import sqlalchemy from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base from src.ORM_modules.Event import Event from src.ORM_modules.Organisation import Organisation from src.ORM_modules.Relationships import Organisation_Events from src.ORM_modules.base import Base from sqlalchemy import and_ # Define the MySQL engine using MySQL Connector/Python engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine('mysql+mysqlconnector://admin:admin@localhost/wordpress', echo=True) Base.metadata.create_all(engine) # Create a session Session = sqlalchemy.orm.sessionmaker() Session.configure(bind=engine) session = Session() eventName = 'event2'; organisationName = 'Supger GMBH2'; # create these objects somwehre, check if their primary keys (names) exists __event = Event(ETitle=eventName, Edate='20.07.2019', EUrl='') __organisation = Organisation(OName=organisationName, ODescription='Super Orga') rcolumnAttribute = Event.ETitle lcolumnAttribute = Organisation.OName assocType = Organisation_Events def commit_ltarget_rtarget(__linstance, __rinstance, rcolumnAttribute, lcolumnAttribute, assocType): attrKey = rcolumnAttribute.__dict__['key'] rcolumnAttributeValue = getattr(__rinstance,attrKey) rcolumnType = type(__rinstance) _rinstance = session.query(rcolumnType).filter(rcolumnAttribute == rcolumnAttributeValue).first() attrKey = lcolumnAttribute.__dict__['key'] lcolumnAttributeValue = getattr(__linstance,attrKey) lcolumnType = type(__linstance) #check if already in DB _linstance = session.query(lcolumnType).filter(lcolumnAttribute == lcolumnAttributeValue).first() _assoc = None # many to many: # if both exist dont create either, but check association. => it's possible that an event is there + organisations is there but the event is created by another organisation if ((_rinstance != None) and (_linstance != None)): lFK = assocType.getLeftFK() rFK = assocType.getRightFK() _assoc = session.query(assocType).filter(and_(rFK == _rinstance.getIndex(), lFK == _linstance.getIndex())).first() if (_assoc == None): # create only the new association _assoc = assocType(rrel = _rinstance, lrel = _linstance) session.add(_assoc) session.commit() else: if(_rinstance==None): #_event = Event(ETitle=eventName, Edate='20.07.2019', EUrl='') _rinstance = __rinstance if(_linstance==None): #_organisation = Organisation(OName=organisationName, ODescription='Super Orga') _linstance = __organisation # create only the new association: missing events and/or organisations will be commited automatically _assoc = assocType(rrel = _rinstance, lrel = _linstance) session.add(_assoc) session.commit() commit_ltarget_rtarget(__organisation, __event, rcolumnAttribute, lcolumnAttribute, assocType)