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(ns beherbergung.db.state
(:require[xtdb.api :as xtdb]
[ :as io]
[beherbergung.db.export :refer [export seed ]]
[mount.core :as mount :refer [defstate]]
[beherbergung.config.state :refer [env]]
[beherbergung.db.validate :refer [validate-db validate-tx]]))
(defn export-named-by-date [db_ctx cause]
(when (:db-export-prefix env)
(let [date (.format (java.text.SimpleDateFormat. "yyyy-MM-dd_HH:mm:ss")
(.getTime (java.util.Calendar/getInstance)))
file (str (:db-export-prefix env) date "_" cause ".edn")]
(when (:verbose env)
(println "Export database to:" file))
(io/make-parents file)
(export file db_ctx))))
(defn submit-tx [node tx-ops]
(xtdb/submit-tx node (validate-tx tx-ops)))
(defn q [node & args]
(apply xtdb/q (xtdb/db node) args))
(defn ->db_ctx []
(let [node (xtdb/start-node (when-not (:db-inmemory env)
{:my-rocksdb {:xtdb/module 'xtdb.rocksdb/->kv-store
:db-dir ( (:db-dir env))
:sync? true}
:xtdb/tx-log {:kv-store :my-rocksdb}
:xtdb/document-store {:kv-store :my-rocksdb}})) ;; To optimize for read performance, we might switch to LMDB (B-Tree instead of LSM-Tree)
;; But for our workload it doesn't matter much
db_ctx {:node node
:tx (fn [tx-ops]
(submit-tx node tx-ops))
:tx_sync (fn [tx-ops]
(->> (submit-tx node tx-ops)
(xtdb.api/await-tx node)))
:tx-committed? (fn [transaction]
#_(println "synced" (xtdb/sync node))
#_(println "awaited" (xtdb/await-tx node transaction))
(xtdb/tx-committed? node transaction))
:tx-fn-put (fn [fn-name quoted-fn]
;; In future we may want add transaction functions only once (at startup)
(xtdb/submit-tx node [[::xtdb/put {:xt/id fn-name :xt/fn quoted-fn}]]))
:tx-fn-call (fn [fn-name & args]
(xtdb/submit-tx node [(concat [::xtdb/fn fn-name] args)]))
:sync (fn [] (xtdb/sync node))
:q (fn [& args]
(apply q node args))
:q_unary (fn [& args]
;; A query returning unary results
(->> (apply q node args)
(map first)))
:q_id (fn [& args]
;; A query returning only 1 result
(-> (apply q node args)
:q_id_unary (fn [& args]
;; A query returning only 1 unary result
(-> (apply q node args)
(export-named-by-date db_ctx "start") ;; before seeding
;; There is no default seed file, to prevent loading it into the production system
(if (:db-seed env)
(do (when (:verbose env)
(println "Seed the database from:" (:db-seed env)))
(seed (:db-seed env) db_ctx))
(println "WARNING: Seeding the database requires setting $DB_SEED"
"consider: DB_SEED=src/beherbergung/db/seed/test.edn"))
(if (:db-validate env)
(or (validate-db db_ctx)
(System/exit 1))
(defstate db_ctx
:start (->db_ctx)
:stop (do (export-named-by-date db_ctx "stop")
(.close (:node db_ctx))))