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{ zentralwerk, config, hostRegistry, lib, ... }:
# In theory we could use c3d2.deployment.autoNetSetup, overriding
# gateway configuration. But it may break silently if anyone would
# overhaul the networkd configuration file names.
mac.serv = "02:8b:12:bd:0e:c1";
mac.pub = "02:8b:12:bd:0e:c2";
networking.hostName = "stream";
c3d2 = {
deployment = {
autoNetSetup = false;
server = "server10";
hq.statistics.enable = true;
microvm = {
mem = 6144;
interfaces = [ {
type = "tap";
id = "serv-stream";
mac = mac.serv;
} {
type = "tap";
id = "pub-stream";
mac = mac.pub;
} ];
# deployment = {
# mem = 6144;
# networks = lib.mkForce [ "pub" "serv" ];
# };
systemd.network = {
enable = true;
# On the serv network I have a static IPv4 and only a route to the
# rest of the network so that I am reachable by
# public-access-proxy.
networks."30-serv" = {
matchConfig.MACAddress = mac.serv;
networkConfig.IPv6AcceptRA = false;
# try harder disabling global ipv6
networkConfig.LinkLocalAddressing = "no";
addresses = [{
addressConfig.Address = "${hostRegistry.stream.ip4}/${toString zentralwerk.lib.config.site.net.serv.subnet4Len}";
gateway = lib.mkForce [ ];
routes = [{
routeConfig = {
Destination = "";
Gateway = hostRegistry.serv-gw.ip4;
# On the pub network I am a normal client.
networks."30-pub" = {
matchConfig.MACAddress = mac.pub;
networkConfig.DHCP = "ipv4";
gateway = lib.mkForce [ ];
networkConfig.IPv6AcceptRA = true;
services = {
jackett.enable = true;
nginx = {
# enable = true;
virtualHosts."stream.hq.c3d2.de" = {
default = true;
enableACME = true;
forceSSL = true;
locations."/" = {
proxyPass = "";
proxyWebsockets = true;
extraConfig = ''
auth_basic "Stream";
auth_basic_user_file ${config.sops.secrets."nginx/httpAuth".path};
virtualHosts."torrents.hq.c3d2.de" = {
enableACME = true;
forceSSL = true;
locations."/" = {
proxyPass = "";
extraConfig = ''
auth_basic "Torrents";
auth_basic_user_file ${config.sops.secrets."nginx/httpAuth".path};
peerflix.enable = true;
systemd.services.peerflix.serviceConfig = {
Restart = "always";
RestartSec = 60;
sops = {
defaultSopsFile = ./secrets.yaml;
secrets."nginx/httpAuth".owner = config.systemd.services.nginx.serviceConfig.User;
system.stateVersion = "22.05";