{config, pkgs, nixpkgs, system, dns, ...}: let util = dns.util.${system}; in { networking.domain = "beherbergung.broenradio.org"; # "beherbergung.mission-lifeline.de"; services.bind = { enable = true; zones = { "${config.networking.domain}" = { master = true; file = util.writeZone "${config.networking.domain}" (import (./dns + "/${config.networking.domain}.nix") {inherit dns;}); }; "beherbergung.mission-lifeline.de" = { ## not required in future (but till the NS-record of beherbergung.mission-lifeline.de is configured) master = true; file = util.writeZone "beherbergung.mission-lifeline.de" (import (./dns + "/${config.networking.domain}.nix") {inherit dns;}); }; "search.warhelp.eu" = { master = true; file = util.writeZone "search.warhelp.eu" (import (./dns + "/search.warhelp.eu.nix") {inherit dns;}); }; "warhelp.broenradio.org" = { ## till NS-record of "search.warhelp.eu" is set master = true; file = util.writeZone "warhelp.broenradio.org" (import (./dns + "/search.warhelp.eu.nix") {inherit dns;}); }; }; }; networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 53 ]; networking.firewall.allowedUDPPorts = [ 53 ]; }