
41 lines
1.7 KiB

(:require [clojure.test :refer [use-fixtures deftest is]]
[mount.core :as mount]
[beherbergung.resolver.core :refer [graphql]]))
(def mail "")
(def password "i!A;z\\\"'^G3Q)w])%83)")
(defn get_offers [variables]
(let [response (graphql {:query "query x($auth: Auth) { get_offers(auth: $auth){ time_from_str time_duration_str beds languages place_country place_city place_zip place_street place_street_number accessible animals_allowed animals_present contact_name_full contact_phone contact_email note } }"
:variables variables})]
(get-in response [:data :get_offers])))
(use-fixtures :once (fn [testcases] (mount/stop) (mount/start) (testcases) (mount/stop)))
(deftest correct-login
(let [offers (get_offers {:auth {:mail mail :password password}})]
(is (= 10 (count offers))) ;; 10 is the default sample size of gen/sample
(is (= {:beds 27
:place_street "wIbUsu"
:contact_email "x0Vl9"
:contact_name_full "48"
:time_duration_str "33"
:note "Z"
:place_street_number "VB3"
:place_city "f"
:contact_phone "sQdB"
:place_zip "cid1"
:time_from_str "KSAFC"
:place_country "toTz5B"
:animals_present false
:languages '("vMR0zyECr")
:accessible false
:animals_allowed false}
(last offers))))) ;; the later random generated datasets contain less trivial values
(deftest wrong-login
(let [offers (get_offers {:auth {:mail mail :password "wrong"}})]
(is (nil? offers))))