[ { "text": "How did the US Airforce cyber security departement learn about the virus that infected drones?", "explanation": [ "data/pix/a_drone2.jpg" ], "image": "data/pix/q_drone2.jpg", "answers": [ { "text": "Intrusion detection mechanisms" }, { "text": "Read it in the news", "right": true }, { "text": "The virus caused system instabilities" }, { "text": "By random, during standard maintainance" } ], "source": "http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/news/2011/10/get-hacked-dont-tell-drone-base-didnt-report-virus.ars" }, { "text": "Which App was pulled off the Apple app store this year after massive protests?", "explanation": [ "data/videos/phonestory.webm" ], "image": "data/pix/van_gogh_ipad.jpg", "answers": [ { "text": "Phone Story" }, { "text": "Cure-Gay", "right": true }, { "text": "Smuggle Truck" }, { "text": "Conterfai Lugary" } ], "source": "http://www.truthwinsout.org/news/2011/03/15155/" }, { "text": "Why does the German SPD politician Sebastian Edathy want the data retention law?", "explanation": [ "data/pix/a_edathy.jpg" ], "image": "data/pix/q_edathy.jpg", "answers": [ { "text": "to catch who send him a plastic pussy", "right": true }, { "text": "to catch file sharers" }, { "text": "to catch terrorists" }, { "text": "to protect democracy" } ], "source": "https://pentamedia.c3d2.de/submit/2011/09/13/abgeordnetenwatchdesebastianedathy/" }, { "text": "What is not patented (to our knowledge)?", "explanation": [ "data/pix/a_snowman.jpg" ], "image": "data/pix/q_snowman.jpg", "answers": [ { "text": "Snowman", "right": true }, { "text": "Snowball" }, { "text": "Patenting itself" }, { "text": "Geo-tracking" } ], "source": "http://www.improbable.com/2011/09/07/new-patent-granted-for-building-a-snow-manwoman/" }, { "text": "Which country did not get its copyright law dictated by the US?", "explanation": [ "data/pix/a_copyright.jpg" ], "image": "data/pix/q_copyright.jpg", "answers": [ { "text": "Canada" }, { "text": "Spain" }, { "text": "Sweden" }, { "text": "Russia", "right": true } ], "source": "http://www.michaelgeist.ca/content/view/5765/125/" }, { "text": "What vendor/project did not violate the GPL?", "explanation": [ "data/pix/a_gpl.png" ], "image": "data/pix/q_gpl.png", "answers": [ { "text": "AVM" }, { "text": "Vim", "right": true }, { "text": "Gigabyte" }, { "text": "Emacs" } ], "source": "https://pentamedia.c3d2.de/submit/2011/08/01/emacsverstotseitjahrengegendiegplheiseo/" }, { "text": "What was the reason for human loss at Pukkelpop music festival in Belgium?", "explanation": [ "data/pix/a_p2p.jpg" ], "image": "data/pix/q_p2p.jpg", "answers": [ { "text": "stormy wind" }, { "text": "heavy rain" }, { "text": "file sharing", "right": true }, { "text": "bungling" } ], "source": "https://pentamedia.c3d2.de/submit/2011/09/16/illegaledownloadsschuldantoumldlichemfesti/" }, { "text": "Which of the following CAs did not publish news about security problems yet?", "explanation": [ "data/pix/q_ca4.jpg" ], "image": "data/pix/q_ca4.jpg", "answers": [ { "text": "Diginotar" }, { "text": "Corporate Market" }, { "text": "GlobalSign" }, { "text": "T\u00dcRKTRUST", "right": true } ], "source": "http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/09/07/globalsign_suspends_ssl_cert_biz/ http://www.heise.de/security/meldung/Falsches-Google-Zertifikat-ist-Folge-eines-Hacks-1333588.html http://www.heise.de/security/meldung/Zertifikatsausgabestopp-nach-Einbruch-auf-einem-KPN-Server-1372279.html" }, { "text": "What is the new TLD for \"The Republic of South Sudan\"?", "explanation": [ "data/pix/a_sudan.png" ], "image": "data/pix/q_sudan.png", "answers": [ { "text": ".su" }, { "text": ".rs" }, { "text": ".ss", "right": true }, { "text": ".rss" } ], "source": "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Sudan" }, { "text": "What did Google do after it received a secret court order to hand over Jacob Applebaums e-mails?", "explanation": [ "data/pix/a_google_mail.jpg" ], "image": "data/pix/q_dont_be_evil.jpg", "answers": [ { "text": "handed the data over", "right": true }, { "text": "nothing" }, { "text": "fought the order" }, { "text": "denied his account" } ], "source": "http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970203476804576613284007315072.html" } ]