Hostname "{{ salt['grains.get']('id') }}" FQDNLookup false Interval 10 LoadPlugin logfile LogLevel info File STDOUT {%- for plugin, conf in pillar['collectd'].items() %} {%- if plugin == 'network' and conf == 'client' %} LoadPlugin network Server "{{ pillar['hosts-inet6']['dn42']['serv']['stats'] }}" "25826" {%- elif plugin == 'network' and conf == 'server' %} LoadPlugin network Listen "::" "25826" # Downstream at Server "" "25826" {%- elif plugin == 'ping' %} LoadPlugin ping {%- for host in conf %} Host "{{ host }}" {%- endfor %} Interval 10 {%- elif conf is mapping %} LoadPlugin {{ plugin }} {%- for k, v in conf.items() %} {{ k }} "{{ v }}" {%- endfor %} {%- else %} LoadPlugin {{ plugin }} {%- endif %} {%- endfor %}