{# http://ftp.hp.com/pub/networking/software/2600-2800-4100-6108-MgmtConfig-Oct2005-59906023.pdf #} {%- import_yaml "netmasks.yaml" as netmasks -%} #!/usr/bin/expect -f spawn ssh admin@{{ pillar['hosts-inet']['mgmt'][hostname] }} expect "password: " send "{{ switch['password'] }}\r" expect "Press any key to continue" send "\r" expect "# " send "configure terminal\r" expect "(config)# " send "hostname {{ hostname }}\r" expect "(config)# " send "snmp-server location \"{{ switch['location'] }}\"\r" expect "(config)# " send "snmp-server contact \"astro@spaceboyz.net\"\r" expect "(config)# " send "password manager\r" expect "New password for Manager: " send "{{ switch['password'] }}\r" expect "Please retype new password for Manager: " send "{{ switch['password'] }}\r" expect "(config)# " # TODO: ssh, password {%- for name, vlan in pillar['vlans'].items() %} send "vlan {{ vlan }}\r" expect "(vlan-{{ vlan }})#" send "name {{ name }}\r" expect "(vlan-{{ vlan }})#" {# Actually only used for mgmt_vlan, switches are not routers #} {%- set net_hosts = pillar['hosts-inet'].get(name) %} {%- set ipaddr = net_hosts and net_hosts.get(hostname) %} {%- if ipaddr %} send "ip address {{ ipaddr }} {{ netmasks[pillar['subnets-inet'][name].split('/')[1]] }}\r" expect "(vlan-{{ vlan }})#" {%- endif %} send "exit\r" expect "(config)# " {%- if name == 'mgmt' %} send "management-vlan {{ vlan }}\r" expect "(config)# " {%- else %} # If not mgmt, reset all VLAN mappings send "no vlan {{ vlan }} tagged all\r" expect "(config)# " send "no vlan {{ vlan }} untagged all\r" expect "(config)# " {%- endif %} {%- endfor %} {%- set group = 0 %} {%- for name, conf in switch['ports'].items() %} {%- if conf['mode'] == 'trunk' or conf['mode'] == 'bond' %} {%- set group = group + 1 %} {%- if conf['mode'] == 'bond' %} send "trunk {{ conf['ports'] }} trk{{ group }} lacp\r" {%- else %} send "no trunk {{ conf['ports'] }}\r" {%- endif %} expect "(config)# " {%- for vlan_name in conf['vlans'] %} send "vlan {{ pillar['vlans'][vlan_name] }} tagged trk{{ group }}\r" expect "(config)# " {%- endfor %} {%- elif conf['mode'] == 'access' %} send "no trunk {{ conf['ports'] }}\r" expect "(config)# " send "vlan {{ pillar['vlans'][name] }} untagged {{ conf['ports'] }}\r" expect "(config)# " {%- endif %} {%- if conf.get('nostp') %} send "spanning-tree {{ conf['ports'] }} bpdu-filter\r" expect "(config)# " {%- endif %} {%- endfor %} send "exit\r" expect "{{ hostname }}# " send "write memory\r" expect "{{ hostname }}# " send "exit\r" expect "{{ hostname }}> " send "exit\r" expect "Do you want to log out " expect "y/n]? " send "y"