2011-12-27 18:50:52 +01:00

146 lines
3.4 KiB

"text": "How many days in a row has Belgium been run by a caretaker administration since the last government resigned in April 2010?",
"explanation": {
"image": "data/pix/a_belgium.jpg"
"answers": [
"text": "415 days"
"text": "541 days",
"right": true
"text": "451 days"
"text": "514 days"
"source": "\u20132011_Belgian_government_formation",
"tier": 44,
"image": "data/pix/q_belgium.gif"
"text": "Which country does not have a net neutrality law?",
"explanation": {
"image": "data/pix/a_netneutrality.jpg"
"answers": [
"text": "Belgium"
"text": "Netherlands"
"text": "USA",
"right": true
"text": "Chile"
"source": "",
"tier": 62,
"image": "data/pix/q_netneutrality.jpg"
"text": "What is the improvement of transmission time by the new $300 mio EU-US cable (first in 10 years)?",
"explanation": {
"image": "data/pix/a_300mdollar.png"
"answers": [
"text": "6s"
"text": "6e-1s"
"text": "6e-2s"
"text": "6e-3s",
"right": true
"source": "",
"tier": 23,
"image": "data/pix/q_300mdollar.jpg"
"text": "Which programming language hangs on certain fp numbers?",
"explanation": {
"image": "data/pix/a_php-java.jpg"
"answers": [
"text": "PHP"
"text": "Ruby",
"right": true
"text": "Java"
"text": "Haskell"
"source": "",
"tier": 14,
"image": "data/pix/q_php.png"
"text": "What animal did the US army use in West Berlin for intruder alarm?",
"explanation": {
"image": "data/pix/a_goose.jpg"
"answers": [
"text": "goose",
"right": true
"text": "sheep"
"text": "chicken"
"text": "dog"
"source": "",
"tier": 21,
"image": "data/pix/q_berlin_wall.jpg"
"text": "Why the godfather of the content mafia Warner Brothers was recently sued wrt. the movie Hangover II.",
"explanation": {
"image": "data/pix/a_bag.jpg"
"answers": [
"text": "Trademark issue, sued by Budweiser"
"text": "false BT seeders originating from Warner"
"text": "used a knock-off bag by Louis Vitton",
"right": true
"text": "Warner tried to upload to Rapidshare"
"source": "",
"tier": 53,
"image": "data/pix/q_bag.jpg"