"""This module handles most user inputs.""" __author__ = "" __credits__ = "" __email__ = "" import sys import quartett def io_str(message: str, options: list) -> str: """ This method checks if a user input fits the options. It also handles 'r' for restarting and 'q' for quitting. :param message: message needs to be a string that is printed for user instruction. :param options: options is a list of viable inputs. :return: Cleaned user input """ while True: try: i = str(input(message)) except (ValueError, NameError): i = 0 print("Eingabe nicht gültig, bitte wiederhole deine Eingabe.") if i in options: return i else: if i == "q": end() elif i == "r": restart() else: print('Noch nicht ganz richtig. Hast du deine Auswahl auch richtig geschrieben?') def io_int(message: str) -> int: """ This method checks if a user input is an integer >1. It also handles 'r' for restarting and 'q' for quitting. :param message: message needs to be a string that is printed for user instruction :return: Integer >1 """ while True: unfiltered_input = input(message) if unfiltered_input == "q": end() elif unfiltered_input == "r": restart() try: i = int(unfiltered_input) if i >= 1: return i else: print('Bitte gib eine ganze Zahl größer als 0 ein. ') except (ValueError, NameError): print("Eingabe nicht gültig, bitte wiederhole deine Eingabe.") def io_card_selection(message: str): """ check card selection :param message: Select something... :return: """ card_stack = define_card_stack() while True: user_input = input(message) if user_input[0] in "0123" and user_input[1] in "abcdefgh": for c in card_stack: if c["number"] == user_input[0] and c["letter"] == user_input[1]: card = c return card elif user_input == "q": end() elif user_input == "r": restart() else: print("Eingabe nicht gültig, bitte wiederhole deine Eingabe.") def define_card_stack(): """ :return: """ card_stack = [] x = 0 for i in range(4): for l in "abcdefgh": d = {"id": str(x), "number": str(i), "letter": l} card_stack.append(d) x += 1 return card_stack def end(): """ :return: """ print( "---------------------\nSpiel wird beendet...\n---------------------") sys.exit() def restart(): """ :return: """ print( "---------------------\nSpiel wird neu gestartet...\n---------------------") quartett.central_function()