
196 lines
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2016-11-28 17:17:59 +01:00
#!/usr/bin/env bash -e
{%- if conf.get('firstboot') %}
ssh-keygen -R
ssh root@ \
"ash -e" <<__SSH__
{%- else %}
ssh root@{{ pillar['hosts-inet']['mgmt'][hostname] }} \
"ash -e" <<__SSH__
{%- endif %}
# Set root password
2016-12-06 03:09:42 +01:00
echo -e '{{ conf['password'] }}\n{{ conf['password'] }}' | passwd
2016-11-28 17:17:59 +01:00
# TODO: add ssh pubkey
# System configuration
uci batch <<__UCI__
set system.@system[0].hostname={{ hostname }}
set dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].enabled=0
delete network.globals.ula_prefix
delete network.lan
delete network.wan
delete network.wan6
delete wireless.default_radio0
delete wireless.default_radio1
{%- set bridges = {} %}
{%- if conf.get('lan-access') %}
{%- do bridges.__setitem__(conf['lan-access'], True) %}
{%- endif %}
{%- for path, radio in conf['radios'].items() %}
{%- for ssid, ssidconf in radio['ssids'].items() %}
{%- do bridges.__setitem__(ssidconf['net'], True) %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- endfor %}
2016-11-29 16:18:35 +01:00
{%- if conf['model'] == 'TL-WDR4300' %}
{# These models have a shared Ethernet chip for LAN/WAN and therefore need switching #}
2016-11-29 16:18:35 +01:00
set network.@switch[0]=switch
set network.@switch[0].reset=1
set network.@switch[0].enable=1
set network.@switch[0].enable_vlan=1
set network.@switch[0].name=switch0
set network.@switch_vlan[0]=switch_vlan
set network.@switch_vlan[0].device='switch0'
set network.@switch_vlan[0].vlan='1'
set network.@switch_vlan[0].ports='0t 1t'
set network.@switch_vlan[0].comment='mgmt'
{% set switchnum = 1 %}
{%- for net in bridges.keys() %}
set network.@switch_vlan[{{ switchnum }}]=switch_vlan
set network.@switch_vlan[{{ switchnum }}].device='switch0'
set network.@switch_vlan[{{ switchnum }}].vlan='{{ pillar['vlans'][net] }}'
{%- if conf.get('lan-access') == net %}
set network.@switch_vlan[{{ switchnum }}].ports='0t 1t 2 3 4 5'
{%- else %}
set network.@switch_vlan[{{ switchnum }}].ports='0t 1t'
{%- endif %}
set network.@switch_vlan[{{ switchnum }}].comment='{{ net }}'
{% set switchnum = switchnum + 1 %}
{%- endfor %}
set network.mgmt=interface
set network.mgmt.ifname=eth0.1
set network.mgmt.proto=static
set network.mgmt.ipaddr={{ pillar['hosts-inet']['mgmt'][hostname] }}
set network.mgmt.netmask=
{%- for net in bridges.keys() %}
set network.{{ net }}=interface
set network.{{ net }}.type=bridge
set network.{{ net }}.proto=static
set network.{{ net }}.ifname='eth0.{{ pillar['vlans'][net] }}'
{%- endfor %}
2016-11-29 16:18:35 +01:00
2016-12-06 03:09:42 +01:00
{%- elif conf['model'] == 'TL-WR1043ND' %}
{# These models have a shared Ethernet chip with separate CPU ports for LAN/WAN and therefore need switching #}
set network.@switch[0]=switch
set network.@switch[0].reset=1
set network.@switch[0].enable=1
set network.@switch[0].enable_vlan=1
set network.@switch[0].name=switch0
set network.@switch_vlan[0]=switch_vlan
set network.@switch_vlan[0].device='switch0'
set network.@switch_vlan[0].vlan='1'
set network.@switch_vlan[0].ports='5t 6t'
set network.@switch_vlan[0].comment='mgmt'
{% set switchnum = 1 %}
{%- for net in bridges.keys() %}
set network.@switch_vlan[{{ switchnum }}]=switch_vlan
set network.@switch_vlan[{{ switchnum }}].device='switch0'
set network.@switch_vlan[{{ switchnum }}].vlan='{{ pillar['vlans'][net] }}'
# 0: eth1; 1-4: LAN ports; 5: WAN port; 6: eth0
{%- if conf.get('lan-access') == net %}
set network.@switch_vlan[{{ switchnum }}].ports='0 1 2 3 4 5t'
{%- else %}
set network.@switch_vlan[{{ switchnum }}].ports='5t 6t'
{%- endif %}
set network.@switch_vlan[{{ switchnum }}].comment='{{ net }}'
{% set switchnum = switchnum + 1 %}
{%- endfor %}
set network.mgmt=interface
set network.mgmt.ifname=eth0.1
set network.mgmt.proto=static
set network.mgmt.ipaddr={{ pillar['hosts-inet']['mgmt'][hostname] }}
set network.mgmt.netmask=
{%- for net in bridges.keys() %}
set network.{{ net }}=interface
set network.{{ net }}.type=bridge
set network.{{ net }}.proto=static
{%- if conf.get('lan-access') == net %}
set network.{{ net }}.ifname='eth1'
{%- else %}
set network.{{ net }}.ifname='eth0.{{ pillar['vlans'][net] }}'
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
2016-11-29 16:18:35 +01:00
{%- else %}
{# All other models may have separate Ethernet chips for LAN/WAN #}
2016-11-28 17:17:59 +01:00
set network.@switch[0].reset=1
set network.@switch[0].enable=1
set network.@switch[0].enable_vlan=0
set network.mgmt=interface
set network.mgmt.ifname=eth1.1
2016-11-28 17:17:59 +01:00
set network.mgmt.proto=static
set network.mgmt.ipaddr={{ pillar['hosts-inet']['mgmt'][hostname] }}
set network.mgmt.netmask=
{%- for net in bridges.keys() %}
2016-11-28 17:17:59 +01:00
set network.{{ net }}=interface
set network.{{ net }}.type=bridge
set network.{{ net }}.proto=static
{# Add WAN VLAN to bridge #}
{%- set ports = ['eth1.' ~ pillar['vlans'][net]] %}
{# Add LAN ports to bridge #}
{%- if conf.get('lan-access') == net %}
{%- do ports.append('eth0') %}
{%- endif %}
2016-11-28 17:17:59 +01:00
set network.{{ net }}.ifname='{{ ' '.join(ports) }}'
{%- endfor %}
{%- endif %}
2016-11-28 17:17:59 +01:00
{%- set radionum = 0 %}
2016-11-29 16:18:35 +01:00
{%- set ifnum = 0 %}
2016-11-28 17:17:59 +01:00
{%- for path, radio in conf['radios'].items() %}
set{{ radionum }}=wifi-device
set{{ radionum }}.type=mac80211
set{{ radionum }}.channel={{ radio['channel'] }}
set{{ radionum }}.path={{ path }}
set{{ radionum }}.hwmode={{ radio.get('hwmode') or '11n' }}
set{{ radionum }}.htmode={{ radio.get('htmode') or 'HT20' }}
set{{ radionum }}.noscan=1
delete{{ radionum }}.disabled
{%- for ssid, ssidconf in radio['ssids'].items() %}
2016-11-29 16:18:35 +01:00
{%- set ifnum = ifnum + loop.index0 %}
2016-11-28 17:17:59 +01:00
set wireless.wifi{{ ifnum }}=wifi-iface
set wireless.wifi{{ ifnum }}.device=radio{{ radionum }}
set wireless.wifi{{ ifnum }}.ssid='{{ ssid }}'
set wireless.wifi{{ ifnum }}.mode=ap
set wireless.wifi{{ ifnum }}.network={{ ssidconf['net'] }}
{%- if ssidconf.get('psk') %}
set wireless.wifi{{ ifnum }}.encryption=psk2
set wireless.wifi{{ ifnum }}.key='{{ ssidconf['psk'] }}'
{%- else %}
set wireless.wifi{{ ifnum }}.encryption=none
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
2016-11-29 16:18:35 +01:00
{%- set ifnum = ifnum + radio['ssids'].items()|length %}
2016-11-28 17:17:59 +01:00
{%- set radionum = radionum + 1 %}
{%- endfor %}
# TODO: install pkgs (collectd...)
{%- if conf.get('firstboot') %}
{%- endif %}
echo "All done \\o/"