pngs/leakjoker/SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichte.../netmind-V3-6-6.js

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// Copyright (c) 2008 MindLab GmbH
// All rights reserved.
// Project : Spiegel Online
// Filename : nm_tr_remote.js
* @file
* This script can be used to implement a pixeltracking on your website
* @author $Felix Engemann$
* @version $0.0.1$
* @date $31.08.2006$
*@listofchanges cha adaption for postbank help-div 2007/09/07
*@listofchanges cha adaption for postbank clientStat tracking Pixelhelp-div 2007/11/13
*@listofchanges cha adaption for postbank clientStat tracking Pixelhelp-div 2007/11/16
*@listofchanges asc generalisation for netmind 4.0 release 2007/12/10
*@listofchanges uha Anpassung Spon, kein Tracking JS, da Tracker Cookie genutzt wird
//config Object
function cConfigPixel()
// members
//set to true, if you want to get the params automatically
this.m_bAutoparams = true;
//set to true, if you want to send the pixel automatically
this.m_bAutosend = true;
//The protocol to use for getting the pixel, could be either http
//or https
this.m_strPixelProtocol = location.href.substr(0, location.href.indexOf(":"));
//the servername to get the pixel from (no protocol here, and
//no path here), you can append a port or prepend an authendication
//where "user:password@" is the authentication
// "" is the fully qualified servername
// ":12345" is a port-Number
this.m_strPixelServer = (this.m_strPixelProtocol == "https" ? "" : "");
//the path to request from the given server, this path could of
//course include CGI-Parameters
//example: "/mywebbug?thisismyparameter=value"
this.m_strPixelPath = "/nm_trck.gif";
//Send Url by default
this.m_bSendUrl = true;
//Send Referrer by default
this.m_bSendReferrer = true;
//Send MetaTags by default
this.m_bSendMetaTags = true;
//Send Browser Setting, Screen Infos etc.
this.m_bSendTech = false;
//Send Browser Setting, Screen Infos etc.
this.m_bSendUrlHash = true;
// metatags to be parsed
this.m_aMetatag = new Array(
// Hasht parameter to be parsed
this.m_aHashParameter = new Array(
} // end class cConfigPixel
// getAutoParams
function config_getSendUrlHash () {
return this.m_bSendUrlHash;
// getAutoParams
function config_getAutoParams () {
return this.m_bAutoparams;
// getAutoSend
function config_getAutoSend () {
return this.m_bAutosend;
// getPixelUrl
function config_getPixelUrl () {
return this.m_strPixelProtocol+"://"+this.m_strPixelServer + this.m_strPixelPath;
// getSendUrl
function config_getSendUrl () {
return this.m_bSendUrl;
// getSendReferrer
function config_getSendReferrer () {
return this.m_bSendReferrer;
// getSendMetatags
function config_getSendMetatags () {
return this.m_bSendMetaTags;
// getSendTech
function config_getSendTech () {
return this.m_bSendTech;
//Definition of Prototypes
//methoden zur Klasse hinzufuegen
cConfigPixel.prototype.getAutoParams = config_getAutoParams;
cConfigPixel.prototype.getAutoSend = config_getAutoSend;
cConfigPixel.prototype.getPixelUrl = config_getPixelUrl;
cConfigPixel.prototype.getSendUrl = config_getSendUrl;
cConfigPixel.prototype.getSendUrlHash = config_getSendUrlHash;
cConfigPixel.prototype.getSendReferrer = config_getSendReferrer;
cConfigPixel.prototype.getSendMetatags = config_getSendMetatags;
cConfigPixel.prototype.getSendTech = config_getSendTech;
//Contstructor for Pixel-Object
function cRemotePixel(oConfig)
// members
//pixel object constructor
//this.m_oImage = new Image();
this.m_arParameterList = new Array();
this.m_nParameterCount = 0;
this.m_strPixelURL = oConfig.getPixelUrl();
this.m_oConfig = oConfig;
this.hasMetatagParams = false;
}//end function cRemotePixel()
//methode fuer Objekt Pixel: Fuegt einen Parameter hinzu
function remotepixel_addParameter(key, value)
arPair = new Array(key, value);
this.m_arParameterList[this.m_nParameterCount] = arPair;
}//end function pixel_add_parameter()
//method for object Pixel: add affiliate
function remotepixel_addAffiliate(name)
this.addParameter("affiliate", name)
}//end function remotepixel_addAffiliate(name)
//method for object Pixel: add url
function remotepixel_addUrl()
this.addParameter("url", document.URL);
}//end function remotepixel_addAffiliate(name)
//method for object Pixel: add referrer
function remotepixel_addReferrer()
this.addParameter("referrer", document.referrer);
}//end function remotepixel_addAffiliate(name)
//methode fuer Objekt Pixel: senden des Pixels
function remotepixel_sendData()
strURL = this.m_strPixelURL+"?";
for(i=0; i<this.m_arParameterList.length; i++)
if (i>0) strURL += "&";
strURL += escape(this.m_arParameterList[i][0])+"="+escape(this.m_arParameterList[i][1]);
}//end for(i=0; i<this.m_arParameterList.length; i++)
//now set URL on Pixel
if (this.hasMetatagParams) {
var oTrackingImg = new Image();
oTrackingImg.src = strURL;
}//end function remotepixel_sendData()
//methode fuer Objekt Pixel: auslesen der techdaten
function remotepixel_getTechData () {
// variables for general settings
var javaOK = "unknown";
var cookiesOK = "unknown";
var browsLang = "unknown";
var availheight = screen.availHeight;
var availwidth = screen.availWidth;
var colordepth = screen.colorDepth + " bit";
var height = screen.height;
var width = screen.width;
var title = document.title;
// variables for plugins
var flashPlugin = "-";
var flashVersion = "0";
var directorPlugin = "-";
var wmplayerPlugin = "-";
var realplayerPlugin= "-";
var quicktimePlugin = "-";
var adobe_svgPlugin = "-";
var adobe_pdfPlugin = "-";
var agt = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
var ie = (agt.indexOf("msie") != -1);
//accept only higher than MSIE 4
//otherwise the detectIE() function would not work
if(ie) {
ie = (agt.indexOf("msie 4") == -1) && (agt.indexOf("msie 3") == -1);
}//end if(ie)
var win = ((agt.indexOf("win")!=-1) || (agt.indexOf("32bit")!=-1));
// Java and Cookies
if (navigator.javaEnabled()==true){javaOK="yes"}else{javaOK="no"}
//-- cookieEnabled only works in MSIE.
if ((navigator.cookieEnabled) && (navigator.cookieEnabled==true)) {cookiesOK="yes"} else {cookiesOK="no"}
// language
if (navigator.language)
browsLang = navigator.language;
// Plugins
// SVG and Quicktime are not certified Plugins and cause a warning
// in MSIE 7. Because of this fact those two plugins are not detected.
// - removed WM Player for same reason
if (ie && win) {
directorPlugin = detectIE("SWCtl.SWCtl.1");
flashPlugin = detectIE("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.1");
realplayerPlugin = detectIE("rmocx.RealPlayer G2 Control.1");
//wmplayerPlugin = detectIE("MediaPlayer.MediaPlayer.1");
adobe_pdfPlugin = detectIEAcrobat("Acrobat Reader");
}//end if (ie && win)
else {
nse = "";
for (var i=0;i<navigator.mimeTypes.length;i++)
nse += navigator.mimeTypes[i].type.toLowerCase();
directorPlugin = detectNS(nse, "application/x-director");
flashPlugin = detectNS(nse, "application/x-shockwave-flash");
realplayerPlugin = detectNS(nse, "audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin");
//wmplayerPlugin = detectNS(nse, "application/x-mplayer2");
adobe_pdfPlugin = detectNS(nse, "application/pdf");
//save paramters into pixel
this.addParameter("nm_java", javaOK);
this.addParameter("nm_cookies", cookiesOK);
this.addParameter("nm_screen", width + "x" + height);
this.addParameter("nm_colordepth", colordepth);
this.addParameter("nm_plugin_flash", flashPlugin);
this.addParameter("nm_plugin_director", directorPlugin);
//this.addParameter("nm_plugin_wmplayer", wmplayerPlugin);
this.addParameter("nm_plugin_realplayer", realplayerPlugin);
this.addParameter("nm_plugin_acroread", adobe_pdfPlugin);
this.addParameter("nm_title", title);
}//end function pixel_getTechData ()
//methode zum Auslesen der metatags
function remotepixel_getMetTags () {
var aMetatag = this.m_oConfig.m_aMetatag;
//Save metatags to track into pixel-parameter-list. validation with regexp match
var strMetaTags = "";
for (var i = 0; i < document.getElementsByTagName('meta').length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < aMetatag.length; j++) {
var re = new RegExp(WildToReg(aMetatag[j]));
if (document.getElementsByTagName('meta')[i].getAttribute('name')) {
if ( document.getElementsByTagName('meta')[i].getAttribute('name').match(re) ) {
if (document.getElementsByTagName('meta')[i].getAttribute('content'))
this.addParameter(document.getElementsByTagName('meta')[i].getAttribute('name'), document.getElementsByTagName('meta')[i].getAttribute('content'));
this.addParameter(document.getElementsByTagName('meta')[i].getAttribute('name'), "-");
} // end if document.getElementsByTagName('meta')[i].getAttribute('name').match(re
} // end if (document.getElementsByTagName('meta')[i].getAttribute('name'))
}//end for (var j = 0; j < aMetatag.length; j++)
}//end for (var i = 0; i < document.getElementsByTagName('meta').length; i++)
}// end method remotepixel_getMetTag
//methode zum Auslesen der per Hash angeh<65>ngten Parameter
function remotepixel_getHashParameter () {
var aParamList = this.m_oConfig.m_aHashParameter;
var strLoc=(document.location+"");
var nPos=strLoc.indexOf("#");
if (nPos != -1) {
var strHashQs=strLoc.substring(nPos+1, strLoc.length);
aParams = remotepixel_SplitParams(strHashQs);
//Save metatags to track into pixel-parameter-list. validation with regexp match
var strHashParam = "";
for (var j = 0; j < aParamList.length; j++) {
if ( aParams[aParamList[j]] ) {
} // end if( aParams[aParamList[j]] )
}//end for (var j = 0; j < aMetatag.length; j++)
} // end if nPos != -1)
}// end method remotepixel_getMetTag
function remotepixel_SplitParams(params) {
var result=[];
var pairs=params.split("&");
for (var i=0; i < pairs.length; i++) {
var kv=pairs[i].split("=");
if (kv[1] && kv[1] != "")
return result;
//Definition of Prototypes
//methoden zur Klasse hinzufuegen
cRemotePixel.prototype.addParameter = remotepixel_addParameter;
cRemotePixel.prototype.addAffiliate = remotepixel_addAffiliate;
cRemotePixel.prototype.addUrl = remotepixel_addUrl;
cRemotePixel.prototype.addReferrer = remotepixel_addReferrer;
cRemotePixel.prototype.sendData = remotepixel_sendData;
cRemotePixel.prototype.getTechData = remotepixel_getTechData;
cRemotePixel.prototype.getMetTags = remotepixel_getMetTags;
cRemotePixel.prototype.getHashParameter = remotepixel_getHashParameter;
// Acrobat
function detectIEAcrobat(name) {
var acrobat=new Object();
if (window.ActiveXObject) {
for (x=2; x<10; x++) {
try {
oAcro=eval("new ActiveXObject('PDF.PdfCtrl."+x+"');");
if (oAcro) {
return 'yes';
catch(e) {}
try {
oAcro4=new ActiveXObject('PDF.PdfCtrl.1');
if (oAcro4) {
return 'yes';
catch(e) {}
try {
oAcro7=new ActiveXObject('AcroPDF.PDF.1');
if (oAcro7) {
return 'yes';
catch(e) {}
return 'no';
}//end function detectIEAcrobat(name)
// IE Plugins
function detectIE(ClassID) {
try {
new ActiveXObject(ClassID);
return 'yes';
catch(e) {
return 'no';
}//end function detectIE(ClassID)
// Netscape and Firefox Plugins
function detectNS(strMimetypes, ClassID) {
if (strMimetypes.indexOf(ClassID) != -1)
if (navigator.mimeTypes[ClassID].enabledPlugin != null)
return 'yes';
return 'no';
}//end function detectNS(strMimetypes, ClassID)
// Convert Wildcard to RegEx
function WildToReg(str) {
s = "";
for (i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
c = str.charAt(i);
switch(c) {
case '*':
s = s + ".*";
case '?':
s = s + ".";
case '(': case ')': case '[': case ']': case '$':
case '^': case '.': case '{': case '}': case '|':
case '\\':
s = s + "\\";
s = s + c;
s = s + c;
}//end switch(c)
}//end for (i = 0; i < str.length; i++)
s = "^" + s + "$";
return s;
}//end function WildToReg(str)
//function Pixel-Instanz anlegen
function doPixelInstance(oEvent) {
oNMConfig = new cConfigPixel();
oNMRemotePixel = new cRemotePixel(oNMConfig);
//Send PartnerName as parameter?
if(oNMConfig.getAutoParams()) {
//Send Url as parameter?
if (oNMConfig.getSendUrl())
}//end if (SendUrl)
//Send Hash Parameter as parameter?
if (oNMConfig.getSendUrlHash())
}//end if (SendUrlHash)
//Send referrer as parameter?
if (oNMConfig.getSendReferrer())
}//end if (SendReferrer)
if(oNMConfig.getSendMetatags()) {
if(oNMConfig.getSendTech()) {
} // end autoparams
if(oNMConfig.getAutoSend()) {
} // end function doPixelInstance
// Load Time Execution
// Delivered by SpOn
if( window.addEventListener ) {
//alert ("window.addEventListener");
} else if( document.addEventListener ) {
//alert ("document.addEventListener");
} else if (window.attachEvent) {
//alert ("window.attachEvent");
window.attachEvent('onload', doPixelInstance);
} else if (document.attachEvent) {
//alert ("document.attachEvent");
document.attachEvent('onload', doPixelInstance);
} else {
function spNm(params) {
if (typeof params == "object" ) {
oNMConfig = new cConfigPixel();
oNMRemotePixel = new cRemotePixel(oNMConfig);
if(oNMConfig.getAutoParams()) {
//Send Url as parameter?
if (oNMConfig.getSendUrl())
}//end if (SendUrl)
//Send Hash Parameter as parameter?
if (oNMConfig.getSendUrlHash())
}//end if (SendUrlHash)
//Send referrer as parameter?
if (oNMConfig.getSendReferrer())
}//end if (SendReferrer)
for (param in params) {
if (params[param])
oNMRemotePixel.addParameter(param, params[param]);
if(oNMConfig.getSendTech()) {
} // end autoparams
strURL = oNMRemotePixel.m_strPixelURL+"?";
for(i=0; i<oNMRemotePixel.m_arParameterList.length; i++)
if (i>0) strURL += "&";
strURL += escape(oNMRemotePixel.m_arParameterList[i][0])+"="+escape(oNMRemotePixel.m_arParameterList[i][1]);
document.write("<img src='"+strURL+"' width='1' height='1' border='0'/>")