{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }: { imports = [ ../../lib/hq.nix ../../lib/yggdrasil.nix ../../lib/emery.nix ./containers ./hardware-configuration.nix ./yggdrasil-prefix.nix ./hydra.nix ]; security.sudo.wheelNeedsPassword = false; services.openssh = { enable = true; passwordAuthentication = false; permitRootLogin = "no"; # DO NOT CHANGE, KINDERGARTEN IS OVER }; services.yggdrasil = { openMulticastPort = true; configFile = "/var/lib/yggdrasil/keys"; config.Peers = [ "tcp://[2a03:3b40:fe:ab::1]:46370" # Praha "tcp://ygg.thingylabs.io:443" # Nürnberg "tcp://" # Wrocław "tcp://[2a05:9403::8b]:7743" # Praha ]; }; programs.mosh.enable = true; nix = { package = pkgs.nixFlakes; gc.automatic = true; trustedUsers = [ "root" ]; }; networking = { hostName = "nixbert"; useDHCP = false; bridges.br0.interfaces = [ "enp2s0f1" ]; interfaces = { enp2s0f0 = { useDHCP = true; preferTempAddress = true; ipv4.addresses = [{ address = ""; prefixLength = 24; }]; }; enp2s0f1.useDHCP = false; }; }; environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ tmux htop vim gitMinimal nixfmt ]; services.collectd = { enable = true; autoLoadPlugin = true; extraConfig = '' Interval 10 Server "grafana.hq.c3d2.de" "25826" ''; }; boot.tmpOnTmpfs = true; # Use the systemd-boot EFI boot loader. boot.loader = { systemd-boot.enable = true; efi.canTouchEfiVariables = true; }; time.timeZone = "Europe/Berlin"; system.stateVersion = "19.09"; # Did you read the comment? }