config/switch: cleanup

This commit is contained in:
Astro 2021-11-18 17:32:55 +01:00
parent 19674ea461
commit 32bd35265e
2 changed files with 85 additions and 57 deletions

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@ -8,14 +8,6 @@
pub.type = "bridge";
ap-test2 = {
interfaces = {
bmx.type = "bridge";
c3d2.type = "bridge";
mgmt.type = "phys";
pub.type = "bridge";
ap1 = {
interfaces = {
mgmt = {

View File

@ -1,20 +1,30 @@
site.hosts = {
switch-a1 = {
role = "switch";
model = "TL-SG3210";
location = "Saal A";
interfaces = { mgmt.type = "phys"; };
links = {
iso4.ports = [ "1" ];
switch-c1.ports = [ "7" ];
priv25.ports = [ "2" "3" "4" "5" ];
priv31.ports = [ "6" ];
pub.ports = [ "8" ];
switch-c1.ports = [ "7" ];
iso4.ports = [ "1" ];
location = "Saal A";
model = "TL-SG3210";
role = "switch";
switch-b1 = {
role = "switch";
model = "linksys-srw2048";
location = "Haus B Souterrain";
interfaces = { mgmt.type = "phys"; };
# Ports 1-19 ungerade oben
# Ports 2-20 gerade unten
# (15, 16 gehen aktuell nach Haus A)
# Ports 21-24 unten seitlich (optional optisch)
# Port 7 geht aktuell nach Turm C Erdgeschoss und dadurch zur Ecce
links = {
ap23.ports = [ "g10" ];
ap8.ports = [ "g16" ];
@ -59,12 +69,13 @@
switch-d1.ports = [ "g34" ];
location = "Haus B Souterrain";
model = "linksys-srw2048";
role = "switch";
switch-b2 = {
role = "switch";
model = "3com-4200G";
location = "Haus B Souterrain";
interfaces = { mgmt.type = "phys"; };
links = {
ap1.ports = [ "GigabitEthernet 1/0/8" ];
ap11.ports = [ "GigabitEthernet 1/0/10" ];
@ -88,13 +99,20 @@
ap56.ports = [ "GigabitEthernet 1/0/9" ];
mgmt.ports = [
# server3
# server1
# server5
# server6
# server7
# server8
# server9
priv1.ports = [ "GigabitEthernet 1/0/3" ];
@ -130,23 +148,16 @@
location = "Haus B Souterrain";
model = "3com-4200G";
role = "switch";
switch-c1 = {
role = "switch";
model = "HP-procurve-2824";
location = "Turm C Keller, bei Kabelanschluessen";
interfaces = { mgmt.type = "phys"; };
links = {
ap17.ports = [ "19" ];
ap19.ports = [ "17" ];
ap26.ports = [ "18" ];
ap38.ports = [ "7" ];
iso1.ports = [ "9" ];
iso2.ports = [ "10" ];
iso3.ports = [ "11" ];
iso4.ports = [ "12" ];
iso5.ports = [ "13" ];
iso6.ports = [ "14" ];
# Saal A: durch dummen PoE-Switch mit Aggregation an ap44-50,52 + switch-a1
switch-a1 = {
group = "1";
ports = [ "15-16" ];
@ -156,65 +167,90 @@
ports = [ "21-24" ];
switch-dach.ports = [ "6" ];
# Vodafone Modems
up1.ports = [ "1" ];
up2.ports = [ "2" ];
up4.ports = [ "4" ];
# Turm C APs
ap17.ports = [ "19" ];
ap19.ports = [ "17" ];
ap26.ports = [ "18" ];
ap38.ports = [ "7" ];
# Iso nets
iso1.ports = [ "9" ];
iso2.ports = [ "10" ];
iso3.ports = [ "11" ];
iso4.ports = [ "12" ];
iso5.ports = [ "13" ];
iso6.ports = [ "14" ];
location = "Turm C Keller, bei Kabelanschluessen";
model = "HP-procurve-2824";
role = "switch";
switch-c3d2-main = {
role = "switch";
model = "HP-procurve-2824";
location = "C3D2";
interfaces = { mgmt.type = "phys"; };
links = {
ap-test1.ports = [ "4" ];
ap-test2.ports = [ "5" ];
# TODO: ap33
ap2.ports = [ "3" ];
ap31.ports = [ "2" ];
bmx.ports = [ "7" ];
c3d2.ports = [ "8-20" ];
iso4.ports = [ "6" ];
mgmt.ports = [ "1" ];
switch-b1 = {
group = "1";
ports = [ "21-24" ];
# Kammer
ap2.ports = [ "3" ];
# Decke
ap31.ports = [ "2" ];
# Fenster
ap33.ports = [ "5" ];
c3d2.ports = [ "8-20" ];
# Testing
ap-test1.ports = [ "4" ];
bmx.ports = [ "7" ];
# tmp Datenspuren: VOC
iso4.ports = [ "6" ];
location = "C3D2";
model = "HP-procurve-2824";
role = "switch";
switch-d1 = {
role = "switch";
model = "TL-SG3210";
location = "Turm D Elektroraum";
interfaces = { mgmt.type = "phys"; };
links = {
ap10.ports = [ "4" ];
ap12.ports = [ "7" ];
ap22.ports = [ "2" ];
ap3.ports = [ "3" ];
ap7.ports = [ "8" ];
ap9.ports = [ "5" ];
switch-b1 = {
group = "1";
ports = [ "1" ];
# Turm D APs
ap3.ports = [ "3" ];
ap7.ports = [ "8" ];
ap9.ports = [ "5" ];
ap10.ports = [ "4" ];
ap12.ports = [ "7" ];
ap22.ports = [ "2" ];
location = "Turm D Elektroraum";
model = "TL-SG3210";
role = "switch";
switch-dach = {
role = "switch";
model = "HP-procurve-2824";
location = "Dach";
interfaces = { mgmt.type = "phys"; };
links = {
bmx.ports = [ "10-19" ];
mgmt.ports = [ "1" ];
serv.ports = [ "6-9" ];
switch-c1.ports = [ "24" ];
# Freifunk nodes
bmx.ports = [ "10-19" ];
# radiobert
serv.ports = [ "6-9" ];
# Starlink
up3.ports = [ "3" ];
location = "Dach";
model = "HP-procurve-2824";
role = "switch";