forked from c3d2/nix-config

519 lines
14 KiB

{ config, pkgs, lib, modulesPath, zentralwerk, ... }:
inherit (zentralwerk.lib.config.site.net) core;
inherit (config.networking) hostName;
coreAddress = core.hosts4.${hostName};
meshInterface = "bmx";
meshLoopback = "bmx_prime";
ddmeshRegisterUrl = "https://register.freifunk-dresden.de/bot.php";
ddmeshBroadcast = "";
inherit (pkgs.c3d2-freifunk) ddmeshRegisterKey;
ddmeshNode = 51073;
ddmeshAddrPart = "200.74";
rt_table_hosts = 7;
rt_table_nets = rt_table_hosts + 1;
rt_table_tuns = rt_table_hosts + 2;
rt_table_ffgw = 244;
sysinfo-json = import ./sysinfo-json.nix { inherit pkgs ddmeshNode; };
upstreams = [ "upstream4" "upstream3" ];
upstreamMark = 3;
rt_table_upstream = 100;
node51001AddrPart = "200.2";
mac = {
core = "00:de:13:cb:9a:7b";
bmx = "00:de:13:cb:9a:7c";
bmxdGatewayScript = with pkgs; writeScript "bmxd-gateway.sh" ''
#! ${runtimeShell} -e
echo "bmxd-gateway.sh: $@" >&2
PATH=${lib.makeBinPath [ iproute2 ]}
case "$1" in
ip tunnel del ffgw || true
ip tunnel add ffgw mode ipip local 10.200.${ddmeshAddrPart} remote "$1"
ip link set ffgw up
ip addr add 10.200.${ddmeshAddrPart}/32 dev ffgw
ip route add 0/0 dev ffgw table ${toString rt_table_ffgw}
ip rule add pref 33500 table ${toString rt_table_ffgw} || true
in {
imports = [
boot = {
postBootCommands = ''
if [ ! -c /dev/net/tun ]; then
mkdir -p /dev/net
mknod -m 666 /dev/net/tun c 10 200
tmp.useTmpfs = true;
c3d2 = {
hq.statistics.enable = true;
deployment = {
server = "server10";
autoNetSetup = false;
services.collectd.plugins.protocols = "";
microvm.interfaces = [ {
type = "tap";
id = "core-freifunk";
mac = mac.core;
} {
type = "tap";
id = "bmx-freifunk";
mac = mac.bmx;
} ];
networking.hostName = "freifunk";
networking.useNetworkd = true;
networking.nameservers = [ "" "" ];
networking.firewall.enable = false;
networking.nat = {
enable = true;
# This doesn't really work, hence the `extraCommands`
externalInterface = meshInterface;
#internalInterfaces = [ "core" ];
# Setup routing into Freifunk,
# masquerading anything that isn't already their IP range
extraCommands = ''
${pkgs.iptables}/bin/iptables -t nat -F POSTROUTING
${pkgs.iptables}/bin/iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING \
\! --source -o ${meshInterface} -j SNAT --to 10.200.${ddmeshAddrPart}
${pkgs.iptables}/bin/iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING \
\! --source -o ipip-node51001 -j SNAT --to 10.200.${ddmeshAddrPart}
${pkgs.iptables}/bin/iptables -t nat -o bat0 -A POSTROUTING -j MASQUERADE
set -e
# Configure rt_table name
networking.iproute2 = {
enable = true;
rttablesExtraConfig = ''
${toString rt_table_upstream} upstream
${toString rt_table_hosts} bmx_hosts
${toString rt_table_nets} bmx_nets
${toString rt_table_tuns} bmx_tuns
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ tcpdump bmon wireguard-tools iperf bmxd ];
sops = {
age.sshKeyPaths = [ "/etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key" ];
defaultSopsFile = ./secrets.yaml;
secrets."wireguard/vpn6/privateKey" = {
group = "systemd-network";
mode = "0440";
secrets."bird/ospf/auth" = {
owner = "bird2";
# unbreak wg-vpn6 ingress path
boot.kernel.sysctl."net.ipv4.conf.core.rp_filter" = 0;
systemd.network = {
netdevs = {
# Dummy interface for primary (10.200) address
"10-bmx-prime" = {
enable = true;
netdevConfig = {
Kind = "dummy";
Name = meshLoopback;
# Freifunk Dresden Backbone
"31-wg-vpn6" = {
enable = true;
netdevConfig = {
Name = "wg-vpn6";
Kind = "wireguard";
MTUBytes = "1320";
wireguardConfig = {
PrivateKeyFile = config.sops.secrets."wireguard/vpn6/privateKey".path;
ListenPort = 5006;
# Mark for routing with the upstream routing table
FirewallMark = upstreamMark;
wireguardPeers = [ {
wireguardPeerConfig = {
# vpn6.freifunk-dresden.de
Endpoint = "";
PublicKey = "CIJa7xiRRIrLtEB7uyzwoyaQcpe0b8F2d16+3hk8KjU=";
AllowedIPs = "";
} ];
"32-ipip-node51001" = {
enable = true;
netdevConfig = {
Name = "ipip-node51001";
Kind = "ipip";
tunnelConfig = {
Local = "10.203.${ddmeshAddrPart}";
Remote = "10.203.${node51001AddrPart}";
links = {
# Wired mesh interface
"10-bmx" = {
enable = true;
matchConfig = { MACAddress = mac.bmx; };
linkConfig.Name = meshInterface;
# Wired core interface
"10-core" = {
enable = true;
matchConfig = { MACAddress = mac.core; };
linkConfig.Name = "core";
networks = {
# Wired mesh interface
"10-bmx" = {
enable = true;
matchConfig = { MACAddress = mac.bmx; };
addresses = [{
addressConfig = {
Address = "10.201.${ddmeshAddrPart}/16";
Broadcast = ddmeshBroadcast;
routingPolicyRules = [ {
routingPolicyRuleConfig = {
Priority = 300;
To = "";
Table = rt_table_hosts;
} ];
# Dummy interface for primary (10.200) address
"11-bmx-prime" = {
enable = true;
matchConfig = { Name = meshLoopback; };
addresses = [{
addressConfig.Address = "10.200.${ddmeshAddrPart}/32";
routingPolicyRules = [ {
routingPolicyRuleConfig = {
Priority = 33000;
Table = rt_table_tuns;
} ];
"31-wg-vpn6" = {
enable = true;
matchConfig.Name = "wg-vpn6";
addresses = [{
addressConfig.Address = "10.203.${ddmeshAddrPart}/16";
# reverse dependency
networkConfig.Tunnel = [ "ipip-node51001" ];
"32-ipip-node51001" = {
enable = true;
matchConfig.Name = "ipip-node51001";
addresses = [{
addressConfig = {
Address = "10.201.${ddmeshAddrPart}/16";
Broadcast = ddmeshBroadcast;
# ZW
"20-core" = {
enable = true;
matchConfig = { MACAddress = mac.core; };
addresses = map (Address: { addressConfig = { inherit Address; }; }) (
"${coreAddress}/${toString core.subnet4Len}"
] ++
map (hosts6: "${hosts6.${hostName}}/64") (
builtins.attrValues core.hosts6
routingPolicyRules = [ {
# Marked wireguard packets take the upstream routing table
routingPolicyRuleConfig = {
Table = rt_table_upstream;
FirewallMark = upstreamMark;
} ];
# Freifunk Dresden routing daemon
systemd.services.bmxd = {
after = [ "systemd-networkd.service" ];
wantedBy = [ "network.target" ];
serviceConfig = {
ExecStart = ''
${pkgs.bmxd}/sbin/bmxd \
--rt_table_offset=${toString rt_table_hosts} \
--no_fork 1 \
--throw-rules 0 \
--prio-rules 0 \
--network \
--netid 0 \
--only_community_gw 1 \
--script ${bmxdGatewayScript} \
--hop_penalty 1 \
--lateness_penalty 10 \
--ogm_broadcasts 100 \
--udp_data_size 512 \
--ogm_interval 5000 \
--purge_timeout 35 \
-r 3 --gateway_hysteresis 20 \
--dev ${meshLoopback} /linklayer 0 \
--dev ${meshInterface} /linklayer 1 \
--dev ipip-node51001 /linklayer 1
Restart = "always";
RestartSec = "60";
# Re-register periodically
systemd.services.ddmesh-register-node = {
script = ''
${pkgs.curl}/bin/curl -k \
-o /tmp/ddmesh-registration.json \
toString ddmeshNode
serviceConfig = {
User = "nobody";
Group = "nogroup";
systemd.timers.ddmesh-register-node = {
partOf = [ "ddmesh-register-node.service" ];
wantedBy = [ "timers.target" ];
timerConfig.OnCalendar = "daily";
# Refresh sysinfo.json
systemd.services.sysinfo-json = {
script = ''
mkdir -p /run/nginx
${sysinfo-json}/bin/sysinfo-json.cgi > /run/nginx/sysinfo.json
systemd.timers.sysinfo-json = {
partOf = [ "sysinfo-json.service" ];
wantedBy = [ "timers.target" ];
timerConfig.OnCalendar = "minutely";
# Advertise Freifunk routes to ZW core
services.bird2 = {
enable = true;
# nix-build cannot access /run/secrets/
checkConfig = false;
config = ''
protocol kernel K4 {
ipv4 {
export all;
# BIRD routing table for Wireguard transport
ipv4 table upstream4_table;
# Kernel routing table for Wireguard transport
protocol kernel upstream4 {
kernel table ${toString rt_table_upstream};
ipv4 {
export all;
table upstream4_table;
protocol kernel K6 {
ipv6 {
export all;
protocol device {
scan time 10;
ipv4 table bmx_gw;
protocol kernel BMX_GW {
kernel table ${toString rt_table_tuns};
ipv4 {
table bmx_gw;
import filter {
if net ~ [ ] then {
# Learn Freifunk default route
protocol pipe import_bmx_gw {
table master4;
peer table bmx_gw;
import all;
protocol ospf v2 ZW4 {
ipv4 {
export where net !=;
import where net !=;
area 0 {
interface "core" {
hello 10;
wait 20;
include "${config.sops.secrets."bird/ospf/auth".path}";
protocol ospf v2 ZW4_freifunk {
ipv4 {
export where net =;
area 0 {
interface "core" instance ${toString zentralwerk.lib.config.site.hosts.freifunk.ospf.upstreamInstance} {
hello 10;
wait 20;
include "${config.sops.secrets."bird/ospf/auth".path}";
protocol ospf v3 ZW6 {
ipv6 {
import all;
area 0 {
interface "core" {
hello 10;
wait 20;
include "${config.sops.secrets."bird/ospf/auth".path}";
${lib.concatStrings (lib.imap0 (i: upstream: ''
# OSPFv2 to receive a default route from ${upstream}
protocol ospf v2 ZW4_${upstream} {
ipv4 {
import filter {
preference = preference + ${toString (200 - i)};
table upstream4_table;
area 0 {
interface "core" instance ${toString zentralwerk.lib.config.site.hosts.${upstream}.ospf.upstreamInstance} {
hello 10;
wait 20;
include "${config.sops.secrets."bird/ospf/auth".path}";
'') upstreams)}
${lib.concatStrings (lib.imap0 (i: upstream: ''
# OSPFv3 to receive a default route from ${upstream}
protocol ospf v3 ZW6_${upstream} {
ipv6 {
import filter {
preference = preference + ${toString (200 - i)};
area 0 {
interface "core" instance ${toString zentralwerk.lib.config.site.hosts.${upstream}.ospf.upstreamInstance} {
hello 10;
wait 20;
include "${config.sops.secrets."bird/ospf/auth".path}";
'') upstreams)}
router id ${coreAddress};
# HTTP Reverse Proxy to provide services into Freifunk
services.nginx = {
enable = true;
appendHttpConfig = ''
proxy_buffering off;
virtualHosts = {
"c3d2.ffdd" = {
default = true;
root = ./assets;
locations = let
sysinfo-json = {
alias = "/run/nginx/sysinfo.json";
extraConfig = ''
default_type application/json;charset=UTF-8;
in {
"/" = {
index = "index.html";
extraConfig = ''
etag off;
add_header etag "\"${builtins.substring 11 32 (./assets)}\"";
"=/sysinfo-json.cgi" = sysinfo-json;
"=/sysinfo.json" = sysinfo-json;
"storage.hq.c3d2.ffdd".locations."/".proxyPass =
"grafana.hq.c3d2.ffdd".locations."/" = {
proxyPass = "https://grafana.hq.c3d2.de/";
extraConfig = ''
proxy_ssl_server_name on;
"influxdb.hq.c3d2.ffdd".locations."/".proxyPass =
# This value determines the NixOS release with which your system is to be
# compatible, in order to avoid breaking some software such as database
# servers. You should change this only after NixOS release notes say you
# should.
system.stateVersion = "20.03"; # Did you read the comment?