# ds-rss Generate parts of the datenschleuder website from source `data.xml`: * rss feed as `ds-feed.xml`, * oldfashioned hypertext `download.html` and * the informative `index.html` utilizing XML transformations. And supporting to manage the `data.xml`. ## Cover * extract: `pdftk pdfs/${if}.pdf cat 1 output covers/${of}.pdf` * convert: `convert covers/${of}.pdf covers/${of}.jpg` ## using Simply call `./gen.sh build` for generating the target files. * Creating a new entry for `data.xml` is supported with `./gen.sh release` or `./gen.sh release 99` for a custom issue number, here 99. * To omit the explaining information, simply disregard stderr: `./gen.sh release 2>/dev/null`. * Replicating entry for ds #99 including the datetime: `./gen.sh release 99 1568505600`. * the release message is whatever are the remaining non-numeric arguments: `./gen.sh release 99 1568505600 Die Ausgabe \#100 ist schon einige Zeit fertig und ausgeliefert. Die Freunde der Digitalen Ausgabe wird freuen, dass die Aushabe \#99 nun online ist.` * For sorting `data.xml`, call `./gen.sh sortxml`. (writes `sorted.xml` and asks if it should replace the source) ## dependecies * sh, coreutils, date, sed etc. * xsltproc ## preview: screenshots ## reverse timestamp for specific date time `date --date="Wed, 10 Nov 2021 08:33 +0000" +"%s"`