expect "(config-line)#"
send "exit\r"
expect "(config)#"
${concatMapStrings (net:
netConfig =${net};
vlan = toString netConfig.vlan;
inherit (${net}) hosts4;
hostAddr4 = hosts4.${hostName};
prefixLength = elemAt (
builtins.split "/" netConfig.subnet4
) 2;
netmask = self.lib.netmasks.${prefixLength};
in ''
${optionalString (net != "mgmt") ''
send "vlan ${vlan}\r"
expect "(config-vlan)#"
send "name \"${net}\"\r"
expect "(config-vlan)#"
send "exit\r"
expect "(config)#"
# Actually only used for mgmt_vlan, switches are not routers
send "interface vlan ${vlan}\r"
expect "(config-if)#"
${optionalString (hosts4 ? ${hostName}) ''
send "ip address ${hostAddr4} ${netmask}\r"
expect "(config-if)#"
send "exit\r"
expect "(config)#"
) (builtins.attrNames}
${concatMapStrings (name:
linkConfig = hostConfig.links.${name};
isAccess = ? ${name};
netConfig =${name};
isTrunk = !isAccess;
isBond = isTrunk && builtins.length linkConfig.ports > 1;
ports = concatStringsSep "," linkConfig.ports;
if isTrunk
then ''
send "interface range gigabitEthernet 1/0/${ports}\r"
expect "(config-if-range)#"
send "switchport mode trunk\r"
expect "(config-if-range)#"
${if (builtins.length linkConfig.ports > 1)
then ''
send "channel-group ${} mode active\r"
expect "(config-if-range)#"
#send "port-channel load-balance src-dst-ip\r"
#expect "(config-if-range)#"
'' else ''
send "no channel-group\r"
expect "(config-if-range)#"
send "switchport trunk allowed vlan ${concatStringsSep "," (map toString linkConfig.vlans)}\r"
expect "(config-if-range)#"
send "exit\r"
expect "(config)#"
'' else ''
send "interface range gigabitEthernet 1/0/${ports}\r"
expect "(config-if-range)#"
send "switchport mode access\r"
expect "(config-if-range)#"
send "switchport access vlan ${toString netConfig.vlan}\r"
expect "(config-if-range)#"
send "exit\r"
expect "(config)#"
) (builtins.attrNames hostConfig.links)}
send "exit\r"
expect "#"
send "copy running-config startup-config\r"
expect "#"
send "exit\r"
expect ">"
send "exit\r"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
{ self, pkgs, hostName, config, hostConfig, ... }:
with pkgs;
with lib;
#! ${expect}/bin/expect -f
spawn ${inetutils}/bin/telnet ${${hostName}}
expect "Password:"
send "admin\t${hostConfig.password}\r"
# ^z
send "\x1A"
expect ">"
send "lcli\r"
expect "User Name:"
send "admin\r"
expect "Password:"
send "${hostConfig.password}\r"
expect "# "
send "configure\r"
expect "(config)# "
send "hostname ${hostName}\r"
expect "(config)# "
send "management vlan 4094\r"
expect "(config)# "
send "vlan database\r"
expect "(config-vlan)# "
${concatMapStrings (net: ''
send "vlan ${toString${net}.vlan}\r"
expect "(config-vlan)#"
'') (builtins.attrNames}
send "exit\r"
expect "(config)#"
${concatMapStrings (net: ''
send "interface vlan ${toString${net}.vlan}\r"
expect "(config-if)#"
send "name ${net}\r"
expect "(config-if)#"
send "exit\r"
expect "(config)#"
'') (builtins.attrNames}
${concatMapStrings (name:
linkConfig = hostConfig.links.${name};
isAccess = ? ${name};
netConfig =${name};
isTrunk = !isAccess;
isBond = isTrunk && builtins.length linkConfig.ports > 1;
ports = concatStringsSep "," linkConfig.ports;
if isTrunk && isBond
then ''
send "interface range ethernet ${ports}\r"
expect "(config-if)#"
send "switchport trunk allowed vlan remove all\r"
expect "(config-if)#"
send "channel-group ${} mode auto\r"
expect "(config-if)#"
send "interface port-channel ${}\r"
expect "(config-if)#"
send "exit\r"
send "interface port-channel ${}\r"
expect "(config-if)#"
send "switchport mode trunk\r"
expect "(config-if)#"
send "switchport trunk allowed vlan add ${concatStringsSep "," (map toString linkConfig.vlans)}\r"
expect "(config-if)#"
send "exit\r"
expect "(config)#"
else if isTrunk
then concatMapStrings (port: ''
send "interface ethernet ${port}\r"
expect "(config-if)#"
send "no channel-group\r"
expect "(config-if)#"
send "switchport mode trunk\r"
expect "(config-if)#"
send "switchport trunk allowed vlan add ${concatStringsSep "," (map toString linkConfig.vlans)}\r"
expect "(config-if)#"
send "exit\r"
expect "(config)#"
'') linkConfig.ports
else concatMapStrings (port: ''
send "interface ethernet ${port}\r"
expect "(config-if)#"
send "no channel-group\r"
expect "(config-if)#"
send "switchport mode access\r"
expect "(config-if)#"
send "switchport access vlan ${toString netConfig.vlan}\r"
expect "(config-if)#"
send "exit\r"
expect "(config)#"
'') linkConfig.ports
) (builtins.attrNames hostConfig.links)}

View File

@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ switches:
- g39
- g40
vlans: *server1_vlans
mode: bond
group: 6
@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ switches:
- cluster
- bmx
- priv23
mode: bond
group: 8
@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ switches:
- g7
- g8
vlans: *server_vlans
mode: bond
group: 7
@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ switches:
- g14
- g15
vlans: *server_vlans
mode: bond
group: 5
@ -421,14 +421,14 @@ switches:
- mgmt
- pub
- priv17
mode: bond
group: 1
- GigabitEthernet1/0/30
- GigabitEthernet1/0/31
vlans: *server_vlans
mode: bond
group: 3
@ -734,6 +734,7 @@ switches:
mode: bond
ports: 1
group: 1
- mgmt
- pub

View File

@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
{# #}
{%- macro increment(dct, key, inc=1) -%}
{% if dct.update({key: dct[key] + inc}) %} {% endif %}
{%- endmacro -%}
{%- import_yaml "netmasks.yaml" as netmasks -%}
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
spawn telnet {{ pillar['hosts-inet']['mgmt'][hostname] }}
expect "Password:"
send "{{ switch['password'] }}\r"
expect ">"
send "system-view\r"
expect "]"
send "sysname {{ hostname }}\r"
expect "]"
send "user-interface vty 0 4\r"
expect "ui-vty0-4]"
send "screen-length 0\r"
expect "ui-vty0-4]"
send "user privilege level 3\r"
expect "ui-vty0-4]"
send "set authentication password simple {{ switch['password'] }}\r"
expect "ui-vty0-4]"
send "quit\r"
expect "{{ hostname }}]"
send "local-user admin\r"
expect -- "-luser-admin]"
send "password simple {{ switch['password'] }}\r"
expect -- "-luser-admin]"
send "quit\r"
expect "{{ hostname }}]"
{# Enable logging #}
send "info-center enable\r"
expect "]"
send "info-center loghost {{logging}} channel loghost facility local6\r"
expect "]"
send "info-center source default channel loghost log level informational\r"
expect "]"
{%- for name, vlan in pillar['vlans'].items() %}
send "vlan {{ vlan }}\r"
expect -- "-vlan{{ vlan }}]"
send "name {{ name }}\r"
expect -- "-vlan{{ vlan }}]"
{%- if name == 'mgmt' %}
{# Actually only used for mgmt_vlan, switches are not routers #}
send "interface Vlan-interface {{ vlan }}\r"
expect "]"
{%- set net_hosts = pillar['hosts-inet'].get(name) %}
{%- set ipaddr = net_hosts and net_hosts.get(hostname) %}
{%- if ipaddr %}
send "ip address {{ ipaddr }} {{ netmasks[pillar['subnets-inet'][name].split('/')[1]] }}\r"
expect "]"
{%- endif %}
{%- endif %}
send "quit\r"
expect "{{ hostname }}]"
{%- endfor %}
{%- for name, conf in switch['ports'].items() %}
{%- if conf['mode'] == 'trunk' or conf['mode'] == 'bond' %}
{%- if conf['mode'] == 'bond' %}
send "link-aggregation group {{ conf['group'] }} mode static\r"
expect {
"This aggregation will be modified to static mode. Continue ?" {
send "Y\r"
"]" {}
send "link-aggregation group {{ conf['group'] }} description {{name}}\r"
expect "]"
{%- endif %}
{%- for port in conf['ports'] %}
send "interface {{ port }}\r"
expect "]"
send "undo stp edged-port\r"
expect "]"
{%- if conf['mode'] == 'bond' %}
send "lacp enable\r"
expect "]"
send "undo port link-aggregation group\r"
expect "]"
send "port link-aggregation group {{ conf['group'] }}\r"
{%- else %}
send "undo lacp enable\r"
{%- endif %}
expect "]"
send "jumboframe enable\r"
expect "]"
{%- if conf.get('vlans') %}
send "port link-type trunk\r"
expect "]"
# Set dummy default vlan
send "port trunk pvid vlan 4094\r"
expect "]"
# Deconfigure all but mgmt vlan
send "undo port trunk permit vlan 2 to 4094\r"
expect "]"
{%- for vlan_name in conf['vlans'] %}
send "port trunk permit vlan {{ pillar['vlans'][vlan_name] }}\r"
expect "]"
{%- endfor %}
{%- else %}
send "port link-type access\r"
expect "]"
send "port access vlan {{ pillar['vlans'][conf['access']] }}\r"
expect "]"
{%- endif %}
send "quit\r"
expect "{{ hostname }}]"
{%- endfor %}
{%- elif conf['mode'] == 'access' %}
{%- for port in conf['ports'] %}
send "interface {{ port }}\r"
expect "]"
send "undo port link-aggregation group\r"
expect "]"
send "port link-type access\r"
expect "]"
{%- if name == 'mgmt' %}
send "undo port access vlan\r"
expect "]"
{%- else %}
send "port access vlan {{ pillar['vlans'][name] }}\r"
expect "]"
{%- endif %}
send "quit\r"
expect "{{ hostname }}]"
{%- endfor %}
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
send "save main\r"
expect "Y/N]"
send "YES\r"
expect "press the enter key):"
send "\r"
expect "]"
send "quit\r"
expect ">"
send "quit\r"

View File

@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
{# #}
{%- import_yaml "netmasks.yaml" as netmasks -%}
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
spawn telnet {{ pillar['hosts-inet']['mgmt'][hostname] }}
expect "Press any key to continue"
send "\r"
expect "assword: "
send "{{ switch['password'] }}\r"
expect "#"
send "configure terminal\r"
expect "(config)# "
send "hostname {{ hostname }}\r"
expect "(config)# "
send "snmp-server location \"{{ switch['location'] }}\"\r"
expect "(config)# "
send "snmp-server contact \"\"\r"
expect "(config)# "
send "password manager\r"
expect "New password for Manager: "
send "{{ switch['password'] }}\r"
expect "Please retype new password for Manager: "
send "{{ switch['password'] }}\r"
expect "(config)# "
# TODO: ssh, password
{# Enable Logging #}
send "logging {{logging}}\r"
expect "(config)# "
send "logging facility local6\r"
expect "(config)# "
# todo ntp
# timesync sntp
# ip timep manual {#ntp#} interval 10
{%- for name, vlan in pillar['vlans'].items() %}
send "vlan {{ vlan }}\r"
expect "(vlan-{{ vlan }})#"
send "name {{ name }}\r"
expect "(vlan-{{ vlan }})#"
send "jumbo\r"
expect "(vlan-{{ vlan }})#"
{# Actually only used for mgmt_vlan, switches are not routers #}
{%- set net_hosts = pillar['hosts-inet'].get(name) %}
{%- set ipaddr = net_hosts and net_hosts.get(hostname) %}
{%- if ipaddr %}
send "ip address {{ ipaddr }} {{ netmasks[pillar['subnets-inet'][name].split('/')[1]] }}\r"
expect "(vlan-{{ vlan }})#"
{%- endif %}
send "exit\r"
expect "(config)# "
{%- if name == 'mgmt' %}
send "management-vlan {{ vlan }}\r"
expect "(config)# "
{%- else %}
# If not mgmt, reset all VLAN mappings
send "no vlan {{ vlan }} tagged all\r"
expect "(config)# "
send "no vlan {{ vlan }} untagged all\r"
expect "(config)# "
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- for name, conf in switch['ports'].items() %}
{%- if conf['mode'] == 'bond' %}
{%- if not conf.get('lacp', True) %}
send "trunk {{ conf['ports'] }} trk{{ conf['group'] }} trunk\r"
expect "(config)# "
{%- else %}
send "interface {{ conf['ports'] }} lacp active\r"
expect "(config)# "
send "trunk {{ conf['ports'] }} trk{{ conf['group'] }} lacp\r"
expect "(config)# "
{%- endif %}
{%- for vlan_name in conf['vlans'] %}
send "vlan {{ pillar['vlans'][vlan_name] }} tagged trk{{ conf['group'] }}\r"
expect "(config)# "
{%- endfor %}
{%- elif conf['mode'] == 'trunk' %}
send "no trunk {{ conf['ports'] }}\r"
expect "(config)# "
send "no interface {{ conf['ports'] }} lacp\r"
expect "(config)# "
{%- for vlan_name in conf['vlans'] %}
send "vlan {{ pillar['vlans'][vlan_name] }} tagged {{ conf['ports'] }}\r"
expect "(config)# "
{%- endfor %}
{%- elif conf['mode'] == 'access' %}
send "no trunk {{ conf['ports'] }}\r"
expect "(config)# "
send "vlan {{ pillar['vlans'][name] }} untagged {{ conf['ports'] }}\r"
expect "(config)# "
{%- endif %}
{%- if conf.get('nostp') %}
send "spanning-tree {{ conf['ports'] }} bpdu-filter\r"
expect "(config)# "
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
send "exit\r"
expect "{{ hostname }}# "
send "write memory\r"
expect "{{ hostname }}# "
send "exit\r"
expect "{{ hostname }}> "
send "exit\r"
expect "Do you want to log out "
expect "y/n]? "
send "y"

View File

@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
{# #}
{%- import_yaml "netmasks.yaml" as netmasks -%}
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
#spawn cu -s 38400 -l /dev/ttyUSB0
#stty raw -echo
spawn telnet {{ pillar['hosts-inet']['mgmt'][hostname] }}
expect "Password:"
send "{{ switch['password'] }}\r"
expect ">"
send "\r"
expect ">"
send "enable\r"
expect "Password:"
send "{{ switch['password'] }}\r"
expect "#"
send "configure\r"
expect "(config)#"
send "enable secret 0 {{ switch['password'] }}\r"
expect "(config)#"
#send "enable password 0 {{ switch['password'] }}\r"
#expect "(config)#"
send "service password-encryption\r"
expect "(config)#"
send "user name admin privilege admin secret 0 {{ switch['password'] }}\r"
expect "(config)#"
send "hostname \"{{ hostname }}\"\r"
expect "(config)#"
send "location \"{{ switch['location'] }}\"\r"
expect "(config)#"
send "logging host index 1 {{logging}} 6\r"
expect "(config)#"
{%- set mgmt_vlan = pillar['vlans']['mgmt'] %}
send "ip management-vlan {{ mgmt_vlan }}\r"
expect "(config)#"
send "ip ssh server\r"
expect "(config)#"
send "telnet enable\r"
expect "(config)#"
send "line vty 0 15\r"
expect "(config-line)#"
send "password 0 {{ switch['password'] }}\r"
expect "(config-line)#"
send "exit\r"
expect "(config)#"
{%- for name, vlan in pillar['vlans'].items() %}
{%- if name != 'mgmt' %}
send "vlan {{ vlan }}\r"
expect "(config-vlan)#"
send "name \"{{ name }}\"\r"
expect "(config-vlan)#"
send "exit\r"
expect "(config)#"
{%- endif %}
{# Actually only used for mgmt_vlan, switches are not routers #}
send "interface vlan {{ vlan }}\r"
expect "(config-if)#"
{%- set net_hosts = pillar['hosts-inet'].get(name) %}
{%- set ipaddr = net_hosts and net_hosts.get(hostname) %}
{%- if ipaddr %}
send "ip address {{ ipaddr }} {{ netmasks[pillar['subnets-inet'][name].split('/')[1]] }}\r"
expect "(config-if)#"
{%- endif %}
send "exit\r"
expect "(config)#"
{%- endfor %}
{%- set group = 0 %}
{%- for name, conf in switch['ports'].items() %}
{%- if conf['mode'] == 'trunk' or conf['mode'] == 'bond' %}
send "interface range gigabitEthernet 1/0/{{ conf['ports'] }}\r"
expect "(config-if-range)#"
send "switchport mode trunk\r"
expect "(config-if-range)#"
{%- set group = group + 1 %}
send "channel-group {{ group }} mode passive\r"
expect "(config-if-range)#"
#send "port-channel load-balance src-dst-ip\r"
#expect "(config-if-range)#"
{%- set vlan_ids = [] %}
{%- for name in conf['vlans'] %}
{%- if vlan_ids.append('' ~ pillar['vlans'][name]) %}
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
send "switchport trunk allowed vlan {{ ','.join(vlan_ids) }}\r"
expect "(config-if-range)#"
send "exit\r"
expect "(config)#"
{%- elif conf['mode'] == 'access' %}
{%- for port in conf['ports'] %}
send "interface range gigabitEthernet 1/0/{{ port }}\r"
expect "(config-if-range)#"
send "switchport mode access\r"
expect "(config-if-range)#"
send "switchport access vlan {{ pillar['vlans'][name] }}\r"
expect "(config-if-range)#"
send "exit\r"
expect "(config)#"
{%- endfor %}
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
send "exit\r"
expect "#"
send "copy running-config startup-config\r"
expect "#"
send "exit\r"
expect ">"
send "exit\r"

View File

@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
{# #}
{%- import_yaml "netmasks.yaml" as netmasks -%}
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
spawn telnet {{ pillar['hosts-inet']['mgmt'][hostname] }}
expect "Password:"
send "admin\t{{ switch['password'] }}\r"
# ^z
send "\x1A"
expect ">"
send "lcli\r"
expect "User Name:"
send "admin\r"
expect "Password:"
send "{{ switch['password'] }}\r"
expect "# "
send "configure\r"
expect "(config)# "
send "hostname {{ hostname }}\r"
expect "(config)# "
send "management vlan 4094\r"
expect "(config)# "
send "vlan database\r"
expect "(config-vlan)# "
{%- for name, vlan in pillar['vlans'].items() %}
send "vlan {{ vlan }}\r"
expect "(config-vlan)#"
{%- endfor %}
send "exit\r"
expect "(config)#"
{%- for name, vlan in pillar['vlans'].items() %}
send "interface vlan {{ vlan }}\r"
expect "(config-if)#"
send "name {{ name }}\r"
expect "(config-if)#"
send "exit\r"
expect "(config)#"
{%- endfor %}
{%- for name, conf in switch['ports'].items() %}
{%- if conf['mode'] == 'trunk' %}
{%- for port in conf['ports'] %}
send "interface ethernet {{ port }}\r"
expect "(config-if)#"
send "no channel-group\r"
expect "(config-if)#"
send "switchport mode trunk\r"
expect "(config-if)#"
{%- set vlan_ids = [] %}
{%- for name in conf['vlans'] %}
{%- if vlan_ids.append('' ~ pillar['vlans'][name]) %}
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
send "switchport trunk allowed vlan add {{ ','.join(vlan_ids) }}\r"
expect "(config-if)#"
send "exit\r"
expect "(config)#"
{%- endfor %}
{%- elif conf['mode'] == 'bond' %}
send "interface range ethernet {{ ','.join(conf['ports']) }}\r"
expect "(config-if)#"
send "switchport trunk allowed vlan remove all\r"
expect "(config-if)#"
send "channel-group {{ conf['group'] }} mode auto\r"
expect "(config-if)#"
send "interface port-channel {{ conf['group'] }}\r"
expect "(config-if)#"
send "exit\r"
send "interface port-channel {{ conf['group'] }}\r"
expect "(config-if)#"
send "switchport mode trunk\r"
expect "(config-if)#"
{%- set vlan_ids = [] %}
{%- for name in conf['vlans'] %}
{%- if vlan_ids.append('' ~ pillar['vlans'][name]) %}
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
send "switchport trunk allowed vlan add {{ ','.join(vlan_ids) }}\r"
expect "(config-if)#"
send "exit\r"
expect "(config)#"
{%- elif conf['mode'] == 'access' %}
{%- for port in conf['ports'] %}
send "interface ethernet {{ port }}\r"
expect "(config-if)#"
send "no channel-group\r"
expect "(config-if)#"
send "switchport mode access\r"
expect "(config-if)#"
send "switchport access vlan {{ pillar['vlans'][name] }}\r"
expect "(config-if)#"
send "exit\r"
expect "(config)#"
{%- endfor %}
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}