let range = cur: max: if cur <= max then [ cur ] ++ range (cur + 1) max else []; in { site.net = builtins.mapAttrs (_: vlan: { inherit vlan; }) { # switches and CPE only have IP addresses configured in the management vlan mgmt = 1; # routers, OSPF area 0 core = 2; # servers... serv = 3; # ZW public pub = 4; # C3D2 home network c3d2 = 5; cluster = 6; bmx = 7; flpk = 8; coloradio = 9; # Modems up1 = 10; up2 = 11; up3 = 12; up4 = 13; # Isolated neighbors directly connectied with their modems iso1 = 101; iso2 = 102; iso3 = 103; iso4 = 104; iso5 = 105; iso6 = 106; } // builtins.foldl' (result: i: # Neighbor subnets result // { "priv${toString i}".vlan = i + 39; } ) {} (range 1 61); }