2011-10-15 16:59:09 +02:00

230 lines
3.9 KiB

"tier": 100,
"text": "Was durften angeklagte Anonymous Aktivisten nicht mehr?",
"answers": [
"text": "DoS-Angriffe"
"text": "Visa nutzen"
"text": "anonym surfen",
"right": true
"text": "Telefonieren"
"tier": 150,
"text": "Welches Urheberrecht wurde nicht durch die USA vorgeschrieben?",
"answers": [
"text": "Kanada"
"text": "Russland",
"right": true
"text": "Spanien"
"text": "Schweden"
"tier": 225,
"text": "Who took longest to recover from Hack?",
"answers": [
"text": ""
"text": "Sony",
"right": true
"text": "Wine HQ"
"text": "The Register"
"tier": 337,
"text": "What is the goal of a new party in Switzerland?",
"answers": [
"text": "Make all voting on-line"
"text": "ban Powerpoint",
"right": true
"text": "ban all on-line voting"
"text": "allow all computers in parlament"
"tier": 506,
"text": "How did attackers gain access to RSA internal network?",
"answers": [
"text": "Breaking RSA tokens"
"text": "MIM of RSA token authentication"
"text": "SQL injection"
"text": "Excel trojan",
"right": true
"tier": 759,
"text": "What animal did the US army use in Western Berlin for intruder alarm?",
"answers": [
"text": "goose",
"right": true
"text": "sheep"
"text": "chicken"
"text": "dog"
"tier": 1139,
"text": "To gather the 1st million patents took 80 years. How long does it take today?",
"answers": [
"text": "6m"
"text": "1y"
"text": "5y",
"right": true
"text": "10y"
"tier": 1709,
"text": "What did the camp not do?",
"answers": [
"text": "save a life"
"text": "bring together great folks"
"text": "fun"
"text": "hack the weather",
"right": true
"tier": 2563,
"text": "Who was awarded the Pwnie award this year?",
"answers": [
"text": "Sony",
"right": true
"text": "Sony"
"text": "Sony"
"text": "Sony"
"tier": 3844,
"text": "What wants Cameron prohibit in case of riots?",
"answers": [
"text": "Blackberries"
"text": "social media",
"right": true
"text": "Internet"
"text": "GSM phones"
"tier": 5555,
"text": "For whom Paypal accepts payments?",
"answers": [
"text": "Wikileaks"
"text": "Cuban Cigars"
"text": "Ku Klux Klan",
"right": true
"text": "Bradley Manning support fund"
"tier": 7531,
"text": "What vendor/project did not violate the GPL?",
"answers": [
"text": "AVM"
"text": "VIM",
"right": true
"text": "Fortinet"
"text": "Emacs"