2011-12-17 14:14:28 +01:00

462 lines
10 KiB

"text": "What is leathal doses of radioactivity that causes death with 100% probability within 14 days after exposition (LD100/14)? (1 Gray (Gy) == 1 Sievert (Sv))",
"explanation": [
"answers": [
"text": "> 6 mGy"
"text": "> 600 mGy"
"text": "> 6 Gy",
"right": true
"text": "> 600 Gy"
"source": "",
"tier": 100,
"image": "data/pix/q_fukushima.jpg"
"text": "Why did Saxony (German State) not use the Staatstrojaner (governmental trojan horse)?",
"explanation": [
"answers": [
"text": "Technically not capable of doing so.",
"right": true
"text": "Ethically not justifiable."
"text": "License too expansive."
"text": "No crime that requires this measurement."
"source": "",
"tier": 150,
"image": "data/pix/q_bundestrojaner.jpg"
"text": "Which of the following organizations has not yet been blocked by paypal?",
"explanation": [
"answers": [
"text": "Wikileaks"
"text": ""
"text": "Diaspora"
"text": "Ku Klux Klan",
"right": true
"source": "",
"tier": 225,
"image": "data/pix/q_paypal4.jpg"
"text": "How did Russian bloggers try to get attention for their demonstrations against election fraud during the recent elections in russia?",
"explanation": [
"answers": [
"text": "Multi-Million-Rubel-Ad-Campain."
"text": "Bribing the chief of federal TV."
"text": "Forming a lightchain of trust."
"text": "Use drones to get video footage and stream to the internet.",
"right": true
"source": "",
"tier": 337,
"image": "data/pix/q_russian.jpg"
"text": "Which of the following countries voted against a loosening of cluster munition restrictions at the UN?",
"explanation": [
"answers": [
"text": "Austria",
"right": true
"text": "Germany"
"text": "Israel"
"text": "Pakistan"
"source": "",
"tier": 506,
"image": "data/pix/q_cluster.jpg"
"text": "What is the definition of 1 Uhl?",
"explanation": [
"answers": [
"text": "Unit of a scale that describes the need of censorship for a certain website."
"text": "Unit of boldness of a politician spreading lies to public knowingly."
"text": "Amount of time passing between a random crime and a politician''s demand for the introduction of data retention laws.",
"right": true
"text": "Degree of expert knowlege that a politician has, when he demands the wiretapping of encrypted data."
"source": "",
"tier": 759,
"image": "data/pix/q_uhl.jpg"
"text": "Which new investigation tool did Henrik Kaspersen, one of the founding fathers of the Convention on Cybercrime, demand during its 10th birthday to improve the work against cyber crime?",
"explanation": [
"answers": [
"text": "Email bombs"
"text": "1days"
"text": "XSS"
"text": "Bot nets",
"right": true
"source": "",
"tier": 1139,
"image": "data/pix/q_cybercrime.png"
"text": "How many days in a row has Belgium been run by a caretaker administration since the last government resigned in April 2010?",
"explanation": [
"answers": [
"text": "415 days"
"text": "541 days",
"right": true
"text": "451 days"
"text": "514 days"
"source": "",
"tier": 1709,
"image": "data/pix/q_belgium.gif"
"text": "How many 1st notifications have been sent during the first 12 months of the French Three-Strikes-Law (Hadopi) being active?",
"explanation": [
"answers": [
"text": "~600k",
"right": true
"text": "~60k"
"text": "~6M"
"text": "~6k"
"source": "",
"tier": 2563,
"image": "data/pix/q_hadopi.png"
"text": "What do you see on the following picture?",
"explanation": [
"answers": [
"text": "Reconstructed picture from brain activity",
"right": true
"text": "Automated blurring filter result for child porn filters"
"text": "Photoshopped picture of the anonymous-movement leader"
"text": "Picture taken with 1st digital camera"
"source": "",
"tier": 3844,
"image": "data/pix/q_brain.png"
"text": "How many weeks did it take to bring back up after they found out that it has been hacked in end of August 2011?",
"explanation": [
"answers": [
"text": "~ 1 week"
"text": "It is still not up"
"text": "~ 4 weeks",
"right": true
"text": "~ 2 weeks"
"source": "",
"tier": 5555,
"image": "data/pix/q_kernel.gif"
"text": "What was the main purpose of the Virus that infected the US Air Force drone fleet September 2011?",
"explanation": [
"answers": [
"text": "Programming new false targets"
"text": "Initiate self destruction"
"text": "Send military secrets do its creator"
"text": "Looking for facebook game accounts",
"right": true
"source": "",
"tier": 7531,
"image": "data/pix/q_drone.jpg"
"text": "How did the US Airforce cyber security departement learn about the virus infected drones?",
"explanation": [
"answers": [
"text": "Intrusion detection mechanisms"
"text": "Read it in the news",
"right": true
"text": "The badly programmed virus caused system instabilities"
"text": "By random, during standart maintainance"
"source": "",
"tier": 0,
"image": "data/pix/q_drone2.jpg"
"text": "Which of the following terms does not autocomplete anymore in Google search since January 2011?",
"explanation": [
"answers": [
"text": "torrent",
"right": true
"text": "MPAA"
"text": "RIAA"
"text": "Do no evil"
"source": "",
"tier": 0,
"image": "data/pix/q_autocomplete.jpg"
"text": "Which of the following CAs did not yet publish news about security problems this year?",
"explanation": [
"answers": [
"text": "Diginotar"
"text": "Corporate Market"
"text": "GlobalSign"
"text": "T\u00dcRKTRUST",
"right": true
"source": "",
"tier": 0,
"image": "data/pix/q_ca4.jpg"
"text": "What is the new TLD for \"The Republic of South Sudan\"?",
"explanation": [
"answers": [
"text": ".su"
"text": ".rs"
"text": ".ss",
"right": true
"text": ".rss"
"source": "",
"tier": 0,
"image": "data/pix/q_sudan.png"
"text": "Which of the following companies announced via Twitter that they will tell the Police details about London rioters?",
"explanation": [
"answers": [
"text": "Cash and Carry (by publishing video footage)"
"text": "London Transport (by publishing RFID transportation data)"
"text": "RIM (by publishing \"encrypted\" Blackberry SMS)",
"right": true
"text": "Virgin (by publishing a list of illegal downloaders)"
"source": "",
"tier": 0,
"image": "data/pix/q_london.jpg"
"text": "Which of the following cities is helping to create 100 new hackerspaces in itself?",
"explanation": [
"answers": [
"text": "Berlin"
"text": "Seoul"
"text": "Shanghai",
"right": true
"text": "Buenos Aires"
"source": "",
"tier": 0,
"image": "data/pix/q_hackspace.jpg"
"text": "Who was awarded the Pwnie award this year?",
"explanation": [
"answers": [
"text": "Sony",
"right": true
"text": "Sony",
"right": true
"text": "Sony",
"right": true
"text": "Sony",
"right": true
"source": "",
"tier": 0,
"image": "data/pix/q_target.png"