posix alternative for which

This commit is contained in:
vv01f 2020-07-12 20:54:20 +02:00
parent 03322bd398
commit b428d17f20
Signed by untrusted user who does not match committer: vv01f
GPG Key ID: 02625A16AC1D1FF6

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ tn2="dhl-cp1252-rn.csv"
assert_tools () {
while test $# -gt 0; do
which $1 >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || {
command "$1" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || {
echo "tool missing: "$1
exit 2
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ teststringcrop () {
testcmp "string" "stringcrop" "string too long" "6"
# convert country to countrycode as in ISO3
# convert country to countrycode as in ISO3, see https://unstats.un.org/unsd/tradekb/Knowledgebase/Country-Code
iso3countrycode () {
if test "$#" -eq 0 ; then
echo "argument missing. ($0)"
@ -107,6 +107,27 @@ iso3countrycode () {
Österreich|Austria|Autriche) echo "AUT";;
Schweiz|Switzerland|Suisse) echo "CHE";;
Ungarn|Hungaria) echo "HUN";;
Tschechien|Czechia|Tchéquie|Česko) echo "CZE";;
Polen|Poland|Pologne|Polska) echo "POL";;
Weißrussland|Belarus|Biélorussie|Беларусь) echo "BLR";;
Russland|Russia|Russie|Россия) echo "RUS";;
Slowakei|Slovakia|Slovaquie|Slovensko) echo "SVK";;
Italien|Italy|Italie|Italia) echo "ITA";;
Italien|Italy|Italie|Italia) echo "ITA";;
Norwegen|Norway|Norvège|Norge|Noreg|Norga) echo "NOR";;
Schweden|Sweden|Suède|Sverige) echo "SWE";;
Dänemarl|Denmark|Danemark|Danmark) echo "DNK";;
Island|Iceland|Islande|Ísland) echo "ISL";;
Finnland|Finland|Finlande|Suomi|Finland) echo "FIN";;
Spanien|Spain|Espagne|España) echo "ESP";;
Estland|Estonia|Estonie|Eesti) echo "EST";;
Litauen|Lithuania|Lituanie|Lietuva) echo "LTU";;
Lettland|Latvia|Lettonie|Latvija) echo "LVA";;
Irland|Ireland|Irlande|Éire) echo "IRL";;
Indien|India|Inde|Bharat) echo "IND";;
China|China|Chine|中国|Zhōngguó) echo "CHN";;
Japan|Japan|Japon|Nippon|Nihon) echo "JPN";;
*) echo "unknown country: $1";exit 1;;
@ -122,6 +143,28 @@ testiso3 () {
testcmp "AUT" "iso3countrycode" "Österreich" "Austria" "Autriche"
testcmp "HUN" "iso3countrycode" "Ungarn" "Hungaria"
testcmp "CHE" "iso3countrycode" "Schweiz" "Switzerland" "Suisse"
# and coving some more
testcmp "CZE" "iso3countrycode" "Tschechien" "Czechia" "Tchéquie" "Česko"
testcmp "POL" "iso3countrycode" "Polen" "Poland" "Pologne" "Polska"
testcmp "BLR" "iso3countrycode" "Weißrussland" "Belarus" "Biélorussie" "Беларусь"
testcmp "RUS" "iso3countrycode" "Russland" "Russia" "Russie" "Россия"
testcmp "SVK" "iso3countrycode" "Slowakei" "Slovakia" "Slovaquie" "Slovensko"
testcmp "ITA" "iso3countrycode" "Italien" "Italy" "Italie" "Italia"
testcmp "ITA" "iso3countrycode" "Italien" "Italy" "Italie" "Italia"
testcmp "NOR" "iso3countrycode" "Norwegen" "Norway" "Norvège" "Norge" "Noreg" "Norga"
testcmp "SWE" "iso3countrycode" "Schweden" "Sweden" "Suède" "Sverige"
testcmp "DNK" "iso3countrycode" "Dänemarl" "Denmark" "Danemark" "Danmark"
testcmp "ISL" "iso3countrycode" "Island" "Iceland" "Islande" "Ísland"
testcmp "FIN" "iso3countrycode" "Finnland" "Finland" "Finlande" "Suomi" "Finland"
testcmp "ESP" "iso3countrycode" "Spanien" "Spain" "Espagne" "España"
testcmp "EST" "iso3countrycode" "Estland" "Estonia" "Estonie" "Eesti"
testcmp "LTU" "iso3countrycode" "Litauen" "Lithuania" "Lituanie" "Lietuva"
testcmp "LVA" "iso3countrycode" "Lettland" "Latvia" "Lettonie" "Latvija"
testcmp "IRL" "iso3countrycode" "Irland" "Ireland" "Irlande" "Éire"
testcmp "IND" "iso3countrycode" "Indien" "India" "Inde" "Bharat"
testcmp "CHN" "iso3countrycode" "China" "China" "Chine" "中国" "Zhōngguó"
testcmp "JPN" "iso3countrycode" "Japan" "Japan" "Japon" "Nippon" "Nihon"
testcmp "" "iso3countrycode" "Simbabwe" # should fail
@ -149,7 +192,7 @@ getauth () {
user=$(cat ds.conf|grep -i "^user="|cut -d= -f2) #
pass=$(cat ds.conf|grep -i "^pass="|cut -d= -f2) #
} || {
which pass 2>/dev/null && {
command pass 2>/dev/null && {
passfile="$(cat ds.conf|grep -i "^passfile="|cut -d= -f2)" # ccc/doku-htaccess
passstore="$(cat ds.conf|grep -i "^passstore="|cut -d= -f2)" # ~/.password-store/
test -f ${passstore}${passfile} || { >&2 echo "path for password manager does not match: "${passfile}; exit 1; }
@ -193,10 +236,11 @@ convcsv () {
if test $# -eq 0 ; then >&2 echo "argument missing."; exit 1; fi
# doc for headless conversion options https://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Documentation/DevGuide/Spreadsheets/Filter_Options
format=$(file ${if}|cut -d' ' -f2)
format=$(file ${if}|cut -d':' -f2-|cut -d' ' -f2)
if test "$format" != "UTF-8" ; then >&2 echo "source file encoding not matching the expected UTF-8."; fi
of=$(echo "${if}"|rev|cut -d. -f2-|rev)".ods"
if test -e $of ; then >&2 echo "output file already exists."; exit 2; fi
#~ iconv -o "$of" -f $format -t cp1252//TRANSLIT "$if"
#~ iconv -o "$of" -f $format -t WINDOWS-1252 "$if"
# to take care of more options in csv at the same time, convert to ods and back to csv
libreoffice --headless --convert-to ods --infilter=CSV:59,34,76,1 "${if}" && {