forked from c3d2/nix-config

mastodon: add collectd monitoring of sidekiq and postgresql

This commit is contained in:
Astro 2022-11-30 22:07:56 +01:00
parent 14d2855366
commit 263068fc32

View File

@ -13,12 +13,19 @@
firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 80 443 ];
c3d2.hq.statistics.enable = true;
system.stateVersion = "22.11";
nixpkgs.config.allowUnfreePredicate = pkg:
lib.getName pkg == "elasticsearch";
services.postgresql.enable = true;
services.postgresql = {
enable = true;
ensureUsers = [ {
name = "collectd";
ensurePermissions = {
"DATABASE \"${config.services.mastodon.database.name}\"" = "ALL PRIVILEGES";
} ];
services.elasticsearch = {
enable = true;
package = pkgs.elasticsearch7;
@ -27,13 +34,14 @@
enable = true;
localDomain = "c3d2.social";
smtp.host = "c3d2.social";
smtp.fromAddress = "mail@c3d2.social";
# smtp.authenticate = true;
# smtp.user = secrets.email.smtp-user;
# smtp.passwordFile = "${pkgs.runCommand "smtp-password" {} ''
# echo "${secrets.email.smtp-password}" > $out
# ''}";
smtp = {
host = "c3d2.social";
fromAddress = "mail@c3d2.social";
authenticate = false;
# user
# passwordFile
elasticsearch.host = "";
@ -57,6 +65,7 @@
configureNginx = true;
# Inject LDAP secrets
systemd.services.mastodon-init-dirs.script = lib.mkAfter ''
cat ${config.sops.secrets."mastodon/env".path} >> /var/lib/mastodon/.secrets_env
@ -65,4 +74,84 @@
sops.secrets."mastodon/env" = {
owner = "mastodon";
# Sidekiq monitoring
c3d2.hq.statistics.enable = true;
services.collectd.plugins = {
redis =
queries = [ {
command = "GET stat:processed";
type = "counter";
instance = "sidekiq_stat_processed";
} {
command = "GET stat:failed";
type = "counter";
instance = "sidekiq_stat_failed";
} {
command = "LLEN queue:#default";
type = "queue_length";
instance = "sidekiq_default_queue_len";
} {
command = "LLEN queue:#ingress";
type = "queue_length";
instance = "sidekiq_ingress_queue_len";
} {
command = "LLEN queue:#mailers";
type = "queue_length";
instance = "sidekiq_mailers_queue_len";
} {
command = "LLEN queue:#pull";
type = "queue_length";
instance = "sidekiq_pull_queue_len";
} {
command = "LLEN queue:#push";
type = "queue_length";
instance = "sidekiq_push_queue_len";
} {
command = "LLEN queue:#scheduler";
type = "queue_length";
instance = "sidekiq_scheduler_queue_len";
} {
command = "ZCARD schedule";
type = "count";
instance = "sidekiq_scheduled";
} {
command = "ZCARD retry";
type = "count";
instance = "sidekiq_retries";
} {
command = "ZCARD dead";
type = "count";
instance = "sidekiq_dead";
} {
command = "SCARD processes";
type = "backends";
instance = "sidekiq_processes";
} ];
in ''
<Node "mastodon">
Host "${config.services.mastodon.redis.host}"
Port "${toString config.services.mastodon.redis.port}"
Timeout 3000
${lib.concatMapStrings ({ command, type, instance }: ''
<Query "${command}">
Type "${type}"
Instance "${instance}"
'') queries}
postgresql = ''
<Database "${config.services.mastodon.database.name}">
Param database "${config.services.mastodon.database.name}"
Query backends
Query transactions
Query queries
Query disk_io
Query disk_usage