#--- !Question #question: What is the question? #answers: # - Answer 1 # - Answer 2 # - Answer 3 # - Answer 4 #tier: 1 #game_round: 1 #media: # question: # - pix/question1.1.png # - pix/question1.2.png # explanation: # - videos/question1.webm --- !Question # http://www.europe-v-facebook.org/EN/Data_Pool/data_pool.html question: How does Facebook call its users internally? answers: - false: Hostage - false: Victims - true: Target - false: Product tier: 1 game_round: 1 media: question: - pix/q_target.png explanation: - pix/a_target.jpg --- !Question # http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strahlenkrankheit # Wie gut koennen sich Leute die Fukushima facts merken? question: What is leathal doses of radioactivity that causes death with 100% probability within 14 days after exposition (LD100/14)? (1 Gray (Gy) == 1 Sievert (Sv)) answers: - false: >6 mGy - false: >600 mGy - true: >6 Gy - false: >600 Gy tier: 1 game_round: 1 media: question: - pix/q_fukushima.jpg explanation: - pix/a_fukushima.jpg --- !Question # http://www.justiz.sachsen.de/smj/content/2674.php Offizielle Pressemitteilung question: Why did Saxony (German State) not use the Bundestrojaner (governmental trojan horse)? answers: - true: Technically not capable of doing so. - false: Ethically not justifiable. - false: License too expansive. - false: No crime that requires this measurement. tier: 1 game_round: 1 media: question: - pix/q_bundestrojaner.jpg explanation: - pix/a_bundestrojaner.jpg --- !Question # http://www.golem.de/1110/87145.html # http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/03/10/cryptome_paypal/ # http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2010/12/paypal-wikileaks/ question: Which of the following organizations has not yet been blocked by paypal? answers: - false: Wikileaks - false: Cryptome.org - false: Diaspora - true: Ku Klux Klan tier: 1 game_round: 1 media: question: - pix/q_paypal1.jpg - pix/q_paypal2.jpg - pix/q_paypal3.png - pix/q_paypal4.jpg explanation: - pix/a_paypal.gif --- !Question # http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,802967,00.html question: How did Russian bloggers try to get attention for their demonstrations against election fraud during the recent elections in russia? answers: - false: Multi-Million-Rubel-Ad-Campain. - false: Bribing the chief of federal TV. - false: Forming a lightchain of trust. - true: Use drones to get video footage and stream to the internet. tier: 1 game_round: 1 media: question: - pix/q_russian.jpg explanation: - pix/a_russian.jpg --- !Question # http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/11/25/us-weapons-clusterbombs-idUSTRE7AO1LF20111125 # http://www.general-anzeiger-bonn.de/news/kommentare/Die-Rueckkehr-der-Streubomben-Spur-des-Todes-article567503.html # http://www.krone.at/Welt/Oesterreich_kaempft_gegen_Comeback_der_Streubomben-Einsames_Vorhaben-Story-302663 # http://taz.de/Abkommen-zu-Streumunition/!82648/ question: Which of the following countries voted against a loosening of cluster munition restrictions at the UN? answers: - true: Austria - false: Germany - false: Israel - false: Pakistan tier: 1 game_round: 1 media: question: - pix/q_cluster.jpg explanation: - pix/a_cluster1.jpg - pix/a_cluster2.jpg --- !Question # keine Quelle gefunden. question: What is the definition of 1 Uhl? answers: - false: Unit of a scale that describes the need of censorship for a certain website. - false: Unit of boldness of a politician spreading lies to public knowingly. - true: Amount of time passing between a random crime and a politician''s demand for the introduction of data retention laws. - false: Degree of expert knowlege that a politician has, when he demands the wiretapping of encrypted data. tier: 1 game_round: 1 media: question: - pix/q_uhl.jpg explanation: - pix/a_uhl.jpg --- !Question # http://www.h-online.com/security/news/item/Tenth-anniversary-of-the-Convention-on-Cybercrime-1384180.html question: Which new investigation tool did Henrik Kaspersen, one of the founding fathers of the Convention on Cybercrime, demand during its 10th birthday to improve the work against cyber crime? answers: - false: Email bombs - false: 1days - false: XSS - true: Bot nets tier: 1 game_round: 1 media: question: - pix/q_cybercrime.png explanation: - pix/a_cybercrime.jpg --- !Question # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010–2011_Belgian_government_formation # http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/belgiums-government-sworn-541-days-15089331#.TuZ43WCJIYI question: How many days in a row has Belgium been run by a caretaker administration since the last government resigned in April 2010? answers: - false: 415 days - true: 541 days - false: 451 days - false: 154 days tier: 1 game_round: 1 media: question: - pix/q_belgium.gif explanation: - pix/a_belgium.jpg --- !Question # http://www.heise.de/tp/blogs/8/150565 question: How many 1st notifications have been sent during the first 12 months of the French Three-Strikes-Law (Hadopi) being active? answers: - true: ~600k - false: ~60k - false: ~6M - false: ~6k tier: 1 game_round: 1 media: question: - pix/q_hadopi.png explanation: - pix/q_hadopi.jpg --- !Question # http://www.engadget.com/2011/09/23/scientists-reconstruct-images-from-our-brains-plan-to-do-the-sa/ question: What do you see on the following picture? answers: - true: Reconstructed picture from brain activity - false: Automated blurring filter result for child porn filters - false: Photoshopped picture of the anonymous-movement leader - false: Picture taken with 1st digital camera tier: 1 game_round: 1 media: question: - pix/q_brain.png explanation: - pix/a_brain.jpg --- !Question # http://linux.slashdot.org/story/11/10/05/1920255/welcome-back-kernelorg question: How many weeks did it take to bring kernel.org back up after it has been hacked in end of August 2011? answers: - false: ~ 1 week - false: It is still not up - true: ~ 4 weeks - false: ~ 2 weeks tier: 1 game_round: 1 media: question: - pix/q_kernel.gif explanation: - pix/a_kernel.jpg --- !Question # http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2011/10/drone-virus-nuisance/ question: What was the main purpose of the Virus that infected the US Air Force drone fleet September 2011? answers: - false: Programming new false targets - false: Initiate self destruction - false: Send military secrets do its creator - true: Looking for facebook game accounts tier: 1 game_round: 1 media: question: - pix/q_drone.jpg explanation: - pix/a_drone.jpg --- !Question # http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/news/2011/10/get-hacked-dont-tell-drone-base-didnt-report-virus.ars question: How did the US Airforce cyber security departement learn about the virus infected drones? answers: - false: Advanced intrusion detection mechanisms - true: Read it in the news - false: The badly programmed virus caused system instabilities - false: By random, during standart maintainance tier: 1 game_round: 1 media: question: - pix/q_drone2.jpg explanation: - pix/a_drone2.jpg --- !Question # http://torrentfreak.com/google-starts-censoring-bittorrent-rapidshare-and-more-110126/ question: Which of the following terms does not autocomplete anymore in Google search since January 2011? answers: - true: torrent - false: MPAA - false: RIAA - false: Do no evil tier: 1 game_round: 1 media: question: - pix/q_autocomplete.jpg explanation: - pix/a_autocomplete.jpg --- !Question # http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/09/07/globalsign_suspends_ssl_cert_biz/ # http://www.heise.de/security/meldung/Falsches-Google-Zertifikat-ist-Folge-eines-Hacks-1333588.html # http://www.heise.de/security/meldung/Zertifikatsausgabestopp-nach-Einbruch-auf-einem-KPN-Server-1372279.html question: Which of the following CAs did not yet publish news about security problems this year? answers: - false: Diginotar - false: Corporate Market - false: GlobalSign - true: TÜRKTRUST tier: 1 game_round: 1 media: question: - pix/q_ca1.jpg - pix/q_ca2.jpg - pix/q_ca3.jpg - pix/q_ca4.jpg explanation: - pix/q_ca4.jpg --- !Question # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Sudan question: What is the new TLD for "The Republic of South Sudan"? answers: - false: .su - false: .rs - true: .ss - false: .rss tier: 1 game_round: 1 media: question: - pix/q_sudan.jpg explanation: - pix/a_sudan.png --- !Question # http://netzpolitik.org/2011/blackberry-kundigt-an-londoner-plunderer-auszuliefern/ question: Which of the following companies announced via Twitter that they will tell the Police details about London rioters? answers: - false: Cash and Carry (by publishing video footage) - false: London Transport (by publishing RFID transportation data) - true: RIM (by publishing "encrypted" Blackberry SMS) - false: Virgin (by publishing a list of illegal downloaders) tier: 1 game_round: 1 media: question: - pix/q_london.jpg explanation: - pix/a_london.jpg --- !Question # http://winfuture.de/news,66539.html question: Which of the following cities is helping to create 100 new hackerspaces in itself? answers: - false: Berlin - false: Seoul - true: Shanghai - false: Buenos Aires tier: 1 game_round: 1 media: question: - pix/q_hackspace.jpg explanation: - pix/a_hackspace.jpg