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2010-12-24 14:44:02 +01:00
1;'Which company caused a big media hype for sniffing WLAN traffic for a fraction of a second.';'Apple';'Nokia/Navsat';'Google';'Tele Atlas';3;163
2010-12-21 22:51:06 +01:00
2;'Which Web Site did not distribute Trojans this year (To our knowledge)';'Lenovo Support';'Nobel Peace Price';'US Treasury';'';4;5002
2010-12-23 13:21:47 +01:00
3;'What did Cheng Jianping do to be sent to a labour camp for one year?';'Retweeting that her fellow Chinese should be angry at the Japanese.';'Uploading the video of the boat attack';'Uploading photos of the boat attack';'Demanding that the Chinese captain should stay in Japan.';1;664
2010-12-24 14:44:02 +01:00
4;'For what reason pupils of a Pennsylvania school exploited the remote admin software of their school laptops?';'Turn off camera spy ware';'Canceling lessons toget time off';'Fake an bomb alert';'Change the marks';1;108
5;'What was the punishment for the Sahra Palin e-mail hacker?';'300 h public service';'1 year prison';'250 k USD fine';'acquittal';2;643
6;'What gadget makes one to stay detained in Guantanamo bay?';'iPod without music';'Satellite phone';'camera with telephoto';'Watch';4;565
7;'Which language holds about ¼ of all NIST entries and is 15 years old?';'Perl';'PHP';'Java';'C#';2;214
8;'What was the rank 1st password of Gawker Web page';123456;'password';12345678;'querty';1;725
2010-12-21 00:41:23 +01:00
1;'Which company did not cancel business with Wikileaks?';'Amazon';'Paypal';'Twitter';'MasterCard / Visa';3;5000
2;'Which country does not allow porno scanners?';'Israel';'Saudi Arabia';'France';'Germany';1;293
2010-12-24 14:44:02 +01:00
3;'Which page did Wikipedia not delete?';'Pentaradio';'Alternativlos';'Club Mate';'Wikileaksmirror';1;5001
2010-12-21 00:41:23 +01:00
4;'History: How old is the Web?';'15y';'20y';'25y';'35y';2;637
5;'By claiming what patent 36 companies got sued by Marshall Patent troll?';'Spyware';'Anti-Spam';'O/S shutdown';'VoIP';2;326
2010-12-24 14:44:02 +01:00
6;'What happened in Turkey after the spell checking changed s/You change the topic every time you run out of arguments/You change the topic every time they are fucking you/';'The couple broke up';'The couple got married';'Phone manufacturer had to pay 50k EUR';'The couple killed themselfs';4;632
7;'How was Lonnie Tinsley (86 old woman in a hospital in Oklahoma) made to take her medication?';'Asking her';'by firearm';'by teaser';'Threatened by Internet ban';3;258
2010-12-21 00:41:23 +01:00
8;'Which organization got nervous when they found out that some employees consume child porn?';'FBI';'FSB';'MI6';'BND';1;327
2010-12-24 14:44:02 +01:00
1;'Which O/S will quote “Only one FBI sponsored backdoor in 10 years”- once verified?';'SunOS/Solaris';'Windows';'OpenBSD';'Linux';3;727
2;'In which it country doesn''t even need a judicial decree to block Web pages?';'France';'Spain';'Mexico';'Norway';1;730
3;'What was an operator at Denver int. Airport doing while a group of highschool netball players passed the porno scanner?';'Saving pix to an usb drive.';'Uploading pix to the Net';'Making ''em to go through the scanner again';'Mastrubating';4;677
4;'Who answered “I am working on clarity around that at the moment” after being asked about the purpose of Twitter?';'Steve Jobs';'Dick Cheney';'Nicolas Sarkozy';'Dick Costolo';4;
2010-12-21 00:41:23 +01:00
5;'In which country Web pages get opened after 10 p.m. to show French revolution reports? ';'Germany';'France';'Brazil';'Japan';1;316
2010-12-24 14:44:02 +01:00
6;'Who lost 4 mio user accounts in July?';'Facebook';'Foursquare';'Pirate Bay';'Verizon (iPad)';3;283
2010-12-21 00:41:23 +01:00
7;'What year was the 1st ascii art movie created?';1976;1982;1968;1954;3;36
8;'The concerts by what band were announced to be canceled by a hacked twitter account?';'Guns''n''Roses';'AC/DC';'KISS';'Rolling Stones';1;390
1;'Which company did sell the Wikileaks cables?';'TimeWarner';'Barns and Noble';'Amazon';'Apple (iTunes)';3;714
2010-12-24 14:44:02 +01:00
2;'How long did it take to hack the German eID card software?';'one night';'one week';'one month';'3 days';1;625
2010-12-21 00:41:23 +01:00
3;'What did Foxxcon to reduce the suicide rate.';'lower work hours';'Drop compensation for the families';'Increase salery';'Put flowers on the work floors';2;215
4;'That much the EU paid to pro-net-censorship lobbying groups?';'100k EUR';'300k EUR';'600k EUR';'1mio EUR';2;123
5;'Which business sector started to do Wikileaks advertisements?';'ISPs';'Electronics';'Cars';'Ladies hygiene';4;728
6;'Which weapon was not allowed by TSA for soldiers flying back from Afghanistan?';'Nail clippers';'Rifles';'Pistols';'Machine guns';1;670
2010-12-24 14:44:02 +01:00
7;'According to the RIAA how many times the amount of all existing US Dollars are stolen by the Pirate Bay?';'0.23';'0.5';'0.75';'46';4;432
2010-12-21 00:41:23 +01:00
8;'Which company distributed trojaned usb drives at Asia Pacific Information Security Conference?';'Cisco';'IBM';'Apple';'Microsoft';2;180
2010-12-24 14:44:02 +01:00
9;'What are the anti-terror laws used for in the UK?';'CCTV';'block Web pages';'catch terrorists';'search trash bins to catch truants';4;309
2010-12-21 00:41:23 +01:00
10;'That was the US nuke launch code ''til 1977';7041776;'00000000';'Fj3#$%626123';646435758;2;581